It's the strongest ideological case for trans in america because the only thing the average American hates as much as us is the government. Only issue it misses is sports but the minority of sports ball hons have already done profound damage to our community screw them.
HRT bans
Big government is meddlign with healthcare get them out
HRT for minors?
Parental rights! Why does the state get to control how I raise my kids
Preferred names in schools?
Literal 1984 government is banning nicknames 1st amendment violation
Bathrooms aren't the federal governments business. They will inspect your cis tomboy daughter genitals.
Id laws
States Rights! Why should the government legislate gender anyways
de camps
2nd Amendment goes brr. More trans militias.
If we framed it as an individual rights argument. Instead of respec my pronouns bigot trans woman are real woman we would get a lot farther in america