/chasergen/ - sweet tooth edition

Chubby tranny give me a lapdance. Get your perfume on me I need it today. I'll feed you

Qott: No.

I'm a big fan of both but i lean towards gummies

Blessed thread, no weird op

I don't dislike gummy candy but I've never desired it ever
Not big on sweets in general but I do actually like chocolate

im thinking mega based


jazz soothes the soul


No you're not Italian, give it a rest


im Scandinavian

No you are definitely NOT one of us. You can go back to claiming Italian, you will never be a snownigga

Im Iraqi

Thoughts on these?

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I always think of the sopranos Van Zandt guy

Fun fact, he played a chaser in that TransParent show

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You're Injun

i used to eat those a lot when i was little
haven't had one in a long time
they were always a bit dry tho

yes baby show me jur ajhole

qott: do u like gummies or chocolates better

Candy is for women and children.

My mom always had the dark chocolate ones around, they're alright

My grandma always had these, now they were dope

omg i LOVE gummies! :D

Operation Iraqi Freedom
(liberating LB's bussy for my straight white cock)

Gummy :(

I don't speak english do not reply to my posts

Mantra :(

Anon :)

Gummy :)

Who the fuck is khornate?
More like WHOREnate

She's an autistic foreign transbian who hates men pretending to be bi because she's burnt out on transbians

a transbian with a condition that gives him extra chromosomes

Woah Eui changed her trip?!

quite ugly too (matches personality)

Psyched up bimbocel with daddy issues, a faggot lost beyond redemption, a pretty tranny with tiny tits that can do no wrong

Men r hot and it's the only reason I want to risk the statistics, if I had a choice I'd be a true cringe 100% transbian but god cursed me with bisexuality and men preference

You're just mad that my values and beliefs are based and you aren't fitting for them because you're a dirty stained male who I wouldn't touch with a pole


If you're shorter than 6 foot 3 and weigh less than 190 lbs you are not allowed to have the name Khorne in your trip you Slaaneshi bitch


where does a semi passing german transgirl find a lean chaser with beard who will rail me daily? just curious

She's full of herself. Into the trash she goes.

I don't know what that means but it's really funny

I fucking hate Warhammer trannies. They're always agp men.

Wrath and rage are the core of worship, you're just so stupid you think direct violence is the true expression of hate

this is the case with most butt ugly youngshits, see june

I know at least one exception to this rule but yeah generally speaking it's probably true

Weono what that means weon care bout that shut yo ass up

Rachel placebo :(

Dark chocolate, though that anon who brought up salmiakki was fucking cooking with that, I love that shit

Have fun soulless boyo, you're part of the reason divorce are 36/67/89

I bet you had so many hookups you turned cynical and poisoned, or worse and is just a redpill incel

Weon care bout that weon care bout transbians shut yo ass up fuck outta here unless you trynna show off your butthole

you're part of the reason divorce are 36/67/89

nta but what the frig does this mean

Stop feeding.

I grew up playing whfb with my dad, it is a very important memory for me and one of the last things I have before he crashed into a van and came out of it very disturbed and depressed.

I'm well raised and was never rejected by my family, in fact I have the values I do because I was accepted when trsnning early and all my dad wanted was for me to be a good catholic woman

Hey man, i dont realli throway salute how youre talking to odas for di thread. dis na safe place for everyone to express themselves, and as such i tink you suppose be small plenti empathetic to othe pipo views and how dem wan pesent. lets all hear eachotherr and keep an open mindset!

Bought a lot of books in the last weeks.
Shd I get drunk tonight . That is the question. Its been along time since I have

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What is this, lol?

I vote no.

brroseph bros, we arre so back. hi friend

She’s cute got a nice rack on her

What color Pichu?

They're running it down mid.

That sounds like an all-girl punk band in a shitty indie film or something

Lmao made my night anon

Okay so:

You win 1 million dollars or
Your enitre family dies

What you pick?

I vote yes.
Also I’ve read a few of these

She can't answer you she's banned for chao-posting on Anon Babble

It's from that 2007-2022 meta analysis of weddings and legal union equivalents over all public records form the eu, usa, china and Japan
They're the divorce rates of 1/5/10 years, 89% of all marriage equivalents signed between 2007 and 2012 were terminated by 2022, at the end of the covered time of that metaAn
Also funny to remember the stats on domestic abuse from men at 22/45/67
Or cheating at 4/17/38

It's easy to understand why I'm so afraid of falling in love with a man

bpd divorce rate is 100%

The milly bucks. I love my family.

It's easy to understand why I'm so afraid of falling in love with a man

So why are you here? Transbiangen exists.

Weon care bout that weon understand what you sayin but you ain't gotta worry about no man fallin in love WITCHU AHAHAHAHA

oh no no no no

because transbians want to validate their supposed womanhood with male attention every once in a while

I need to fuck a bi transbian no cap

I barely like women, also noone is actually trying to hookup with random channers from chasergen, if you think that's the case you're a lost cause
It's just the attention that's nice to the girlies, funny place for funny mentally ill trannies

wowxie anon I'm deeply hurt you know, might just jump off a bridge now

I use tinder for that, reset my likes every Sunday and check over the week, hiting under 9k in a week is always depressing

You are looking out for me I appreciate that
We back. We up its fucking on helloooooooo. Are you having a comfy Friday evening
Your vote counts in this election. Thank you your time, voter. More importantly, don't leave me hanging which books have you read?


