Crows can hold a grudge for up to 17 years edition
QOTT: Are you the type of manmoder to hold a grudge?
/mmg/ - manmoder general
gives you a bottle cap
Yes, absolutely. But I don't let it change me in anything except with that person. I'm still salty about my first love gf from highschool 15 years ago. But it hasn't effected my love or sex life a week or 15 years after.
I'm still salty about my first love gf from highschool 15 years ago. But it hasn't effected my love or sex life a week or 15 years after.
similar except that I let it ruin me and sabotage all my existing and future relationships in life... how'd you manage that?
Are you the type of manmoder to hold a grudge?
No. I love people and people make mistakes. I forgive and continue to love and cherish everyone
i hope everyone who has ever wronged me even in the slightest unintentional way goes to hell forever
haven't done an estrowalk in a while
I did a bunch of drugs and fucked 3 different girls a week after she dumped me.
i just want someone to comfort and get hugs in return
and yes i'll lose weight before i seek that :(
i don't hold grudges
i can very rarely get pissed at someone but after reacting they're simply dead to me until i either realize i overreacted or they apologize or something
also i have no emotions
I did a bunch of drugs and fucked 3 different girls a week after she dumped me.
I see
maybe I should try and get with at least one other person without any commitment to try and get over her, but I pussied out any time I tried before and got hurt badly again when I thought I was finally doing better and then caught feels for someone new
why can't i estrogain estroweight so my estrolegs don't look like estrosticks
same... last few sunny days here I think for autumn so maybe I'll change that today
today I will estroshave my estrolegs and take an estroshower and then think really hard about going for an estrowalk while binging various platforms' estroslop and and finally convince myself I'm going to go out and enjoy the estrosun maybe an hour or two after it estrosets
just estroeat
I don’t look like a woman
Cute op
QOTT Nope i dont hold grudges, i typically get upset then get over things quick
same worstie
cant change gender on documents after january
government mandated manmoding
I'm a little worried about hormone access, gonna stockpile
i tried to jerk off using my dehumidifier for like 20 mins, it didn t work
oh, well, how should i kms?
government mandating detransing
Honestly chuddy, we have a bit in common in this area. I too am a hopeless romantic, which makes me prone to being manipulated and taken advantage by someone. But it can also be my own misdiagnoses of the situation. Where i think i was wronged, but on further reflection realize i was being unreasonable. It's happened a few times since that first girl, both ways. Any hookup I have that goes well outside of the hookup like conversation, flirting, common interests, etc. I end up becoming hopelessly romantic and can't stop fantasizing about a future with that person. Just happened this past weekend again. And I thought I was past this stuff. If you wanna get back into the dating/sex scene I'd suggest finding someone and just getting in and out, keep the extra stuff to a min. To lower the chance of becoming hopelessly romantic again.
Yeah.. im changing name and gender before he's sworn in just in case..
This too
Why would you
And why after january?
nothing happens.
shut the fuck up
i love you all and life is good
i only have to worry about passport in a blue state right? what else do i have to update first to change name/gender on a passport
fakemoders wanting to change name and gender legally
why are you even here again??
I am going to be the sexiest hon in the death camp!
wish i lived in california, was a youngshit with free ffs, srs instead of being a midshit from eastern europe
fakemoder not even on hrt
why are you here again
I need the government to force detransition me I made the wrong choice
Same reason reppers not on hrt like you are here. Nobody can stop us;)
wtf did i write
i am way more of a real moder than any of you and i am on hrt btw
I too am a hopeless romantic
I don't like admitting that I am and resent it if it's true, but I'll consider what you say about both perspective and expectations
you look like a man
why would you even change gender and name PocaHONtas, don t you have a kid to raise btw??
God I wish I was a midshit from eastern Europe instead of an old shit.
It you put f on your legal documents isnt the doctor obligated to ask if you are pregnant and stuff? i would die from cringe
I'll shut up when something happens (never)
it already happened bro, it's been happening and it's now cleared to start happening harder
Lmao I like you sometimes Larry, posts like this make me smile and blush. I want it changed for many reasons. But the main one being when I die I don't want my gravestone to have the name and gender I fucking hate about myself.
got asked in the health form or whatever at the electrolysis clinic if i'm currently pregnant
they must never get guys lmao
nothing will happens and you are supposed to be fucking manmoders, you are not actually transitoning transitioning fully anyway
They should try honmoding for a few months and see how they like it before legal changes desu
I think you got the wrong door
boymoder general is two pages down
Honmoding can be traumatic
Yup so why change your legal documents? it will make every legal or medical interaction super awkward
Learn to type.
