How does /tttt/ feel about brianna wu's survival playbook for trans women (tm)?

how does /tttt/ feel about brianna wu's survival playbook for trans women (tm)?

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I think she misses out on how many parents will try to mentally manipulate there children into thinking having gd and trying to fix it is wrong or sinful but also if we do want to survive I guess we should probably follow this.

I hope this bitterhon gets xer estrogen taken away

who qualifies as trutrans to her?

i am not sure, she tweets too much but she sure does seem to hate ftms and theyfabs for some reason

who qualifies as trutrans to her?

nobody that isnt her

not trans and not well educated but this literally sounds like

its US

go back into the closet

stop writing books

stop saying its not as big as i say it is

im accusing you of fraud

stop choosing people who advocate for human rights


its just inflammatory social media nonsense

Why are all bitterhons anglos?

And why does she choose to look like that?? Bitch has money, she can fix herself and stop acting like a salty sissy angry at anyone who tranned younger than herself

wait brianna wu is trans?


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She's right

how does /tttt/ feel about brianna wu's survival playbook for trans women (tm)?

Many progressive NPCs have completely lost the plot. This was never about LGBT and especially never about trans. This was about oversocialized progressives who gain emotional succor from pushing against, and overcoming resistance. It is about the battle and the victory, not the ostensive beneficiary on whose behalf they are fighting for.

In many case the progressives don't even actually give a fuck about the purported beneficiaries of their actions.

Here's the progression:
-Homosexualy legalized
-Homosexual marriage legalized
Conservatives went ho-hum.
-Drag queen storytime
-Children can be queer, even two year olds
-Maybe we should ensure all children should know they might be transgender
-Let's have teenage trans females competing against cis females with half the strength.

If we push this to the logical extreme you'll be arguing that children who have the right to consent to gender change, have the right to consent to sexual activity with older people.

stop going out of your way to confuse children about their gender. the kids that are trans will tell you

is he retarted like actually. kids that dont fucking know what trans is or think thats its the worst shit in the world wont be able to tell "me" (whatever he is talking about) if they are trans

hes just jealous of youngshits

Here's the progression:

-Homosexualy legalized

-Homosexual marriage legalized

Conservatives went ho-hum.

do you really think conservatives didnt oppose homosexuality? :/

If we push this to the logical extreme you'll be arguing that children who have the right to consent to gender change, have the right to consent to sexual activity with older people.

slipery slop

children who have the right to consent to gender change, have the right to consent to sexual activity with older people

"If you wanna have basic healthcare rights you might as well fuck kids"

It is about the battle and the victory, not the ostensive beneficiary on whose behalf they are fighting for.

As soon as they win their battle, unlike for example gun owners who successfully achieve CCW laws in their state, the leftist progressives IMMEDIATELY move to the next provocative escalation, (gender "affirming" surguries for minors) to get their next high.

Abortion wasn't good enough, now they want abortion RIGHT UP UNTIL THE MOMENT OF BIRTH. (Infanticide)

Abortion wasn't good enough, now they want abortion RIGHT UP UNTIL THE MOMENT OF BIRTH

noone thinks this irl. pls go outside anon

ok?? Republicans literally want to fuck and marry actual children, your argument is irrelevant

My 10 year old needs the basic healthcare "rights" to go on puberty blockers. My 14 year old needs the basic healtcare "rights" to get his "teets yeeted", yet cannot consent to loving caresses from his 40 year old boyfriend?

What kind of hypocritical fucking bigot do you think you are. You're probably a closet racist too, harboring the bigotry of low expectations.

My 10 year old needs the basic healthcare "rights" to go on puberty blockers

yes if they are trans

My 14 year old needs the basic healtcare "rights" to get his "teets yeeted"


yet cannot consent to loving caresses from his 40 year old boyfriend?

yes he cant because fucking children is wrong

Republicans of all kinds from church pastors to police are often caught with cp or straight up fucking minors

She's a retarded grifter. What more is there to say?

noone thinks this irl. pls go outside anon

Pull your head out of your NPC asshole anon.
Note, "Abortion" in this context means a woman CHOOSING to voluntarily terminate her pregnancy as an unalienable right, for any reason she chooses.