Nobody says this lmao this tourist

I know of people who have hooked up with people from this gen
I've personally fucked one person off this board but not from this gen
I don't see the problem

no akchually I'm too good for this place

Then why are you here, hon?

bitch you look like jon snow in drag, I know your bitch ass ain’t trying to talk shit, motherfucking ugly ass transbian skank

Rav post butt whenever you see this lol

my ragu came out so good

We need more beangirl and less corn-hate

And some time you just realize you married the wrong person
Fucking sucks but it is what it is

trans fat? *starts jaking of*

away from cg for a few days

come back

another annoying and (apparently) transbian trip has entered

Chaserbros, these are grim times. Can we at least agree that we will not give this beasthon demon the attention it wants in order to feed?



fuck yeah. post ragu

it's true

just tell hon snow to fuck off every time it posts, nothing more nothing less

Apparently coming in aggressive and full of hate gets people to dislike you.

When will I be unbanned from chaser gen ?

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heHe when you are right you r rite

I loved it when you sucked my cock behind McDonald's bro

You spiraled psychotically, posted your ass, dozens of unhinged voice recordings, and were talking about how you want a trans woman to top and assault you to get back at your abusive ex. Figure out yourself first before exposing others to your insanity.

That dude is 100% a meth addict

I don't know why people are so dramatic about this place like it's some hellhole, most of the time it's just some random woman talking about her dinner

There are lots causes everywhere, because two met each other it doesn't make either of them any better

I'm not too good for here, it's a fun place, specially since I went back to tripping.
In a cis woman scale I'm mid, average

omg so real babe I might just jump fr now

It happens for sure but 89% means there's more than just that, people with different views on dating than me aren't a issue, they just value different things than me

One day I'll stumble on some guy who actually shares my beliefs and isn't rotten with decrepit morals by men with redpills stacked up their asses

That's more sympathetic than how you sound right now. Irrationalitys more honest than safe smugness

A lot of it is projection. But it's also because people who frequent other generals on this board can't fathom the fact that chaserbros, for some time, managed to create a relatively sane and comfy general on a board that's otherwise utterly deranged.

There are lost causes everywhere

Phone posting is funny

I am better now I have been to the hospital 3 times and I’m back on my meds I’m bpd I was just making jokes besides I’m a top when I’m on my Prozac and my mind is normal

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Everybody has to prove how non online they are. As if you can't touch grass and have fun online, being too detached kills it, its weakness posing as strength

i'm a top when

hello repper

the bar i'm at is playing roundabout by yes. the cis girl who's dating a musician tranny is trying to fix my brain and making me less anxious. idk.

What's the over/under on getting pozzed from this dude?

my slaanesh cultist cock could single-handedly seduce your slutty tranny ass with a shameful speed sending you sniveling back to khorne

transbian polyfag

0 because it's a larp

Just wear a rubber when you fuck him


are we still allowed to be whores here?

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Why you guys like about trans women?

The woman part.

Used to be gummies, but chocolate these days. Sour Patch Kids were my favorite candy but they hurt my mouth now.

Look at the post above yours and never ask me a stupid question again.

See above

people complain about Anon Babble as if they arent drawn to it for it being kinda special. its one of the only places online where you can chat and kinda use your actual appearance as an avatar. additionally, you can be completely anonymous and form bonds with people and interact with a culture from the shadows. i find myself often returning when i am lacking a social life, or im being a shut in due to mental health stuff. this place genuinely makes me feel less lonely when its good. sometimes the people suck and the threads are mean and Ill leave but idk, Anon Babble is a nice back up so when im home fo 10 hours a day alone im not going insane. i also grew up online and i feel like its such an integrral parrt of my perrsonality whetherr I like it or not (my r key is fucking up btw), and as such its hard to find likeminded people irl, and when I do find romantic interests with the same sorta online personality as me they usually arent well adjusted

I just do kratom which has been shown to cause psychosis I’ve never touched meth but I saw a crack pipe in a trans girls room she’s actually an American porn star I don’t out her tho lol she was my Xanax dealer she was living in Sydney at the time

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Respectfully, screaming orgasms inside your ass

That is my fear. People judging me thinking I’m lying about why I’m devorced. I know it will turn more than just a few away. Part of the reason I’m so resident to let people in because I then have to explain that part of my life

and when I do find romantic interests with the same sorta online personality as me they usually arent well adjusted

It feels nearly impossible

imagine being a grown man and thinking getting those fucking stars tatooed on your face is a good idea lol

did you mean reticent?

Why do everybody always call me a reppper reeeee is it my long eye lashes or my playful attitude ? I’m like being a boy

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The prettiest girls here think they're disgusting.

