For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.
Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.
I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.
Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad
Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.
You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.