Estrogen barely touched my fucking face lol...

Estrogen barely touched my fucking face lol. What was even the point of HRT if I'm gonna look this fucking manly after 3 years of injections and FFS. All just to be a cinderblock hunbeast. Suicidal asf tonight, give me fuel so I can finally go over the age.

nice-selfie.jpg - 1620x2025, 521.49K

*edge, cant even spell right bc drunk

i know you're fishing for compliments and you know you pass well enough but made this post anyway so good luck!

think of a room. the walls are made out of bricks. and on all the walls and ceiling there are clocks.
imagine the sound they would all make

Absolutely correct. You don't pass in the slightest and nobody wants to be near you because you give off rapehon vibes.

if i make a bunch of brick clocks people on this forum would by them?
they seem to be into bricks and clocks.
that seems to be the one thing this board is autistic about.
bricks and clocks..

A horse accidentally steps on a squirrel.

I'm not fishing for shit you fucking fag, here's another pic from a shittier angle. Literally never going to pass even with the second round of FFS I have planned soon. Thinking about detransitioning if this is the fucking worthless face I got lol. Trans healthcare is a meme.

I mean you ain't ugly or even clocky at that angle and I'm not into being dishonest.

Why do you lie tho?
You CLEARLY know you're pretty and are just here to rub it in our faces.

wow that is some ninja shit you just whipped out which agency did you come from?
are you my special agent?
are you a girl?
send me a gf or transbian please.

literally what the fuck are you talking about you look like a cis woman. you're filled with so much self hatred you can't notice your true beauty ffs

tell me how you knew that.

you obviously pass in this angled frauded photo and you know that. i bet you dont pass at all in real life though and im sure you know that well. have fun fishing for attention, you pass but you almost certainly dont :D

Did you actually think you were the only wizard on Anon Babble?

lol I barely take pics of myself bc I fucking hate myself but here's one I took today, literally ugly as shit. I've got like three selfies.

do we know eachother irl?
like i am truly intrigued that you either are leet, a fed, or have some very psychic ability.

ur just like every other girl who obsesses over her appearance. whether u claim ur ugly or hot ur still self obsessed, get real

your actual face passes, but your head doesnt. it looks very tall and i can tell ur trying to hide that with bangs. ffs won't be able to do anything about that, you'll just unbalance it and focus the attention on your cranial vault instead if you shave your chin. its over for stealth, but yes you pass better than most. hows that?

Just old.


disgust.jpg - 310x233, 20.44K

...this is after ffs? or were you saying you need ffs to pass
i think your eyeliner looks weird
the septum piercing is at least very fembrained

There is more to life than trying to be an instagram slut. Maybe there isn't more to your life, but you can fix that by going back to school, learning a new skill, getting a better job, doing something with your life. The more value you put on the superficial stuff the worse off you'll be.

what is the first letter of my name


Oh yeah your cheeks & eye sockets are unfortunate, I don't think you'll be able to fix that but if you work with it you won't be clocky just not really pretty.

give me more I need the motivation to go deeper

fagcuts.jpg - 3024x4032, 1.72M

I feel like a lot of you are just anons that got into this to show everyone you could do it better than them, and then you still kind of fail. So you still talk like that, still act that way, and even the way you dress is typical. By the way your eye wrinkles and makeup make you look like you're late 40s. Cool.

uh huh you're a tranny in suffering. welcome to the club. you are not special.

Very 00s attentionwhore of you. Let me guess, you used to obsess over scene girls cutting themselves.

thos scars never heal completely. Enjoy never wearing short sleeves again.

Picture 3.jpg - 640x480, 68.15K

I think you're cute and I would date you but you seem very mentally unwell. Please get help. You are attractive, you're letting your brainworms destroy you. Resist, and become a better you. Someone will love you, but you have to love (or at least tolerate) yourself first.

somehow i really don't think she cares

i am 100% convinced you're a fed or know me irl
or you have the shine

I want to fucking die keep fueling me. I have a gun and I'm going to fucking kill myself later. For now just scratches.

fuckyou.jpg - 3024x4032, 1.29M

girl, you really need to epilate those arms.
or wax them, or rub some veet on them or something.

also you should paint your nails.

A is the most common first initial in the US.

Excuse me, why aren't you adhering to the sticker on your laptop???

your face is cute get offline dumbfuck

Seconding the nail painting thing.

Picture 4.jpg - 640x480, 84.11K

stop being cringe op

Imagine this things croaking frog voice "hello fellow wome-ROAAAAAKK"

no love could ever save me

what would even be the point

my fiance will cry and try to get me back into inpatient when she sees the cuts I've posted and the deeper ones on my thighs I havent

but whats the point

cant live cant even work up the courage to die. ten bullets in the clip but I only need one tonight. Ive put the gun in my mouth three times with my finger on the trigger but cant pull. If Anon Babble cant make me pull idk what can.

thats not me I guarantee I dont know you irl and if I did youd be laughing

bc I hate myself more than I love my community

that looks doesnt even look like a self harm scar rofl

Just wear short sleeves? NTA but I have small scrapes from random things, so do many people, and nobody cares.

oh so you have someone who loves you? and you're wasting that shit away?

That's because it's from 22 years ago.
Don't cut.

You don't want to die, you want attention and excitement. If you die you won't be able to see the aftermath, if you die there will be hardly any aftermath either. Get help, call a suicide hotline, or just focus on something productive since I doubt you would actually bother calling or getting any help.

i hope you are really my top secret undercover secret angel special agent tho.
like idk how you came up with the horse/squirrel thing but wow.
i cant even reveal how that is significant cause i also swore an oath to never tell anyone outside of the initiation.

Nope. Just a wizard.
Didn't get laid before 30. Got powers. They're all stupid, but still. Powers.

deserved for itoddler

very nice, anon.
that is pretty crazy tho.
somehow your wizard powers tapped right into whatever timeline i live in and drew that out by reading the post.
that is crazy.
i am literally always with horses and squirrels

fiance and a gf bc Im poly bc fag and dating like 2 other girls seriously but not official. have simps too but I sorta dont want them.
I jumped off the roof of a 4 story parking garage earlier this year and fucked up my body Im pretty sure I want to die. Have consistently tried to kill myself 2-3 times a year mostly w/ pills for the past several years going back to pre-transition. Cant even kill myself right.

my plan is to shoot myself and fall backwards off a 9 story parking garage I scouted out in my city earlier, next week. no going back next time. Im ready to go home.

hardly any aftermath either

yea pretty much everyone in my life hates me and all my relationships/friendships are on the edge, it would be an objectively good thing for me to suicide rn

That's the trick.
i think I learned it from an xkcd comic ages ago.

Oh, look, yet another attention whore came in to dunk on actual hons.

this is an actual hon sorry to say

So you agree that you don't really want to kill yourself. Stop making your life worse and trying to get attention. You can live a perfectly productive life even if you're depressed or sad, you just have to convince yourself that you're not entitled to happiness or attention and that's okay.

I jumped off the roof of a 4 story parking garage earlier this year and fucked up my body

In what way is your body fucked up? How did you even survive that?

please disregard this post because only mentally ill chasers that are conditioned to get hardons for 19 year old trannies with FAS will think this IRL