
radfem general is a place for radical feminist discourse about anything feminism related (could be trans mtf / ftm too)

seeing the recent uptake in transwomen posting threads about tradwife stuff for conservative men, a few moid hating stuff popping up, and the general sentiment after the election i have decided it wouldnt be bad to start getting more trans radfems

terfs that lurk the board are welcome to chat :3

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So afabsisters, should 4B include trannies too? I think it should include any trannies that have not already sterilized themselves and maybe a few that have. Total moid virginity for preops.

I get this is just for shitposting.
But I honestly think there is increasing social bandwidth for trans inclusive radical feminism. Specifically of the radical separatist and political lesbian variety.
There needs to be a reassessment of and rapprochement with the likes of Valerie Solanas.

4B shouldnt include trannies rather i think trannies should do 4B against retarded chasers

I get this is just for shitposting.

im not shitposting. i hate watched too much terf content and they are right about MOST of the things they do. Radfems who are not terfs are neither transphobic or racist and they are entirely correct for me.

But I honestly think there is increasing social bandwidth for trans inclusive radical feminism

yes thats why i made this :3 i want my fellow trannies goals to be more in line with my fellow womens goals

I’ve been having a lot of conversations with a wide variety of lesbians and we keep encountering the trannies that are not addressing their internalized misogyny bringing down feminism as a movement by acting like uncle tom pornstars all the time. “Oh please we’ll be quiet and demure and let you fuck us whenever just let us be women please”. It is almost guaranteed that there will be husstussie scabs in our pussy embargo, and this significantly weakens our position. I think we need to be realistic and cut those girlies off from both our movement and 4B them as well.

increasing social bandwidth for trans inclusive radical feminism

"increasing", like 90% of trans women aren't transbians who go "omg I freaking hate moids" while being a complete stereotype of a nerdy straight guy.


best thread ever?

Why are you writing off men completely? What about progressive and leftist men who try their hardest to be allies to women and LGBT people? Why do we have to be punished simply because a bunch of edgy conservative retards and incels elected Trump? We didn't do anything wrong.

We shouldnt cut women off thats stupid. We should show the hussites how men are opressing them even if its hard and not push them further away from us.
Well most cis women arent lesbians and say kill all men all day, but they can still support and work towards their liberation
yes. thank you <3

We can not know if you’re lying until we’re baby trapped? Like me do just lie if they have to lol

I can assure you, you will still find women that wants to date you irl anon. Not every woman in the world will partake in 4B even if we want to

I think this wrong, political lesbianism and separatist feminism has been a white supremacist movement from the start, we need to see how rapidly it has aged its cis proponents into literal sheliches and avoid it at all costs. In fact, it would be great to have men grasp our ideas and get on board, and its not likely the movement will get far politically if we exclude men from all participation. This is compatible with regular lesbianism, if we have to fuck the guy he’s not on our side, but we need to have pathways in place for cis and especially trans men to meaningfully contribute.

Surely it isn't that hard to tell? If a man is a closeted conservative and/or bigot you can expect him to stay quiet on political matters. But why would a man be openly and vocally progressive just to lie about it?

I'm not talking about casual sex here but long-term relationships. I don't see how you could date a man long-term and settle down with him and only after years find out he's actually a bigot. He would have to be lying and acting 24/7 to pull that off.

Also getting "baby-trapped" isn't a thing for trans women, unless I'm missing something here.

It doesn't seem like that. In the past few days the majority of women seem to be supporting 4B-adjacent rhetoric. It also doesn't help that, as a left-leaning guy, my dating pool is basically exclusively left-leaning women, and among them the support for 4B-adjacent rhetoric is like 90% or more. I don't want to date conservative women so I seem to be out of options.

Cope handbreeder. After you get over your moid entitlement and pussymania we can have a conversation about the occasional handjob and prostate massage but we ESPECIALLY need to 4B leftist and left leaning men for not doing their fucking pushups and buying guns to defend all of our rights and prevent a fascist government takeover. You want an exception made for you and you have nothing to offer as evidence for why an exception should be made for you, you sat idly and allowed this to come to pass, you are in fact a big enough boy to find something more to life than sex.

