Do trannies understand there is an unspoken rule among women that you need to be hot to wear these kinds of skimpy...

Do trannies understand there is an unspoken rule among women that you need to be hot to wear these kinds of skimpy outfits?


be a woman

complain about beauty standards being sexist

enforce beauty standards on ifher women's bodies

complain about men being sexist for objectifying women

objectivity my own body for male attention

They're not women so no

It's not actually the body that's the issue here, if you look at the thighs etc OPhon isn't like egregiously fat or anything. It's not a great or especially attractive body, but it's not Grimace-tier or anything. Mediocre, nothing worse.

Fat, unathletic cis women can pull off revealing (ish) outfits because they know how to select flattering clothes. You won't see their Popeye's paunch hanging over the top of the skirt even if they're fatter than the bitch in the OP. There was a huge pop concert in my city tonight and I saw a good number of cute thicc girls in their best skimpy fits. Sure as lateshit hons we have more body characteristics working against us, and we definitely mostly always pass worse the more skin we show, but you can make workable outfits for any occasion no matter what your body looks like. It just takes more effort the fatter, uglier, and more honnish you are.

Skelehon x fattyhon solidarity we're all freaks together

Anyway I have body acceptance/neutrality for everyone else, but ana + bdd for myself, lmao.

the average agp has 0 self awareness and they make up like 90-95% of male to female transitioners so no

Kek someone shoop a penis or balls hanging below the skirt

yeah I mean honestly she'd be mostly fine if she knew to wear that skirt like an inch higher (and if it was a bit longer). men's jeans are worn kinda under the belly like picrel, but women usually wear skirts so that they're on top of the belly, it's an easy mistake to make for a clueless babytrans. esp with that kinda male fat distribution.

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Shes p cute ngl. Wish I had the confidence to rock that.

how do you know if you are attractive enough to wear skimpy clothing
is it one of those things where if you have to ask, you can't?

post body in bodythread or wear those clothes in a fashion gen if one of these is up and see if chasers say tag u when they say stuff like plapplapplap or sexo

it depends on a million things. if you're at a house party with friends, you can probably wear whatever even if you look frumpy. If you're going clubbing, same thing except the threshold is a bit higher. And for daily wear, you can't, unless you're really confident and really hot.

fat bitches do this but worse

there are literally 300 million foid fatties on instagram dressed like that right now.

Man realizes women are irrational

isn't that the chocolate milk autist tranny

90% of us cannot just because of skeleton + you need to be slightly underweight and not an inverted triangle.

see ugly fat women dressed like whores

shiver in disgust and walk away

troon sees ugly fat women dressed like whores

"this is exactly how I must dress!"

But it's not a fetish right?

The actual issue there is she is wearing the skirt too low because nobody has explained where the waist is.

Oh please, I see fat cishons wearing shit like this all the time and no one gives them trouble

Fat women wear revealing clothes all the time and they’re just fat women in revealing clothes at worst and “thicc” at best.
Android fat distribution, Neanderthal makeup skills, and a lack of fashion sense makes autistic trannies just look more like men in women’s clothing than anything else. Lose weight, wear whatever the cute girls on the internet do (within reason), and do your makeup well. that’s how you pass lmao

If there actually is such an "unspoken rule" then I gotta say that cus women break it ALL THE TIME. I see stomach turning ham beasts wearing grossly inappropriate clothing ever single summer.

Most guys are clueless about fashion

most trans will need to learn fashion

EW I don't WANT to see the awkward stages of someone figuring out how to dress themselves GROSS

you a bitch lol

Real women go through this in their teens. They're kids and dumb so they get a pass.

Sorry I'm not giving the same grace I would a teenager girl to a grown adult man who decided "tee hee i am the teenage girl now" because he pumped himself full of female hormones and now his brain rotted body thinks it's going through puberty as a woman.

If you're in your 30s and a man wanting to be a woman you've had far more time than a teen girl to discover fashion and understand dos and don'ts before slinging on whatever fetish wear your mind discovers as "revealing my new female body to the world!"

Take off the kid gloves and man up, nobody is humoring you on this fetish journey. It's you against the world. Use those male brained smarts to do smart things not be stupid.

They’re always the fridge bodied loudmouth bitches who act like any advance on their much more attractive friends is an attempted rape or some shit. In my experience, they’re all either suppressed lesbians or just really mad at the world. Either way, improving themselves and their health is entirely unthinkable to them.

the awkward stages of someone figuring out how to dress themselves

I love how you worded this to try and make it sound cute. fucking revolting.

Mmmm edgey. Nice story but people figure out fashion at all stages of their life. You just want to bitch about uglies and these uglies are your favorite toy to play with.

Look at how many people never learn to dress sharp. Turns out it might be kind of difficult for some people. Just look at men. Most never figure it out beyond basic hygiene. "Why would I bother to get anything fitted?" Says the lazy man who can't be assed to invest in his appearance. At least these trans women are trying. Going out and living life despite little whiney bitches like you making their lives your business.

I'm sure you look wonderful and already have your dress and matching shoes picked out.

Newsflash: everything you post on the internet for attention points gets you just that. Just because the attention isn't positive it doesn't give you the right to knee jerk back with "no not that kind of attention!"

A poorly dressed ugly male will be lauded as just that. Why do you get special acceptance just because you're the same kind of creature but put on an ill fitting women's frock? You don't deserve better just because you're worse. Get with the program or get thicker skin.

Hey, do you think anyone who posts a picture thinks about it getting passed around? Thinks about the schizo narratives that internet trolls come up with to rile themselves up over bullshit? Probably not. They take the picture, post it to their socials, and move on. You're here analyzing this shit because? Why? Hating them gives you meaning? You're so damn silly.

Just like you're posting here arguing with me about it. There's two sides to every opinion and whatever free time you have to come here and analyze my take is the same free time I had to make that take in the first place.

Stop trying to placate opposing points of view.


You dont hear what cis women say about them behind their backs, its savage

Two sides to any opinion? Ah shit we're playing checkers when I thought we were playing stellaris. Wow ok maybe this really isn't worth my time. Train is almost at the station.

Well that's a cross dressing exhibitionist.

Train is almost at the station.

are you on your phone in public?

Another victory for me. Hu hu hu

there's no such rule, weirdo.

Now u see why faggots n fat hoes vibe lol

Walk around walmart or an amusement park, you absolutely do not need to be hot.

Its just a bad outfit too... most americans have no fucking idea how to dress themselves, they just go out in ill fitting sports clothes (they dont work out) and running shoes. Or even worse, plain tee, jeans, and running shoes.