Twinkchan filename format btw
It's all always been her

you do you use snapchat filters as a grown man

And the ones with the least value think they're the hottest shit

voice to text but their drunk probably meant hesitant lol
Twinkchan cannot keep getting away with this

Not always. I think lb knows she hot and actually is.

I like girls but cis girls are cunts I like how broken trannies are and can relate cause of my bpd

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Get pregnant oooooooo get knocked up

Reminds me of koshka

Did you somehow miss the part where she's an ex-pornstar?
Recreational use only, bro.

What he said.
Was outside and couldn’t read screen well


Yea because I like it ? Is there a problem with that ?

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True often but lb has a hot confidence

corey feldmanmaxxing

because you just admitted you like to bottom when your inhibitions are low

Why you keep posting shirtless pics

womp womp

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Chocolates. Duh.

Lol <3
I honestly missed seeing this in every thread

Wasn't it only onlyfans?

i wonder why



Rav's a top. I saw her say it in another thread today.

Guess it's a mystery. She might've been the hottest woman I've ever seen

I'm going to top her.

wrong again, league enjoyer

solo or full on smut? That matters

She is very attractive

No sense in opining I guess. What a woman though.

i just faked jacking off on cam. all solo, no duo work. i was in a relationship at the time.

Every time I stop to think about my life I have suicidal thoughts


Just engross yourself in so many distractions that the thoughts never slip in!

Every time I stop to think about my life I smile and feel better.

They still post LB on Anon Babble sometimes
A lot of other /tttt/ girls, too
Some post themselves there now
Which is wild to me because they're insanely racist and transphobic, they're just gooners

Yeah that hardly even counts as porn. I'd consider you untarnished by 2024 e-whore standards.

you’ve caught me once more…..

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Confidence same reason why the tranny just posted her ass only I’m not ashamed to show my face cause liking trannies doesn’t embarrass me lol
No when I have a bpd episode I like to get controlled otherwise I will spiral and end up in a hospital so it’s nice for a girl to take control of me Kek there is more to it then that but only my ex has ever done it

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damn she really double-posted on PC and phone, she's committed

It's just a standard iphone filename

wear sunscreen everyone

Sometimes it's better to feel bad than distracted, theres still time in the day for distraction but i think youd benefit from meditating and contemplating things

You're a pale girl (hot)

famed fat french exhibitionist LeBanton still makes her rounds

I don't go outside

Whenever someone asks "where's Frisson" I check the trap thread on Anon Babble to see if she's posting gock and hole again.

you look like a gay crack addict

lmao you're funny as fuck it sucks you're out of my league

If you become autistic and gain 70 lbs hit me up

I don't.

Don’t think about it. I just try to ignore all the mistakes I made
Ya I stay away form b for a reason

I wish my dick wasn't so small, I don't like bottoming, anatomy isn't fate etc. Need to figure out how to seduce or something

i think im slightly autistic but if i gain 70 lbs i would kill myself

I wish my dick wasn't so small

Same, but I'm not going to bottom to a tranner

You're a girl.

You're a gnat

you can top with a small pp anon pps that are too big aren't good for anal they just hurt

why do they call her lb (pound) if she's not fat?

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The moon doesn't burn me, the moon is friend.

i wish i had gone out and picked up some alcohol tonight. i havent gotten drunk by myself in two years and i need a good Substance

chasergenenning when drunk: disaster or disaster? find out next episode.

I have no more means to escape reality

my dick is a solid 6 inches but I'm kinda fat I'd be unstoppable if the dick gains are real and lost weight

I vote no.

le Bismarck

Bad idea I did it last night. But good news I didn’t post my cock so

You got that right

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goodness anon, cant a lad make some bad choices around here?!

Hot but looks evil

Honestly being divorced isn't as much of a red flag as you'd expect, it is a warning sign but not a big glaring alarm because of how marriages are dependant on two people.

You shouldn't be so scared about it, just try and be understanding of someone you meet does have a bit of a blackfoot about it

With as few women as I've ever been attracted to I think I'm still drawn into my bi side because dating another trans person avoids a lot of the fears that are part of being with some cisguy

You can do whatever you want. I only told you my preference. I want good for everyone. No bad.

Why is moon man racist I never got the reason
Were they just like "hey let's make this thing racist that would be funny"

Same except you would still die cute

Not too late

Do you think beangirl flicks her bean or does she just pretend like it's not there

Yall need to stop talking about drinking it's making me wanna break my caloric deficit

i would but my hair's full of healing sludge rn lol

healing sludge

How appetizing.

I am not evil

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How exactly did you fake it

let's fix that

Bis-Aminopropyl Diglycol Dimaleate. Water, Bis-Aminopropyl Diglycol Dimaleate, Propylene Glycol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Phytantriol, Panthenol, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Behentrimonium Methosulfate, Cetyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine, Hydroxyethyl Ethylcellulose, Quaternium-91, Cetrimonium Methosulfate, Cetrimonium Chloride, Fragrance, Polyquaternium-37, Tetrasodium EDTA, Magnesium Nitrate, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Magnesium Chloride, Etidronic Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Citric Acid, Disodium EDTA, Sodium Benzoate

mmmm. aloe barbadensis leaf juice!

