/lesgen/ - Lesbian General

/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

Please keep /lesgen/ discussion focused on wlw (women loving women). Be kind to one another!

The following is NOT welcome in this general:

trans discussion not relevant to the lesbian experience

personal & discord drama

trolling & hostility


bad-faith posting, including your desire for cis4cis relationships

There is zero need for you to mention your desire for what is the norm in the lesbian dating world. You are not a minority. You are not oppressed for being cis.

QOTT: Would you be flattered if you were gifted a squallet?


Am I lesbian or bisexual?

Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Bi women are welcome to post here about being wlw as well.

Are genital preferences valid?

Sexual orientation is innate and we can’t choose what sex characteristics we’re attracted to. However, discussing how much you dislike a certain set of genitals can be rude and disrespectful. In the same vein, shaming others for their attraction or lack thereof is also disrespectful.

tagmap: tagmap.io/tag//lesgen/
discord: discord.gg/RnfrxuV3dg

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first for stone butches

nice trips

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There is zero need for you to mention your desire for what is the norm in the lesbian dating world.

/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

Just rewrite the whole thing, this doesn't make sense.

It makes perfect sense. Be respectful or fuck off. Intolerance will not be tolerated. Your concern trolling has no space here. You are better suited for /clogged log gen/.

God older women (28+) are so much better, they're so put together and adorable

t. 19

Threadly reminder that I would like a cis asian gf. Let's keep it classy this time.

Ok you're a troll too. This is a honeypot of sorts. But what do you do with the people you capture?

i cant stop reading the old messages i had with her :(

All I want for Christmas is to have an iteration of lesgen hit the bump limit without an argument occurring, and also to have hot nasty sex with my girlfriend.

The following is NOT welcome in this general:

bad-faith posting, including your desire for cis4cis relationships

So lesbians are no longer welcomed in the lesbian general? This is such a weird rule

You are asking that question in bad-faith.

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u sure?
i'm 28 and very not put together. i'm a mess

I agree. I understand the offense of explicit cis 4 cis only stuff I guess but then most of the trannies do the same with trans 4 cis only so

This is a haven for trolls wanting to hurt people's feelings and cause unhappiness. It isn't trans women having a hard time and taking it out on people, it's actual cis male trolls. They're having a laugh. They don't take help easily unfortunately so I'm not sure what else I can say here.

I agree, but they don’t seem to like us openly. Personally, I’m trying to not be the young gf stereotype of being a freeloader without much direction. I hope my future gf sees my efforts
Wasn’t able to respond to you last night but the color violet is so beautiful! I personally love periwinkle the most but amber is gorgeous as well! I hope your day is nice

subtly misgenering anyone who calls out the very real bad-faith tourists from /clg/, in a way that appears to express genuine concern instead of maliciousness

You're getting better at this. Well done!

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I need to get strapped by a girl with a bad faith dildo

You'd reject a helping hand if you needed it. I'm sorry for whatever happened to you. Please try to speak up about it, and maybe that'll help.

when she's fucking you with the strap and you're about to cum and she starts calling you a good boy and misgendering you

You started off great but now you're back in the crapper. Better luck next time.

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Not bait. Not trolling. Everyone deserves to be happy and healthy.

this but you're cis and she's trans nonop but still using the strap

The issue I have is with the way the rule is specifically targeting cis4cis relationships. The rule says that a cis woman liking another cis woman is "bad-faith posting" in a lesbian thread instead of saying something like "bad-faith posting, including your desire for exclusively cis or trans relationships". The "There is zero need for you to mention..." part is also completely unnecessary and serves only to villainize cis women.

It was written by a cis woman

dogshit argument and the fact that so many here think that makes it ok is my biggest issue with this gen

Ignore lago's bun brained virtue signalling purity spiral. c4c is perfectly fine.

I hope your day is nice

Thank you. I hope your day is great!