It sucks. Idc. But it also was good at some points. I just don't wanna take the chance on loosing the ability to change it later.
did you know that bc of hons like you, passoids have harder time changing their stuff legally?
hons clog the system and make cis people less likely to let people change this stuff, if a big man can just be like "i want to be cis f now legally" people are going to notice
changing legal stuff should be based on passing and only be able to do it if you pass, the same as transitioning really, hrt is also harder to get bc of hons now too
it already happened bro,
it didn't
it's been happening
it hasn't
and it's now cleared to start happening harder
it isn't
i do my estrogen illegally
If you think exercising, or dieting will fix your problems, then you are either retarded or never had “real problems” in the first place – an era where everything can be cured, a rabid reddit society where “This one simple trick cured my X”, some things can only be endured.
We live an age of “Healing” everyone believes in psychosomatic remedies despite their endless mockery of it, everyone believes that everything can be “overcome” – wether it’s through meditation, Lexapro, or “Walking in a forest”. like giving dogs their medicine in a treat
even if you DIY it's legal because estrogen literally isn't even a scheduled substance which is why this whole discussion is fucking stupid.
it's a crime to have medicine without a prescription
i take walks in the forest but i get sad to see all the beech trees dying :(
will a name change out me to my dad if i'm on his AAA policy ughhhh
meh it's transition or rope in a couple years so what's the harm?
you're just making stuff up at least in america political grifters getting our rights revoked don't care about passing or not
Everything is dying. 2 degrees C by 2035
my plan is to slave away in the west, get ffs and srs, buy an RV and try to survive climate change that way
yeah if they're scheduled substances.
i dont think climate change caused beech leaf disease but idk
thank you mr. durden
You are planning to commit suicide?!? wtf bee…..
Every medical interaction already is lol. I have to tell them my medication list every single time for any medical visit. Manmoders aren't exempt from that awkwardness. Legal stuff is definitely adding more instances of that, but whatever. It's a short conversation with someone I'll never see again.
Absolutely not. That basic transphobia your spewing. Pick me loser shit. You're young and ignorant and think the world cares about you because you "pass". It really doesn't. If they sent everyone of us to camps, you'd be right there with us screaming "but I'm a passoid! I'm one of the good ones!"
Exercising and dieting has already fixed some of my problems lmao. I used to have horrible stomach issues for the last 5 years. I lost 40 pounds and eat right, exercise, and I haven't had that issue all year now. I look the best I have in a decade. Which has helped my depression and confidence level. I had blood pressure issues just last year, non now after diet and exercise changes. Anybody cis or trans can benefit from exercise and a good diet.
pretty sure you can get a fine here for not having a prescription
plus i have estrogen powder and the means to make estradiol injections, now this is illegal
idk but someone in mtfg was complaining that in uk it is a lot harder to do this process and they are very strict bc of hons
also the only reason people hate trans people is hons, nothing more nothing less, without so many gorillahons walking around, there would be nothing to hate, you should be able to troon out socially fully only if you can pass or pass already, it is pointless to do it anyway since you will rope no matter what since hondom is not sustainable
the truth is, that hons are annoying for like 2-10 years while they troon out pissing everyone off literally and destroying the optics for others that actually have a shot and rope anyway in the end..
huge hon cope
you're probably one of the hons you hate so much
it's illegal to sell injectable drugs for human consumption BUT my estradiol is labeled "not for human consumption" and you're not selling anything so there's no crime being committed :)
yes this is actually how the law works
without so many gorillahons walking around, there would be nothing to hate
elon is mostly pissed that vivian is sterile so i think it cuts deeper than hons=transphobia
i am larry smart ass so yea
I used to hate hons because I saw myself in them. I still hate hons because I see myself in them.
look in the media at all trans hate, it is mostly ugly hons that look like men being hated bc they are creepy in women spaces and annoying asf
if my transition fails horribly and my bf leaves me bc he's expecting me to transition eventually then yeah i wouldn't have much to live for. i'm not actively suicidal or even depressed really but it's conditional
you have no clue what you're talking about idk why i replied to you. no transphobia without hons lmao have you ever spoken to an american christian (you haven't)
watching ace ventura rn, ill get back to you
Yeah, you're just a loser lmao. I enjoy plenty of "hons". I envy those I see irl and on tiktok and stuff being able to live their lives. I enjoy their content. You're in a small subsection of bitter trans people. Cope and seethe.