Sadly, a failed masterpiece.

but we ESPECIALLY need to 4B leftist and left leaning men for not doing their fucking pushups and buying guns to defend all of our rights and prevent a fascist government takeover

I'm not going to get myself killed or go to jail.

Of course I would physically defend women and LGBT people if it came to it. If we ever had roving mobs of rightoids attacking you, I would stand up to protect you with force.

But going and marching on the government myself with a gun isn't going to achieve anything for anyone other than me getting my brains blown out. I suspect you're just LARPing anyway, but whatever.

But why would a man be openly and vocally progressive just to lie about it?

Because they want pussy, and men think that we will eventually assimilate to their belief system. Because a lot of them do not consider us fully sentient. They will actually spend months concealing themselves because they believe this will work.

I am 100% deadass, no pussy until you bring me 5 maga scalps, commanche warrior. This is no larp, larpers will not make it. They are coming for us and you will either defend us and be allowed the opportunity to mate or you will die alone scared and confused.

Ok, so what can I do to prove that I'm for real? What am I supposed to do to not be suspicious in your eyes?

trans men are very much accepted into radical feminism but cis men not so much. they can support us sure but we wont center the movement around men

isn't a thing for trans women

this thread is for both trans and cis feminists

I already have a bf anon. I really have no idea. Join a local antifa group.

I meant "you" in a general or hypothetical sense. I'm not a pervert. I'm not coming on to you.

I was making a joke anon <3 I really have no idea. I think a lot of peoples trust in not just men but in America was broken today. I think it will take years to get over it.

There are a lot of working class men that are brothers and sons and husbands to a lot of really amazing women, and they understand whats at stake and want to do something about it. It doesn’t need to be more than puppymoid daycare, but we need to keep track of these guys, put them to work. They are a resource available to us, and its valuable to have a few compromised moids given the state of the world. We gotta drop the separatism shit, its holding us back from the majority.

Radical feminism is an anti-trans hate movement.

well you are right


you know how to win me over
it isnt. terfs just use it to further their racism and transphobia. there are many tirf cis woman who welcome transwomen with open arms

Radfems hate straight women so much

White supremacist radical feminism you mean, this is probably less wormed leftist radical feminism. We’re TIRFs here.

terfs just use it to further their racism and transphobia

It's not q coincidence. This didn't happen randomly. Communities based on exclusion will always be hostile to those that exist on a grey area near the border of what you're excluding. Sex segregation is by and large a terf dogwhistle for this reason.

Like 90% of the big names in radical feminist are and have been TERFs, with the other 10% usually having some kind of condescending 'trans people will be fixed with gender abolition' view. Feminism has only ever done harm to trans women, never helped us.
Feminism is a hate movement and we are never going to be liberated from transphobia while it continues to exist. It's all trash.

I think you are right though we can’t center it. I have a guy running some errands about this abortion problem, I know there are others doing the same (If you have an abortion problem find a midwife), but yeah it doesn’t need to be more than stuff like that I think.

Wormed ngmi. Feminism is a movement towards the liberation of all women, it far eclipses its own academics. I think sex realistic trannies have a good shot of being included in “all women” here.

You're correct that feminism isn't primarily theory, but action. So can you explain how feminism can be pro-trans when it has only ever fought to remove our rights, and never improve them? What has feminism ever done for us?

I mostly just feel really bad for straight women and I like turning them bisexual.

Idk about you but Im a woman, and feminism gave us the right to vote, own property, and not be raped by our spouse. I have to assume you’re baiting or 14. Do you not feel solidarity with cis women at all?

we need exclusion sometimes and we are here now to bring that grey area in the border. I agree thought that total sex segregation is bad
yea i worded it wrongly :/ we should use moids to help us a bit but not center them is what i meant

Feminists have been BEGGING trannies to get over themselves and join us what the fuck you mean? You’re like oblivious dykes at this point.

