/transbian gen/ Second edition

Hello, Im the mysterious creator of the "first edition".
Gen for for transbians to talk where they can worry less about transphobia from other trans girls and predatory behaviors from cis women.
If you're attracted to trans women and are a transwoman you're welcome here.

plz dont

-Be transphobic
-Talk about your non-attraction to trans women
-Talk about your sole attraction to cis women
-Talk about wanting to impregnate cis women
-Be an uncle tom like samuel Jackson in django but towards transbians.


Whats a transbian?

A trans woman attracted to a trans women.

Whats a trans lesbian?

A trans woman attracted to both cis and trans women, but usually they favor only cis women and will seek any opportunity to be mean to other trans women(usually for brownie points with terfy cis women).


Do you think Trump will further endanger trans people?
What is your favorite video game?

Discord: There has never been an official discord, feel free to make one or more. Currently, i believe there are two.

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stop making the op pic be that stupid trans pride sky image. i want yuri

Feel free to post yuri directly afterwards like you did now. I like yuri too. But it seems the Zeitgeist of this gen desires to have an offical branding, which seems to be the trans flag in naturalistic images or conveyances. Maybe representing the beautiful and natural love between two trans women who maybe in some sense are two alchemical rebuses coming together to achieve a divine sense of union.

discord discord.gg/TFPRJz6pHt
previous thread get it right next time OP

ai thread pic

we know its u lia

Are we playing ds3 today?

Need abusive gf

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Where you at baby girl? Looking for a cutie to choke.


Do you think Trump will further endanger trans people?


What is your favorite video game?

the one where i rub girldicks with a transbian

no we are making out

You all mistakes of nature itself

picrel is a bit like my phone background

But it seems the Zeitgeist of this gen desires to have an offical branding, which seems to be the trans flag in naturalistic images or conveyances.

According to who? OP? The picture sucks.

Lets see!

According to who?

Not me. I only made the first edition weeks ago, every thread since then was some variation of what i mentioned. So i just assumed thats what you all wanted. It wasnt my plan or preference. This second edition is the second thread I personally have made.

Not me.


This second edition is the second thread I personally have made.

You're not one of the schizo posters complaining about Discord drama, are you?

I couldn't care less. People can make all the discords they want. Feel free to link them below.

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Damn, did the thread get co-opted by some BPDemons then? They won't shut the fuck up about some stupid Discord drama.

Maybe, i cant say.
I dont really care tbqh. I dont get involved with drama.



Also based.

It's over


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hi dear transbians

i hope you are all safe and recovering

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They left me alone at the office today. It was actually really cool. I basically have the get go, the freedom, to arrange everything symmetrically, nothing is safe, itll get arranged, itll be better, function better. Its really neat. How much order can i achieve? Everything could feel so geometric, if you just let me cook a lil bit.

Today i spent 2 mins debating whether i should write:

"Files for copying"

"Files for copying, not taking out"

The second one is passive aggressive because its almost an order and my place in the office hierarchy is not to be giving orders to others. It would be nice if people didnt take files out because they can get lost, everything has its place.

In the end i went for "files for copying" but i arranged it so neatly so that one could read between the lines and realize these files arent meant to be taken, theyre meant to be copied.
I hope my sublimal message is heard...

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I hope my sublimal message is heard...

This is the most female brained shit.

Today I saw two guys at the office wearing raggedy old tshirts. We have an unspoken rule that collared shirts are the most casual you can get. Never seen anyone wear tshirts before and now two guys at once. People have lost their minds over the election. It's like they just gave up on life.


I can relate to those guys.

Or they're just slobs

you guys are autistic

Is OP trying to reclaim the term "transbian"?

The idea of transbian being my only hope at findind someone fills me with such deep despair, I try to be open to anyone, I don't want to discount any group but I find it hard to find attractive transbians, I'm also terrified of having someone who increases my chances of getting clocked and it makes me feel vain and shitty

Do you think Trump will further endanger trans people?

Not really, I think the shitty elements of the "community" do more damage honestly and instead of disavowing those people they end up defending them, it's fuel to the fire and incredibly depressing. I don't care what people are privately into, posting creepy sexual stuff on public forums and antagonizing midwit normies with kids is mind bogglingly stupid

as a passoid, i would never date a pickme like u

Based. I thought about responding to her drivel. But I already had a similar convo earlier and I'm not up for another argument with ignorant pick mes.

me too I would only want to rub girldicks with a cutie like anon post # 37912627 regardless if she is a passoid or not because she and I can cuddle in this cold, dark world where we are at least safe in each other's arms.

and i think transbians are hot.

so true

high-functioning, to be precise