We are not talking about procedure needed to save a woman's life from a medical complication. This has ALWAYS been legal, not unlike cutting off a limb to stop the progression of flesh eating disease, verses someone who wants their arm cut off because of a fetish or "limb dysphoria".

If you weren't bothered by the truth, you wouldn't feel the urge to deny something that could be trivially confirmed via a 5 second search.

ALWAYS been legal

There are tons of horror stories of women having to keep rape babies or dead babies because the law wouldn't let her abort


I'm not listening to anything this dumb bitch has to say. No one gets late term abortions just for convenience. That late in gestation it's pretty much all for medical reasons.

Republicans of all kinds from church pastors to police are often caught with cp or straight up fucking minors

You completely missed the point. Your comment is completely unrelated to the issue of progressive leftists NEEDING to fight a battle and win by overcoming resistance in order to gain psychological succor.

It could be ANY value that is opposed by the majority, such as the benefit to the planet of the human species going extinct.. (humans are a cancer on the planet). There will be patterns to the types of values, and these patterns derive from the specific psychological characteristics commonly found in the progressive leftists.

you just needed to stay away from kids and sports
thats literally all you need to do


telling kids that trans people exist and that they may be trans is a good thing. you would like less oldshit hons too right?


you dont even watch womens sports :/

thats literally all you need to do

not really we would prob be still a scapegoat for a few years until conservatives find another minority group even without doing that

No one gets late term abortions just for convenience. That late in gestation it's pretty much all for medical reasons.

No one --Abosolute
Pretty much --Admits exceptions
Never heard about partial birth abortions.

We aren't talking about abortions dummy. We are talking about the NEED TO PUSH UNTIL THERE IS RESISTANCE AND THEN TO WIN OVER THE OPPOSITION.

Abortion was ONE example, and you've conceded the point without realizing it, while MISSING the meta point.

Progressives WILL push until you stop them. If you don't set a guardrail, they will push to extinction. They are a positive feedback loop. See Robespierre and the French revolution.

This thread was started because of a quote from Brianna Wu, advocating for a strategic defense of transgender rights. If you do NOT stop the progressives, (who in many cases are not THEMSELVES trans) they will push the envelope to the point where trans people WILL suffer. You want to make normies hate trans people? Push for minors to get irreversible medical procedures. Create a whole group of "victims" of early medical transgender intervention.

You want to make normies hate transgender activists, and feel resentful towards transgender? This is how you can do it.

your whole arguement is built on the sliperry slop. no one takes you seriously

Pretty much --Admits exceptions

Because I don't have a monitor on every single abortion that happens, genius.

Progressives WILL push until you stop them. If you don't set a guardrail, they will push to extinction.

Some far leftists maybe. But the far right does the same. Their ideal (enforced) lifestyle becomes more and more restrictive and more and more exclusionary in perpetuity.
And the largest threat to humanity's future right now is climate change, so you're barking up the wrong tree focusing on the existential threat of the left.

she's 100% right and the people who think she's too moderate are going to get us all genocided. i cant believe this board hates her

shes not going far enough

telling kids that trans people exist and that they may be trans is a good thing.

Are homos born or groomed? PICK ONE.

If they are born, THEY KNOW WHO AND WHAT THEY ARE. They will naturally gravitate toward, and seek out information relevant to themselves.

You do NOT need to give GENERAL comprehensive information to all students. Do you think fags didn't know they were gay BEFORE they added it to the curriculum? How stupid do you think LGBT people are? Are you worried some queer might get left behind?

Reminder, this is NOT about the ostensive "issue of the day" that's being promoted, it's about "winning" the battle against the magatards. What battle? The next one, whatever that happens to be.


Climate change

Refugees welcome

Save the whales

Ban nuclear weapons

Feed the poor

End injustice

Ban assault weapons

End racism

Eliminate inequality

The ideal goal is one that can never be reached, yet allows for unlimited struggle, and justification for ever more power and authority on behalf of those fighting for that ostensive goal.