Nobody is saying that. This thread is t4t dominated. All trans spaces are dominated by t4t women and straight trans women. Even c4t gets ridiculed and the only reps we have for it are an open couple lol… You are better off posting in /clg/ and just ignoring all the closeted trans male posters

We had an influx of terfs from /clg/ who were intentionally gloating about being cis4cis for the singular purpose of farming (You)s and derailing the thread; the new rule was written to stop them, and that's what it does.

If you have big issues with the gen then maybe you should leave?

And? The

All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion


bad-faith posting, including your desire for cis4cis relationships

parts of the op are mutually exclusive and she needs to pick one and discard the other

This thread bullies all t4t posters out or into hiding then claims its dominated by t4t lol yiu hons need to get over whatever made you like this

c4c is perfectly fine.

The fact that you continually say this while choosing to ignore the fact that there were literal TERFs coming here from another gen to post in bad faith is kinda infuriating, lol. This didn't happen in a fucking vacuum.

You can post about being cis in a relationship with a cis woman in a way that isn't done in bad-faith.

Thank you! I’m picking up some breakfast from my moms’ place. I’m so excited for yummy soup! Get some noms when you can

Not true at all. Nobody in this thread is bullied for being t4t. If anything, CACA gets bullied for being t4c. The only t4t people who feel they were "bullied out" were the bitterhons who accused lago of being a TERF even though she is such a non-terf that the actual terfs from /clg/ can't stand the thought of her

and also this

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Every discord server with wlw trans women is t4t dominated. This thread is t4t dominated trust me no one is booing them off the stage they’re just in your dm’s. Fake news tbhon

cis women being called a faggot and a good boy is really hot and pretty funny too

stacker has entered the chat


where are the t4t posters of this gen?
lets count!

I’m not mentally ill enough to do that sorry, you’re probably unemployed so you have the time for it..

how about you idiots girls can just shut up and suck my cis vagina

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tfw no cis girl to call me a faggot while i top her

okay loser have fun being classist

I'm proudly t4c.

it's veteran's day today which is a federal holiday in the us btw
happy veteran's day to our brave lesbians in the military!

now THIS is good bait

I thought the army was don't ask don't tell

why are we pretending the thread is t4t dominated as if the thread doesnt turn into a collective of slobbering dogs at the mention of a cis woman? t4t posts are like half as frequent

Having a job isn’t classism oh my god pfft how much of a loser are you that you’d admit that. Wrong stone toss

I haven't really noticed. I don't want to seem callous but maybe grow some thicker skin? Maybe let nature take its course and give the trolls a couple days to get bored and move on to the next thing? The 'rule' was added so quickly over so little and now it seems like c4c isn't welcome here which shouldn't be the case as the 'inclusive' lesbian general.

The reason you have to add the rule in the OP is otherwise the janitors will not ban the trolls; it is done for purely practical reasons to get the /clg/ tourists out of our gen

hey, I just dont like people hit by a hard economy catching strays over you getting mad at my posts, always been this way for some reason

That’s not true though. T4c trans women are shamed by society and their own peers. They’re told they’re just straight men for dating cis women By that logic then are they gay men for dating other trans women? Such a stupid argument that falls apart immediately because of some agamps insecurity. Constantly preaching about how unhappy they’ll be with a cis woman like dating trans women isn’t a mind fuck most of the time regardless of your gender. Fuck off.

idc about your justice autism lore girl

whining about stuff i didnt say or imply

implying dating a trans woman is a "mind fuck"

how many of u want to date cis women because u actually just hate trans women?

i just want to frot or frib or fuck

Yeah my friends call me a rapehon for having my gf who’s cis and they always try to give me worms about it. They ask me if I envy her. They ask if I resent her for existing. I’m not attracted to trans women so then I’m made to feel like a fake lesbian. Even been called AGP over it even though it’s other trannies I see engaging in chaser shit. They just get away with it because they have dysphoria

I’m not attracted to trans women

then why the fuck should anyone be attracted to u??? this place really is rancid

Fuck them they share their gfs gock with other sweaty girls. Just be like Theryn Meyer about it when she told Contra t4t is freakish behavior and then proceeded to date a cis woman. Which Contra is now doing too and she’s happy oh wow!

