Why haven't you taken the libertarian pill yet?

It's the strongest ideological case for trans in america because the only thing the average American hates as much as us is the government. Only issue it misses is sports but the minority of sports ball hons have already done profound damage to our community screw them.

HRT bans

Big government is meddlign with healthcare get them out

HRT for minors?

Parental rights! Why does the state get to control how I raise my kids

Preferred names in schools?

Literal 1984 government is banning nicknames 1st amendment violation


Bathrooms aren't the federal governments business. They will inspect your cis tomboy daughter genitals.

Id laws

States Rights! Why should the government legislate gender anyways

de camps

2nd Amendment goes brr. More trans militias.

If we framed it as an individual rights argument. Instead of respec my pronouns bigot trans woman are real woman we would get a lot farther in america

lgbtarian.png - 1280x800, 53.15K

because in reality the goal is implement nazi-esque policies that lead to government being replaced by corporate fascism
there's no liberty if you are a slave to a company

libertarianism is a scam for the retarded

ok but you could say you support any random fringe party and it won't get you anywhere anyway

Because LGBT people are largely communists with a white savior complex, and have an obsession with social engineering your life out of sheer narcissism.

I mean I don't like the libertarian party much on economics they don't understand that corporate power is as scary as government. I'm center left on economics and libertarian on all social issues like guns, lgbt, drugs, free speech, anti affirmative action etc

But I think a libertarian style argument for trans rights would be effective.

As a libertarian, I like the enthusiasm, but there are large issues with that. I mean the party itself is dysfunctional and in some cases infiltrated by MAGA authoritarians.

Libertarianism = national socialism

That doesn't even make sense.

Start black pilling me on this. Post links and books to read. I'm ready to take the pill.

I have always been libertarian, like any other smart tranny. Glueing yourself to ineffective socialist policy is a great mistake on the tranny end.

Been saying libertarianism is the only way forward for tranners but most are retarded commies and don't actually care about freedom or anything.

(Not OP)
Depends on what you want.
But a few reads I like

The road to serfdom FA Hayek

The constitution of liberty, also Hayek

The Law, by Fredrick bastiat

Economics in one lesson, by Henry Hazlitt (though I would describe this book as one on economic fallacies, not economics entirely)

If you also want a left-libertarian perspective

markets freed from capitalism charles johnson

Socialism: What It Is by Benjamin tucker

This list is not at all exhaustive, but some of what ive read.

Thanks this gives me a place to start

Left-Libertarianism is just communism with the mask on
Economic and social egalitarianism isn't compatible with liberty is not compatible with equity or social phantasms such as equality.

That doesn't even make sense.

its natsoc but with a corporation doing it instead of a government, the only difference is now the corporation has ZERO responsibility to the citizens because greed is all that matters

libertarianism is only going to give more power to large corporations and billionaires (soon to be trillionaires)

i’ve taken the america deserves project 2025 pill

Corporations have responsibility because they are meritocracies
Leftists hate meritocracies, like corporations are, because lack natural ability.
"Greed" is something all humans have, and its just rational self interest. You're just moralizing because you're a kid and not an adult.

Americans hating the government is the biggest myth in the world. They are all too happy to have a total police state when the politicians use shock tactics like muh crime, immigrants, drugs, black people etc. Just add rapehons to the list going forwards.

Corporations have responsibility because they are meritocracies

lol imagine being this naive and thinking its not just about greed
this is why nobody trusts you people

use shock tactics like muh crime, immigrants, drugs, black people etc.

Imagine thinking being against these things is a problem unless you're some asocial sociliate from Los Angeles

Nobody trusts you people

Dude, nobody even trusts you when say you are a woman.

Benjamin tucker was for voluntarism. What i'm referring to is before the statism of Marx

im cis, trannies and libertarians are both neo-fascists by another name

no you dont get it YOU HAVE to be a wagecuck

That doesn't even make sense. Just because a company wants to hire people who are good at their job doesn't mean they have any incentive to do good things as an entity. They exist to make a profit and are not accountable to anyone who can't threaten their bottom line.