People go out with nets and pajamas

Wasn't it "only" onlyfans?

The extent of it doesn't matter, you don't commit to an online prostitute unless you're retarded or desperate.

"Hardly even counts as porn." What sad cope. Try working on yourself and maybe you won't be forced to consider wifing up literal pornstars.

Yeah but what does it taste like?

I fucked up my sleep schedule. Reeee. Goodnight.

its kinda sour, kinda metallic

I've been thinking about making my own Kahlua

Hey babe

LB I have to be honest there’s a file hosting site that has all your content from OF on it I jerk off to it weekly

why would you ever say this lmao

hello hansome :]

Probably don't keep eating it then. Not unless you plan on sharing. This just hair care goop?

It’s an anonymous website I feel no shame lol

So the good news is if I date someone near my age (30s) its probably expected that a decent percentage is or has a kid

And I would never judge some one for rejecting for that reason but I would be sad. It’s not exactly something I’m proud of. It really set my life back a lot


Need a precious whore gf to share a blunt with on rainy nights. And watch gloomy dramas and let me be chef boyfriend

fair but still crazy

its restorative gloop, trying to keep the roots i just bleached as healthy as bleached hair can be
gonna rinse it out in half an hour and do a protein treatment afterwards

when i have the energy for self maintenance my hair care routine is somewhat involved. but recently i just havent had any energy or motivation to do self-care until tonight

Also fair

also fair

Did you bleach it to dye it then?
Every woman has wildly involved haircare, I could never

<3 townes van zandt

Because that kind of talk is literally what she signed up for lmao. What's wrong with telling a pornstar that you jerked off to her? She's just getting the treatment she deserves.

Try to talk to women without being creepy holy shit people.

Ps: I know most of you are cool don’t get mad

We get it dude give it a rest

If I'm being creepy it's because I want to be

i told all of you when this gyu first started posting that he has a low trust phenotype

yep, my roots were growing back in dark brown so i had to bleach them. they were like 1.25 inches long, which is about where it gets dangerous to rebleach by yourself because the heat from your scalp isn't enough anymore and makes the bleach lighten your hair unevenly.
that and the dyed parts were very faded since i havent dyed over it to refresh it in a long time.
tomorrow i think im going to dye over the bleached parts.


I don't know anything about any of this, what does the heat do? Just some sort if chemical reaction I'm guessing, but what?
And color are you going with?

listening to this isn’t good enough i wish i could fuck the music

There is a slight chance I have nudes out there some where so I can’t judge
And maybe a video
Don’t piss off your ex people

Naughty girl.

TheDude, I have to be honest there’s a file hosting site that has all your content from unsee on it I jerk off to it weekly


why would you ever say this lmao

I think that's called dancing, anon.

Just some sort if chemical reaction I'm guessing, but what?

yerp. bleach works by using an agent to open up the scales of your hair strand, then oxidizing out your existing pigmentation via a chemical reaction. since its a chemical reaction, heat just makes it work faster and lighten your hair more for a given period of time

idk what color to do yet. nothing is really speaking to me. red is reliable i guess but im over it

It’s an anonymous website I feel no shame lol

I need to catfish new tranners for my goon collection

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no i want to fuck it

you can use my pretrans pics as catfishing material if youd like

Let’s see what you look like now babe.

its pichu

Hell yes enjoy the gooning

it’s ok I can just use my current progress pics to ‘catfish’ tranners hahah…

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I’m 6 ft 6 and have a 8 inch goon stick why can’t I get a tran gf on 4 chan. ?

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Surprised you're waiting this long to pick a color though.

Wait until EarlyJune posts and ask her.

it fucking sucks this is the only good thread on this board

goon stick

Please end it

eh, ive got a cabinet full of bottles of different dye colors, i can pick one on a whim if it comes down to it

Is this a good thread?

i might cum this sounds too good

The whole board used to be good
People don't talk about it much but I think what made it worse is when mods stopped enforcing the restriction on amount of gens
Like it's nicer for gen communities but then there's no enticement to make random threads to the board and everything but your little clique dries up

goon stick

Lol wtf. Amazing if you want to be a red flag


i think i like chocolate more but i also love gummies... very tricky question
do teal
goon stick?

Yep. This is the only good one.

you look like I could beat you up

gummy bears in the warm days. chocolate warms you in the winter

thats ok i was kinda ugly back then tho and fat

Who is early June ? :0 Is she Aussie ?
I just saw goon stick on b/ thought it was funny

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my hair is going gray should I dye it pink?

dye it all grey

>Who is early June ? :0 Is she Aussie ?

im aussie and desu i would cross the road if i saw you walking towards me
you look like the archetypal wigger ice addict

EarlyJune is a trans woman who has ridiculously large natural boobs and she's looking for a boyfriend. She posts in this thread sometimes.

Haha I’m glad I made you lol mostly all I’ve tried to do is have some laughs but you’re all hate on me
Goon stick is cock

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i know what it means tard... it's ridiculous

I feel bad for the actual guy that got his pics taken by this sperg

Where are the babes that post selfies at?