Look retard like it or not transmisogyny is transphobia + MISOGYNY, that thing that basically impacts literally everyone who is gender disabled, and to which those people have been fighting since the dawn of human history. If are we not willing to place trannyism in the larger context of the vast psychosocial drama playing out it will wither and petrify into history.

Why would I trust a woman who wants to turn me bisexual
Like surely you have some perspective in how that feels predatory
I was never on board with the homophobic "lesbians are coming after you and trying to turn you gay!!" But now apparently it's just standard

anon cis women are our sisters. and feminism is probably what started the many 100 years old progressive social struggle that helped push gay and trans rights

Feminists didn't fight for trans women to vote and own property. We just got that as a byproduct.
Name one thing that feminists have done specifically for trans women that is good, because they've done plenty of bad things specifically against trans women.
Literally what? Feminism is by and large hostile to trannies. A large chunk of them literally want us gone because they think we're intrinsically rape beasts or something.
Cis women don't consider trans women their sisters. Trans rights isn't dependent on feminism, feminism is a barrier to trans rights--just look at the UK.

I am 100% GOING to turn you gay. Its like a virus. I am going to vomit the lesbian virus down your throat. I 100% sexually aggress on straight women in the absence of consent and give them she-AIDS.

most cis women arent lesbians and say kill all men all day

normal people aren't Twitter screenshots lol, it's hilarious how tate watching incels have more overlap with your idea of what women think than women do

terfs that lurk the board are welcome to chat

lmao I dont see why I should support radfems then

Stop telling cis women what they believe and maybe listen to them instead? This seems like a self imposed lack of solidarity.

You are a man. Hating your fellow men will not make you a woman. Radfems hate you because they see you as a man in a dress.

Chudposts can be safely ignored, this dipshits have evolutionary psychologied their way to what women think.

I've listened to plenty of cis women, most of them are transphobes. The feminist ones tend to be the most rabid in their transphobia, many of them seeking outright elimination of trans people.
There is absolutely no solidarity between cis women and trans women. Youth transition got banned in my country and cis women supported it, but you just know if the contraceptive pill got banned for cisgender girls they would be screeching at trannies to go and march for women's rights. Feminist trannies are a complete joke.

kill all men

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terfs just use it to further their racism and transphobia

and you welcome them

start the op with essential readings if youre that serious

What is wrong with you? You just have no perspective at all. Where tf do you live?

i meant that as changing their mind about transwomen, and maybe getting them to be trans inclusive
im so sorry anon and i can see why you wouldnt be onboard with being a feminist but you are looking at a fringe category of feminsts who consider themselves radfems and a even narrower community that are the terfs who fucked you over. not every feminist are like this everywhere

i meant that as changing their mind about transwomen, and maybe getting them to be trans inclusive

that never happens
every tirf space does this shit lol and gets pushed to the right on trans issues by the terfs, no different from every libshit attempt to pander to concern trolling conservatives

Britain. My perspective is accurate for my country, and in a lot of other countries feminism is by and large transphobic.
If transphobic feminism is so fringe, then why is it the only form of feminism (in most countries at least) which actually accomplishes its legislative and cultural goals? Niche movements don't tend to win.

fringe, then why is it the only form of feminism

it aligns with rightist interests so they will promote it

me when i ignore empirical evidence to make dogshit point

There is no such thing as a cis ally. They are all subhuman mongrels who deserve death.

why would anyone listen to a cis? There words are less than worthless.

Unga bunga BC moment bronze age thought on display

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actually true desu I think it's always funny when some tirf turns out to be just a honest to god transmisogynist

What has feminism ever done for us?