The percentage of people in this thread who can grasp this meta issue is the approximate percentage of people who are not, by definition, NPCs.

she is absolutely going far enough. what more do you want? in fact, the fact that she mentions "public commons" (bathrooms) and trans kids is enough to make your average rightoid STILL oppose her, we should be focused on access to medicine first and foremost. but its a much more moderate position that will prevent the country voting en masse against us, like they did this year. the they/them ad worked insanely well, which is why the trump campaign kept pushing it.

your whole arguement is built on the sliperry slop. no one takes you seriously

You don't even make an argument. How pathetic is that?

she is absolutely going far enough. what more do you want?

They want to WIN over whatever current resistance there is, and after having won THAT battle, they will move the goalposts and make NEW demands that are even outrageous, even if they have to invent a problem that didn't exist.

Her friends

but its a much more moderate position that will prevent the country voting en masse against us

You are correct. The "activists" don't/can't/won't comprehend that they are crossing a line when they get into school advocacy/assistance/affirmation/medical intervention for minors.

There a growing cohort of detransitioners, mostly female, whose lamentations will be echoed and magnified and cause enormous harm to the trans community.

Kneejerk dumbass conservatives will use this as justification for passing laws that overreach and harm the serious and real concerns of the trans community.

health care diagnosed by a medical professional

already the reality?

going out of your way to confuse children

who is doing that and how? Trans people existing is not a confusing fact

stop pretending that fake trans boys exist

How is anyone supposed to stop someone from faking being trans when they lie and lie to get what they want?

obfuscate the science


stop making fringe progressives the public figures

no one has any control about this, there isnt some random meetup where we elect people who speak on trans stuff

Overall complete bullshit with random stuff that no one has control over.

Are homos born or groomed? PICK ONE.

Actually noone knows this. If its brainfuckery or hormones in the womb it doesnt matter.


Being trans or gay are very unknown things to people that may have been grown up in places that the word "trans" or "gay" hasnt been uttered before them (or it didnt even exist yet), but yes they feel that there are things wrong with them. They feel dysporia and shit but they wont know if its a normal thing everyone faces or its being trans. Educating kids that its okay to be gay and trans is just that, that people like this exist and you may be one. Its easy for you to know that you are cis and straight because well, most of the population is cis and straight and you will see it in movies, the street, at home that its normal and okay and you will know how it works.

Reminder, this is NOT about the ostensive "issue of the day" that's being promoted, it's about "winning" the battle against the magatards. What battle? The next one, whatever that happens to be.

Okay anon some progressives may have been going too fa-

>Feed the poor


Anon im sorry that progressives actually want to do something about helping people and the world. I know there are people that do these only because "they like winning" but most of these are objectively good fights like im sorry that there are people out there that dont want total nuclear war or starving children

never be reached

all of those you mention can be reached easily

justification for ever more power and authority

yes if you want change you will need power and authority every group that wants change does that

but like the biological girls part is so real. at this point i'm not even sure if ftm dysphoria even exist why do they have such a high detransition rate?

Her friends

That's unfair. Who is "truetrans" according to this board? How many examples have we all seen on this board of people "dabbling" in transgenderism for asinine or clearly spurious reasons?

If you don't gatekeep to keep out the tards, criminals, insane from your group, expect someone who doesn't like you to do it for you. BTW, this applies to every community, not just LGBT.

if ftm dysphoria even exist why do they have such a high detransition rate?

Females are more susceptible to mass hysteria.

hystera: Greek: meaning the womb or uterus.

6: Invest in hemp rope. Give it out freely to those who need it.

you do not need to give information to students

You hearing yourself?

idk wouldn't it more be that maybe sexism makes them prefer not being women as in not being treated badly and also removing boobs is prolly the easiest trans surgery to perform so it's the best money making way for big pharma so big pharma tells them they should troon?

you know that this is stupid.
men who are bad are still men
black people who are bad are still black people
some of us can be bad and can still be a trannie

Not really they just pretend ftms dont exist

Being trans or gay are very unknown things to people that may have been grown up in places that the word "trans" or "gay" hasnt been uttered before them

You are DEMONSTRABLY wrong. "Third" gender and homosexuality has been a thing for as long as humans have existed.