I don’t want people to ask me if I am dressed as a malfoy or a targaryan, they already ask me if I’m dressed as a catrina

I dont, he looks like a tool
Got that serial domestic abuser phenotype

Dm me I’ll send you some

Pichu do pink

If a girl posts a selfie it get deleted in 15 minutes. But apparently never if you're annoying.

attentionwhoring is bad

I’ll hit her up but is she Aussie ?
Honestly same if I saw you I’d cross the road cause I know I’d get a wuff of shit 109 percent you smell bad lol I have never touched hard drugs only weed . Kratom and sometimes Xanax my femoid friend forced me to do cocaine a couple times

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Message me instead

This dudes always posting unhinged threads on the board and half the time asking if he would make a good woman



jannies don't like pictures anymore


Message me instead

They have been slower at banning tho

do you ever post unsees anymore mina?


shes cute and has a really nice butt, is it so wrong to want to see it?

Has Mina ever posted face? Is she cute?

do those star tattoos stand for the number of dudes you’ve blown?

Mina's big fat tranny ass on my big fat gooner face.

What no .. I’m not gay

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Once again,

get some.gif - 480x320, 1.78M

she is

Ed Kemper intonation

minas voice so cute

she has, and shes very cute

holy shit i just listened to it, you're right. almost dead on though it slips a bit when he says shit like fingies

Getting a shoulder rub from a passoid would be so nice.

Let’s hear about it babe.

I’ll give you one bro
He has got to be putting on a fake accent or something

Getting a shoulder rub from a musclehon would be so nice.

I cannot

Honestly, I'd still take it.

I'll be the judge of that

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can i give you a shoulder rub? im gay btw

ok this guy sounds legitimately a little impaired maybe we should stop engaging

Sure. Really get in there to get the soft tissue damage please.

Just lurk passgen til you see one you like and ask to DM her, mention your height and dick size and nothing else.

“Hi I’m a 6’6” man with an 8 inch dick and I think you’re really pretty, drop discord”

This will work eventually, don’t over do it though, only reply this to one girl per thread and try to have standards. Pick on you want like catalogue shopping.


Not what I expected Rick to sound like desu

Getting a shoulder rub from a girl who lives in central texas would be so nice.

okay ill do my best sir
im very adept at relieving tension

i have and im not
:3 thank uuu
yeah maybe it's a bit?

believe it or not i do not want to be a trannosaurus mess to every single person who sees me

going pink and becoming living breathing troonjak vibes

Is Pichu hot? She has the kind of autism I like.

Honestly same if I saw you I’d cross the road cause I know I’d get a wuff of shit 109 percent you smell bad lol I have never touched hard drugs only weed . Kratom and sometimes Xanax my femoid friend forced me to do cocaine a couple times

i think she's very pretty
wtf r u saying

Thank god you transed

Nice graybie.

tfw you cant lie in the endowed hairy chest of pre-transition LB

Wow after listening to that I feel bad that was kinda mean sorry Mina you sound cute you just were rude to me I’m sorry also was joking if not assault anyone with a punch to the tummy and fingies in the butt

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Looking like king chaser here

No not really

No it is not, its one of the best things in life

I fucking love lb post

Did you post in passgen pichu?

no, i stopped posting in passgen
no point in it

it is definitely not it sucks

The flowers outside are attention whoring


she really is

no stop

She is beautiful.

I miss Mantra :(



Doesn't she still anon post?

Pichu is a man now. Respect his pronouns.


She is the hottest girl itt.

No. She's perfect.

Is Pichu really?

she's got the kind of aura that's attractive to women. pretty unfortunate for a straight tranny.

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Yes, I'm not being transphobic or anything. He detransitioned.

Wrong about chocolates? No. :)
But I honestly just don't enjoy sweets that much. I rarely get any. Though Lindor chocolates are my weakness


straight tranny


Wow after listening to that I feel bad that was kinda mean sorry Mina you sound cute you just were rude to me I’m sorry also was joking if not assault anyone with a punch to the tummy and fingies in the butt

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wish i had friends to go to bars with or smth
I'm so bored

LB had a hotter bod than any of the skinnyfat gay babies in this thread

Can you tell me your best lifting pr's?

That’s all she did.

Isn't the joke about you finns that you are antisocial and have no friends

i love my friend he's awesome!!!

I don't think I did loll
I'll top when needed, but it's not preferred
Prove it, coward <3

How many cis women did you top with that manly cock of yours, stud? ;)

ok you need to look at the fact that lb is literally posting right now

i have only had sex post transition. i was a literal gymcel pre transition, i didnt lose my virginity til 21

conjuring pre-transition lebanton tulpa

well i live in America!! for now
fr tho i live in Los Angeles there should be lots of stuff for a hip chick in her 20s to do but idk anything here that i like besides going to the art museum


Don’t have to rub it in

How old are you?

I do daily, 70spf :)

what? im not gonna make assumptions about others identities, she says she's straight the she's straight. i'm ignoring everything else. just to be nice.
t. ryzen 3 hon

I miss my trans patients who'd come get their labs done 10 minutes before closing because they're nervous about being here when we're busy. The most cute were the ones who'd need to lay down while I draw their blood cause they pass out easy. Haven't seen any in awhile. I like taking them because all my female coworkers have said EXTREMELY transphobic shit to me in private. Hope they're doing ok.

