Blaire White new vidya

Cool. Can you go home now?

trans women are men
he's a self hating gay man who does drag full time

who cares, shit thread

Is it just me or does she look more bogged?

she literally looks bogged as fuck. i feel like shes doing weird shit with fillers constantly.

thats what happens to everyone as they age after getting plastic surgery.

its aging. people who get plastic surgery, especially before 25 age like shit. which is why after getting older they get more and more revisions so they look human only to end up looking like garbage

botox, filler, and she never had a full ffs so shes adding enhancing filler to her original male jawbone & chin lolz

not clicking the link but is OP picrel edited? she looks terrible wtf

im watching it and she literally looks worse than ever. like shes looking more plastic and masculine at the same time. i feel like shes detransing? like her chin and jaw are super broad...

She's going the way of Laura Loomer

She's in her mature and classy era

wtf okay I opened it, I think it's cheek+jaw filler and some buccal fat removal. very weird choice

i think its more that she stopped hylaruonic acid in chin and also stopped going for botox in her masseter muscle. i agree with the cheek fillers though. in her lower third of the face, she looks more like her old self if you compare her old pics.. its very weird indeed. i think OP might be right with the detransition arc.

That's a sad life she made for herself

Jesus he looks fucking terrible. Just looked it up and he's only 31? Wtf imagine him at 40 and older

he will never detrans. he's like 5'5/5'6-ish at most. he'd be a fucking manlet lmfao

Didn't she say Dylan mulvaney has "gay boy energy"? Pot calling the kettle. Robbiefaggotron is turning more and more into a lolcow

negative attention is better than being ignored completely

give it a few more years and he will detroon to keep the grift going

hes the most vain faggot there is. he's 5'5 lol he wont detrans into a manlet.

How can you live with yourself doing all this after transitioning

the face is bogged past the point of no return, at that point you just gotta say fuck it since you look llike a monster regardless

Buccal fat removal

Lmao the meme surgery that just makes you look old. And more masc

is this what aging as a trans woman looks like? horrifying

"Kids don get bullied enough"

this bitch is fucking insane

just went through that part too. this dumb fucking cunt i hope she fucking dies

As the right becomes more and more antitrans, blair's grift will have to continue to evolve

Nah this is what happens when you over do plastic surgeries happens to ciswoman to. If your going to get FFS just get reduction surgeries not fillers. And dont over do it just what you need and you'll be fine. It's the people with multiple plastic surgeries who end up like this.

Classy isnt a good look for her. She needs a different hairstyle or something. It makes her bogged face stick out too much. She is sadly past the point of no return. I doubt she can be saved. Maybe it is the evil in her heart. Call it karma

That's nice of her in her comfy ivory tower to say when if she was growing up today when she looked like this as a young guy she'd be bullied to death

file.png - 895x689, 1.15M

she passed way better here lol

Lmao WTF She was always cringe but this is completely evil. And is only something I've heard NPC people say when they complain about how people are weird now.

Zero simpathy for this cunt. I don't like wishing death on people but if tomorrow you told me she died in car crash I would have to try really hard not to cheer

This. She is a pick me cunt

lynn conway, wendy carlos, and the troon who made the cogiati test aged like wine

I hate that bitch so much

Only the evil ones who are republicans.

yeah this is great

like wine.jpg - 764x401, 38.73K

anon that's what 80 year old women look like

Being a pick me is fembrained. You're just mad because you're full of moidrage. It is normal for loser men to feel hatred towards women.

None of the politicalhons in this thread will ever know how this feels.

aged into a grandma and not gigachad bogdanoff

Alex Jones things the dorito hon has fem bones


now post that one where he gets caught with tranny porn on his phone

Hating pick-me's is also fembrained because women hate other women more than anything

Hating other women for petty reasons is fembrained, hating "other women" because you think they're a poltiical traitor is malebrained. Talking about politics on Anon Babble is malebrained. The fact remains that you can't afford to be wasting your time talking about some fringe political comentator instead of learning makeup, fixing your hair and voice and working off that FFS pricetag.

average blair viewer, sticks up for her

you are a retard. she does not care about you. kys idiot

I have not watched a signle second of Blaire White's content nor would I ever willingly consume the opinions of a bottom

Is it femalebrained to essentialize men and women into rigid gender roles fresh out of the patriarchy's mouth?

A post like this is socially engineered cattlebrain

Girl what the fuck are you talking about

images.jpg - 273x184, 9.75K

I'm a man, I'm telling you that the baby shit you're spouting is straight out of the mouth of someone who has chugged the last 30-40 years of alphabet agency social conditioning

Or, possibly, ive spoken to women; and i consume women made and oriented media. Im sure the famously gynocentric mormons in these agencies were all over jamie loftus.

Yeah that's what I said, you consume social conditioning

women are a psyop

Can you not simply shut the fuck about things you dont understand and go play with your toys?

Is that what I said or are you just so hyped up on CIA juice that you're mad for no reason?

That is what you communicated to me, yes. You claimed my feminism was a """alphabet agency""" psyop without explaining why or how. I cited conversations with women plus women made and oriented media. You claimed this proves your point. What would you have meant if not that listening to women is a psyop?

You claimed my feminism was a """alphabet agency""" psyop without explaining why or how.

Where did I do that?


You must have screwed up your tag there because in that post I did not at any point claim that your "feminism was a """alphabet agency""" psyop"

What did you mean

What I said.
You've been socially conditioned to false outrage in gender war nonesense that is entirely meaningless to everyone.
The reason is because when the working class is blaming the working class nobody firebombs politicians.

Our outrage isnt false.

It is. There isn't a more false and altogether useless outrage than a statement like

Thats gaslighting and still saying women are psyops.

I never said women are psyops, all gender war shit is a psyop, the same is equally true for blackpill ideology, ACAB, trannies and anything else identity politic adjacent.
You're a mollusk. The people you talk to are mollusks. Feminism in practice is mollusk ideology overtaken by bad actors.

all gender war shit is a psyop

Including when women talk to each other and reach these conclusions?