The key issue in this context is whether they are tolerated and respected, or ostracized and exterminated. Good, moral societies do the former. The latter is unfortunately more common.

I assure you that gays and trans have existed long before you were here, and will continue to exist, long after you are gone, thriving without your self aggrandizing patronage.

>Feed the poor.


Clearly you are ignorant of some fundental issues:
What happens when you introduce an artificial food supply into a native population?
1 First order thinking: they are hungry give them food. <---You are here

2. Second order and higher thinking: what are the long term consequences of providing cheap or free external sources of food to Africans?
-destruction of local agriculture (local farmers cannot compete with free/cheap foreign food)
-creating corruption (those with control of the food supply use it for leverage to gain power)
-creates dependence (population grows to the point where local agriculture CANNOT sustain population levels)
-Worse suffering in the future is GUARANTEED (any supply chain disruption/WW3 will result in famine killing millions)

What happens when you introduce an artificial food supply into a native population?

1 First order thinking: they are hungry give them food. <---You are here

When the next African famine hits you can invite them to where you live and they may eat you or your cat.

You are DEMONSTRABLY wrong.

Omg some priests were castrated and my neighbor sometimes rapes little kids, now everyone knows in this place whats being trans and gay is.
I assure you that i know that gay and trans people existed before, i said that not everyone knows these.

What happens when you introduce an artificial food supply into a native population?

You know that there are poor people probably in your city that are starving because of unemployment that capitalism has created. Not only black people in africa can starve

Anything else retarted shit you said


Not really they just pretend ftms dont exist

Do you mean FTM detrans? FTMs have existed forever, long before they taught little girls about it in the classrooms, and even before the availability of HRT.

also you have the reading comprehension if a 5 year old.

Yeah but conservatives pretend they dont exist they only ever talk about mtf

So you admit you have no idea of "third gender" or the early pre-hrt transgenders in history?

I assure you that i know that gay and trans people existed before

So you know they exist, and THEY know they exist, but you feel the irresistable need to indoctrinate "educate" ALL the children about it. Thank goodness for your progressive actions. What ever would homos have done without your classroom interventions.

poor people probably in your city

You don't grasp that the same principles apply. When you tax something, you get less of it. When you subsidize something you create more of it.

capitalism has created.

You don't even know what you're talking about. Instead of "capitalism" let's call it a free market. Taxes, licensing and regulations REDUCE economic opportunity. We should strive for a system that has VERY LOW minimum survival costs, surplus weath creation, and an increasing stantard of living for all groups. Thanks to leftist progressive polcies, the USA is living on credit cards and will soon face a currency collapse.

Women suffer most.

Conservatives are devastated by zippertits and are in denial. It's also easier for them to pick on males (MtF) than on foids.

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Ad hominem is the best you could muster? Very fembrained. (you may take that as a compliment)


Who gave the europeans

ploughs, tractors, fertilizer, insecticide, watering cans, drills, dams.

Why stop there? Why should he not demand nuclear power, satellites, interstellar space travel? How about unlimited immigration to the west? Doesn't "whitey" deserve to get it good and hard for all those centuries of "imperialism" and slavery?

Something tells me that the more foreign aid he gets, the bigger his Swiss bank account gets.

Foreign aid is poor people in rich countries sending money to rich people in poor countries.

do you really think conservatives didnt oppose homosexuality?

WHAT percentage of homos oppose the gay? Is the scary conservative gay opposer in the room with you right now?

who are mostly mothers

yes if they are trans

So you can be held personally liable and sued by all future detransers who believe their life was ruined by medical interventions that happened when they were underage?

Medical liability is what will KILL early (<18) medical transitions, and will almost certainly increase gatekeeping on >18 transitions.

yes he cant because fucking children is wrong

Child cannot consent to sexual activity, but can consent to permanent damage to their genitals?

Congrats, I hope you are a top, because you are helping to fuck the trans community in the ass with no lube and no prep.