West Hollywood always got parties going on. Now that I'm old and married, the only things I enjoy when I visit LA is the food there.


You keep saying fingies in the butt . Are you trying to tell us something or you just feeling goofy


I just bring my own blood in an old Starbucks cup

im literally copying the schizo guy


you say that like I haven't had people bring me shit or piss in a baby food jar

said EXTREMELY transphobic shit

Like what

I would drink it

go to K town. Eat, drink, then hit the karaoke bars all in one block

Leave. Do not talk about her.

lol getting an ECG when i was boymoding was the most awkward thing
i had also gotten bloods for hormones but i wonder what the nurse was thinking if she had sympathy or thought it to be bizarre

yeah i dont see how people arent seeing this. or i guess its cause people arent actually listening to his weird vocaroos

Omfg no way.. That's awful :(

No, ha

I am not listening to an insane persons vocaroos, correct.

Who was asking if Mina is cute?
Mina is cute.

That's hot actually

Oh Rick said that? I am trying to ignore him.


Every cis girl I've talked to in private has given me her rant on trans girls at some point. It just boils down to them being disgusted.
I'm sure some are sympathetic like those stories I've heard about hair stylists being really nice but it's not any women I've talked to.
It's fine we just throw it out and laugh about it after they leave.

can someone do this to me

yum :)
so real..
.do cis girls really? i just hope no one has figured me out yet T-T

Sure, but you're paying for the Uber ride home

Forming an ouroboros of topping with Rav and her wife.

that's a weird way to give your friend a massage but sure

My doctor actually said I was schitosphrenic loool (I’m not) he was senile af and he knew nothing about mental health he was just a gp but he prescribes me Valium
… also I low key wish one of you would ask to see my boner I am feeling real insecure rn

IMG_3570.jpg - 1244x2208, 314.86K

Every cis girl I've talked to in private has given me her rant on trans girls at some point. It just boils down to them being disgusted.

i mean as long as it doesnt leak into how they conduct themselves in the workplace i never really minded
ive always been treated pleasantly by nurses so i can appreciate that even if they gossip after the fact

yeah me, i like feeling girls abs while i hold their waist

Ok sure I’ll do it
Na I do it to my friends all the tjme

No you're hot

Oh hey, she is cute.

Squeeze the piss out of you? Weird.

did you slide into her dms? i thought she asked you last thread or something


even the Dude is goon posting now

I bet those were boat the worst and best days bc gross wtf, but also what a story lol

Adding to your other conversation,
I got kind of lucky recently boymoding at a new doctor, the nurse asked about current daily medication and I think she caught on when I said Spiro and prog. I was wearing a hoodie and she needed to get my blood pressure and instead of asking me to take my hoodie off just asked if I could manage to get the sleeve high enough. Her and the doctor were very nice <3

How I grab my bros when their tummy's upset

Life of a modern single man in his 30s

total boymoder annihilation

Never goon


Shh no no. But thanks <3

squeeze the piss out

okwaoingnkj guh
leave them alone T-T

I need a turn

Choke boymoders to nearly death

Total boyremoval

unless you are boymoding purely for safety(which 99% are not) it’s not valid and it just holds you back

Whoa, the piss squeezing is for the other girl.

You only get the compliment, don't get greedy.

I'm just saying I would drink your blood and make out with you

im a boymoder rights activist
not fair :(

Ring ring ring ring ring

Banana phone

This month may kill me
Just a bit I’ll be good
We all know how good I am at killing any possibility

boymoders are just men until they come out

Ok fine. You get squeezed too.

Is this really LB or a fake trip?

When I first saw that pic I knew EXACTLY who I wanted to do that to.


happymoder.jpg - 1024x1024, 81.4K

there are no boymoders in this thread

total boymoder harem

not sorta, they are.
Rav is

I burn boymoder hoodies in my firepit.

I'm not even joking, that's really hot..

wtf how could you,,,

This is true

you can look through my archives it is me

i cannot fathom why you would want people to he/him you, just come out

It's perfect kindling. Boymoder sweat is like jetfuel.

Don't be weird. Stop encouraging them.

idk who youre posting this for but speaking just for myself i will do it if or when the time is right



*touches ur veins lustily*

Didn't think you'd be into bloodplay

My sister used to have a bananas in pijamas toy when we were kids

Shhh. I've always dreamed of blood play, I'll gladly encourage it :)

She’s a run of mill transbian, of course she is

tf you mean, goths love the macabre and dark themes like blood or death

pink underwear

...don't do this to me...
Extremely :)
This ^^ <3

Raffi still slaps, as an adult. Raffi is forever

The worst women are always into bloodplay

idk why but the league players I've known over the years were always extremely nice until they start talking about or playing League, and then they become batshit insane

the time will come

I can be the worst :P


all it is is cowardice, no other way to put it

I found my car keys
What should I do at gym ? I’m thinking chest and triceps

IMG_3505.jpg - 1244x2208, 338.88K

i can be your angle;;... or yuor devil >:)

you dont understand the obstacles in the way here

i do, i just don’t care. it’s cowardice.

broke: manmoding
woke: detransitioning

You know I have a funny blood story. When I was first starting out I fucked up and didn't tighten part of a butterfly needle enough. The end of it fell off and this ladies blood just started coming out of the line and getting all over my hand. Took me a second to snap out of it fix the situation.