I don’t want trannies to be attracted to me, cis women are. I pass and have srs, I really don’t care. Just wish my friends weren’t so retarded over it bc they could never break their cope bubble

mask off today

You do though, you really care but you pretend not to, and that is the saddest thing of all...

reading all of these make so sad… girls lilacpill themselves when it comes to dating us lol

I’m not the person you were responding to, your reply was cringe. You’re cringe

You are a basedboy, however

Hell yeah boiiii

not hard to get the c4t transphobes to take their masks of inclusivity off

“it’s ok to have preferences but you can’t be cis and want to date a trans person unless the cis person is a man and you’re also attracted to me”

idk what you are trying to say

Never understood how men get the pass even though they murder us and take away our rights but cis women bad evil chaser ew!!!!!!!!!!

when has anyone said they think cism chasers are good?
logical fallacy gen u should all kys

chaser is a derogatory term originally applied to men only
you seem eager to talk about men today

two cups of coffee and a fun size milky way

That sounds yummy actually?

As soon as she leaves we let it all fall apart.


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It's pretty good I feel good today. I wish I had a big sparkling water tho

and the only reps we have for it are an open couple lol

Please stop smearing polyamorous people

A $3 frozen lasagna. It tasted of depression.
But I will not have the money for anything nicer until I get my first pay from my new job, several weeks from now.

Okay where can I do this

I was actually LARPing sorry anon

I don't hate trans women, I'm extremely in love with several trans women at the moment actually, but I also love cis women too

:( That hurt my feelings...

i will never stop shitting on poly cucks

For what it's worth, if I really was a cis woman and not a LARPing tranny, I would let you munch my hairy and—considering my hygiene—presumably stinky vagina until your tongue was raw

pls stop :(

the t4c polycuck victimhood complex is pretty funny ngl

some of y'all never experienced the endorphin rush of the cuck chair and it shows

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do polycucks get aroused just looking at chairs next to beds? thats pretty hot

ok destiny

in the hierarchy of queers, vi fans are on the same tier as rapehons.

t. personally knows someone who is transitioning because he and his girlfriend think he'll look like vi (he is 6'1", ugly as sin, and hondosing)

this b word better respond soon!! or else!!!!

she has been vindicated


polyamory is a sign of an emotionally immature person

Someone who gets it...

uhm are you saying lagoloaf the ruler of this gen and discord is emotionally immature???


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huh? i'm still here. just not posting as much because i'm hoarding media in preparation for the inevitable vpn ban and i feel creepy after watching taxi driver.

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most definitely

she picked me up to throw me in the trash can but it felt good being close to her but now I need to take revenge

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pee on her

but that would be emotionally immature…
I’ll pee IN her instead

there is no way to put an emotionally mature spin on this

she instantly posts about it

Torn on what to do today. Need to exercise and catch up on work yeh but beyond that. I'll prbbly start with exercise at 5. Only gonna come here on my phone sometimes now.
Having worried thoughts Abt how everyone hates transexuals yeh. And how even if suceeded at sex appearance goals and tests am hated lizard person/robot person/crypto jew/etc.
Also torn on what to eat and do today. I shall check my calendar
Any reocmendations?

Forgive us.

laffy you got devil trips!

Uh oh, spooky. Devious, naughty, etc. thoughts on spaghetti with anchovy olives vs leftover cinnamon bun bread pudding thingy?

olives vs… bun

stop torturing me

Lol omgosh. It wasn't a lago life reference is legit situation. But yes regarding your life id recommend simply having a stable healthy LTR thingy. I liked your rabbit posts btw but had to delete the post I made saying so since it referenced drama

I have to exercise at 4:30. Then I'll buy diet Gatorade. Then I'll have spaghetti :)))

You’re fine, I was being silly. lol

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But yes regarding your life id recommend simply having a stable healthy LTR thingy.

