/ftmg/ - female to male general

IV technician edition

QOTT: What was your dream job when you were younger?
QOTT2: What is your dream job now?


HRT Information:diyhrt.wiki/transmasc
HRT Roadmap: transcare.ucsf.edu/article/information-testosterone-hormone-therapy
Style Help: ftmguide.rassaku.net/guide/index.htm
Fitness Help: ftmguide.rassaku.net/guide/fitness1.htm
Hair Loss Help: rhrli.com/blog/trans-men-hrt-hair-loss/

QOTT: What was your dream job when you were younger?


QOTT2: What is your dream job now?

Uni professor or farmer

What was your dream job when you were younger?

I wanted to be a piercer, I guess? maybe a dentist.

What is your dream job now?

I was angling to be a librarian if I could get my health in order

FTM cattiness is crazy. MTFs have way more solidarity even if they hate hons.

>QOTT: What was your dream job when you were younger?

Lawyer w a farm

>QOTT2: What is your dream job now?

General Management in the restaurant industry. still w a farm

My dysphoria is too bad to ignore at this point (+ having trutranny signs from a very young age). Fear of violence and homelessness has made me afraid to transition, and doing so would mean facing that instead of disassociating and continuing to live unharmed

Sounds like you need to work on stability before you think about anything else. I repped for a long time, really long, longer than you've been alive potentially. Dysphoria eventually stopped. That being said you just need to deal until you have somewhere to go you don't need to necessarily do what I did.

What's your day like right now?

You AFABs complain about your lifes, but you wouldn't survive a single day as biological men.

Being a working class male is a hell.

Find a husband and get pregnant.

Go to seasonal minimum wagie job that barely covers bills where I theyfab mode, lie in bed and scroll and listen to music or fantasize about being born a cis male, sometimes play vidya, watch movies, or go fishing. Im not a total shut in but I hate going to parties or meeting people because they know I'm a foid. Parents made me get loans for uni so I have even more bills on the horizon. I'm trying to get a better job but applying for things w my name makes me want to die. When I kept track of things, most of my time was spent thinking about my dysphoria and sleeping.

Looking especially dysgenic today, th. You have fishy nigger lips. How much did your whore mother drink while you were still in the womb?

Why is this gen basically all cis m trips now

Just wanted to say real
Why not just start T though? Can’t access it?

Are you making porn again?

Ew, no

Do you work?

About to start school full time and in 6 months I’ll have my (hopefully) life long job o7

start onlyfans

Yeah, afabs jobs are easy and chill, so you will make it

I could go to a planned parenthood right now and get informed consent, but I'm scared of my parents hurting me or calling the cops on me. The rest of my family will probably abandon me too - most of them are older so I thought they'd be dead by now. They already know I had tranny thoughts because I was so insistent as a kid. One of my aunt's sisters was MtF and they abandoned her until she got lung cancer and had to move in with them. I think they paid for her chemo but misgendered her or ignored her until she died and they buried her under her deadname. I expect the same malice, but I don't know if I can continue to feel this awful all the time.

Dysphoria + hairy + unwashed + eurotrash slav face + worry lines + facial scars. I'd rather stay working outside doing heavy labor for shit wages.


heavy labour

Ok. Why you won't get s rich bf? You're a woman, there will be dozens of desperates lining in your dms

I would fuck you, as long as you aren't fat.

NTA but rich men tend to date other rich people. Rich people are already a pretty small demographic so really all of your options are maybe middle class at best.

I would fuck you even if you are fat. So don't put yourself down, there are people into about every variation of female.

foids still have it 10000000x easier

Sounds like you having skill issues

Imagine spending your time baiting a troon thread. Go outside fag

nta, but it you who is having a skill issue as you cannot accept your birth body and enjoy your female privileges to the fullest, lmao

I already am outside, waiting for a bus. And I physically cannot be a fag, impossible.


emperor of the moon, i drew myself in a scene outfit with a huge long red cape


nothing just shopping all day

/repgen/ is over there nigger


Really what happend, its hard to think when i was last active in this gen (bad at time) but using events from my life id guess around a year ago. Why is it all cis M fighting with each other? Last thread really was two cis M going back and forth in a ftm gen. Did all the poonies that were here a year ago off themselves?

Did bidenmoder finally kill herself after being statutory raped and DPed by two real men

Question for the pooners:
would you still take T if the diy packages had bears on them instead of yaoi twinks?