It's me

If she isn't summoning a demon with my blood then I don't want her.

You're a bitch if you let them rant and don't defend trans people

good evening
immm verh drunk atm
we got some leftover ads to show
i wanna gos to bed

Would you be acute?

Keep drunkposting.

has anybody seen frisson?


Tranners actually like bloodplay?

Loll I hope she was okay!
When I was a kid I had a doctor take a needle out that'd been in my arm for like two days I think and it immediately sprayed blood all over the room and I swear it even got up to the ceiling. Core memory :)

Someone tell me a tattoo I should get today or tomorrow
I’ll time stamp and show it

IMG_3948.jpg - 1242x2208, 456.04K

transbians stole her from me

drunk atm

Yes you very much am

bloodplay surgeon bf (i let him do what he wants and try my best not to think about it, im just in it for the free facial feminization surgery)


The symbol of sacrifice from Berserk.

she used to be a miner, but then a creeper blew her up

i was once on some tranny discord server and theset ransbians would openly talk about cutting each other during sex
ppl into blood are weird


I slept for like 8 hours but I'm super tired for some reason :(


chocolates but only if they're good quality, no palm oil or any of that crap

Straight edge X's on your finger tips

I saw her posting gock on Anon Babble the other day.

it’s the eye of the spider… poisons you in one bite….

Of course! I heard you're 45 degrees, I just so happen to be as well. I guess together that makes us a right angle :)


I have never met a bloodplay enjoyer that wasn’t a diaper transbian or racist or both

Morning ava

gm ava
what chocolate do u like
my fav is fazer they're a finnish brand

was she cheating on me?

Based ava. I just want chocolate. The orangutans should be left alone.

Hopefully in the future Trump will set up a service similar to ICE where I can report trannies and they get forcibly detransitioned
Don't get me wrong, I love trans women
But I'd be ashamed if anyone found out I'd slept with them
You just can't live a normal life after that
So detransitioning them into gay men is better once you've had your fun and are looking for a wife to settle down with
More humane than putting them in camps

Idk about others but I am
I wish :(
I once got my chest clawed up during sex and it started bleeding pretty good.
Closest I've had to blood play :(

how are you always here?


I really like an australian brand called haigh's, their dark chocolate + mint is amazing

based and true

yeah that's prettym uch the case
kinky ppl into masochism and sadism also creep me out

I don’t really take issue with any of it, but it does show a lot about a person if they’re into those things.

Transbians are either into blood or pooping diapers while pretending to be babies. Sage them baka.

here's your (You) that you're requesting, sir

mm that sounds nice i like dark chocolate
hope ur recovering well

I'm neither of those though

Ooh, 90° does sound pretty hot :P

im always here for sex with ava

That sounds like taking issue with it

Aren't you in recovery? Makes sense.

My mouse is a Razer Ouroboros!

is anybody here into extreme handholding?

Would you use my blood in witchcraft?

You are a poly transbian
No, I don’t care what you at the end of the day, but I’ve known too many degenerates into it to give those people a chance.

earnest and erotic sensuality is based and the new sexual counterculture
all the queers have mystified sexual intimacy with objects and commodities
rubbing our innocent and beautiful bodies in each other's delicate parts will always be superior to the rise of evil goondom

based and true



I only am because I haven't yet

Oh absolutely :)

That's not what you said tho <3

oh hell yeahhhhh i wish
i wish someone else got to choose whether I live or die. i want needles pushed into my heart.
that sounds like not a lot
god id kill for some fazer blue atm it's 4am i cant even grab some from the grocery store

gonna fall sleep soon idk

every AGP has teh same fetishes and kinks

And? It falls under the umbrella of degenerate activity.

just chugged a bottle of soju pls.talk to me

imagen a girl cutting just above her titty with a razor so blood trickles down onto her nipple while you suck them..

wait huh? who said that? Anyway here's an interesting song youtu.be/57tym90S-UY?si=MXMzCHDjhXJMZesr

Oh absolutely :)

Based. Can we listen to Ghost while it goes down?

yeah dark chocolate is the best, I love it so much

hope ur recovering well

I am! its a long process but I'm getting there

I see I see

yes I am, still pretty debilitated unfortunately :( walking isn't very pleasant and stairs absolutely suck, but things are getting easier which is great

not a lot of sleep? idk maybe I should aim for more

Happy for you. You're going to love the results and hopefully won't need a revision

Just chugged a bottle of piss please talk to me

what flavor and did you go to k town like I said

I've got a playlist I'd use. They're in there :)

just transition already man what the goddamn

Yeah bloodplay is 100% a female fetish

my horrendous agp fetishes are drinking hot chocolate and eating biscuits

Who else is in the playlist?