We aren't boomerhons. And even if we were, they are still valid. Nobody is gonna stand up for trans people like trans people will. I will never think like you. You're embarrassing.
how are they going to know that you are a tranny if you cis pass and are stealth?
passoids are literally basically cis but still have trans needs legally, hons just make their life worse by destroying optics which makes stricter regulations legally for no reason since those hons rope anyway, passoids hating on hons and suipushing bullying them is based and they do it for a good reason, survival of the luckiest i guess
so what dragged you into this general and out of mtfg
not passing = eventual rope
all of you should know this by now
and the extremely autistic manly hons that don t rope that lack self awareness are very fucking inappropiate and gross and should not be allowed to be like that
tell me more about your worldly tranny knowledge mr cis man who lives in a hole with mold in romania and interacts with no one
Haha i will never sui, too based to be pathetic desu
everything i eat comes up again
guess i should learn to stay off phenibut
hello... :3
want sex?
ya but you also live as a man so no issues with what i said
i don t need life experience when it comes to basic common sense, at least you got a bit mad hon also i am TRANS not a CIS MAN
*fucks your ear*
oh it's larry
have to update my filter again
I'm gonna think of how I'm ruining optics for non hrt cis men like you when I change my name and gender next month:)
don t bother
i go anon thanks for telling me loser
i feel so sorry for your kid though
prison gay cishet man who needs a hobby badly
based and same
i will get a hobby when i stop feeling dysphoric and like shit 24/7
prison gay cishet man who needs a hobby badly
also not respecting my identity based on your own subjective opinion of me makes you unironically transphobic lmao
well better than you trying to fuck my a**
i mean i could at least feel your tiny dick in my ear :3
but are you trans
Don't be. He's happier than anybody you know.
We base this on a litany of things you've said. It's a year of evidence at this point :p
i am trans bc i say so and i have dysphoric
it is self id and that is what generally makes you trans and it is accepted as the rule generally so you calling me a cis man just bc you hate me makes you transphobic
what i say it is pointless, what matters is what i identify as and tell others that i am
stop being mean for no reason
i am a cis woman bc i say so
strawman argument, invalidated, being cis is based on your sex
im trans because i say so
doesnt transition medically
doesnt transition socially
larry should identify as the badly equipped nuisance he is
cis = identifies with their sex
trans = doesn t identify with their sex
thus i am trans bc i identify with a gender different than my sex, that is abt it, nothing more, nothing less, no other conditions needed
noooooooooo larry is telling the truth
he is such an annoying nuissance omfg
i want empathy and sympathy and emotional support, i get none so excuse me
I am trans because I SAY so
you totally misinterpreted what i said on purpose, i meant what i say or act as a person is pointless as in my behaviour not what i identify as but we love using strawman arguments here it seems since i am the right one
i would give that to a person in your position if they were nice irl and lived nearby
you don't so...
ps i genuinely mean it, it's not one of my thirsty-creep posts
ps#2 have you started drinking? i'm thinking about it, if i'm puking when i'm sober there's no reason not to, right?
i didn t drink today, i went for cigs
i could go and buy beer now, the supermakets are still on but idk, i am more concerned abt doing drugs at some point
do whatever you want i guess, your body is fucked anyway probably and are old, mine is not yet
what do i do if i can't afford ffs or srs which i need badly?
i dont know
pray to god
my body is in a very good condition, probably best it'd been for 30 years desu
all my markers are fine except blood sugar, and my body is fine except for shit skin and abdominal fat
if you get some drugs can i come over?
so if people say
pass with ffs
it means it's over unless you're rich?
ya pretty much, sorry
honestly they should force me to get off hrt
i am ruining my perfect male body for no reason
ffs can be had for like €10-15k iirc?
