Ungrateful AFABs

All kinds of trans afabs will look like webmrel and be like: NOOO I WANT TO BE A MAN OR NB INSTEAD! THIS SUCKS!!!


If only I looked like picrel pre trans

I have body like picrel and I want to be a CHAD.

am i the only person who thinks white people are kinda uggo? like i wish i could have picrel body but the face is disappointing...

You're just mad because you aren't white.

im mtf but i have the soul of an ftm

be mtftm or mtftmtf. them more often you troon the better

Shut up you will never know what its like to live life as a “biohole”. You will only ever experience a facsimile of true femalehood. You don’t even know what FTMs are running from dood you think women have it so great being walking fleshlights.

i dont like it


Why are white people so fucking fragile? Lmfao

womanhood sucks so bad guys


Lol it's patently clear in the way all women talk, they know all of them live in walled gardens with literally zero suffering or hardship. If it were actually so awful they wouldn't begrudge trannies from trying to have it, no matter how hard they try to gaslight you otherwise.

I’m hot as a guy but that’s not how dysphoria works. You should know this


Acknowledging that the female form is aesthetically superior and wanting to be a man/enby is not exclusive. Clearly you've never talked to a porn addicted ftm.

i get it. male figure looks much better than that

You are actually so retarded, you aren’t responding to anything I said you’re just sperging about your own insecurity about the FACT that you will NEVER be female. Just like I will never ESCAPE being female. You are trying to compare our problems according to your own value system as if there was one set of values on both sides of the wall, and not a very real experiential gap.

Girl you know damn well a popular white cis woman Tiktoker is not representative of how AFABs look

Idgaf about your agp rant OP but I just wanna say webmrel is pure sex
t. ftm

you're all fucking porn brain straight males

females are constantly guarded and protected

your responses are not convincing anyone that you aren't incredibly mentally ill, dude

i mean she looks good but also she looks so full of herself i really can't look much more than few seconds. maybe i've just become a grumpy old man

lying ape
those grapes are so sour, righr? lmao

yeah whites are the ones who have a meltdown from a certain N word and demand it be censored or else they chimp out...

I have body like picrel

no the fuck you do.

People are retarded. What gender you are literally doesn’t matter if you’re hot. Everyone would rather be the top 99.9999% of either gender than their current gender’s bottom 50%

Girls said I was attractive when I was a guy yet I was still incel. As a girl it's like I can't fail. I literally had to quote Ted Kaczinski to get one guy to leave me alone.

no i like being a woman i just also am a gooner

The spread is different for men and women. A “hot” guy needs to be multitudes hotter than a girl to achieve the same effect.

Why are you people so vain. No self respecting person thinks like this

...so your gender does matter

nta but i don't think i was particularly attractive and i felt like i punched above my weight quite a bit. posted pre-transition face here before and people have told me i was cute or hot. women would stare at me on the bus or give me their number unprompted, and it's not like i was tall chad or anything, just kind of fit and mixed.
beyond that, i don't think i've ever been "approached". women just don't explicitly tell guys they want to go out.
ime there really is someone for most people, provided you're a halfway decent person who invests some effort in their appearance. for most guys, there's almost certainly at least one female friend of theirs who was interested in them for some amount of time. it's just that a lot of men are wholly incapable of reading a social scenario and thus are afraid of offending a woman or coming off as a creep and so refuse to take the first step

yeah this site is way too appearance centered. especially for an anonymous site where basically no one ever shares their pictures

Incel is an inwards mentality and failing of your ability to act. Maybe the latent tranny-ness you had made it awkward to be a man, however attractive, or many more things interplaying. As a hot dude, I have had a hard time getting women to leave me alone, but I am also hot and fill a particular niche. I think the sexual niches for women have broader appeal to their respective populations. Where as a hot guy is only giga attractive to 1/10 women, a women of a similar level of attractiveness is giga attractive to 1/3 men.

she's kinda pretty, face is too hispanic for me
and the cross screams "i'm retarded" so swipe left sorry

it's almost like being trans is a real thing and not some fetish to be hot woman

The point of being trans is to be obsessed with looking good and sexy.
A good example is checking the catalog, they are some girls complaining about being an "average yet passing" trans girl, and another complaining about their bellybutton not being attractive enough for them.
There's a minuscule amount of trans people who'd be fine with being unattractive as long as they're truly the sex they want to become. It's all about looks.

I though she was hot until I saw the cross necklace. lmao what a fag.

you can tell they're faketrans because no real "man" in existence would choose to look like a man over looking like this

I was a cishon since birth

A good example is checking the catalog, they are some girls complaining about being an "average yet passing" trans girl, and another complaining about their bellybutton not being attractive enough for them.

not sure if these people are real or just humble brag trolls.