It’s a trans dominated fetish

All the chasers here are reppers
All the trannies here are transbians

you're funny, you should definitely say that 20 more times I bet it'll get even funnier then too

I need you.

All trans people are female

This is prostitution

thank you! I'm already pretty happy, just waiting for the healing to keep going, you don't see the final result until like 9-12 months apparently

nothing new for the trans girls here

nobody loves me everybody hates me i guess I'll just go eat worms

would you cry if I slapped you

New for you.

why is it all the time when the AGP transbians spam the general they all come in threes
eui, rav, marie
it would be tolerable if it was one of you at a time but you all just derail



Hey <3

My midwestern mom always said this I've never heard it from anywhere else

all i ever wanted was to be one of the husstuss dolls
but you all r never gonna give me that
even if i only like dick

Still in Thailand? How long's your stay before you fly home?
Worms are survival food and bait only.

We like you

what if it was a dick slap

You are visibly autistic and a coding-tranny and you date women, marie

all i ever wanted was to be one of the husstuss dolls

So do all the other meta-attracted transbians

Alright girls, no more blood play, no more transbian this and transbian that.
Post your calorie counts for the day.

Can I give you a kiss?

This isn't mtfg. If you're not talking about SEXO you have to leave.

I've been with more men than women but ok
i literally shudder at the thought of doing penetrative sex
part of why i was a virgin until i transitioned

I ate plutonium so that's about 12 million calories and some cancer cells but enough about that, ask marie for me what soju flavor she got because she ignored my question

i literally shudder

that's not clear enough shuddering can be good or bad

nope I'm home now, currently in my own bed resting up B)

I'm going to make you shudder from penetration

Bad omens, sleep token, etc :)

its better when you drink it from the source

Solid. Keep it up, soldier.

femboy texted he's ready for me to pick him up. later

I'm here whenever I'm at work, idk

if he flakes on you, you have permission to kidnap him

Fuck women

nice, hopefully he doesnt flake again

Look at this

IMG_2497.jpg - 168x282, 16.5K

I'm so jealous
it must be such a psychological relief to just be flat and stuff now

What the fuck is Kat doing and smoking


She calls herself a manmoder (she's the prettiest girl you've ever seen)

drinking lean

All it takes is looking like a model to be one of them, it doesn’t speak at all to your validity.

We don care bout that

You're actually pretty when you're not scowling at the camera.

i hate being alive
all my life is, is watching other ppl have the things i want and trying to figure out how to cope with being biowaste

Being beautiful doesn't fix your broken brain and all the incurred pain apparently

Slap his balls for me

thank you :)

it's really nice, but ngl it is a tough recovery, I'm over a month post op now and still can't really walk properly lol

but I know other surgeons that use different techniques have much easier recoveries

its kinda frightening and discouraging desu

You're so obsessed
Anyway europeans like weed and tabacco at the same time because they're gay

Bitch if you lived closer I would wife you up. You are not biowaste.

it signals that the people spitting the clichés were right. Becoming beautiful won't fix your problems, because your problems were not 'being ugly', or at least it wasn't the whole answer.


Very nice very nice. And how will you be extracting the blood?

I really need to meet up with some one from LA even just as a friend soon

I live closer. she doesn't wanna be wifed up, or at least isn't ready for anything like that

Good luck lmao

babies are hungry



I used to have a gif titled rosebud.gif and it was two gay men spreading their cheeks touching prolapsed anuses together
The boys on Anon Babble really ate that up back in the day

He's letting them crawl into his shirt sleeve what the fuck

Marie is gay?

Anything for the shot

i have been no lifing cyberpunk lately to larp at being able to take care of myself

no just deeply hurt and afraid to be hurt again

yes, she got fucked by wren

This statement is insane

Figuratively who?

Meet up with LB.

lol change it to rosewood



idk why i even bother playing video games
more and more i feel like the only thing i can do that makes me happy at all is code
but i don't want to code i just want to rot and increment counters all day

So are there anons here in Arizona? Or is this a bad place to ask?

chasergen movie nights

Marie, are you really a transbian?

Awful idea

Rabbit I hope everything went well today.

I'm from Arizona!

Ya maybe. Not against it

i dated a tranny two years ago and had an asexual relationship with one over a year ago
I've been with more men than women

New England chasers, hope you’re having a nice night!

Do it. Don't be a bitch. Get the LBussy.

Probably a very intricate dagger <3


Where are you going to cut first?

Let's do some manual breathing now


Are chasers or trans?

actually just ate gummy bears

Thinking about Rav doing blood rituals on me when I move to Costa Rica with her

Hmm probably just a small cut on the arm to start

Let's go :)

At least I know a bit of what to expect down there

Lots of scams and corrupt police

That's not surprising really

I've heard once you know your way around it all it's a nice place to live <3

I would assume there's small communities of Americans down there too right?

Oh yeah lots of expats, especially in San Jose or Manuel Antonio (where I want to go)

I've always wanted to go down there and hike the cloud forests

Oh yeah. I'll be doing tonss of hiking and exploring if I ever get to move there

The ecology down the is just really neat to me