and if there's just some shit that have to be fixed it can be a lot less
who are "they" and are they in the room with us?
i'm thinking about 2pass in the netherlands, not sure if they bog
even that much money is too much, i'm a student and i'm not sure how long i can keep going without some kind of relief
doing electrolysis now which is great, hope it makes me feel better down the line
who are "they" and are they in the room with us?
psychiatrists and medical professionals who know better than me what i should be in life
Cheap ffs looks nasty
you can get off it yourself, your life is your responsibility
idk if you want to talk to me if i get so bad that i do drugs
haven't seen enough results with the new surgeon(s?) to know if they're good
they are more expensive than the french surgeons iirc?
hmm? don't agree there are a lot of good results imo
hmm :/
i am mentally ill and i should be stopped from harming myself further
Show me a good result and then i will believe you
what should i do with my miserable life grandpa?
same but no one cares sadly
maybe later, am too sick and tired now
what surgeon would be your choice?
Mittermiller 100% , if not i would settle for keojampa
does mittermiller cost an entire apartment or just half?
Got hair appointment booked for next Friday. Getting bangs. We talked about it just now, and stylist thinks I'm a good candidate for them. But I'm ready to regret if I look stupid. Can just wear a winter beanie for the next few months before I get cut again.
Depends what you are getting done. he is expensive, but you shouldnt be getting work done unless you can afford it…
Got hair appointment booked for next Friday. Getting dick sucked by a hooker. We talked about it just now, and the hooker thinks I'm a good candidate for them. But I'm ready to regret if I look stupid and can't maintain an erection. Can just viagra pills for big strong erections if not so I should be fine.
whatever, i can write, i am too miserable :''(
Nooo bangs will make your face look square
well no shit
I smell like I did in middle school
Wdym no shit? the other nigga was talking about 15k surgeons
i wish i was a late midshit agp transbian programmer who makes a lot of money instead of an early midshit "hsts" gay manmoder with no job prospects
yo miller can you fix me up real quick? also make it on a budget, i only have 15k and i heard that you can get good shit with that much, thanks home boi, much respect
Cialis is better. Trust.
I'm definitely worried about that. But I've gotten advice from multiple people to try bangs. And honestly I hate my 5 head and brow bone. I need to try something. But I'm already totally mentally prepared to deal with it if it looks terrible.
what are the rules for posting on Anon Babble?
will that be a good place for me?
Anon Babble was literally made for people like you. Have you actually never tried it?
i did but i saw only porn and random degeneracy
I was feeling shitty about the election and eating candy this morning and I just vomited it all out
t. ozempichon
how is it different from Anon Babble then?
i actually never used Anon Babble much besides Anon Babble
i used to have a life and i thought this place is for lorsers so i never came to Anon Babble, i came only for the tranny stuff when i was transitioning..
oh impressive but i guess i'd be looking at like $300k?
wish i could do bangs
my hair growth is too shit for it tho
seriously thinking about a wig
stop making fun of us poorhons :(
everything goes except the illegal stuff
idk your age but if <18 don't post lewds
oh... i guess i'll just wait 20 years ;_;
Anon Babble - Random
Global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 are enforced.
Note: "ZOMG NONE!!!1" applies to moderators as well.
RTFM n00b
it will never get better
a man taking a selfie in a bathroom mirror, black hoodie techie, eboy, no - pupils, straight hairstyle, fortnite character, ear, dirty room, madrid. extreme long shot, before and after, clean shaven, half android, 4k post, real camera, lightly dirty face, 1 9 year old, overcast lighting
My soul was ripped from me by puberty. I want to be a corpse, but I already am. I want to be a man, but I already am.
i think maybe i will move and blogpost and complain and look for empathy/sympathy on Anon Babble
maybe people will be nicer there than you assholes here were to me
a man taking a picture of himself in the mirror, bladee from drain gang, middle body shot, sexy masculine, peace sign, cottagecore!! fitness body, sfw version, alejandro, mid - length hair, discord, camera photo, open belly, looking tired, f42, post - apokalyptic
i'd be less of an asshole if you put out
They unironicaly night be actually, for someone like you. They also are huge incel weirdos who think men have it the worst out of anybody.
