new lolcow
40 years old
8 months HRT
violently slings slurs like a Anon Babble incel
gigahon man body
ego through the roof
completely delusional
steer clear
new lolcow
40 years old
8 months HRT
violently slings slurs like a Anon Babble incel
gigahon man body
ego through the roof
completely delusional
steer clear
we already know. also he isn't on hrt. he takes licorice root
he’s not a lolcow, he’s a shitty troll and ur feeding him
Mogs me
Rent free
Tripfags are once again becoming funny, deranged, and interesting again. Better state of affairs than all of them being zoomer attention whores.
I mog you on spiro and licorice extract at twice your age.
How does that make you feel?
Mogs me
bruh. am 40 also and emily mogs me.
emily has like 5x better gains than me on only twizzlers and licorice than i do taking mega mare doses of estradiol and hrt.
like if i went to the grocery store with emily we would def hold hands in the isle and make it awkward for people that would have to walk through our hands, and we would def touch everyones butts.
and if anyone tried hurting me emily would def get in their face and be like "FUCK OFF. ASSHOLE."
and like tackle them through the cereal box isle.
then we would just go home and snuggle.
i might wake up to emily molesting me though, but that's okay i would just submit and get into it.
after a long night of being molested am exhausted and my lips are blue and my skin is grey.. and she is satisfied.
she gives me a piece of licorice and twizzlers and i pass out in her bosom.
i wake up and she has already prepared me 2 dozen scrambled eggs in a bowl
and tells me to eat all of them.
emily mogs like 90% of the people on this board.
mogs me.
this is a larp
member mario? i member
I can't tell if this is making fun of the person in the picture and/or this emily person
but what in the pumpernickel am I reading?
oh my god my favorite trip. remember when she said she was going to preform FFS on herself LOL. this board used to attract the funniest weirdos what happened.
you are currently calling me cis as a cope in another thread. you do not mog me
But I actually do tho don't I?
You have to larp as a tranny for attention because you're plain and basic and just generally forgettable.
I get male attention wherever I go.
twizzlers don't have any licorice in them.
Most american "licorice" products are actually anise, which is also estrogenic but not nearly as powerful.
What I take is concentrated licorice extract. To get the amount of licorice estract I get from eating 1% licorice extract lollies (the premium stuff in europe) you'd have to eat 2kg or 8 bags a day.
Also I'm androphilic. Sorry nonny.
the fact that you seemingly genuinely believe that i am cis just because i look better than you i think knocks you well out of the range of "mogs me"
you have seen my face, presumably even in videos where my brow, hairline, chin &c are clearly visible & you are still reverse-clocking me?
don’t respond to him ur just feeding a troll
No I think you're cis because you posted your legs and I could see by the angle of your femur that you are AFAB.
And also by the fact that you think like a female and you fight like a female, because you were never male socialized. You weren't taught to stand on your own. You weren't taught to make your case clearly and definitively. You were taught only reflective writing and passive insinuation while fighting with rumours and innuendo.
Males always fight one on one. You always try to bring in others and look for champions. A male doing that would be seen as shameful, which is why the other trannies on this site don't do that, they engage directly regardless of any positions they hold.
nigga why are u wasting ur time with this expensive ass shit when you could take actual estrogen for like, 100 dollars a year?
you are right but like oh my god
I didn't even make this thread. I was barely even lurking the board when TWO threads were made about me.
I'm not the fucking troll here you dozy bitch. I'm the target of coordinated bullying by foids who haven't gotten over high school yet.
A bunch of anonymous foids are indistinguishable from each other
If you want an identity, stop posting anonymously.
I do not bother to remember you individually, and I still can't tell which one you are.
you are right but like oh my god
don’t worry he comes here for like less than a day and then the jannies send him on a 3 day vacation
you are assigning an identity to random anons for no reason because you are schizophrenic. normal people do not do this
Because Australian customs are actually competent.
Most online pharmacies don't even ship to Australia any more. The ones who do don't guarantee delivery.
We get what's called "the letter" which is a note from customs that the shipment has been seized but they're not going to arrest me because they can't prove it's mine.
gets btfo in the other thread
is still raging ITT
Lol, lmao even. Imagine being a 40 year old adult and behaving like this. Holy shit this is embarassing Emily
I've only been semi-regular a couple of years, and I've noticed a drop in the quality of the regular posters.
I don't know if they were trips, but remember the Australian tranny who kept announcing her general location and inviting people to fight her? or the troon with yellow teeth who made live cooking threads?
