/mtfg/ male to qt female general


qott: mass boymoder exodus?

What to do if I am questioning my gender? rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit ▶Style/Passing:
Fashion Guides (Videos): rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?: rentry.org/mtfgclothes
Voice Videos/Training: rentry.org/mtfgvoice

Trans women have woman brains (Video): rentry.org/mtfgbrain
MTF Timelines: catbox.moe/c/afyn1t
Streaming Room: queup.net/join/mtfg

qott i sure hope so, force those bitches to girlmode now

lebanese as in lgtv lebiab

yeee I know dw
I stand by what I said

The fuck does that qott even mean
Then you should be careful.

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should i go get food to do something to distract from burgeoning migraine, or ldar and think of suicide

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hunting boymoders
and I am always careful, ever fearful

You should be. You never know if I could or couldn't nuke your house on demand.

pretty high rn. boymoders don't exist, when you turn 18 you're a man therefore there are only manmoders on this board. why would you want to look like a boy? that would attract undesirable people. do the right thing, present as a woman.

get out boymoder idiots
you were never going to fully transition anyway

Oh! Is that Spanish? Cool!
And nah, I don't think I will.

What specifically are you trying to do? Certs are geared towards specific jobs so it all depends on what you want to do and what level you want to work at.

I'm not super comfortable about being recognized across boards, but I guess it was bound to happen.
Don't harass them over me please, I can cover for myself.

stop sexualizing my lettuce

What about kudzu?

This place is good for screaming into the void, but it's deffo not good for ya long term.


I mean, if you understand hormones, it's prob one of the better lay explanations you can get. What fucks with people is that some changes that happen to you in puberty can't be undone - and a lot of those changes are very sexually dimorphic.
I think peoples' expectations should be leveled more often. Expect nothing, then be surprised when shit does happen.


That's kinda weird nona

girlmode is scary tho

why would you want to look like a boy? that would attract undesirable people. do the right thing, present as a woman.

real & based


kudzu is fren

I dont have a house Im homeless remember I died a month ago Im a ghost im in your walls its all a dream wake up im yi sang with tits

stop replying to me flikker hoer

The fuck is a kudzu. And why do the plant fuckers hate eachother?
That yi sang has gigantic shoulders. It looks strange.

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wide shoulders

and dw about it

kudzu is a vine that kills the host plant by stealing nutrients and crowding out other vegetation
you two have a lot in common

No. They look like impossible shoulders. Like as in not realistic human proportions. I don't think I've seen anyone with shoulders/ a body that wide and a head that tiny. He looks like he's piloting himself and the body is just a armor of sorts

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No, I don't think I will.

Kudzu is a weed that grows rapidly over everything and is a pain in the ass to kill. Infamous in the sourthern parts of the US.
There was some tripfag Discord drama in the plantfucker gen not too long back and I'm guessing this anon is either that person or just someone else who is grated by me attentionwhoring and hornyposting (on a red board) instead of contributing.

again meirl

Not fully understanding my character if you think that. I never damage the host.
How about you all just fuck plants and stop dramaing. Sounds easy to me
Not really as you'd have to be something not human to get there. Like the yi sang in that image. Those tits are not normal. Give him a reduction ASAP


not human

and dw Im his bra

you’re killing mtfg

Your hands will break.
Destroy and rebuild.. you wouldn't get it

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Cope, you're weak and effortless, you couldn't get holocaust eyes even if you were forced to, you'd eat through the floors and walls to satiate yourself

stomp on its ugly head
killing mtfg is like killing hitler

broh I hold them up with my massive shoulders

I'm glad that Trump won and all the Americans are more open and free about being anti-trans. Does anyone else feel like that?
It's a good thing overall. There had to be a reset and the Americans were leading it all down a dark path that would make normalization impossible all around the world.
I can't be the only one that had a sigh of relief when they heard the news. Thank whatever gods there are.

: /

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You're actually stupid. If you're not processing the glucose then where does it go you dumbass? It has to go somewhere and you couldn't pee enough sugar out before destroying your kidneys. The rest is just math, or a failure in understanding the math in your case.

mdma did not make me willing to girlmode

Forgive me mien Fuhrer
(I miss you on Anon Babble)

fuck plants instead of dramaing

Trust me, we're sure trying :')
I suck at ignoring someone being mad at me tho. >_< I want to fix whatever the problem is even when I know I can't.