Uhhhh, like literally every fucking legal argument around sex discrimination? The only reason we can perform female gender roles and adopt female gender aesthetics is because feminism argued before the courts that enforcing gender roles and aesthetics based on sex is discrimination.
Cis-women were thrown in jail for wearing pants, so that we wouldn't be thrown in jail for wearing skirts.

but but but that wasn't intentional for feminism! It was just a byproduct!

This is the absolute most fucking pants on fucking head retard shit I've heard.
First off, for as long as I've been old enough to understand feminism (approximately 00's), I've literally heard feminists talking about how ending gender stereotypes for men was as fucking important as ending gender stereotypes for women. Maybe you're a fucking teenager who's too brainrotted to read anything other than Reddit posts, and thus don't even know how to find old blog posts and published articles.
I'll go one step further: I actively remember discourse from 00's that feminists were DISTRESSED that men were moving too slowly to break down gender stereotypes for themselves. They (quite correctly!) understood that if men continued to perpetuate patriarchal violence against other men, then there would continue to be a simmering reactionary movement to return to patriarchal violence against women. After all, the abused become abusers. A fucking ton of ink was spilled writing about this major problem and trying to figure out how to break through it.
And even in some completely fictional, alternate history where feminism literally didn't intend for transwomen or men to also be liberated from gender stereotypes, the fact of the matter is that reversing the legal victories that ended sex discrimination against women would also reverse the legal victories against gender discrimination for transwomen! Even if it's a byproduct, it's an INEVITABLE byproduct.

You've been fooled by feminists. Feminists don't want to break down gender streotypes. Feminists don't want to help males. Evil feminists try to justify evil male genital mutilation.

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I don't agree with outright misandry but jesus fucking christ seeing the median male voter post about their total male victory makes me absolutely despise men. I have never been more disgusted with a group of people as I am now.

But I don't know what to do about it. I know that overt gendered hate pushes people to those spaces. Outright male hatred beat me the hell down pre-trans. I was femboy coping I always got the feeling that it'd only ever take someone being a bad actor to ruin my life for my maleness, only made worse since everyone treated me like shit for expressing anything non-masculine. Men treated me like a freak, but women treated me like a downright monster. My concerns werent valid. The girl who tried to rape me could have blackmailed me with rape allegations to get what she wanted. And when I wasn't being targeted for harm, I was always personally at fault for the sins of man despite hating everything masculinity represented. Remembering that, if I had been okay with masculine gender presentation I probably wouldnt have gotten shit from men and I would have ended up in the chud pipeline, like many on this website did. MRAs, MGTOWs, incels, etc. At the core of it, guys that fall for this shit usually have some valid concerns (like the rape thing, male gender expectations, violent conformity) but the right is so incredibly good at capitalizing on male misery and radicalizing them with it that they go from egalitarian to chud over a very short period of time.

I 100% agree with 4B on principal given this week, but I don't know that a niche movement will save us and I really don't know how we can deradicalize men. The worst part is it's not just the men though, women have largely swung in the direction of traditional roles and conformity based on this election, and all of them seem to despise anything that might suggest breaking down the barriers of gender for real egalitarianism (see TERFs abandoning their so-called feminism to align with conservatives)

The only reason we can perform female gender roles and adopt female gender aesthetics is because feminism argued before the courts that enforcing gender roles and aesthetics based on sex is discrimination.

Lmao this is stolen valour shit, no, feminism did not fight for the rights of trannies, that was trans activists who did that, next you'll say feminists invented gay rights and black rights too. We don't need feminism.

First off, for as long as I've been old enough to understand feminism (approximately 00's), I've literally heard feminists talking about how ending gender stereotypes for men was as fucking important as ending gender stereotypes for women. Maybe you're a fucking teenager who's too brainrotted to read anything other than Reddit posts, and thus don't even know how to find old blog posts and published articles.

I'll go one step further: I actively remember discourse from 00's that feminists were DISTRESSED that men were moving too slowly to break down gender stereotypes for themselves. They (quite correctly!) understood that if men continued to perpetuate patriarchal violence against other men, then there would continue to be a simmering reactionary movement to return to patriarchal violence against women. After all, the abused become abusers. A fucking ton of ink was spilled writing about this major problem and trying to figure out how to break through it.