i remember when Anon Babble was good ;_;
ugly men do have it the worst
Ikr? I love laughing at the ones that message me on grindr. Such a hard life I'd assume.
everyone laughs at me
i have almost no friends
i don't understand why, do people think i'm a weak target?
being rejected on grindr
I would shoot myself so quick
a young man taking a selfie in a bathroom mirror, the doors, black shirt, gamer, barbra streisand no makeup, highres, jpop clothing, rush band, big puffy lips, it's californication, beautiful panoramic imagery, mugshot, lesbians, youtube
a man taking a picture of himself in the mirror, inspired by George Manson, airpods, she is about 1 6 years old, bedhead, ebay listing thumbnail, mugshot, shirt, by Pogus Caesar, beatle, discord mod, joan of arc, from sonic, highres, uncropped, in bathroom
I just leave on read. Is that better or worse than saying no? Most times now I actually don't even open their message at all.
even manmoders are chad only
it is over for me
that’s fine
We just secured the second date yall :) first one since my ex last year. I have legit butterflies.
I just prefer t4t. I thought you were gonna work out and become a Chad though?
going to a different store for smokes to avoid the qt grill who works the register at 7/11 because she's talkative and I spill my spaghetti every time.
chads are born, not made, it is all genetics
If this doesn’t get my cock sucked i will hate crime the troon and utilize the gay panic defence =D
Pussy, that's the perfect excuse to go talk to her more! She wouldn't chatterbox with you if she wasn't at least a tad interested.
Well first of all, through God anything is possible, so jot that down. Lmao, no but honestly, you can attain it with hard work in the gym. And now with steroids so popular, it's easier than ever.
no manmoder to buy me flowers
i feel sad old and ugly, as i am
also disgusting
didn't even see a cutie in passgen (except that young kid looking one, cute but not attractive), what's the reason to live?
i guess i theoretically could do that (indirectly)... have sponsored dildos and other weird shit over the years so...
don't do that but it almost certainly will, my bf came in my mouth twice after those flowers the other day
Maybe ill get a po box and you send me some.
Lmao based bee
i am jealous of bee
has a boyfriend
it’s over
it is a beta ching chong mix with brown
you have no reason to be jealous
yeah I mean freaking out on her wasn't cool but wtf
I think she is interested and that makes it worse, I'm not a normal person who can just ask attractive women out and expect any good to come of it.
i'll never have either of these things and i'm also not racist
hail satan!
If it ends up not working out, it ends up not working out. You can't be afraid of rejection or failure. I know that's ironic coming from a manmoder, but dating or just flirting are smaller scale. What if she's bi? Could be the perfect situation and you just don't know it yet.
so you're racist too? o.m.g.
have you ever considered cyanide?
or sucking my d**k ig...
Larry has already admitted his attraction to brown cuties. It's all projection.
elliot page looking manmoder
elliot page both mogs me and is kind of goals both before and after, what did my gender identity mean by this?
i like brown cuties too... and all other colors ofc
s...he's hot so... just don't have a fake six-pack?
i'm a 6'1 manmoder instead who DOESN'T want to be a man
I love Elliot page. He's really good in Umbrella academy.
Right? Cuties of all colors. Just another reason racists make no sense.
same sister, tho just pushing the limit of 6'
but elliot page is a very woman looking man and presentation would push it into woman imo
in other news i'm soon drunk enough to dare open discord
i think most people don't understand the extent of my social anxiety... i mean irl i've learned to manage things, but that's shallow interactions mostly
god i wish i could get some meds for it instead of being forced to drink.but my psychologists don't get how fucked i am...
not sure how i would explain manmoding to a normie psychologist
what's even the point
anytime you say you are a manmoder you just break your manmode and you're pushed into honmoding
when i was manmoding, my therapist understod it, it is not that complicated lol
and what's the point to talking with a therapist
100€ per hour when you can instead spend that money on hair removal or something
i live in sweden where apparently real life experience is still a thing
to get my dysphoria diagnosis i talked with several psychiatrists and said i don't want to wear women's clothing etc as i look as a man
and they apparently agreed as i do indeed look like a man
last time i met with a gender dysphoria specializing psychiatrist they said i don't look like i should have a male name and that i should be able to look into a mirror without feeling suicidal
on the other hand while lowkey hugboxing me she said i look like a person my age, not a woman my age lmao
hello i'm drunk enough that i'd cuddle with you
assuming you're managing your personal hygiene and i doubt that
i mean i really don't want to smell of goat
i'll have to get a diagnosis soon eventually too, just didn't bother since i find out diying is much easier
personally i think dying would be easier... sadly not suicidal
and at my last doctors appointment she said self harm is bad for you idk....
