You guys do know that T+ killed the democratic party basically forever, right?

You guys do know that T+ killed the democratic party basically forever, right?
The popular vote means the trust is gone. It's 71 days before you'll even have to start waiting 4 entire years at which point Vance will win, then Vivek probably, then Baron and on and on.
All because dei trannies demanded clown haired abominations give white men lectures in fantasy videogame settings with dragons.

Very epic take can't wait to see it posted again

It's true every time

we hate those fat blue hairs more than you, retard. how do you expect us to stop them? shaming them doesn't work, they either ignore it or enjoy it

oh you like playing video games?

i hope you can still afford to after the tariffs.

We're rebuilding the FDA and purging our food supply and medical industry of the shysters who have kept us unhealthy on purpose, making macho men cool again, and going to fucking space. We won't need video games as an escape because real life will be worth living without being berated by women and homosexuals and uppity niggers for doing what's right.

You're swallowing more left media lies than cum. Trump just speaks in an inflammatory way. His policy brain is pretty normal. Ron Paul is already advising him on sensible tariffs and away from drastic ones. Elon close to the pres and unleashed is the best possible thing that could have happened to us. He's the ceo of a hundred companies that are slaying it for american futurism and hes somehow in the top 20 in Diablo IV. Without him China basically eats us. Being a cnn shit eating sheep is what got you where you are. You could be celebrating with us if you had a brain

This is the first time I've made an lgbt thread. Cope.
Were you outside with a LGB against T+ sign? You should have been then and you still should now. Slap them if you have to. Niggers don't care that other niggers steal shit and get violent and now the whole world has nigger fatigue. That's how it works. If I see a white guy shitting on the street like a pajeet I slap him. I've *literally* done this. Fight retards in your community for real or watch it go to hell.

Didnt the guy that will be responsible for the FDA cause a salmonela outbreak that caused several deaths?

Twitter's fine! Elon didn't kill it.

user growth rate in the negatives...

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in all honesty, they simply do not care. it's their way or the highway. it doesn't matter if their guy fucked up. all that matters to them is it's their guy so they can feel confident again

You guys are so fucked lol hes a massive antivaxxer and wants to desband the fda it'll be lead and macroplastics bonanza

I hope you're in high school. Your prescription of events is small and childlike. Spend more time off Anon Babble before your personality becomes more stunted.

I work in a tire factory I'm not gonna avoid microplastics. But I can avoid sneed oils and high fructose jew syrup and vaccinations that don't actually vaccinate against the disease and only make you more likely to get a circulatory disorder if you're under the age of 50

Nearly all the accounts making up that "growth" before he took over were poos and chinese running human bot farms. He made that stupid shit less profitable and they left.

There are more bots now than ever

and yet, that's where everyone that mattered was talking this election cycle. The point of the purchase was free speech anyway and my prediction is it shoots right back up. If it doesn't, oh no only a hundred other successful companies, whatever will the richest man in the world do.

i don't mind normal trannies tho. i mind the non-hrt-passing-is-transphobic-over-9000-genders insufferable ones.
for a while the normies were being accepting of normal trannies but the fat blue hairs overplayed their hand and ruined it for everyone. even the rest of lgb's
being trans used to mean something. they actually put in the effort and were just happy to exist but then the lazy ugly loud ones started mansplaining what being a woman is and what it meant to be trans. just like the men they are, they don't put in any effort on their part and intrude where they aren't wanted and taking advantage of people's good will and politeness

cope under the red boot you helped create

pick fight with the highly educated

be shocked when the highly educated are the most freely mobile class of people, and will simply leave

Enjoy these few years, they might be the only good ones you have left before your nation looks like Argentina.

Have you ever even talked to a trans person irl?

fucking kek. yeah, the highly educated by faggot pervert professors that work their agendas into everything. The most effective genius coders and sysop people I've ever met learned shit on their own from youtube

lots of them. there's a big difference between the insufferable ones and the ones that wanna live a normal life. you can tell within minutes of meeting which is which and avoid the gross ones.
they don't even have to pass t.b.h. (a lot dont) but it's in their speech patterns and mannerisms. there are some things you can't fake no matter how hard you try

normal trannies

I'm sorry you've never met one. my condolences fren

Kek I'm a refugee from the 2010-2020 furry fandom. I've known more than you ever will and they are 95% emotion first brainwashed failures that can't hold jobs and excommunicate anyone with a dissenting opinion about ANYTHING they believe. Absolute retard children that also by and large smell like shit.

Actually it was inflation. Moron

It was a lotta things. Pretending trans fatigue wasn't a big factor is hilarious.
Another big one was dem retards putting abortion as a #1 concern when most of america understands it's a 25% legitimate concern and the rest is just stacy wanting to fuck the whole football team and not have a kid. You guys are dellusional and uninformed about everything because you listened to cnn lies when the world was actually talking on x.

if mrs. cartman wants to fuck the denver bronco's then that's her perogative.

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Not according your new forever leaders. Sluts btfo. Now they are hilariously threatening not being whores as revenge because it's literally all they have.

Like that episode of Regular Show where Cishet White Men destroy the park for no reason, and Benson says


and Mordecai says

Dude, me too

and Rigby says

dude me three

and Pops says

Jolly Good Show

and Skips says

it's ok I've seen this before

and Muscle Man says

You know who else hates Cishet white men?

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Democrats inability to educate and message around trans issues killed the democratic party. Stop blaming trans people for existing, when the strategic incompetence of the DNC is the fault of your political leaders.