It was a delightfully eccentric set.
2 dozen scrambled eggs
That's, uh, a lot of cholesterol, anon...
isnt hrt extremely easy to get on in australia
even 1mg E 200mg spiro would be better than whatever the fuck youre doing
Those random "anons" will not stop talking about themselves.
And once again, I remind you I didn't make this thread.
I'm here every day newfag.
When my trip is banned I post as empty.
But of course as soon as I put my trip back on the JIDF shows up because they've got me on google alert.
there's literally a domestic vial homebrewer
No it isn't.
The "informed consent" clinics are all in the inner suburbs and have waiting lists as long as two years.
The endos won't see you without a diagnosis from a psych.
And the psychs are either useless or full.
I WAS easy, then covid happened.
Link or contact or whatever.
Those random "anons" will not stop talking about themselves.
i literally just timestamped a pic of my torso because you schizophrenically decided i was a Anon Babble tourist & then you started schizophrenically calling me a cis larper
is this person fucking retarded, if ican boymode in the most anti-trans state in the US i dont see why they cant honmode in the easiest nanny state in the world.
i... my ... i ... me
There is no you from my perspective. There is only a sea of Anons. Unless you are responding to a post where I responded to you, then I do not know who you are. How could I?
That's how I know you are a foid.
The JIDF doesn't know who you are and doesn't give a single shit about you, there's like a half million Palestinians alone on the list before they even consider an ugly tranny on another continent. It is PEAK narcissism to think a government entity cares one iota about you specifically
he admitted to ban evading
pls pls pls have a janny read this
I live in the most conservative seat in Australia.
Yeah you'd think they'd have better things to do. But they overreact to everything.
I've already been warned by the tranitors so I won't say more than that.
Though I will say the mods know it's the Israelis btw. We're only anonymous to each other.
This isn't reddit.
we're only anonymous to each other
Why does this sound weirdly romantic?
Because without the redditor flood, the ciszoomie plague, and the JIDF spam, this is actually a nice community of people with shared experiences and love for each other.
Grow up lol you're pathetic thinking like this. You're fourty years old for fucks sake this is shit edgy teenagers say and do, this is just downright embarassing for a gully grown adult. I've been seeing your posts as empty and it'd just sad. Like I see someone degenerating and falling apart in slow motion. How do you have real life relationships with people when all this neo nazi seethe is lurking just below the surface? Not even self interest is allowed to breathe since you can somehow look at the shit neo nazis and white nationalists say about trannies and be like "nah, won't happen to me!" I'm sure there's alot of Jews in 1934 (the gays and trannies had already been surpressed) that would be clapping and agreeing with you too
I'm not reading that nigger. Just fuck off.
i somehow missed that this person was australian
i'm going back and reading through their posts in an aussie stereotype accent and it's really funny
Okay ill tl;dr it for you since, much like a child, you have no attention span
new lolcow
immediate red flags, this smells like a guy wanting you all to feed into his humiliation fetish
tl:dr doesn't seem to matter to you, you're too thick to understand even the simplest statement.
This anon gets it.
"lolcow" is a Qanon meme.
lolcows have been around since the early 2000s starting with chris chan
idk, i think one of the bathtub estrogen people could slip something through, or one of the suppliers in hrtgen. like the taiwanese people are pretty good at getting shit across the world in like 3 days.
you should just get aus health insurance, find a psych, show up with your licorice and binder and nails done in your dress. and be like "so yeah.. i need a clinic.."
and then get all that stuff for free.
like my gender affirming clinic is 15 minutes away i didnt have to get psych eval'd etc. i just proved i have been taking hrt for years and they checked levels and confirmed i am chemically in female range.
and then she hooked me up with a bunch of stuff. like $400+ in hrt for free.
you should really call the gender clinics, anon. you'll find 1 that will bypass the bullshit.
do you have like a planned parenthood tier clinic system over there? probably?
they will literally get you on hrt if you show up as emily and answer some questions
Emily, are you the gdp schizo?
licorice root
what does that do?
Lol you're so pathetic. Sometimes I feel bad about my life but then I realize there's people like you out there: miserable, helplessly alone, bitter at the world, angry at others' prosperity, and jealous of their social status.
You lash out in the one single realm on the internet where you can spew your idiocy and have ego to think a single government gives a fuck about you. They don't, but when they do, it won't be da joos. It'll be the people you identify with the most, and they'll laugh as you beg and cry for mercy from them, wondering how you could possibly be so stupid as to believe their lies.