stop trolling and being mean
ok ;__;
i'd hug you and comfort you if you were near
not fuck you or do anything remotely sexual tho
what are you diagnosed with?
be honest
gender dysphoria
major depression (might just be depression now idk)
a fake personality disorder
a fake? bpd?
also you don t seem depressed, you have quite the energy to be an annoying mean creepy prick
yes it makes me dysphoric asf but that doesn t matter
life has nonl inherent meaning you dumbfuck. feeling are all that matters
bc it is a temporary thing and not a long term issue,
dysphoria is very much a long-term issue and it looks like it's not magically disappeared anytime soon
the sad reality is that the best life i can live is being a male
are you on HRT or not?
so i obviously want to be the best male i can possibly be, i basically think objectively
you obviously don't. you're extremely emotional and alternative between lashing out, begging for attention, and acting somewhat normal
usually and what i truly want emotionally doesn t matter only what objectively is the best for me,
that's contradictorily. something can't be both objective and best... for YOU. you are a subject. to ask an objective question is to ask a question that disregards your iwn self and perspective
i am more like a machine that tries to minmax life
measure of evolutionary fitness isn't measure of value. stop being mad at women for not giving you children you don't want and can't raise. someone with sixteen kids, no money, no education, and no political power is better off than a rich, highly-educted person with no kids who lives in a highly democratic society in that laughably flawed view
and get as much benefits ignoring my emotions and desires
if you try to be objectively in your measure of choise, then it's the measure that benefits. the benchmark. the number goes up whether it's kids or money. but
(1) you're clearly not following an objective measure. you are broke as fuck and aren't maximizing your kids or potential mates. you're doing quite the opposite, languishing on Anon Babble all day
(2) if you just wanted go maximize genetic spread you'd be donating to as many sperm banks as possible while trying to increase sperm production and prolong your lifespan instead of going on HRT
i am too dysphoric dude to do anything
i am literally crippled disabled
(3) targeting numbers doesn't help you. it helps the numbers. you can have all the moneys in the world and still be a miserable piece of shit. look at Elon. he's a terrible father and a sick person
(4) if you truly are dysphoric, then pretending to be objective and sexist and all this make brainwormed bullshit about needing to breed when you obviously don't actually care and just want an excuse to give up and get mad at women and act miserable —that's just your repression strategy. you're actually mad at women because you want to be one. you don't want to maximize your number of kids, you wish you had a womb so you could carry your own. and you're probably more jealous than sexist and care about your emotions more than this fakeass notion of objectivity that's actually contradictory when you think for a single fucking second. you're wrong about everything and repressing has psychologically fucked up your mind
damn Anon Babble fucking sucks ass
i'm the ugliest 'moder to ever live
yes you are completely right, i am jealous of women and i wish i was one and had a womb and my own kids ya, i don t really hate them, i just wish i was one obviously
Any anons here that started in their 30s or later? Way things are going in my life, I'll only be able to start at that age. Not ideal, but I think I can tolerate dysphoria until that point, plus I'll be ideally outside my parent's home.
they hated him because he schized the truth
so what if we both stopped pretending to be evil and saying provocative things for attention and acting as male as possible for repression and were nice and honest about wanting to be cute estrogenic males instead? (this will never happen because we will never be cute so why not just give up and go back to spamming the thread about how we hate women)
I started at 30 and my only ragret now at 35 is not starting sooner and also maybe not working harder to be less of an asshole when I got emotional because of the hormones
i wasn t trolling though lmao
i am like this actually naturally
i am very honest here i am not even lying or anything, i come here specially to be honest
got my pomo slop and my Longhorn long cut mint dip, time for a nice evening.
i'm too depressed to read
That basic transphobia your spewing
let the non-SRS man with short hair (me) into the women's locker room??? waow...