Oh the DNC fully fucked you guys over with lying as a job and communicating worse than chrischan to the working class. That's not in debate.
But if you don't think trans people themselves have communicated poorly and spitefully through the last 20 years as well you are fucking mental. Oh wait you're trans. Of course you're mental.
I don't blame you for existing. I blame you for not growing up and for exactly what op says, endlessly autistcally screeching at white cis men from your own insecurities non stop for years and years on every social platform you could trying to psyop the hate movement into the. norm until people couldn't NOT hate you.
And here you are taking no responsibility again. You will lose again and again and again.

you sure it had nothing to do with kamala basically being black hilary?

i 100% agreed with you. I'm saying I'm sorry that you've never met a normal tranny and all you've encountered irl is the insufferable ones

Again, another reason. Sure. Doesn't detract from your additive T+ problem like you want.

If the percentage of "normal" trannies is so low that it becomes a negligible outlier to its effects on people your point dissolves like a thanos snapped avenger.

yes i'm sure Kamala lost because of supporting trannies too hard and not because she's a vapid, personality-less candidate that couldn't stop running defense for a deeply unpopular government and instead of having real policies focused on washed up celebs and calling Trump Hitler for the 500th time. I'm sure it was specifically because she supported one thing you dislike

and read threads.

It was such a minor issue that it barely had an effect. Her positions were not that different from Biden's four years ago and he easily won. Far from "T+ issues KILLING the Ds"

It was economics and immigration
Same reason why the conservatives got destroyed in the UK.
When the debt crisis crashes the economy in a few years they’ll be chucked out again.

dellusional cope but pleeeeeaase go off on whites with more unhinged trans shit for years lol

Sweet Baby Inc Detected alone is a steam group with half a million members that have dei trans agenda fatigue. That's more than enough people to swing an election on its own and that group doesn't include the millions of rurals that aren't gamers and hate the influx of trans politics. You guys are fucking nuts to think this had no impact.

You're retarded if you think policy was the big issue. Trump openly admitted he had bno healthcare place. His big draw was deporting illegal immigrants because they're all "rapists and murderers," despite the objective fact that they commit crimes at a much lower rate than native citizens. His campaign was not based on policy whatsoever. Harris had a concrete plan for strengthening the border. It is an objective fact that the the problems Trump made people think the government has are false. Biden controlled inflation that Trump caused with his corporate tax cuts and unregulated COVID bailout. Gas prices, which retarded americans are obsessed with, are not any higher.

Facts do not matter anymore. The left needs a populist candidate that gets people excited to fight against the corporations, regardless of policy. Policy will help keep them elected, but it will not get them elected.

You guys do know that T+ killed the democratic party basically forever, right?

Deserved. They flew too close to the sun.

All because dei trannies demanded clown haired abominations give white men lectures in fantasy videogame settings with dragons.

no, that was cis women. trannies make fun indie games like celeste.


Literally what are you talking about. The vast majority of trannies are like afraid of talking in public and have completely shy fembrained personalities. This is a strawman argument based on a stereotype and if you got to know 10-20 tranies i bet you wouldn't find a single one posting loud obnoxious takes to social media or oublicly contradicting a cis person.

troonery literally cost the dems the election

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It would be funny if they threw the troons under the bus but I hope they double down
Conservatives will be in power for 100 years

The vast majority of trannies are like afraid of talking in public and have completely shy fembrained personalities

the majority of trannies are super malebrained and narcissistic

right wing goyim cant think for themselves

blackrock anti-occupy wallstreet: "BE MAD AT EACH OTHER INSTEAD OF US."

right wing goyim: "Yeeeesssss dadddddiii yesssss"


Trump was hon-posting

holy based

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its not even a hon
as usual its a fucking non-binary special snowflake crossdresser

The vast majority of trannies are like afraid of talking in public and have completely shy fembrained personalities.

have you ever been on, a thing called

the internet?

Trump winning now and in 2020 only proves the death of the republican party actually.

I'm just watching infinite lefty lgbt freakouts plugging ears and denying this, digging that hole inescapably deep and it is so fucking funny

I personally haven't met the activist types but if I did I'd probably strangle them and bury them in the desert. I knew a thai & a japanese ladyboy one of whom is my uncles wife and a very sweet white tranner. Never had a problem with any of them always got along well and they all present 99% as women and didn't appear to hate me for being A FUCKING HUWHYTE MALE.

If it's true Ron Paul is advising Trump, hopefully they'll kill the federal reserve finally.

the meltdowns have been great

Wow, I am loyal to my girl but WOW. Good looking + redpilled.

Without him China basically eats us.

This. It was the US Military years ago that realized that you can't be a world hegemon if you aren't an industrial powerhouse.

For the past 25 years, the number one US export has been US dollars. Those days are over.

Kek is that Ben Bernanke gettimg hanged

Good looking + redpilled.

A combination worth fighting for. It's kind of nice to see that there are quite a few Austrian schooled girls on this board.

Kek is that Ben Bernanke gettimg hanged

I can't tell. I know who's the star of picrel though.

Gamers try not to make everything about videogames challenge (impossible) (the west has fallen) YOU WONT BELIEVE NUMBER 5

only proves the death of the republican party actually.

Trump is doing what the Tea Party tried to do but was crippled by Obama's IRS and betrayed by the corrupt Rino uniparty.

just one large example of many there earplugger

They used military grade psychological operations amplified by the entire mainstream media and academia, exploiting existing fractures and creating new ones. Where the fuck did "drag queen story time" come from? Drag queens aren't even trans for fuck sakes.

A woman will never win the presidency, but let’s be real, a jeet will NEVER EVER win it.