started at mid 18 kinda akin to after 20 ngl
same it’s not looking good
I just started and I'm freshly 22 :(
gargatuan goph
Then you wonder why Trump won.
My mom is a bodybuilder who took steroids, so I started HRT as a fetus. Got a fully functional 9 inch dick and everything.
yeah it reeks of soph lmao
ugly ass botched ffs cracker
started at 27, gonna seppuku soon
i am 26 and i started this july =(
if you cannot pass after puberty is over, you were never meant to transition and you should be forcefully detrooned. completely unironically.
I started at 30 lmao it sucks.
I started on enanthate injections on Halloween basically four months (123 days) before I turn 21… I’m like 10-11 days in and going to be taking my third injection in like 3 days.
I don’t want it to be too late for me…
noooo :(
Like 80% of the girls here mog you, sophia
if ur a hon and ur ffs results look super botched lmfaooooo
its the only way to find peace. i'll never be a milf tranner
started at 27 and pass lol
it is wild how recognizable she is, 2 weeks till
"it's over I'm too tall" or "started at 19 :((" again
Does age even matter? By 15-16, when i started diy T, female puberty was already done with raping me, and my bone structure didn't change in the slightest
Started at 22, but for me it was over by 17 so why bother
If you start at or after 16 it's already too late.
I started at 17 and might as well have started at 40
pooners get out my tranny board
if you started before 15 it's ogre
I'm not doing that bad but it's still not good either. just... decently, twinkhonnish at best. curse my 13 y/o self for being a scared loser
Stay strong and make sure to actually eat more food. You don't have to get fat but you do need to eat more if you want like tits and shit
not really like 18 1/2 to 19 is where it gets really bad desu so it depends when at 18 you transitioned but anything after 18 1/2 you will be a hon
I quite literally started at 18 1/2. HRT since January 2024, turned 18 in June 2023. Could've started sooner but my parents sabotaged me and I was dumb enough not to act on my own.
you are probably semi fine but much worse off then if you started at like 18 but like no were near as bad as 19 it depends how much worse you looked compared to your 18th birthday really
not sure anymore, I lost a lot of photos when my old phone broke. would've been better if my parents didn't keep me from going to the doctor. though comparing pictures from today with that one pic of me in 2023 on my computer, I look incredibly better now (my selfie skills might just be better desu)
does anyone have the "passing and cute" "say ack!" boymoder and honjak pic
at least I don't look like on the right ig
I love this board’s obsession with strict cutoffs.
I didn’t really masculinize after a very short growth spurt at like 13-14 but my face was still very awkward and kind of ugly until I was around 19 1/2. I started HRT at 20 with great results and tbqhon I think I would have brainwormed out if I felt I was trooning into an ugly woman.
must be nice
I started HRT at 20 with great results and tbqhon I think I would have brainwormed out if I felt I was trooning into an ugly woman.
might be interpreting this wrong, but are you saying you would've gotten brainworms if you became an ugly woman? from what I've seen here and my mind, I don't think brainworms are rational anyway. they aren't necessarily correlated with being the ugliest hon on earth for example. despite being told I look fine and having seen comparisons to my old self, there's no running around "they're hugboxxing and nothing changed".
I’m saying the insecurity I would have felt trooning out as an 18-year-old with a very weird and awkward face would have greatly negatively affected my ability to transition properly, in that I would have been constantly insecure and feel like I was doing something I’d regret. I looked a lot better when I started at 20 and had a much more clear idea of what goals I could reasonably achieve and have worked towards that.
ah, thanks for explaining, that's very reasonable. can definitely see how being older and more secure of yourself helped your transition
me when accidentally replied, sorry anon
They still mog your peasant gene ass tho
Lol the only advantage young shits trult have look wise is the bones. This is why genes are important lol some people have skulls that look fine when hrt at 45! Lol others look like shrekette at 15. Youngshits benefit from less of that happening the earlier they get on. Someone who may have been a skullhon shoulderhon at 19 may not at 12 but still be ugly lol