This style's kinda cute

hitler will only die when you stop trying to kill him

gosh my head really hurts quite a bit it’s making me nauseous
what should i do

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Take some ibuprofen, drink some water. Warm shower or bath always helps me, too. Good luck.

those r some powerful brainworms :|

If you're not processing the glucose you have diabetes, and without meds you'll die either way, it isn't the reason someone is fat, they will straight up die far far far far FAR before they turn obese from surviving that, if you can't process glucose your entire metabolic function doesn't fucking work, you don't understand biochem

way ahead of you
took sumatriptan, ibuprofen, and tylenol
just gotta wait an hour or two for it all to kick in and take the pain down to manageable

Can you mix tylenol and ibuprofen?
Either way, hope you feel better soon. Fingers crossed.

sadness prevails!

You're an actual retard. Keep demonstrating to the class that you have no clue what you're talking about. Diabetes and pre-diabetes is not lethal nor rare, and if you're not processing the glucose you have an excess of unused energy. That energy remains, because you're not using it. Part of it gets stored as fat, and the rest keeps your blood sugar elevated beyond the normal maximum. You wake up the next day and your blood sugar is still sky high, calories in (carbs) vs calories out (glucose) is unequal because the out part is too low. You don't need breakfast or added carbs, it has nothing to do with four thousand calories. You actual anti-science simpleton.

I am so normal about that happy trail

I guess that's why diabetics don't use glucometers. They would drop dead before it mattered.

God loves you. No matter what god loves you.
We feel his light when we encounter the small blessings he places into our life. Family, beauty, joy, a friend.
He loves you, he knows the deepest parts of your pain.
If you wish, I would encourage you to pray to him.
Pray to God asking to build a relationship with him.
I was in so much pain, I know theirs someone here whos been through the same.
god bless you

When transbians scissor to emulate lesbians, do they mash their bussies together or do some hands free frot thing?

Handsfree dick n ball frot obviously like can you even touch someones butthole with your own??

I'm sure with some very creative yoga between two anamoders with absolutely no ass, but what even would the point?

i'm honestly not sure if you legitimately don't understand the biochemistry of glycemic disorders and of weight gain, or if you're being a willing troll retard

you don't seem to understand what you're trying to explain, thats the worst fucking breakdown of the glycemic cycle any creature could possibly conjure, and it doesn't even matter at all because it isn't the crux point of diabetes making people fat nor why it doesn't and cannot physically do so without eating like a pig

a pre-diabetic or diabetic case which can, over enough time process excessive glucose into fat is a neutral sum case and is very low risk and it does not lead to weight gain without excessive intake, lipids are still reprocessed into useable energy, that is the kind i have, without eating in excess it is impossible for me to gain weight, there's like 9 different disorders that cause the dozen types of neutral sum diabetes

meanwhile a positive sum case in which it CANNOT be processed into other forms means the fucker just fucking dies without meds, and are the kids who die before they turn 5 without medical assistance and de facto starve to death while fully fed

simple and complex sugars are absolutely hell for either case, but you can keep the second one alive longer without shots by feeding them pure fats, you can push it by a couple more days of life

You just keep pushing your anti-science brainrot that pushes people towards diets that make them obese and stay obese. Go read an actual book instead of trying to parse ChatGPT at the last minutes.

42 monkeys are still on the loose

and they are currently jumping on the bed

I nearly had a heart attack

head still hurts

kms aaaaaaaaaaa

i literally dropped from biomed and took transportation engineering because being a horny tranny surrounded by hot rich nepotistic men is very hard for a hoe who hates the idea of hookups

a fucker will not under any circumstance gain weight without overeating, it is literally not how anything works, your body can't print mass and energy out of fucking hell, if you eat too much you gain weight, it is that simple

you're retarded and the world would be better without your enabling behavior

you know whats scarier than girlmode? growing old and realizing you wasted your life because you were too scared to make a effort


Trust me, I try. But I feel like such a noob that doesn't know how to dress herself so much. Funnily enough I pass better in boymode (90% malefail with male clothes on vs like 40% pass with female clothes) - which has made it kinda hard to switch over. I can dress like I always do and most folks treat me like a lady in a tomboy kind of way. Try to dress like a lady and I get treated like garbo. Fuckin sucks.