Literally Wu says the first intelligent thing that's ever come out of his repulsive mouth since becoming a public figure

/faggot/ shits all over it and calls him a traitor

This is why you lose

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permanent damage to their genitals

No one does SRS on kids. FAGGOT

who are mostly mothers

The medical community should not be enabling Muchousen syndrome by proxy. Eventually we'll have some cases make their way through the courts, most likely from a young FTM detrans who will get a 7 or 8 figure settlement, and BOOM, transgender malpractice insurance will skyrocket, medical boards will impose new "guidelines" and even young adults can expect to face UK style gatekeeping and waiting lists.

The standard cuck angel type of grift, she isn’t the first, but I do think it’s incredibly funny that after unsuccessfully trying to pretend she’s cis for years she now wants to be “the rational spokesperson” for trans community

who qualifies as trutrans to her?

who qualifies her as trutrans?

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they want to protect afabs


Go back to xitter subhuman

they want to protect afabs

Protecting foids from their own stupidity is a societal imperative.

get turned down by three doctors

keep trying to be a mentally ill failure for months and search for more doctors until you find a quack with no morals who will do whatever insane shit you want

regret being a mentally ill failure later

this is the doctor's fault

See how this problem would be solved by simply killing the tranny when she tries to sue, or prescribing anti-psychotics when she first asked to be a boy?

t. loves sucking elon's dick

when i was at mt sinai going through srs i meet a number of under 18's getting srs. they were the most obnoxious entitled piece of shits i've ever meet. some of them wrecked their own vaginas because they're retarded. others got srs only to realize they hate being penetrated and didn't like dilating. another prolapsed theres because they thought they could goon sooner than they're supposed to.

it definitely happens and they don't respect the magnitude of the procedure or the process.

the ones that got told what trans is first and then came out were the ones most frequently disappointed with srs or had problems.

Who counts as true or actual transsexuals. The Harry Benjamin model wasn't even good. Any cross dress AGP hon can easily be type 6 by acting like a female stereotype and having money

Unironically she wants to be the face of trans people in the media but she is extremely unlikeable even within her heart within community. Lowkey trans Twitter fucked up when they booted ContraPoints off the platform

Also the ROGD shit is t real

-gatekeeping causes hons.
-children may know they're different but unable to communicate that to adults.
- there is not a trend of biological girls going on T. There's a trend of biological girls identifying as men and taking nothing and then detransing. MTF still detrans more than double the rate of medically transitioned ftm.
-nobody is obfuscating the science, it is used ad infinitum in defense of trans people.
-trans people aren't doing this, cis "allies" are.

Over all Brianna Wu is as retarded as always.

Shit like this is how guidlines get made. If the community doesn't gatekeep their own crazies, someone ELSE will make the rules, and those rules may not be optimized for the communities best interests. Adults should have the right to any medical interventions they want. The issue that will get the trans community clamped is medical interventions in minors that cause permanent, irreversable changes. Puberty blockers aren't a free lunch, neither are cutting off breasts.

That is not SRS

This thread was started because of a quote from Brianna Wu, advocating for a strategic defense of transgender rights. If you do NOT stop the progressives, (who in many cases are not THEMSELVES trans) they will push the envelope to the point where trans people WILL suffer. You want to make normies hate trans people?

Wu is going down the failed tactic that white trannies love doing. Placate to the right, piss off cis women and women of color and do nothing for the average tranner. We need to organize. The normies get fed false information and most people do not fight back. Also how is flooding normies with 50 types of Trans typologies help normies?. Progressivism is not the enemy it's the far right creating moral panics after covid

fucking foids making us all suffer

Thanks for sharing. Those stories are sad. Trans people are real, and they deserve support, including medical, but we really need to find a way to avoid doing harm. There are no easy answers, but I can say that there WILL be a line drawn at minors, and possibly more restrictive guideliines for adults, and the community will have brought it upon themselves.

Show the average voter 20 examples of children (<18) having serious regrets about permanent, irreversable medical interventions and they will be calling their politician and demanding changes.

This may be the only issue I've ever publicly agreed with Brianna Wu about.

fucking foids making us all suffer

Always have been. Ever since we were stupid enough to give them the vote. It's men's fault.