i have a larger skull than my brother and father. i am wider than my brother and shorter. i am giant next to my mother. im fat. my skin is sickly pale. i have male pattern baldness. my skin is starting to age horribly from years of cigarettes and drugs. i ruined my life to be a dirtbag burnout and i gooned the entire time because being a dirtbag burnout is hot as fuck. i just wish i was a loser woman dating a loser man not the loser man injecting estrogen into his thigh
do i seem bpd to you?
i mean ik someone said that they thought i was bpd as hell (quote) but they joked a lot
also just because i like to be mean to you don't mean i'm not depressed!
i'm just a sad sad sad-ist
yes seems to be mostly ai porn now wtf
i miss the good old days with ultra giga n**ger threads and all
don't miss the cp ofc sick shit :(
can i lick your feet? asking for larry...
We aren't boomerhons. And even if we were, they are still valid
mogs me
i will manmode until i die
mogs me
this is literally me
i saw an old man with a full length beard and putrid dyed skullet walking around campus in a skirt today. truly one of the most disgusting creatures i have ever witnessed and i want to detrans just from being in the vicinity of something like that
i look like this while manmoding
this is literally me
prison gay cishet man who needs a hobby badly
this 4b thing will probably lead nowhere but I really hope it actually does. age of men and testosterone needs to end asap
I'm completely in support of this, gonna go out and breed a cis dyke to stick it to the man
starting sooner
2nd worlder pls understand.
Like really I'd start now but I've got jack shit for money... I should really get a part-time, even if it's entirely for hormones.
got emotional because of the hormones
How so? Like what emotions you went through? I thought E had the tendency to ameliorate the mind, at least in the long run.
(and by breed I mean overflow with fountains of runny clear impotent girlcum)
I thought E had the tendency to ameliorate the mind, at least in the long run.
absolutely, despite my occasional hysterics I am 100% more at peace with and confident in myself and just more comfortable existing in my own body and mind at rest - but I also went through a lot of what I would describe as emotional range expansion and then arpeggiated octave-spanning runs of those ranges in unexpected ways that I had spent most of my adult life avoiding learning to deal with
take your emotions seriously, and try to be gentle with yourself and others, that's all I'd really say
$120 gets you hormones for around a year
t. manmoder from second world
i miss my middle school smell. i remember noticing at the time it was changing and hated it. if only my parents had gotten me endocrinology textbooks instead of astrophyisics, chemical elements, and evolution textbooks as a kid :(
sorry :(
police have been telling me i shouldn't wear my tripple bag in public anymore
eh i'm kinda cis myself :3
i paid like $40 for a vial that should last over a year?
how do i make money for ffs
I didn't notice until I was in my 5th year of HRT and some months on finasteride and it's been really messing with me, like I swear I smelled more like I did in high school the first few years starting quickly after I first took E and now I smell my own scalp or body odor sometimes in different contexts and it brings back specific memories from when I was like 8-12 years old in early puberty
what can i even do since i can never pass and i am so ogre ugly masc??
find a way to start now
t4t separatism should be a thing too
my dick smells of fish
yes i wash it
i just want to be a cis female and fit in
no dumb 'goth' shit
just a normal straight cis female
I want to be a freak androgynous alt bitch
looking like a man is quite alt i would say
I want to be a quiet bookish woman and get pulled out my shell by an outgoing man with a secret soft side
thanks I hate it
me too manstie
you've got mail meg ryan
I will never have mail
another day another malesuccess
a (You) is kinda like mail
It has no love behind it
you have quite the energy to be an annoying mean creepy prick
coming from u, Larissa
no one can help me
i have one strategy, to finish university, move to france to work and hopefully get free ffs there
i would be fine being a gay man if it were the 1970s but standards have risen so high i just can’t do it anymore
give me a (you) :(
*pulls back my foreskin*
*soaks my penis in a glass of water*
*pulls out, jerks off, and cums in the water*
who's thirsty for a fresh glass of penis water? if you live in my rape cage, you get to have it three meals a day!
me irl
desu, with enough meth in my system, i 1000% would be horny enough drink the penis water of anyone remotely cute on this thread. all i need is a lot of meth and i suddenly become a disgusting pervert obsessed with the taste of penis and cum. why does meth have this effect on me?