Tragic time 4 America

why is she vacuuming a day after i did fuck her

you didnt do a good enough job; too distracted by ur own boner and skirt going spinny

Careful with that thing, I heard a bunch of them exploded in Persia.

dog sitting is fun i love not having room in my bed

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I hate trannys so fucking much, but Im trying not to. So Can one of you give me some reasons not to hate you?

You're arguing with an autistic coomer that goes to school to play with trains and calls it engineering. Just so you know.

you live in squalor

Even if they say insulin resistance causes weight gain and is present prior to obesity, people might still be eating a hundred cakes a day. Check mate.

no i don’t, i just got a migraine midway through cleaning
other parts of my room are clean, the part visible is junk under the airbrush booth table

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Wish I had a dog friend to hang out with :(

back to waking up at 5am everyday… :/

he’s very friendly
my mother calls him her boyfriend though so we’re just friends

I hate this
Why the fuck did I sleep twice today

Go for thrice!


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would it be stupid to get a haircut 1 month after ffs

That yi sang has gigantic shoulders. It looks strange.

Doesn't look that strange to me, I have shoulders that wide.

i like this gif

did you have the hairline moving thing done

Wanna try?

For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.

Sheens been dead 7 years nigga. Give it up already.

all this talk about diabetus and here I am literally eating lard

i love feeding my snail green beans and bananas. i'm gonna get another one. hopefully a female one so they can make a bunch of snail babies

I have not consumed food today, unless you count gummy vitamins

That's ok naz, lard won't give you diabetes. Our bodies crave animal proteins and fats.

nah bro I only let dicks touch my butt

You were saving your taste buds for this unzip.

Ok let's try that instead

What about letting vaginas touch your butt?

i liked that phat ass mech with the buckler. jus sayin.

ty anon

doesn't sound fun :<
I still need to eat alot more if I wanna get my bmi from like 18 to something that's actually ideal

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i don't actually believe you're msc in bm because bro forgot the meaning of the word consequential and noone gets a masters while being this retarded. Insulin resistance causes lethargy and thus higher ingestion because of mfs feeling neither fed nor eager

it is overeating, mass doesn't spawn out of thin air, you literally linked shit to support my point you absolute retard, noone will reach /obesity/ without eating like a pig

i fucking wish, what wouldn't i give to be doing my post on rail planning and management

please stop cutting yourself and put your dog on a diet they look fucking huge or pregnant

hey just wanted to say
nice tits bb

do you have food banks up there?

Not my thing. Sounds gross!

yw, my pants are always unzipped for you..

yes, but that's not an option currently(no legal identification, amoung other things)
had to use the foodbank quite a bit in the past tho
they're real nice there, like them alot

Imagine thinking vaginas are grosser than dicks.

weird board to choose to post on champ

i need your tits in my life bbgurl

yeah, im hoping the extra calories benifit will outweigh the health consequences

i think she said her fren gave it 2 her its from japan maybe? theres a bunch of micky d's purses out there tho.


lol the granny candy bag

No I think vaginas are cool and I want one. I just don't think someone else's should be rubbing up against my butt. Dicks are still less gross tho

What are you eating anyway?


if you're going out from a proana era you can introduce drank calories, i did mine by adding a lot of salted and sweetened fruit pulp juice during my daily runs, you can easily add 300-400 extra cals that way

wait are you not eating because you literally have no food?

wrong board 4u

Clearly you have some sort of emotional investment that is clouding your judgement. You can't reason, can't parse facts, and deny reality, while projecting and calling others retarded. Have fun playing with your train set I guess.