Laffers you are an excellent marriage counsellor, thank you

They're not gay they're just bffs

i had an autistic meltdown when the girl i was seeing got me high and got demoted to fwb/booty call rip

what happened

i went nonverbal and then hypersexual. if i could have found my phone and made it to the bathroom i could have self-soothed and come back out all normie but instead all that happened in front of her friends.

going nonverbal and hypersexual at costco


A croissant, a piece of cucumber and one boiled egg. I’ve been on the go all day and drank too much coffee, just crashed in bed and feel nauseous.

cryhumping the lady handing out little plastic cups filled with pita chips

yeah not great. i have like 1 meltdown a year and it just happened to have the worst timing of my life

Welp imo there's nothing u can do after that except for back to the drawing board, there's no way to come back from something like that you'd just have to move on. Even if u say "the drugs made me crazy" people won't care.

yeah no i agree. i’ve already had a date and working on scheduling another one but even 2 people between her, i just feel like such shit.

Ah well ideally you can forget in time.

Am very sad and worried Abt life personally. Worried about injuries and health and money and election stuff

bleach actually kinda enjoyable right now i cant even lie to u..

how do people even have fwb
am i just too autistic to comprehend it

yeah same for sure. probably a good idea to drop the queer shit at work and stealth as whichever gender binary you look more like at this point.

i mean like you fuck and get food and watch movies together but then don’t really interfere with each others personal lives.

Hang out long enough with someone you are attracted to but they aren’t interested in a relationship. I’m good enough to fuck and cuddle with, but apparently not good enough for the rest. This is sad, isn’t it..

Unsure what u mean Abt queer shit but like I'm primarily referring to laws requiring for trans to register as male, banning unisex bathrooms and making trans enter mens, banning hrt, etc. I am purranoid due to this. Am sad etc.

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yeah this just seems alien to me, i can't imagine that level of interaction not coming along with some kind of real involvement

yeah but you read it so you're actually more of a loser

i know this a blue board but whoever reports this is a hoe ass nigga

LMAO i could NEVER

what's up with latina being chasers

more for me
latinas just keep winning

what's up with latina being chasers

natural good taste

as an ND, i basically feel all the way im ever going to about someone within like the first 3 hours around them, so for me it just means one of us is never going to love the other back. but sex is fun and i can personally compartmentalize.

many —and i can't overstate enough, have been saying this

You do not—please listen to this advice carefully—have to insert a space on either side an em dash.

that’s nuts

Damn that looks like so much fun. Add in some 69 and strap on play and I'm down. Needs more ass.

it was —and I can't overstate enough, emphasis effect to make a dumb joke, now kill yourself

aaaagguuuughhhhhhhnnnAaaahhhhhhooeeerrnnnnnnnHHHHAAoooughhhhhh ......... ENN....ennngg.... ennng....ennngghghhhh.....ooooohhhhhhggggehrrnn

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maybe if we just have one person eating bans and posting c4t webms every couple hours we'll never deal with a /clg/ troll again because they'll be too busy gooning

R u cis or trans? I don't understand how a trans cud enjoy especially that last part where the girl has her tongue out. The trans is obviously supposed to be a/the man and it's mimicking what u see in typical pornography with a man and a woman. Plus the dick closeup etc

Yeah. I rather feel something nice than nothing.

The other day I was also bullied out of the server. They all started calling me a pick me and saying having morals are cringe because I said maybe it wasn't healthy to wish half the population was dead. I only even went into the election thread because like 5 people were talking non stop about their ketamine addictions in the main thread and it was making me sad. Then everyone started insinuating I wasn't real or I was trolling because I was "too nice".

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slipping her finger in at the end

FUCK i need to top someone it's been YEARS

hate to see them breaking out of their quarantine board

oh my god its because we're not all retards like you and actually enjoy women you unlikable dredge

what are you two talking about that was the most unsexy video I've seen.