your gimmick is so forced, not convincing at all
now watching: ghost world
i don't know why i keep coming here expecting some kind of comfort but you people and this board is the closest thing to social interaction that i ever experience
what's not convincing? that infuse glasses of water with the taste and smell of my own penis then drink it? or that i used to smoke meth? bitch i should relapse and video it just go prove it to you. and maybe also jerk off on cam into a glass of water and drink it because all of this weird shit is very, very real lol
i just don't want my face online associated with meth and cum give how good AI reverse facial search is getting future employers and family could find it
fuck i might just drink my own cum this morning. haven't gotten out of bed yet. i need a glass of warm semen to get me going. and some meth for energy desu
it's like what that anon said, this gen is so terminally fembrained that everyone here tries to hide by talking about phalluses
someone come over and watch me lick my own penis and cuddle me please
does your back hurt afterwards
people on be are pretty nice and chill desu, way nicer than here
only one person was mean lol
think I'll watch National Treasure tonight. I love Nicholas Cage so much bros
yes :(
me too
pressing my mantits against Larry's
manbian booby bumping time uwu
i bet it would feel good with enough meth
he is literally me
just found this gem from years ago
amazing how i looked more feminine then than i do now
it's because of your hair you dumb fucking retard oh my god
where can i watch you .3
fact: i regret ever taking estrogen 1000%
i looked better with facial hair and no tits
that's how my skeleton is built
my skull
my Adam's apple
and no amount is surgery ill never be able to afford could ever change the facts
mogs me
looks as depressed as i feel rn
im ugly with long hair
im ugly with short hair
umm... ideas?
the old italian neighborhood of the north of the holy city
you know I can, uh, eat a peach for, uh, hours
i looked better with facial hair and no tits
this is actually real as fuck. like men get saved by beards and become hot and the moment i finally got a beard i zapped it and trooned like brooo wtf
taking estrogen is the best thing I've ever done for myself
they could grow actual facial hair before and laser it and i can''t even though i need it
i can t grow it properly fuck
im a chadlet it’s not fun
and i am a ugly jewish incel, it is mega not fun
at least i am 6 feet i guess
and i am a ugly jewish incel
looks like Anon Babble got to you after all
tag urself
me on the left
it's gonna take forever for my hair to grow back
you can just lose weight get muscle and slay youre literally six foot
oh yeah, the usual location
eat me peach plz
i am not in the image bc i roped, that over it was
gymcelling is a cope, is all abt the face mostly and height then i guess, and i am too dysphoric cursed, if it weren t for dysphoria being a ugly faggot wouldn t have been that bad since fag loves muscles i guess
mfw i see chudettes peaches
estrogen doesn't take away facial hair growth
i remember when i outgrew my mother’s shoes and garden gloves and i cried in front of her
i wear women 8 it's over
US size 10 (men's)
fucking fakemoders
us size 11 get shrekt
i need to follow three (3) rules:
no social media
no drugs
sleep schedule
this should be my last post if everything goes as planned
i CAN have friends
but if i don't follow these three rules and you see me here again, remind me to GTFO because this is why i can't have friends
fuck all of you
yeah this site is a waste of time especially if you're young. but how are you supposed to get friends without drugs though
if you fuck up or fail just try to focus on one of those things at a time, and try to start with and emphasize the schedule TRUST me we're biologically wired for some degree of daytime operation no matter how avant garde or eccentric you think you are
Thank you for the advice nona
10$ per month ain't bad, not bad at all.
Aye aye cap. God this is gonna hurt
we have to piss on the declaration of independence
Omg bee it worked
In the apartment now will report back tomorrow with my findings
another night getting high and drunk alone on Anon Babble, the highlight of my night will be ordering garbage pizza later and hoping I do well at my new job next week, while you fucking NORMIES are out getting laid and doing shit
also ordering a new and more practical/comfortable concealed carry holster and setting up my sling so I can actually use them both
you wanna do shit?
i'm shit :3
time to delete discord
whoever wanted to ask me something didn't add me and nobody else want to talk, not that i'm able to have a conversation anyway
i'm a pariah
if i had some actually dangerous meds i'd take it and swallow them with the rest of my vodka lol
but even my zopiclones are prescribed 10 at a time with like 2 eons between eh... drunk... each time i can get them