It's all so sad to see someone self destruct so publicly
Lolcow is much older than qanon and nu-poltards.
calls you a guy with a humiliation fetish
"This anon gets it,"
i think one of the bathtub estrogen people could slip something through
Once customs has your address they check everything. If you get the letter once you get it every time.
If I open a PO box they'll know it's me and camp the PO box so they can charge me with illegal importation.
But if you guys have links I'm happy to check them out tho. In the meantime what I'm doing is working.
like all iwanted @ gender clnic was to get my levels checked, and i also got all checks for std's and was clean also, and they got all that free hrt. like 3 months worth for $0.00
and i was just so stoked.
good levels. clean. free hrt.
feels good man.
No it isn't. It's literally a board on 8ch or wherever the qtards went when the mods cleaned them out of Anon Babble.
She wasn't talking to me. She was talking to the OP.
Once again, I'm not the OP.
This thread was made about me, not by me. I actually reported it for off topic, but apparently rate me threads are fine as long as you don't post them yourself.
did he stutter?
She wasn't talking to me. She was talking to the OP.
Once again, I'm not the OP.
Peak delulu posting here lads. That poster was implying you were posting the OPs to indulge your humiliation fetish lmaooo
I miss when the entire board defaulted to she.
I really wish you redditors had never come here.
This bullshit toxicity ruined the board, that's why all you have to talk about is me and your impending suicides.
mental gymnastics.
Are you this retard? because honestly you type like him.
yeah it sucks dude maybe you should go somewhere eles
horse retard here. again.
i think you need to make a trusted friend that lives nearby and roll the dice with using their mail/p.o. box
like there is ways to do this.
people all around the world do this stuff, anon.
i believe in you.
like i know a handful of people i can talk to and have them get things in the mail for me if i had to.
i do get my own Anon Babble from randoms online.
and i do get pharmacy tier official.
so am legally protected also in some way.
the sense of security is 100% worth it.
compared to the solo Anon Babble era.
it just feels good to have that sense of security doing things like this. cause it is a turbulent lifestyle in alot of ways imo.
I do.
I'm not going to be here for much longer. And I've seen what this board looks like when I'm not around to move it.
I'm not reading that. It's weird that you think I would.
No why the fuck would I ever go to Anon Babble? It's like Anon Babble but somehow worse with regard to country shitposting
I really wish you redditors had never come here.
wanna dick swing over who has the oldest trip? i was here in gay threads on Anon Babble before even Anon Babble was a thing
*shrug*, just the way you reply to every post I make regardless of whether I'm talking to you and the fact you seem to think we have some sort of relationship reminds me of that actual special needs kid.
pay attention to me
me me me i i i im me me
you are a narcissist
I was the newfag cancer killing Anon Babble in october of 2003.
I am the reason moot hates Australians.
Nobody is older than me.
you do know i am like 80 years old, right anon?
like i am where boymoders go to die.
i think it would be good if we could all be a little bit nicer to eachother
Lolcow as a term is way older than whatever that board is
Like that’s what kiwifarms is about
Wed 30 Oct 2024
That's crazy
ok pls go on a very long vacation
I've never implied some sort of relationship what the fuck? You're unironically making shit up. I just like poking you and pointing out your anti jew retardation so I respond alot to you nerd when I get off work and don't need to occupy my time anymore with you then I'm going to close this thread and not think about you at all until I open another thread and see you screeching again kn the future
I'm not going to be here for much longer. And I've seen what this board looks like when I'm not around to move it.
Narcissism and delusions of grandeur
oh also, both my horses got adopted.
the brown 1 in those pics is leaving on tuesday.
so i wont have any horses for some days until we find more horseys to save..
i did work for him for 1+ year for free.
and with ruby here, i spent about 120 days with her.
also i will be able to visit him and the people that adopted him know me.
(they are both married lesbians irl also)
I'm a tripfag. I have an identity and lore and a whole personality.
When I post anonymously though I never use first person pronouns or talk about myself at all.
It wasn't until I started transitioning that I began to develop a personality that wasn't anonymous, and so it was time for a trip.
Only women make absolutely everything about themselves.
kiwifarms replaced 8ch after it turns out (predictably) Qanon was a psyop.
you are a newfag.
I won't be coming back. I'm only killing time while transitioning. I'm healthy now.
You seem to think I'm supposed to know you.
That's a relationship.
In actual fact you're just another anonymous retard indistinguishable from all the other anonymous retards.
tisn't tho.