Shut the fuck up laffers

she looks like she is terrible at giving head.. classic cis f moment

implying I'm not just gonna evade


You didn't answer what I said. Isn't the trans supposed to be a/the man especially in those latter parts? You don't have to be mean u cud just respond without emotion and explain.

i hope you trip and your fucking over surgeried nose explodes like an overfilled blood squib

Deal with your own brainworms, nigger

Horrible horrible post. U r bad.

laffers be like

i'm a lesbian guise, you are obligated to listen to my BDD posts, forever

also laffers


Is a gay bottom a woman? You have such narrow expectations of behavior. So stifled and boring. I'm cis and I fuck women like that with a strap. Do I make you dysphoric by not being feminine enough for you? Brain worms are real.

sex is scary though she's right

t. 29 year old virgin


and talking about pornography, i think the hottest video ive seen was one where a trans girl goes down on her cis gf while the cis girl reads scum manifesto. literally can't script this shit

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This, how can you have sex with a woman as a woman and call yourself a lesbian
That's crazy

yeah its a bunch of bitterhons in there, being banned is a sign of good moral fiber

post more porn so laf leaves pretty please we need to filter her

Hmmm I dunno. I suppose it's mostly the penis itself regarding penis gender dysphoria. I dunno if is brainworms per se
However in retrospect I do realize how it could be perceived as offensive or hurtful. I didn't mean it that way. I just gave a very raw unfiltered response. That's simply how it makes me feel. Maybe that's not common or representative of these types of threads but yeh I always assumed that was kinda the norm in transgender adjacent spaces and a common issue of porn. Ie wanting trans penis, but trans disliking penis, etc. Is what it is tho, I don't wanna derail the thread.

You are asexual

Yeah wait your opinions on sex are worthless

Alright, which one of y'all is the HOE ASS NIGGA?

I thought I was asexual maybe too but I was agp for a while pre trans and early trans. And can/do goon fairly often after srs. So I dunno. Is very hostile tho. I dunno if I'm crazy and out of step with most transgendies or if this thread rather is just not representative of most? I suppose it doesn't really matter. I am posting just to post again, which is a bad habit.

it’s ok to enjoy having sex with someone who wants to have sex with you. like i don’t top except when she gets super whiny and needy for it and then it’s really more about the sounds i can make her make.
penetrative sex doesn’t even really feel good since i started hrt but giving is about GIVING and you use what you have on hand.

How about I plap your tight srsussy to help expedite the process of finding out you little retard whore

That would prbbly just give both of us gender dysphoria and sadness

Ah well I'm not really here to argue and I understand everyone is different. I just shared my own feelings on the topic. I don't want to post just to post. I don't have anything else to add to this conversation

you dont have to appologize to these hypocritical bitches laffer. Those rules are in the OP so no one follows them.

Laffers is a real one.

hitler trips



you are crazy and not normal laf i have never seen someone as mentally ill as you

Sorry. Mayb. I dunno. But I feel like if u created a questionare to give to local transgenders which said
1) does the idea of a transgender having an erect penis give u gender dysphoria?
2) does the idea of a transgenders penis being touched or used sexually give u gender dysphoria
3) does the idea of a transgender having sex with a bio woman by sticking their erect penis into the vagina give u gender dysphoria
I suspect the answer would be yes, yes, and yes at rates of over 95%. But again there's nothing inherently sinful or wrong with it. I was just stating that the idea gave me gender dysphoria. That doesn't mean it's evil or needs to be banned, that's just how it makes me personally feel.

But maybe I'm crazy I dunno.

why it was really hot. also sorta ironic

Is a gay bottom a woman?


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does the idea of plapping the BDD out of laffers give you dysphoria

you really do not belong here and i wish you would stop lying to yourself pretending you do

Ah ok. Why do u think I don't belong here? Because I'm questioning? Or because I'm just not good at fitting in? Regarding being gynephelic I'm pretty sure I am due to historical agp/straight male genes/gooning post SRS. But I mean no harm yeh

i thought the transbian server was the bitterhon server..

