It is now illegal to be pro trans in England

that is not what that says

Ms Adams' view was that people using the centre should have a choice over who they receive support from on the basis of sex, and that sex is binary and "everyone is either male or female at that level".

ok so female rape victims calling a crisis hotline don't want to hear a man's voice on the other end and this is bad and transphobic somehow??

It was the only trans inclusive shelter in Scotland, and the gender critical cunt was funded by JKs lawyers.

She bullied the staff and bullied the service users, spiteful evil cunt.

So now there is no trans inclusive shelter in Scotlans

Much of the tribunal centred on a disciplinary process that began after Ms Adams sought clarity on how to respond to an abuse survivor who wanted to know if a support worker who identified as non-binary was a man or a woman.

yeah sounds like a real bitch. how dare she

There should be no place to hide for people spreading gender ideology.

Yeah, don't go around abusing people. So where are trans people supposed to go for support?

Even reddit worked out it was an excuse to shut down support for trans people, you're just too stupid to see it

Gender criticals love to spread hatred, it's a cult to them

feminism = terfism.
They don't hate us because we're trans, they don't believe in trans, they hate us because we're male.

it just sounds like women that had been horrible abused by men wanted to know that the person they were going to for crisis help were cis women??? that isn't so crazy, they're in a very vulnerable a fragile state so even if it's irrational it's fair to make sure their needs are being met

Gender criticals love to spread hatred, it's a cult to them

how is it hatred to say that being a male doesn't mean you have to change your body

Doesn't answer the question tho, where do transwomen go when they're in that situation?
I've been in a situation where the ONLY place I had to go to help was "for women" and it was an absolute disaster. In reality there was nowhere.

That's not what they're saying.
They're saying that I don't care if your trans, you're still a man and that makes you a rapist predator blah blah blah whatever.

That's prejudice in it's most extreme form.

you are still a man
trannies believe MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE that men are rapists and predators or you wouldn't be castrating yourselves en masse

1. that's retarded
2. You still haven't answered the question. Where do we go when we are the victims of sexual assault?

men can't be raped

Really? A stronger man can't hold me down and stick their penis in my mouth against my will?

I am reminded of when I found out the gynecologist here in town who puts a trans flag in front of their office does not actually wish to see transgender women

bleed out on the street
trannies aren't people
you are antisocial demons
get out of our country or we will make you

That's literally all of them.
Half a dozen anons here have told stories of their adventures at the "inclusive" gynecologist.

Genuinely thought that was a man

half of those are probably me lol
but it's not all of them it's just the one who is actually willing to treat me and competent does not advertise it at all..

It’s crazy to expect a vagina doctor to want to treat problems involving something that is just simply not a vagina. It would be like the lab mouse with the human ear on its back going to the ear doctor. It just looks like the thing, it isn’t the actual thing. There’s a whole different textbook.

Its always the most horrid looking ones that hate the most fervently.

They ALL have short hair, stern faces, beady evil eyes, then screech about muh real women

You're a medieval peasant. You want a medical dark age, and want to inflict misery and suffering

i mean, yeah, but like, just for trans people
I just want trans people to suffer, not cis people

What are you taking about? Specialization of medical practice is part of the advancements of the Industrial Revolution.
I’m just empathizing with the doctor anyways. If I spent years writing code in one programming language and then someone came in and tried to hire me to write code in a different programming language like “what’s the big difference, they’re both programs” id be kinda po’d

You empathise with no one. You just want misery

At least this fucker is honest, they're a complete cunt but at least they are honest. You're a complete cunt and a liar.

You know full well that medical professionals could help us and choose not to

You don't deserve help. You want everyone else to suffer who refuses to lie that you are a woman. I hope you get cancer and it eats you alive slowly.

Im not even trying to be misogynistic or insulting, she just 100% passes as a cis man to me.

Ok, I guess you’re not worth talking to if you’re going to be like that

Good, because I don't take pleasure in other people suffering, you do. So go away

All that hatred inside you is actually causing you 1000 times more damage than me.