If I left this thread right now the whole board would stop moving for like 12 hours.
And I'm going to do that because I have IRL to do in a little bit so you'll see.
You need a trip nonny.
Kiwifarms has been stalking Chris Chan for like 2 decades hon
I am sorry baby girl, but lolcow is much older than qanon and nu-poltards.
i won’t be coming back
thank god
Why would I give a fuck what kiwifarms does?
Maybe you should go back there to hang out with all those other Q-tards.
You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about nigger.
Yeah good luck with your suicide threads and endless Anon Babblebait tho.
yeah. it would be an interesting story.
sometimes i will be raw/real on Anon Babble
and other times i just like to shitpost.
like i was teasing you a couple days ago autistically and retardedly about the terminator scenario..
but then we were vibing about the horses and squirrel things and i became convinced you were a fed or telepathic.
but you are just a powerful wizard.
its been good.
idk a name to use honestly.
You probably don’t even know about cgl or encyclopedia dramatica. Boomer started Anon Babble on fucking pol lmao
You seem to think I'm supposed to know you.
That's a relationship.
L o fucking L sis meme arrow the text you think implies ANY of this??? You're unironically delusional jesus. I don't know you nor do I have any fucking interest in doing so
If I left this thread right now the whole board would stop moving for like 12 hours.
Please leave this board right now so you can come back in 15 minutes and hir refresh, seeing a dozen threads get bumped while your shit threads get completely ignored
Nobody thinks about you here, nobody cares when you leave, and nobody cares when you return, except specifically to torment you for being a white supremacist tranny who thinks the JIDF is tracking her and that random people she's never met and who repeatedly say they hate her secretly are obsessed with her. LOL. LMAO. LAUGHING-CRYING emoji this is peak comedy I haven't laughed so long at a loser on Anon Babble in a loooooong time
Are you absolutely fucking serious right now?
2007 was a mistake.
30 Oct 2024
is that you?
meme arrow the text you think implies ANY of this
There's like 5 of you talking to me.
Why do you think I have some idea who you are? you are JUST
Another anonymous LOSER on Anon Babble.
Tripfags are cancer.
I do hate Jews tho.
Okay so I'm supposedly trying to form a relationship with you (?) But it's clear you don't know who I am. If I were, wouldn't it be in my best interest to try and get you to figure out who I am? Honestly the fact that you can't even track post numbers just tells me how disconnected from reality you are
All SPYDER hate jews.
Then you know people have been laughing at freaks like cwc aka lolcows forever?
fucking babble
How do even solve the captcha?
yeah that was like 2 months ago.
Nigger you weren't even here for the 2016 facebook purge.
You don't have the foggiest idea what Anon Babble culture is.
why does he actually look okay here
How do you survive like this? Do you work? Do your coworkers shuffle awkwardly when you spout off about da joos? Or are you just a NEET/trust fund babby?
Because SHE is putting a lot of effort into her transition and is learning how to dress better.
Uhhhh Emily, care to comment on this development??
yeah i look like a dude irl, but my body is very feminized/shemale tier at this point lmao.
like all the pictures of the elderly boymoder with the horseys in this thread is me.
am a hot bish irl tho.
like idc if you want to put a bag over my head or not, anon. i know what i got.
Welfare state Ameri-nigger.
you don't need a trip you have an instantly recognizable posting style
Sad. Glad you're a drain on Australian society then and not here
I'm open to questions from Anons who legitimately cannot get access to HRT and need another way. Because I want to be a positive force. But I don't feel the need to feed cancer.
you live in your mom's basement
So you're refusing to refute the allegations about not being HRT? This is incredible news. I'm preparing a statement to be sent to the press corps, are you sure you don't have any comment??
Who asked?
Dear dumb bitch, read post. That's a moidpost.
Notice how he says
Glad you're
I'm glad you're
Because he's just stating the feeling, he's not actually talking about himself.
Do what you like.
Who asked?
I did
Like the post before that response, in fact
It's time to stop posting Emily and get on hormones
I asked my own opinion and then I told myself my own opinion
How is this my problem?
Dear dumb bitch, read post. That's a moidpost.
Notice how he says
>Glad you're
>I'm glad you're
Because he's just stating the feeling, he's not actually talking about himself.
why are you (You)ing me here?
You'll understand when you're older.
Oh god she's losing track of which posts are answers and which are my questions now...
don't condescend to me. i'll get older eventually but your ribcage is like that forever
tastes good
Emily I think being on hormones is the minimum for identifying as transgender. You can say you have dysphoria and that you'd like to live as a woman, but you ain't shit really until you take real steps to change yourself before you're actually a real tranny.