Using the word "neo-fascism" in a disparaging way

Only gay race communists and marxists use that word

I would love nothing more than for a large amount of trans people to move to NH and fuck with the free state project "libertarians"

You have the warped perception that corporations doing "good" means they're promoting transgenderism, communism, identity politics and sodomy.
Corporations do good when they provide a product society wants. That's all their obligated to do, not push your socialist policies and politics.

What kind of half-assed insult is that? At least demonstrate a little bit of creativity here or I'm just going to assume you have room temp IQ and aren't worth responding to.

Dude, Harris for the people lost Tuesday.
There's no reason for you to even post here anymore.



Wanted to argue in your favor right before you exposed yourself as an imbecile, kys nigger

This is will never happen because trannies are largely unemployed, and NH has a lot of laws restricting tranny shit.
Trannies are threat to no one but themselves.

Communism is the best system of government possible.

Communism is not even a system of government and never was intended to be.

yeah communism is the highest development of culture where people don't need to be governed. it's pretty much all utopia

Because they're immigration loving retards. If that wasn't the case, I would've voted for Oliver.

amerimutts dislike the government

advocate basic anarchist ideas at them and watch how fast that changes

maybe it's just a massachusetts thing. Other than SJWs and like super liberal college type places, all government bad, TSA lmao, guns good, taxes bad, abortion/lgbt is not my problem just don't bother me about it. Actually Dems really should drop the gun control hing I know a lot of people who have voted for Trump because the Dems keep trying to make it harder to get guns

I mean in the context of libertarianism they support being more lax on drugs and immigration than the dems ngl.

authoritarians like communists don't like us for not conforming to their ideal productive worker society tho. Like idealistically I like the idea of it. But humans are to selfish to have communism in anyway that doesn't involve an authoritarian state. And humans are to corrupted by power to be trusted with such power.

I don't really mind that. On the flips die tho they are anti giving away all our money to foreign countries stupid wars, and want to get rid of the draft(legalized government slavery)

this is why i'm an anarchist (not the reeee i want to shoot my neighbours and spray paint 92 year old greta's house kind. they're complete spazmanoids)
it should be my right to do whatever the fuck i want as long as i'm not hurting you and it's you're right to do whatever the fuck you want as long as it's not hurting me.

the government should not be allowed to stop me from getting hrt, owning guns, etc.

anyone in america (especially trannies and other oppressed groups) should get guns wherever possiple, it's a lot harder to oppress an armed group, thats why the government and rural americans never get any actual danger their way, they all have guns

I want to get trained at least but its hard because my state Massachussets has like a million hoops to getting a gun liscense. And it would cause a bunch of fightign at home because my dad is open to it and we talked on a hike about how it's something we could do together(He just got his gun and liscnse) but my mom is super anti gun and can't get over the fact i am not as mentally ill as I was 3 years ago

Libertarian means corporations will own your ass, it just leads back to feudalism.

if alternatively you want some anarchy try:

anarchy, by errico malatesta - libraryqxxiqakubqv3dc2bend2koqsndbwox2johfywcatxie26bsad.onion/library/errico-malatesta-anarchy

i'll be honest its a bit of a circlejerk but it gets a lot of people started

are anarchism and democracy opposed? by wayne price - libraryqxxiqakubqv3dc2bend2koqsndbwox2johfywcatxie26bsad.onion/library/wayne-price-are-anarchism-and-democracy-opposed

actually a pretty good read

the anarchist library online is a pretty good place to find things for free too

same with all the retarded ancaps i see running around, somehow managing to completely miss the point of anarchy while still calling themselves anarchists

asocial socialite


I don't really mind that.

Cringe as fuck. Fuck diversity.

I like it their is all sorts of wonderful foods and cultural stuff to explore.

t. cultural approriator

Because I know about the existence of the free state project and can type the words “aclu New Hampshire recent” into google.
Rightoids in lib clothing.

I don't mind that and feel the same way as an open-minded person, but fucking hell, why can't we just have hard and clear limits on the amounts? I like diversity in moderation, not having to live in it. I also like some types of diversity far less than others.

Maybe if the libertarian movement wasn't in actuality just entirely conservatives who like drugs

that's a good way of putting it

Anyway, besides the retarded diversity shit, libertarianism is a terrible idea. It's probably the most anti-environment ideology that I can think of and would lead to immediate and eventually ecological destruction. Without environmental protections the nature of the world would be fucked.