EUbros, it's over. You won't find a qtpie trans gf on this pisser continent...

EUbros, it's over. You won't find a qtpie trans gf on this pisser continent, you'll have to chat up Americans and find one there. All you'll find here are hons and transbian(hon)s.
t. has tried for years

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u didn't try hard enough, there's plenty

Lol try harder. There are more than enough passoids.
That said hons also have their benefits



i'm not coping lol, ur just bad at finding us

I have nothing nice to say to you

ok but have u tried not going to malebrained spaces that will obv only have transbian hons?

Like this place? Whenever I chat someone up that seems to actually be looking for a bf it's an American. Whenever I ask for a trans gf from here (not as directly necessarily) it's another American asking if an American is fine

im a european transfem that likes men are we really that rare?!

lmfao this is like the chaser version of boomer white guys bitching about western women and going to SEA, extremely pathetic

American women are superior to Europoors doe

this board is mostly american so ofcourse that's gonna happen, this board also makes it look like guys who wanna date trannies are all american. have u been in spaces that's just ur own country and tried to find a tranny?

skill issue

this board is mostly american so ofcourse that's gonna happen


this board also makes it look like guys who wanna date trannies are all american


have u been in spaces that's just ur own country and tried to find a tranny?

Yes, they're all filled with 40 year old hons.

how am in coping when i'm literally a tranny in eu who likes guys myself? ur just being really weird

nta but look like you don't understand what cope mean

I'm not saying you literally don't exist, I'm saying there's 30 Americans for each European that is like you

it's prolly kinda the same but a lot of spaces like Anon Babble are mostly used by americans. like look at the past few days, even in the morning there were threads about their stupid dumb elections when they were supposed to be asleep.

It's same on Reddit and twitter, stop the cope

You sound like a borderline retard

what benefits

u calling everything a cope is the cope lmao, stop following american media, there are a lot of eu trannies on twitter even like i follow some.

Yes, tons of hons.

Grass is always greener on other side. Move to the US if you seriously believe your odds are better there.

none of them are hons but ok

What's the point of lying? Is it funny?

im not lying retard, i don’t follow any hons cuz hons make me uncomfortable

Show me some of them.

Where does one find an euro top tranner gf?



oh ur retarded


is that a new word u learned? u say it almost every sentence. and what do u think passing is? pls post an example of what u think the bare minimum for passing is. rn ur just sounding like an annoying and autistic chuddy so i get why u can’t find a gf

nah she's right, you're retarded lol


That's the problem. The only trannies that top are absolute gigahons and most of them are transbians.

Stop posting gigahons and I won't say it

nta but wrong

but what is not a hon to u? cuz i get why u never see passing trannies when u call literally every tranny a hon

What you just posted is a hon

good. trannies need to die.

but can u post a tranny that’s not a hon? i wanna know what u think isn’t a hon

You for example

how do u know when u haven’t seen me?

I can just tell

Yeah true there are no trans women here.
Maybe three. And those are all ugly.

Sad truth


oh my, would you do it?
in my mouth
(you're an ugly sick wanker that should go to asia)