Does hrt decrease underbust size/shoulder width because of muscle atrophy or is it just over

does hrt decrease underbust size/shoulder width because of muscle atrophy or is it just over
also if i can how many inches can i expect to lose
im 5’9 29 inch underbust 17 bmi 16.5 bideltoid

IMG_0102.jpg - 2316x2788, 594.18K


ah, a compliment fishing and attention whoring thread, thank you op


neuron activation

full size

pls pluck or wax

just to confirm picrel is not me. just goals. also my shoulders and ribs are bulky af idk how this is attention whoring

I want talking about the pic retard, you have cismogging measurements

16.5 shoulders is not cismogging bffr
im skinny af and im sure these measurements would be good on a fatty almost all my ribs are showing

This is something you're doctors should be able to tell you.
If laws are not made, every place will be like Thailand meat market, with bad bottom surgeries.
USA needs laws, from groomers of transgender to sports of birth gender

idk how this is attention whoring

thought pic was you


am cis guy so I'm clueless about those *but*
I'd assume a lower upper body musculature setpoint (due to lower T) would result in less of a V-taper over time (lats reducing in side), though you may have to see if that size reduction happens only during caloric deficit, all the time, or only w/ caloric deficit once they've lost the majority of their volume. Regardless, it's one more argument for healthy (at a healthy pace, within healthy BMI) weight cycling in my uneducated opinion
likewise for shoulders - delts (especially side) can make a huge difference in perceived shoulder width

16.5 bideltoid aka 419mm

looking at Anthropometry/Chapter2/Ch2-17.htm (it's not the freiburg one but am too lazy to find it), you're below 5th percentile for men and below 95th percentile for women, and this is bideltoid, so including muscle volume that may still decrease

(also don't forget to not give inconsiderate board immigrants (you)s)

doesn't sound too bad, hrt doesn't change bone structure but it doesn't need to. my underbust is 73cm and my bideltoid 42cm and it's fine, but what are ur hips and waist measurements?

Right, o
But when losing weight, the upper body is the very last to slim down. High impact aerobics, low weight high reps.

36 is the most popular bra size. I don't see why, not go with the masses of women

fat stores are used first iirc, and when in a caloric deficit (at least for cis people in the usual muscle volume range for their hormone levels) muscles seem to maintain a lot better when there's some exercise involved. But I'd be wary of recommending reducing physical activity too much with longer term caloric deficits, since that's what probably caused me to basically fuck up most of my connective tissue and end my normal life a decade ago.
tldr try out some stuff but stay healthy too, folks

I don't see why

36 is american band size measurements and americans have an obesity epidemic

probably wont change a lot but you have very normal measurements especially since theres a high chance you're taller than most women (so slimmer in comparison at the same measurements)

Average workout is a half hour every other day. Slow and steady.
You're doctors can prescribe weight loss pills and a shot, You can get a tummy tuck, or liposuction, but if you don't do some type of exercise, movement, it's going to be a muffin top.
If you don't want to do surgery or pills, you have to go slow and steady. To avoid injuries, ACL are very common

Yes , that's the normal now.
Twiggy is not in .
Women are in the workforce, military, you are going to have a size different from in the past.
Optics is out , practical life and look is in.
Bad attitude, make bad situations.
Can you afford to take care of a woman, who works and contributes over 60 k to Your house hold ? That would mean you're wife getting a 60k allowance from You who only makes 80k .
Cost of living requires 2 people in a house hold to work. That's reality, that's life.

working and being in the military doesn't make u fat lol, obesity is bad and it's cuz burgerland has 0 rules on what ingredients can and can't be in food.

20 million American voters have disappeared in 4 years.
You have a better chance, fitting in with the masses, then making a scene, being disruptive, argumental, and a hustler.
Capitalism is competitive.
You want to act like street meat in Thailand, then move to Thailand, as for making it America you have to be an asset to the workforce.

