Sisters... I guess the only way to survive genocide is to become toys for conservative men...
Sisters... I guess the only way to survive genocide is to become toys for conservative men
tranny freaking out accidentally posts to a fetish board
kinda funny
Why are MAGA cucks still pretending they're White Nationalists?
Trump united all races but remember even in Mexico all the leadership is still exclusively white European
Trump united all races
Not really. The vast majority of Blacks voted for Kamala and Asians are still at least split. Also, even if that was the case, then why are MAGA cucks larping as WN's? That pretty much proves the point. They are diversity loving faggots and Trump is a normal politician that will keep turning this country brown.
I'll hold a blowjob contest among all the Anon Babble trannies. The winner will get to become my live in maid
Nick Fuentes is acting as the Milo Yiannopolous of his micro-generation to make sure a bunch of petty queers are attracted to the periphery of white nationalism thus delegitimizing it's supposed intended association with heterosexual white fertility. I suspect he is the politics equivalent of an "industry plant".
because they like being edgy. In the meantime they're 25% mystery meat and jerk off to asians and trannies. And that's their least reprehensible flaw
There is no subhumans who hits the bottom of the barrel as hard as a 'far right' american
Repeat after me girlies... A MAN IS NOT A PLAN!!!!
It looks very deliberate
Internet attention. The only reason anyone "believes" anything
I may have several tragic flaws that mean I will never find joy in life but at least I can cum really fast.
mystery meat and jerk off to asians and trannies
Hey, what's wrong with jerking off to trannies and East Asians as a WN?
That's quite a theory. I'm not sure I buy it, though. Honestly, if WN had more LGBT support, it'd have some legitimate fangs as non-hets are quite upwardly socially mobile.
I could never do rp during sex. I can’t read this shit without bursting out laughing, how do you retards do it
she knows lol
a man is not a plan
im not gonna lie i feel like i cannot make a life plan that doesn't revolve around a future husband/bf. strong independent life just aint for me i need a man ;~;
i hate that i find this hot.
my partner voted for kamala but the election posting is brainworming me into wanting to cuck him and make him watch a chud use and abuse me uwu.
i think i need to kill myself.
god the ~ and - you know she is having so much fun playing along with this.
It's fucked but as a nationalist Trump is a step in the right direction. He's still a zionist jewdicksucker and boomercon but at least economic protectionism and border control is being pushed to the forefront. Whatever shifts the overton window right so that people stop automatically assuming nationalists are going to gas lgbts and minorities and let us fix our countries and practice in group preference like everyone else does in their own countries.
i like the idea and i know that i will win but i have to take care of mom
as long as they get rid of transbians i am willing to be an onahole
That's so hot
i think i need to kill myself
was exposed to this kink a few weeks ago and yeah i hate the effect it has on me, actual infohazard bullshit. stg i need to be mind wiped
No, I get it; he was the lesser evil, which is why I begrudgingly voted for the piece of shit. That said, I don't buy into the whole Overton Window and ironically, I think WN is going to become even more marginalized now that the fence sitters have been placated with their anti-woke shit. I've already had some MAGAts moralizing to me about 'cism in the same type of rhetoric that some limp-wristed Redditor would use.
Well, nevermind what I said about the window thing. I think desensitization is good, honestly and it does create a little more space for us to be heard, so I take that back.
it's powerfully alluring.
i'm just a weak, disgusting tranny and i'm just imagining like.
being at the mercy of some MAGA dude.
being forced to serve someone who i should by all rights hate.
he can say whatever degrading, hurtful things he wants about me, and i can't talk back because he keeps raping my throat with his massive cock.
ooof, that won't work so great as a troony
time to learn programming and buy the socks for your transbian future transwife~
for me its different, like im submitting to someone who rationally i hate and who i despise. who holds such wrong views that i constantrly fight against but that im validating by submitting and even rewarding them for having with my body.
lust really is a deadly fucking sin god damn i hate it
already have the socks but am straight tranny so im not gonna end up like that.
need a man in my life, its just inescapable for me unfortunately
I'll volunteer but I'm not a chudface chud I'm a bear and Anon Babble said I look like gutz from some anime or manga.
A muscle bear?
i think your motivation for this is one i also share, i just had a different one come to mind at first uwu.
validating him, and also in a way 'betraying' my trans sisters and those who fought to defend us.
i think there also is a self harm aspect for me.
because i was scrolling the reddit from op's pic.
and one post that was so hot was one telling trans women to gamify de-transitioning and submitting to conservative men as anti-trans laws are passed.
and i feel really bad to say this but it turned me on a lot =(
I wouldn't call myself a racist but I would put whites first. I actually have a soft spot for latin Americans and I don't hate asians. Nationalism is changing with the times, I posted yesterday about how part of my nationalist organisation marched against anti-trans feministshits. Feminism destroys societies, trannies do not. You guys are cool. But I digress, MIGA are not nationalists they're just more nationalistic than the other party. Just a step in the right direction (or maybe a pressure release valve preceding further erosion of the nation and its people)
I could only do it back when I was constantly high on drugs.
Ever since I got clean I've completely lost the ability to take erotic roleplay seriously.
In short, I unironically think you need to be mentally compromised in some way to actually get into it. Either under the influence or just brain damaged in some way.
damn i spent so long typing the last reply i missed you =(
but uh...
if that description is accurate i guess that's even better since i think gutz is hot?
what are you wanting to do...
Well I'm no brock lesnar but I lift yeah
Post pics, stud.
his muscles got bigger since getting the tattoo so now it looks kinda like a dildo you hold with that handle
Holy shit guise look at this, gutz:
yeah this kink sucks, stupid rightwingers dont need any more wins rn im gonna start making an effort to avoid this stuff
yooooo gutz
And me:
I don't know anime or manga so I had no idea but some jap artist stole my face!
Nah don't cheat I was just LARPing
I'm no stud honestly I'm big but I'm pale and hairy hah
How the hell did he get even bigger he was yuuuuge. Imagine having to fight him, fuck that. Discretion is the better part of valour XD
MAGA femboy tradwife when
good luck uwu.
a can cannot be resealed, but one must try their best.
that's respectable.
me and my partner are both open to non-monogamy and have even discussed cuckoldry before.
(granted it is usually me who's getting cucked in these theoretical scenarios)
but i get wanting no part in that.