Feminists thinking trannies are men in dresses (but in a good way!) is not pro-trans and you're extremely retarded for thinking it is.
Feminism has fought (and continues to fight) for a number of legislative and cultural changes which actively harm trans people, whereas they have basically never went out of their way to fight for changes in legislation or culture to help us. If they did you would just name one fucking pro-trans legal or medical reform they actively campaigned on.

You found the one little minority that victimizes you and you love it hahaha

Even if your completely schizophrenic delusions were true, our legal rights are completely joined at the hip to them.
Trans rights and feminism are conjoined twins sharing the same blood and organs. If you kill feminism, then trans rights die. Game over. End of story.
It doesn't matter if your schizophrenic delusions about your conjoined twin being a psychomurderer are true, the fact is you will die if you stab them to death.

Doesn't address the fact that, on a legal basis, there is no argument for protecting trans rights against discrimination on the basis of gender that doesn't rely on, consequently, protecting women as a whole against sex discrimination.
If you have one, let's fucking hear it. But something tells me it's hard for a retard to play pretend legal scholar.

Trans activists didn't fight for sex discrimination to be recognized anon, they fought arguing that our discrimination was sex discrimination. You're putting the cart before the horse.

Feminism in principle is egalitarian, even if culturally it becomes male-hating and female-privileged at times.

Doesn't address the fact that, on a legal basis, there is no argument for protecting trans rights against discrimination on the basis of gender that doesn't rely on, consequently, protecting women as a whole against sex discrimination.

Yes but feminists didn't fight for any of this to help us. On the other hand feminists are going out of their way in fighting to make it legal to discriminate against trans people in a number of areas of public life (such as DV shelters, women's refuges, changing rooms, prisons, and toilets). That's on top of legislating against our healthcare and whipping up a culture of hatred against trans women.
Whenever feminism turns its eye towards trannies, it's to shit on us. Why should I support a movement that has successfully managed to legalise discrimination against me? Which has created a culture which says I'm a inherently a threat just by changing my name and taking hormones? Because I happen to benefit slightly as a byproduct of something they fought for decades ago which really had nothing to do with trans people? Give me a break.
My point is that all the benefits trans people receive from feminism are merely an unintentional byproduct of feminist act, while all the drawbacks we receive from feminism are because of feminists intentionally going out of their way to fight against our rights.

Just because your retarded-ass country has a TERF movement doesn't mean that other countries don't have healthy, feminist movements.
Literally every feminist I've met personally in Canada is pro trans-rights. There are a few whackjob TERFs who write editorials for the media, and every time I look up their credentials they are fucking nobodies with no authority. But overall, the feminist movement in Canada is extremely and actively supportive of trans rights. And among the pro-trans feminists, they HATE the TERFs and try to exclude them whenever possible.
But if you want a literal, concrete, tangible campaign by feminists to support trans rights, here's the umbrella organization for women's shelters running a campaign to increase trans-inclusiveness among women's shelters:

By the by are you an AGAMP by chance?

NTA, but actually the anon this fucking idiot is arguing against, and I am AGAMP and futamoding.
So if you think that's some kind of correlation, you're off base.

Just because your retarded-ass country has a TERF movement doesn't mean that other countries don't have healthy, feminist movements.

A lot of countries have TERFism as a mainstream form of feminism (Russia and South Korea for example). American and Canadian feminism is unusual in that it isn't quite as rabidly anti-trans (though it certainly was in the past).

But if you want a literal, concrete, tangible campaign by feminists to support trans rights, here's the umbrella organization for women's shelters running a campaign to increase trans-inclusiveness among women's shelters:

I'll look into them. How successful have they been?

AGAMP FutaTIRF? My queen I kneel I apologize ma’am I hope you have a good day ma’am.

incredibly based