How did your first time ever girlmoding in public go?
How did your first time ever girlmoding in public go?
It was nice and super validating, I went to the mall with my mom, I didn’t talk to anyone so I didn’t get gendered, but I always get gendered female when I boymode so I hope everyone saw a woman when looking at me.
badly, I don't go out the house now
What happened anon? Did someone give you shit?
i went to target it was uneventful (I think people knew I was a boy)
I was like 4 months hrt and had a glass bottle thrown at me from a car. I didn't try again until like 5 years later but now I pass and can't remember any time I have been misgendered since.
was kinda boring, went girlmoding to an anime convention where peope wouldn't care anyway. first day in a maid costume some guys thought I was female, definitely due to my long hair, height and face mask. second day was a more alt outfit, didn't talk to anyone so can't really say how i was perceived.
All the customers at work gave me weird looks and kept staring at my chest. Some even looked kinda annoyed and left angry.
I boymode but i have been exclusively referred to as female for 3 yrs
yeah I got harassed
A couple in the Walmart parking lot spotted me and the guy went "Look at that boy in a dress!" and then they both started literally pointing and laughing like cavemen. I girlmoded too early
holy shit thats brutal. to make you feel a bit better recently i went outside for the first time in public in a long while and two frat bros saw me walking down the street and one of them said 'dayyyum shorty' (in a mocking tone) and the other one looked at me and gave me the most disgusted look ive ever seen in my entire life and straight up said 'ewww' and started laughing. i felt so embarrassed and humiliated i just sat down at a bench and started crying and then went home out of shame.
I haven't left my house in girlmode, and probably won't ever do it.
My face probably looks androgynous by now, and people stare at me as if they saw something supernatural or unreal.
I can't take the stares anymore. I want to girlmode BADLY. but without any tranny friends, my confidence is non existent
I hate you passiods. All you ever do is talk about getting fucked by cis moid cock. Your transition probably went SOOO smoothly.
Fuck you.
i was walking around plymouth with my mommy and guys yelled "CUTE BOY!" when they drove by. and i get hit on alot of i go into the wilds alone.
God the stares everyone just stares like you're some weird thing why can't they just leave me alone
It was when I went to go see 100 gecs cause I figured everybody there would be chill.
It was scary at first but nothing bad happened and it felt good
I saw like 5 other trans girls
I never have and I never will I'm a gigahon midshit and I hope all passoids get brutally tortured to death, you are why hitler should have won. Respectfully, kill yourself, slowly and painfully. I'd love to see it. I hope the tide turns against you.
100 gecs
everyone there is probably trans or repressing
Exactly, it's even worse when you have to interact with them, and you can just tell they're transphobic.
Having people look at me, is very nerve racking and even soul crushing honestly.
I understand and relates to your bitterness.
Passiods seem to be handed everything on a silver platter: they always have friends, money, a support group, lovers, and they get to avoid transphobia.
I'm sick of you hedonistic passiods, why do passiods even come to this board, they pretty much beat the game of life.
i mean, i cant really relate as i just boymode outside and dont think i get stares. but if i girlmode and am in public i just go robot mode and never look at other people etc.
i prolly just got gendered female, idk cuz i don’t remember it at all
I boymode too but people still stare a lot it's not something I can ignore it makes me feel like some weird thing I thought I wouldn't care I thought I'd be stronger than this but it hurts
I miss old /tttt/, it was comfortable, relatable venting anger. A place where those struggling could feel like they belong. All these twitter tourists ruined it. I want it back.
And yes I have none of those things, and likely never will, never did much really.
fuck yea I love 100gecs glad it went well for you!!
in what place do you live? im not outside often as i just neet but in my small 13k hometown no one stares at supermarket and in big cities neither. must be hard, sorry you have to deal with that, no tranny should endure this
Even boymoding is a nightmare for me. I look down at my shoes constantly, and always speak to low, because someone is looking at me.
I can't look anyone in the eyes even in boymode. I'm pathetic and embarrassing. I feel too old to be THIS anxious around people.
If I had to girlmode outside, I would literally die.
Brazil my family accepts me fine but people outside stare. They're generally nice I haven't had anyone do or say anything mean to me but they just stare they know I'm not a normal they can tell and they show it.
They can't just let you live your life they've got to stare like you're some sort of alien
I wish I was around during those days. Sounds amazing compared to constantly hearing about Twitter passiods, complain about their perfect lives.
I don't have any of the things mentioned either. I'm a shut in tranny, and passiods can't relate to me, Because they get everything handed to them.
Some trannies just get on my fucking nerves.
It was, sometimes I still peruse the archives for that comfort. I wish all the twitter users would just fuck off. Even the /tttt/ altchan now is the same bullshit.
I'm a worthless hikki, normies should stay out, they don't belong here!
I'm a worthless hikki, normies should stay out, they don't belong here!
I did it in a liberal city and it went fine, no one really cared and I even got some compliments. Some people gave me weird looks so I probably looked trannyish. Though I went back home where its more conservative and instantly got ma'am'd in boymode again lol.
i don't know if I'm just oblivious to other people because i see anyone actually staring, i just feel like it when im outside. at least thats what i remember, its been a while since ive been in public for a longer time. and atp, 10 months estrogenized appearance, long wavy hair, 5'2 and androgynous clothing or boymode it still doesnt feel like people have catched on. maybe my deep voice instantly giga mogs me and everyone just accpets im a dude with long hair
anyways, awesome your family is at least accepting in a place like brazil
stone me for this word slop, my brain doesnt function at almost 2 am
I won't be able to until I leave the shithole I was born in (Alabama.) My friends in Australia are talking about helping me to immigrate there.
greentext now
I don't think I could girlmode, sometimes I wear dresses or skirts in boymode and I look really manly, I don't know how I'd look physically different if I were to girlmode, it doesn't make sense to me.
I'm a worthless hikki, normies should stay out, they don't belong here!
Me too and I agree
my theyfab gf “accidentally” called me a faggot in front of all our friends
holy based
it went ok i guess. i went to the mall with some friends, kind of bitched out and just wore short shorts and an oversized tee and makeup, just looked more like an effeminate guy than anything. weird looks here and there, especially in the bathroom, but whatever. it did put me off from doing it for a while though