Actually she has some questions about the movie Jennifer's body so she belongs here and has the right to BDD post until the heat death of the universe

”I bet your gf shaves her arm hair”

I got blocked for this

when you say "gynephelic" you don't mean that you are attracted to and want to date women, you mean that you want to be seen as a woman. this is fundamentally different from being a lesbian. also i highly suspect when you talk about "gooning" you probably do it to straight porn but that's just a hunch. you are not a lesbian, you do not belong here. simple as.


By gynephelic I mean both the agp and literal interpretation. I began looking at some ASMR stuff with women speakers among other things. I don't watch straight porn. I had a brief stint where I tried but it isn't very interesting to me plus also I lost my meta attraction after a bad day experience with a man


In fact id say I haven't looked at anything straight adjacent in like 4 months. But agp is a confusing topic

im transgender

i want to eat ass

No way I'm cis

Are you gay?

i want to eat ass because i'm a nasty bitch

you aren't cis anon!

ew... people poop from there :(

Dont worry about it Laffers. They just love to invalidate the identity of women in this community. You didn't do anything wrong

Say that to my pussy >:(( I fucking dare you to shout in my meat cave.

i knowwwwww but i want to eat ass anyway (if it's clean) god i'm such a nasty whore

But the noises your gf makes when you eat her out. The embarrassment she has only makes it more cute. Then you put the strap on. Gentle and slow until she can't take it no mo.


You hear snarls and the rattling of chains from deep in the vagina, somewhere past the cervix. It knows you're here.

Thanks that's kind.
I'm going to the store but I shud have waiting longer because there's still some sun in the sky which causes photo damage and age markers. Trying to never go out in sun, or at least, minimize time out during the day. Like a nocturnal lemur
But yeh I think I'm either fully ace or mostly ace/low sex drive and somewhat gynephelic. I don't have any meta attraction anymore

Based on that you just barely, only barely belong in the gen and mostly use it to blog post. Very often. Do you see why that can be an annoyance? You certainly make yourself known for having such a tiny connection. Why this place? Can't you blog somewhere else? Is this where you get the most attention with the least push back?

what is that definition then? does it say that you love and want to be in a relationship with a woman? if it doesn't then you do not belong here and should really leave. all you do all day every day is derail threads with irrelevant shit pestering people with your random questions that have nothing to do with being a lesbian.

i roll perception to see if i can make out anything in darkness of this vast cavern ahead

Yes I see. I understand your point and complaint. I'm sorry. I'll try to be better. You're right. I'm just waiting to post and blogging. A terrible habit.

I more meant I have a brain that is sexually interested in women

I need a girlfriend

i want a cis girl to sit on my face with her feet on my chest and i am eating out her asshole while she uses a vibrator on her clit until she cums

what was the bad day experience with a man?

discussion of men is OFF TOPIC
laffers don't reply to this user!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

laf talks about men literally every day here
you never express being into them sexually? why lie about this just fuck off u have an entire board to post in stop invading our space PLEASE

Saturday! I got a date on Saturday!
And if everything goes okay
And she wants a lay
I might get to do something very gay

Cocktail bar dates with classy city women let's goooo

How did mtfg drive her off?

laf talks about men literally every day here

I know and i am trying to stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just keep talking about her nose exploding

im upset

lol people itt are finally beginning to realize why she was kicked out of every single gen she touched

i want a cis girl to sit on my face with her feet on my chest and i am eating out her asshole while she uses a vibrator on her clit until she cums

Can we address this?


we have known and have been trying for weeks to get her to fuck off

everyone has less energy to hate me because laf is here... maybe i like laf.

i like you :]

and people harassed ME for trying to get her out of here 2-3 weeks ago. fucking newfags. i await my apology.

I'm not lying

Can you really take 120 pounds on your chest?