Imagine also taking things so seriously...

gonna motorboat those fr

literally I took some of the leftover lard from my cousin cooking himself meat
and put it in my macaroni :|
since they just gonna throw it out anyway

I like them but they scare me

So it's literally plain macaroni with lard? Can I send u a burger or something on grub hub? This is really sad naz.

wait are you not eating because you literally have no food?

pretty much
been living in varying degrees of poverty for several years now
tis the life of a hikkineet
even if I'm recovering from the hikki part
too little too late

NEED to upgrade my wardrobe

mac n cheese since kd was on sale today n barely cost more than buying bulk macaroni
not gonna dox the person keeping a roof over my heads location, but thank u anyhow
vry sweet offer

Oh I see, yeah I forget sometimes about internet safety. You're right, can't do that. I'm harmless but you don't know that. You need better food though. You're kind of starving in a lot of pictures I've seen of you.

drag yourself into some hot guy house you wouldn't mind messing you up, life is easy if you're willing to do that, then you can get a job and dump him if you stop enjoying him, its at least better than literally what you have going on

you'll at least be very skinny and fragile, men love victim shaped bottoms

can you make a ko-fi? make one, chasers will feed you for the simple fact of being a silly sickly tranny

put your goal as food and make it blogging based, spam that shit everywhere and go write your blogging life on it, fun pasttime + nothing to lose

You're kind of starving in a lot of pictures I've seen of you

it is getting better tho
I was starting to doubt my progress but then I saw this old selfie
and my arms are about the same
but thighs are like double the size
and not all muscle either
but yeah that's why I'm tracking my calories
trying to check how well im rationing
make & myself eat more consistently when I can

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ya but i feel like the issue would be with pain rather than it harming anything
which i'm fine with but also i'm not 100% sure if it'll be safe to get a haircut yet

he’s just a big dog, not fat just physically large
here he is next to an eu size 41 shoe
also i haven’t cut in months

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He looks very polite

daww lookadat woaf

you look like a girl here lol. was this your pink hair era?


bitch you need food, hrt and love

victim shaped bottoms

untrue, my dad doesn’t love me or at least i can’t trust him when he says he does

only works on men who want to fuck you

yeah and?

stop fucking your dad

yeah that was me when I first washed up here in 2020
was living alone in my neetcave pictured there and rotting away

was this your pink hair era?

miss having the pink
and yee
I had my hair pink from like mid 2017(picrel) to somewhere around 2021 when the last of it faded out

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i’m not and i don’t want to

to clarify, i’m not fucking my dad and i do not want to fuck my dad

will getting into chaos magick get me a transbian gf?

guys please stop saying i want to fuck my dad it's crazy that you would think this after my multiple daily posts about dad dicks and pics of dad x shota and incestual father-son innuendos and fathers pounding prostates

i want to fuck hot trannies transbian breeding




decent idea prob
although I always feel bad ebegging
my shamelessness doesn't extend that far somehow


desperately, yes
the fact that i got so far without baffles even me

yes trans
now let me shoot ropes of cum on your new face to christen it

not incest
other ppl’s dads

sure jan

I did a daddy/son hookup thing from grindr a few months ago. Would recommend.

other ppl’s dads

chad mindset

i take that as a yes wya bb :))

can i do father/daughter roleplay instead <3

don't chime in
don't chime in
don't chime in
just don't chime in

Ya especially now that you look 16. I'm actually about an hour south of you, you've probably seen me if you browse the grinders.

naz holding back on chiming in on parenting


especially now that you look 16


if you browse the grinders

i don't have grindr installed anymore, the self-esteem boost only lasts for a few hours


ill grind u bb
post bobs

Already talking back to your father, my kids are really sassy.

i don't have any, i have a-cups that just look like i have gyno



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oh i remember that from a couple days ago.
i used to do alot of mdma, like over 1k+ hits
and like 200+ hits of lsd.
60+ shroomies.

they never really did anything for my gender expression really..
maybe acid a little?
and i thought shrooms would be something strong and my gender issues would be worked out, but they were like "nah bro, you're a tranny. simple as." but it was peaceful/chil.

you can’t trust mushrooms they lie

get a boyfriend to mess you up, dress you up, buy you hrt and feed you, men love victim shaped bottoms

For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.