Keep raging that trans people exist

it turns out that my gynecologist does best by simply treating me as a woman with a vagina. It's the ones who hem and haw about how this is such a special case that fail to actually help.
As for going to the urologist they told me a gynecologist would be best for my female problems since that's not really something they focus on.
thank you

I do, but only if they are trans, because then I know they would be happy if I were punished for defying their ideology.

white coat syndrome

go to college or something. Crash a med school party. MDs aren’t gods. Most of them are capable of very little more that any person with an internet connection is.

Then why do they keep advertizing to transwomen?
If you've got a problem with transwomen, okay, but don't wave the rainbow flag and invite them in just so you can be transphobic to their face.

Trans people don't exist. Castration + crossdressing isn't changing your sex or gender.

Going to the tranny board just to sperg out is fine

But don't you dare name the Jew


You're fucking dumb, go and scream you hate trans people in your kitchen for 5 hours straight, who cares.

The only shelter for trans people was shut down by JKs lawyers, what the actual fuck, you want raped trans people to have no support, you are pure evil and your ideology is just unmitigated hatred.

Lol this is deeply unhinged

Good. Sleep outside. Trannies are wild animals who don't want to follow the rules of society.

I am my own endocrinologist because the doctors that prescribe hrt to cis women suddenly have no idea how to prescribe the exact same medication to me

Go on, fuck off

They've literally made it so you can't eject transphobes from political parties. In other words, you can't legally have a pro-trans party, the government will literally intervene to make sure that your party is accommodating 'phobes, something it won't do on any other issue.
All the 'phobe talk about the trans lobby and infiltration is projection. TERFs and rightoid transphobes have infiltrated every single major private and public institution of Britain to the point that they own the courts, healthcare, all major parties, a number of businesses, and the civil service.

you shouldn't be taking hrt at all

Very true.
But one thing a person with an internet connection can't do is access prescription only medication.

The rules of society are that you shouldn't have any control over what people do in their free time. Now go kill yourself; there is no god.

MDs aren't gods

That's the whole point they act like they are competent and in fact aren't. Note how often we're told they are treating us like this for our benefit.

I have a bacterial infection

you're a tranny antibiotics don't work on you bye bye

I need hormones

you're a tranny there's no telling how metabolism works

I have obvious pelvic floor problems

you are a tranny I bet it's your prostate

Half the time as I said in the other thread they're just more interested in validating their transphobia by treating us as men than they are in actually treating us. So they fail to see the obvious IF that would validate our NEW gender. Instead they reach to validate the OLD gender and usually in a way that makes no sense (yes antibiotics work on trannies, pharmacology of estrogen is what it is, and the fucking prostate of a 26 year old on estrogen is not all enlarged). In all of these cases simply ignoring the transition and treating us as cis women would do better, but they don't want to do that because they are transphobic enough to think transition is ineffective. Then when we come to harm from such treatment (e.g. since they won't give me antibiotics I have bv; now my vagina is smelly and leaks and it hurts to have sex) this is blamed on the fact that transition is not possible rather than their inability to treat us competently. I was advised to seek therapy for bv (rather to come to terms with my vagina not working). Instead I kept looking for doctors, and eventually it went away the second I got antibiotics; so why did the most basic treatment for the most common gyn infection take an ENTIRE YEAR to get?. But it's worse. The underlying transphobia is still there. Even after getting the medicine and finding that it works, they basically don't believe it. They act like it's a delusion. They don't learn. Or rather they refuse to learn, because the transphobia is stronger. You are right MDs are not gods.

your gender never changed, you are a delusional schizophrenic with a false identity you want to force upon others

Doctors can have reality staring them right in the face and they'll deny it if it means getting to be transphobic.

You are also not infallible. For every ailment you solve on your own, there are 300 people that "fix" their problems by making a new one.

The reality is trans women are men.