Right now you're just a turbo-repressor
Emily I'm almost 40 myself and I think it I had a ribcage circumstance as wide as your own I would unironically rope.
Good luck with your alternative medicines. HRT barely works as is. You're simply doomed. But I applaud you for swimming against the current simply because a fools errand is a hilarious thing.
Also, this is now a Anon Babble E-attention whore hijacking thread.
If you're truly such an oldfag did you ever post on advy mirc or /cd/ or are you a lurker oldfag
he was a poltard he didn't troon out until like less than a year ago
this one ruined it but OP image looked fine
troon out
Still hasn't trooned out really, still coping with conscience supplements
it's another 400 post emily thread
this person is a larp/troll. there are tons of MEF weirdos that get off to "feminizing" themselves by posting here but are not transitioning. that's why hes not on hrt and never will be.
emily you must see and feel how good estradiol + progesterone is to be on.
come. join us emily.. have some estradiol/prog emily be one of us.
emily. emily. emily.
you can look fem/young(and obese) forever, emily.
be one of us.
Yeah but my boobs will get bigger, your will always be conetits.
It's an estrogen receptor agonist, in high enough concentrations it's as effective as estrogen monotherapy.
doesn't actually.
Nobody gives a shit what you think.
Good luck with your alternative medicines.
D-cups. My face is completely changed, my hips and ass have grown, my belly went soft and then diappeared, my skin is softer, and my emotions have changed.
Maybe you should try licorice instead of whatever hondose the doctors are giving you.
Everyone loved the shit out of that dress. My camera just sucks.
This person is the only tranny on /tttt/ as near as I can tell.
>Good luck with your alternative medicines.
D-cups. My face is completely changed, my hips and ass have grown, my belly went soft and then diappeared, my skin is softer, and my emotions have changed.
Now THIS is delusionposting
Whatever happened to leaving the thread to do other stuff an hour ago?
Prog is a problem. There's no herbal prog.
Also I'm not really sure when to start it anyway, so many different opinions.
Yeah soon.
i have normal breasts. yours look like this:
Also there's nothing delusional about it.
Can't rely on my own perceptions, and can't trust you idiots to do anything except hatebox, so I have to rely on the measuring tape.
42C. 42C. 42C. lol.
Why not leave right now and end your public humiliation?
Your little man tits are not D cups btw making obvious lies is a symptom of some sort of personality disorder
bag not needed
post abrathatfits size
Ahahahahahaha oh nonono NONONONO
Bro your cage is like X Box.
Not bad for 18 months.
Lol you think the opinion of anonymous losers has ever affected anyone ever?
I have foidtits because I am a foid
Again, if you're going to reply to posts which aren't replying to your post then you can't expect me to know you're a different anon unless you say so
a what?
Yeah nig, did you not see any of my pics?
have you posted a photo of your face yet?
no and I never will.
On this site or any other.
Damn I thought it was over for me but even my fat ass can wear a 36
36 what?
all of that chain down you are replying to me you literal apebrain retard
i am literally mtf & you just cannot accept that the vast vast vast fucking majority of us do not look anything like you. i am not even particularly good-looking for an mtf. you are just unbelievably fucking disgusting. anyways cup size scales with ribcage size, a 42C is incredibly small
Evidently it'd affecting you pretty hard because I've been pestering you for hours now and there's still no sign you're don't getting made fun of by literally everyone else ITT
(btw i am just under 24 months hrt. compare that to your 18 months of breast growth!)
This person is the only tranny on /tttt/ as near as I can tell.
I see that you've realized you are different from a lot of the board. Can't imagine why...
even if that anon is a 36 A it's larger do you not know how bra sizing works
inb4 spellchecker autism
That would be "it's" and "done"
can't you google? it's a more accurate bra size calculator
imo probably 1.5-2 years from wherever your levels hit female range. which can take some months also of calibrating/testing where your spot is.
alot of hrt science stuff thinks prog is meaningless but i think it is very powerful simply for wellbeing, it mentally feels good for some hours, and also if your sex drive is nuked, it does light up sex drive a little bit more.
there is something about it i think is beneficial personally.
idk what is up with science not seeing at least for some it has + effects for sure.
ty anon :) <3
that was very nice of you.
i appreciate it.
It was a 36D bra my ex left behind. I have no boobs obvs but at least my ribcage has a half foot on you lmao