The rope is coming for transgender people, who don't fit in. Sports, Groomers, hustlers, and mentally ill.
No welfare, for anyone, that's what caused 20 million votes to disappear, die, homeless, or incarcerated.
Be real the optics are for small percentage of people, who end out of work.
It's hard enough for a transgender to find work, let alone get caught up in the optics, of looks and not being productive in life. Productive people are always successful then the optics, good looking people, because good looking people are to worry about looking good then getting a job done.

oh I'm a guy and after a decade of life-ruining health conditions as a consequence, idgaf about a muffin top (if only I could go back to 2014 and beat my dumb ass into wisdom).
First I want to try to get back to being able to do normal everyday activities without injuring myself for weeks, months or maybe forever (starting to get symptoms my 100% disabled friend had), let alone any physical exercise.
Only then I'll feel safe enough to build up long-term strength and mass to give myself a better chance for when I get even older. Getting into healthy body fat ranges can be done then.

also threadly reminder: inconsiderate board immigrants shouldn't get (you)s

I don't think you understand, you need to speak to someone qualified to deal with your problems.
Life out here is very competitive, the feminist, the cis, the bigots. I don't win everyday but day to day I have to make a decisions to keep my job.
I had to loose weight, my blood pressure started to move up just a little, I started exercising slowly, got a electro muscle stimulater, and lost 120 pounds from 314 pounds.
I don't work in a field where good looks are important, so I don't worry if I don't wear makeup, but I wear what is appropriate for the job.

you need to speak to someone qualified to deal with your problems

that's the plan

lost 120 pounds from 314 pounds.

based, I'm really happy for you anon and I hope you're healthy and happy

are u just some schizo?

The gib machine is stopping, by a conservative party that controls the House and the Senate, and a president with executive orders that can be written in a moment.

one of the Anon Babble immigrants that's shitting up the place, just ignore them for the few weeks it takes them to go back where they came from

That's good, because there is stressful times coming, not just for transgender people, but for everyone. It's how you adapt, is what makes you keep going.
Adaptation should be easy for the transgender community, being we adapted to our preferences of gender.
I hope things work out for you, your just in a funk, you will get out of it. Everyone goes through the funky period every now and then or every couple of years

Do you follow politics ? Are you aware of what life is like in society ?
You sound like Christians waiting for a God to show up, and be a slave to them and their violent manifestations.
Again the way 20 million votes less than the last election, population is dying off, people turning to God not science.
What is schizo about what I said ?

You're so wrong, that your a legend in your own mind.

ur just rambling about random things the thread isn't even about. and also it's 10 million less by now lmao

being in the military doesn't make u fat lol

yes it does t. us sailor

I genuinely feel that anon is drunk, otherwise disturbed or just 90iq

yeh it's really weird, idk if it was u that said pol tourist but i feel like every Anon Babble board always has some weirdos. the us election Anon Babblespammers are mostly gone now

We are talking about working out to maintain a healthy body, but early injuries have caused complications, where working out is very hard, disability payments, would help the situation, with proper medical care. But the politics of transgender, right now are anti transgender and the window of opportunity is closing.
Take off your blinders, the conversation is never just one solution but many solutions to solve a problem.

yeah that was me, but it's more of an automatic first response, since it may help in both cases by nudging them to do a higher quality less schizo post

ah, this (the intermediate topics between what we were talking about, and what you were) helps me get what you were going for

Heavy Body mass to do physical work, is easier then a skinny person trying to do work.
Office work you are sitting, your not going to spend your money on plastic surgery when the cost of living is high.
PR disasters happen all the time and companies close locations and the company

Clearly you are not following the conversation, or what is happening in the outside world.
I may look like a LL Bean catalog with a town and country living area, a little conservative.
But I'm not catty I have lady class.

somewhere 33-35cm bacromial
bideltoid would probably add 2cm on both sides idk
i don't have a proper measurer

A Tourist ?
I'm not a tourist
I'm trying to give an opinion that can help

a schizo rant doesn't really help

anon you need to learn how to meet your interlocutor in the middle first (like you did in ), before redirecting the topic
otherwise people will continue thinking you're schizo