
How can anyone not be scared of Men?

Men always look like they can overpower me, and kill me if they wanted. How do you date moids without feeling fear?

I see the beauty in men, but they are dangerous and scary.

Good men use our strength and intensity to protecc (and to wrecc)

Yeah, but you intimidate me a lot. Every moid I come across, looks like they could be a potential abuser, and that scares me. Especially, other races of men.

You scare me. Even if you're attractive, I can never trust a mans word.

Men see women as sex objects, let's be honest.

Why aren't women inconceivably grateful to men for inventing, designing, building and running every aspect of civilization?

if men are kind and protective and look like that pic it just makes me feel safe

That was only achieved through blood, war, violence, and greed. All things attributed to being a moid.

We should still live on farms, surrounded by nature, yet men always want bigger and better. Then expect everyone else to praise them for their "hard work"

Look at where a moid society has led us. Men start every war, men abuse others, men are amazing manipulators, men are violent, and men take whatever they want.

Men are beautiful, and I'm still attracted to them as much as I am women, but let's acknowledge the truth: men are cold, and violent.

blood, war, violence, and greed

Based, based, based and based

Blood is based

War is pointless

Violence is wrong (most of the time)

And greed is not based.

Are you Jewish by chance? Just curious.

Are you Jewish by chance?


Let's acknowledge the truth: we could give every single woman a lobotomy at age 12 and society would do just fine. All we need them for is birthing and raising young children. Higher brain development on a woman is as redundant as nipples on a man. They don't build things, they don't invent things, they don't maintain things. What do they do? Spend money and gossip and fuss about their hair and try to cancel people.

It's not that women contribute less to humanity, women simply do not pass the bar to qualify as human beings in the first place, and the fact we treat them as anything more than pets and beasts of burden is the greatest, most indulgent luxury of all time.

Men start every war, men abuse others, men are amazing manipulators, men are violent, and men take whatever they want.

Holy fucking based

female leaders can be just as bad if not worse, politicians are just evil

Feel the same anon.

giwtwm.jpg - 736x816, 58.43K

...did you get that image from the greentext i'm thinking of?

Don't think so but it's been awhile so I don't know the source.

moid erotic.jpg - 960x1280, 410.04K

What am I looking at

Normal moid.


The average guy could rape and kill you but only the worst psychopaths would. They'd rob & kill me too btw, doesn't matter if I'm big & strong they'd get the jump on me + use a weapon. Don't live in fear, fren.

That's a very specific set of attributes. Your Hitlers, Charlemagnes, Napoleons. Great and terrible men. Average men achieve great things too like Alexander Graham Bell or Urso Kekkonen.

would like him all over

Suomi spotted


Mammi sauna mammi sauna ay satana vittu perkele

Women are scarier. We still haven't figured how they think.

Women are scarier

No, they are not

Males built that society for females, idiot
It serves them better
The girls get to stare into their black rectangles and get catered to, endlessly, at the behest of males

You speak fondly of an age where violence, not innovation, secured access to a foid. How ironic.

You're an awful moid, and I hope you never interact with women. Disgusting.

Anyone who seems power, is evil. It's just that men seek more of it.

Men just aren't to be trusted. If society completely collapses, rape will be rampant because men think with their dicks, and hate women.

Average is never enough.

We built society, give us sex now

Again, men just think with their cock.

You can find a man that will cherish and protect you tho

baitposting, I see
bad day?

By finding the biggest, hairiest ogre man and making him addicted to your hole. It is why pickmes are fembrained and any tranny that isn't a pickme is a man.

So what?

So the fuck what?

All we do is to biofunctionally protect and make use of the fucking almighty uterus.
You're certainly not wrong about "thinking with your cock", tranny, but holy shit is it funny you resent your own (hypothetical and bisexual) slaves

I want a guy like picrel to overpower and control me desu

Women are only scary if you have weakness within you. If you master yourself women are entirely powerless.
Understanding how women think is actually very easy, women are frail and bare to the traumas of the world. If you can empathize with that you can easily figure them out.


attributed to being a moid

It's funny how society shits on incels for their brainrot but juices up women who practice the exact same shit. Doubly so when it is a tranny. There is nothing that defines a tranny as a moidman more than saying shit like this.

Nobody can be trusted but you're right at least a female will have a really hard time putting the hurt on me. We are fucked in the sense that even I'll admit that in the coming civil war if I capture a female or tranny combatant they are getting the dick whether they like it or not. I am sorry but that's my nature and she meant to do me harm.
Thread theme

Men always look like they can overpower me, and kill me if they wanted

whats not to love?

Foids have the power of empathy though. They can tell the good men apart from the abusers and psychos which men lack in. They can also use that power to manipulate men easier so it levels the playing field.

It's the exquisitely balanced dichotomy between physical/psychical abilities, like Warrior vs Mage in games.

in other words

men are the nigs of gender: dindu and chimping out, also get fucked by the system

women are the jews of gender: jewing over men and each other, neurotic, fembrained and fucking others via the system (and other dindus)

i'm not because i know i can outrun like 99% of them and the rest 1% who is faster than me are such running nerds they are no threat to anyone

I've literally never heard of a man raping a tranny. Stop this agp bullshit of "oh noes men can't control themselves around me THEY WANT TO RAPE MY PERFECT HOT ASS". It's self indulgence twatter.

half of u bitches are just legit men anyway no hate

i've definitely heard stories. and if you don't believe them just go watch some vlad ncl vids to confirm

"Raping" a tranny is like "overfeeding" a pig


I always get intimidated by the thought other men will kill me because I am 5'6, and even after lifting weights and training martial arts I don't really think I'd have a chance against a normal sized man. Most of fighting anyways is just weight classes and unless I'm obese a regular height male is bigger than me in mass as well. I think I could kill most lanklets though and other manlets if i needed to. I wish I could get a gun but I'm not allowed