Who wouldnt

It would be nice if they came with vision boards so yes

Why the fuck do you think that I'm a repper? I'm just saying things that should be common sense. You could try to at least take advantage of most female privileges before throwing them away. Have you started onlyfans? Have you dated men? Have you dated women as a fellow woman? Have you worn all types of dresses and shoes that exist? Have you tried to take advantage of all female social programs that you are legible for? I just don't want people to feel like they missed out something in the future or if they change their mind about transition regret not trying everything else.

Why the fuck do you think that I'm a repper?

Reread what you just said, repper

Trash show for a trash game
I play league tho

G, why there are so many bio men in this thread? I thought that I was only ftm enjoyer on this board

I reread all my posts like three times before posting. Nothing that I've said implies reperdom, I just know how female privilege works. I just don't want more future female detranses that cry about how if there was someone who set them straight or gave them a compliment or told them that girls can be whatever and that it's fine to be homosexual, they wouldn't want to escape ''womanhood''.

ur a pussy
take yourself and your dangly roast beef flaps elsewhere horse face
imagine living ur life for other ppl

Main and rank?

why sound like a seething mutilated woman. Sorry, but nobody likes hairy fat girls

It seems like you're wishing for someone to compliment you and set you straight

accept your birth body and enjoy your female privileges to the fullest

/ftmg/ - female to male general

Don’t know but can yall please leave
I prefer the term “midface luckshit”
Mostly main vex and seraphine, I don’t bother with ranked. Ranked is a dark place with evil people.

I thought that we all are frens here. Except for fat/mutilated afabs ofc

Repper ass response. Don't worry honey, daddy'll boyremove you

Maybe I do? :3
You'll never know, silly boy.




APCs the reason why I quit lol. I hope you were a midfag.
t. Braum main

Ranked is a dark place with evil people.

Low rank issues.

He looks good. I have no idea why you people dislike G so much. He's on of a very few breedable ftms here.

I know I'm a coward but I was raised in a violent home. Either way transing or not I'm going to experience pain.

Why are you booing me, I'm right. Only mtf transitions make sense from social perspective, so obviously I'm gonna question the sanity of ftms.


low rank issues

Reeeeeeeee I hate that you’re right

Holy repper batman. Being a woman fucking sucks

It sucks and that's why you get privileges, duh. Obviously if there was no society, everyone would want to be male. But in the way the world is, women mostly can convince themselves to stay women and men want to be women. No one wants to be biological female, no one is okay with not having a penis and no one wants to have small frame, boobs, excess fat and other female traits.

I mean
I'm a boy and I like having a vagina

Good morning FtMG. Yesterday a nice old man gifted me a shungite bracelet after we talked a bit about crystals due to me noticing his moldavite necklace. I was very touched... And now I am protected from the evil 5G radiation... fufufufufu

I don't need to be boyremoved! Stop with that infantile shit, I'm not a boy, I'm an adult.
An adult human female at that, you have nothing on me. Unfortunately I'm not the trans goddess that you need.

We should execute every childless or expired roasties

You must be an exception then. Why do you like it?

Axewounds are gross. I'm trans because I want a cock and be physically male, idk what the fuck the rest of you are on.

Can autistic people be photogenic?

can yall please leave

No. I will not until I will socially condition pooners to discuss about their interests.
The only time I see you people talk about something is some obscure mecha game.
Like what the fuck did you do today? What game did you play, what music did you listen to, what book did you read...
You gaslight each other with the usual "fembrained", and now no one talk about what they enjoy doing.

you’re right

Roaming supports to learn the game, annie to rank up.
I refuse to learn how to wave clear.

Plus there's always the chance of becoming a gross looking bald pooner instead of a normal man. I don't want to throw away my nonna for that

Is a normal man a feminine looking twink to you?

I'm trans because I want a cock and be physically male

I just wanted to be a guy. I always felt like cis men had a body shape that was lacking.

Have you tried taking your own advice and wearing cute dresses then? You might get told ur dress is pretty!.

For some reason very few FTM think like this.
Why would I want to be a beta man I want to be a man that you wouldnt ever guess has a vagina

can autistic people be photogenic

Yes, that’s just a shitty pic

Because I'm strong enough for this life. Some people like can't appreciate the hustle

No, I'd preferably look like an otter or average white eurotrash. Being short and bald seems like a death sentence though.

you can get pregnant!

trash show

Cringe + L + dilate

Ok. I'm getting that shit removed though so not for long.

my girlfriend gets really freaky when
she's ovulating and right now she's (over text) begging me to let her sit on my face and piss in my mouth
wtf bros i bit off more than i can chew with this girl

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