I like you because a very pretty woman I'm talking to has the same name.

god yesssssssssssssss

if you don’t want to explain what the bad experience is pls stop bringing it up

then why have you not once in your months of posting here expressed a thought like that? i mean you tell us everything here and can't shut up about yourself and your life. surely if you were a lesbian you would express your attraction or desire for another woman, right?

wow :) good luck with her anon.
omg i like u too anon

i dont know if you are one of the older charlotte trips but every charlotte ive known here has been cool

what is there to address

I find personal sexual stuff shameful and embarrassing. As a cultural thing and related to being a transgender. I have never had actual attraction or desire for any woman or man like irl. I do have gynephelic thoughts I suppose and listen to F ASMR. Since surgery for gooning and lost meta attraction 6mo or so ago. I don't have anything else to add
I will try to be respectful and not spam tho.or cause trouble

if you were actually respectful you would understand that you do not belong here and leave. apology not accepted. fuck off.

im the doomed manmoder that found CHRIST and healed (still a dude tho)

did you post on mtfg ever?

for a bit but there was a lot of charlottes there

That checks out because you are awful so it makes sense your taste in posters would also be awful

You'll be mad at me and want me gone no matter how I act.

You are mentally challenged, literally one of the dumbest posters on this board. Every single day you derail the thread and everyone tells you that you're not wanted and every single time you just go im sorry im sorry ill do better but you never do any better, the best thing you could do is just fucking leave anyways

burgor or pizza tmr ?

jennifers body tho
worried about gooning

correct, because you are not a lesbian and therefore do not belong here. it's not a trans thread, it's not a gynephile thread, it is a lesbian thread. if you do not identify as a lesbian you don't belong here.

tbd tbd

i don't identify as lesbian because that's only for afabs

Kissing women. Gentle soft lips. Little touches and light strokes. Sultry hushed words whispered against skin. Burying your face in boobs. I love women!

then get out of the gen?

Fasting tmrw and the next day. Then pizza. Tonight is tomato sauce with olive and anchivy

What Is A Lesbian?

no you leave

stop eating pizza fatty

Can we address this?

not working idiot

if you don't know what a lesbian is then why have you been posting here?

I'm asking you the question. What Is A Lesbian. Can you define it please?

nope. fuck off. i know you're just going to lie and try to worm yourself in to fit the definition so you can convince yourself you belong here. take the hint and fuck off already this space is not for you.

Wow very trans inclusive

She isn't wrong though

Prove you are a lesbian and belong. Post your karyotype now.

i can smell this post


wydag who wanted to eat your ass like this postimg.cc/r0ns80Yt

My friend suggested I can use bread for my olives leftover so what I'll do it is have some with pizza and crusts on 11/14 :)).

fuck off

You're doing fine Laffers I'm proud of you and I see your effort.

Thank you thank you! Shall do my best. Just need to be safe and stable and non homeless after election, replace hip surgery, resolve sex appearance, have other injuries be safe, lose weight.

Shall adopt kitty witties this summer possibly after I move back to CA

i hope you realize that the only positive feedback you get in thread is from trolls who see you as a toy to play with

Whenever anyone in my life is too happy I cut them out :(

Can we address this?

no because i think eating ass is absolutely disgusting and degenerate


sorry anon, i'm sure you're lovely though


Don't need to. I know I'm a lesbian. I don't need to think it through in a blog post or try to justify it. It be what it is as it do.

laying in her bed

she’s getting massaged by her gf on the floor

the cuck bed…

You hate to see it

Does that not make you sad? That sounds awful I'd rather be alone cuz I could just play cod instead of worrying about hoes

playing cod alone

the cuck controller...

do u also smoke weed before u play?


the cuck drug

me but i'm waiting for the warzone update


the cuck update

I was playing with a friend... We're getting gold camos...
TFW no cod playing weed smoking alcoholic avoidant gf...

this is the norm for the poly experience this is quite literally what she signed up to

New Thread New Thread New Thread New Thread New Thread New Thread

NTA but i feel genuine happiness when I see my gf with someone else and she feels genuine happiness when she sees me with someone else, we're both just really each others best wingwomen in addition to being girlfriends. It's great.

TFW no cod playing weed smoking alcoholic avoidant gf...

LITERALLY me but I haven't played CoD since the old modern warfare 3