Corn hate is telling chasers to molest you are you molestable

i used to do alot of mdma, like over 1k+ hits

dang babes how do u still have emotions



i will have a trans gf to breed daily and take care of and love and spend the rest of my life with

hello computer people

she needs attention, burgers and a reason to eat, maybe someone will make her feel codependant and shove burgers down her throat

where do i find some1 to do this for me

im right here bb
single n rdy 2 mingle

animals and in depth relationships still have something to them.
theres still something in nature. but i am severed from alot.

I made lasagna, except like 70% of the ingredients are different

i wish my weight was gone so i could finally start eating again :(
it's just crazy to me bc i met this guy at a rave who wa telling me he basically had permanent seratonin syndrome and was incapable of having emotions like he looked completely dead in the eyes and could not speak with emotion in his voice
which is very sad bc he's a really sweet guy and became a huge advocate in the scene for taking care of urself with ur intake

chasers are so weird

paige pls

blame the migraine going away
i always act different around migraine time

i'm convinced u get off to this atp

there is no coming back to whatever baseline normal before. like maybe up to 1/2 way.

imagine turning down emotion life 50% but still having all that noise in your head.

i do have times where i do laugh and feel happiness but it is fleeting.
but i would say a handful of times a week i do make myself laugh or experience something that i can feel happy about.
but it is usually in the natural world or with other people or animals only.

I'm a red-blooded man, what can I say
damn paige didn't know yous was packing some junk in that trunk

i just want male attention and there are ppl itt right now praising tranny butt, why wouldn’t i post

oh man they better not find out im ****
thats gonna look real embarrassing

there's literally a chaser gen for interaction with strange men come on now

dang i'm rly sorry anon that's really rough
sry i'm just a bitterhon and wish i had a butt uwu


let me plap

well hellooo beautiful! mind if i... shall we say... rizz you up? hehe

hello person in my screen!

I have two cats and a dog, I cannot escape hair

:) how are you computer person

I am good but should have been in bed 5 hours ago :/ But this is my sign to go to bed, so thank you, computer person! Good night

goodnight and sweet dreams computer person

Her mom probably says this 100 times a day

can you coomers go to chaser gen ffs

Nope, im here for ms saltine. Deal with it chud.

door creaking noises

thats for male chasers
im a loving transbian mommy

what are your motherly qualifications?

sorry you didnt show bobs bb
now gracie is my best fren

i took my pills why am i still sleepy



inserting prog while high is not fun

Jesus, people in this thread are really hooking up.

That's always gone on.

nah i like cats too much

liiike this one!

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me going like this fr

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look at them go! look at them go! go go kitty go go kitty!

it's ok i'm still too mentally ill to actually hook up with ppl :3

yo that's messed up bro

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I wonder if getting into magick will get me a transbian gf

i fear i have no sworn enemies..

oh i thought u hated me sobbing
thats a shame i liked being the notorious m

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i don't hate anyone..
except for larry but that's cis m*le predator cumming on tables issue

you gotta be cha cha real smooth
like a smooooth operator
all the girls will come to u

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I have no smoothness...

i could've sworn i saw u call my name many times like picrel as if i was every anon in ur walls :)
that was very amusing and made you look like a silly girl

no u did
but also i don't hate u

I legit didn't think people were having meeting up and having sex in this thread.

No, because my Sim isn't a huge nerd.

since she imagined im in there ima be the first in gracie's walls if u know what im sayin

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it's time janny, you can take me out on a vacation now like you always do

You've never met navy then. She's fucked 70% of this thread.

listening to a bit of the old godflesh as it were


legend has it that she's still out there smexing transwoman to this very day

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Scuse me but
Can I?

are there any good guides on how to dress pre-HRT? my transition goal is to be a twinkhon anyway

are you psychic?

do you believe in reincarnation?

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Like, has she just driven all across the country to hook up with people from here?

If you're trying to hide parts about you that are masculine, I'm afraid what you'd wear pre-HRT are going to be the same things post-HRT.

Waow yes there's always a vulnerable girl in need of shelter.
I think so

no, u?

yeah, if it's real, it's just like that comic. you get to choose how you want to be reborn and, basically, we're on a life that isn't our typical one.

"I think so"?
Yall don't understand I'm on a multi year dry spell and prog makin me feel some things I'd do some really unwise things to get tossed around for a bit.

sounds nice but that doesn't make be believe it