That is not SRS

I agree to disagree. Is top surgery part of gender transition process? Is FFS? When an AFAB's breasts are removed, will they ever be able to breastfeed their baby?

From the point of view that top surgery regrets in minors will have negative effects on ALL transgender interventions on miinors, is beyond dispute.

There are also serious issues regarding the irreversable effects of puberty blockers given to minors as well.

and we are paying the price trannies need have be more self interested but transbians worship cis women

Increasing testosterone would make leftist men more right-wing

Yes, we already know roids make you dumber

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it's because helicopter parents are retarded.
look at someone like pariah the doll as a public example of a child that was groomed to transition and has since desisted (they don't want srs). so many parents are overly afraid of fucking their kid up that they inadvertantly fuck their kid up in another way.

Progressivism is not the enemy it's the far right creating moral panics after covid

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. Doubling down on censorship and pushing the progressive stack is so 2017.

Brianna Wu can sense the tide has shifted. You are just doubling down on what is already a losing bet.

men's fault for giving women the vote

Guarantee you if I dig deep enough into history books I can prove it was jews

men will always simp for women but why we trannies are doing this we should be self interested as much as ciswomen and be their political drones

I'm not going to take survival advice from someone who almost roped over a video game, girl barley survived gamergame. I'm also not going to accept any takes over who is "true trans" from someone who was being harassed for being an AGP hon as little as a year ago before she got FFS, deleted all her tweets about being bisexual and rebranded as a "one of the dolls". I'm more likely to survive than she is simply because I'm not constantly posting inflammatory shit on the internet. Step one of survival under these conditions is not being noticed and her ego won't let her blend in.

look at someone like pariah the doll

I liked Pariah (even before the Milo thing) and find them endearing, but also confusing, but it's not important enough to think about.

so many parents are overly afraid of fucking their kid up that they inadvertantly fuck their kid up in another way.

It would be so much easier if the schools helped create conditions favorable to social contagion. I'm old enough to have gone to school before LGBT became a thing (GenX) I can ABSOLUTELY assure people in this thread that there were gay and lesbian students BEFORE the school was teaching children about it.

For parents, doing nothing MEDICAL may turn out to be the safest option for <18.

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Today, I prefer to only simp for tranners. Foids are a case of the juice isn't worth the squeeze.

I hate Flynt but he's actuallty 100% right here. Galls me to admit it but it's true.


You're not wrong

People usually look better after dropping 30K on plastic surgery.

People usually look better after dropping 30K on plastic surgery.

Sure they do. NM has beautiful eyes.

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I mean that's generally how a persecuted minority acts to try to reduce risk, so this person is right. But the problem is in modern times it literally does not matter. If right wingers do not get the rage bait they are looking for they will literally just make it up out of nothing. See olympic boxer, that woodshop hon teacher, libsoftiktok etc.

It's unironically a social trend now, it's just that boys still aren't allowed to play with their gender expression so only girls get into it

Not that anon.

progressive leftists NEEDING to fight a battle and win by overcoming resistance in order to gain psychological succor

Id rather have that than conservatives and right-wingers screwing me by denying me liberties and rights, proverbialy tying me down for a full mindfuck that is stagnation, and allowing corpos to exploit me.
If one is about struggle and overcoming adversity, and the other is stagnation/strangulation and oppression, i would rather pick former and burn to hell the latter.

allowing you to mutilate yourself because you're mentally ill and recommend to impressionable children that they do the same is not "liberties and rights." Prescribing you brain-chemical-altering medication for your insanity is.

Some how going back to the 2000's and even the 1980's was better? We made some progress factually speaking. Also Look at the concession that you're asking to make.

Support the false unproven ideas of AGP/ROGD. And pretending that kids are being forced my teachers to be trans.

Mindlessly bring back old typologies that got us killed and pathologized some of us as sexual freaks

Self censor ourselves so right wingers can feel good

What you and clueless Wu never understood is that if you legitimatize every damn conservative talking points you will never end. This is why Blaire is doing trans cringe compilations after like 4 years

strawman AND slippery slope

Go away and stay away.