/mtfg/ male to qt female general

on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month 1918, the guns of world war one fell silent

What to do if I am questioning my gender? rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit ▶Style/Passing:
Fashion Guides (Videos): rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?: rentry.org/mtfgclothes
Voice Videos/Training: rentry.org/mtfgvoice

Trans women have woman brains (Video): rentry.org/mtfgbrain
MTF Timelines: catbox.moe/c/afyn1t
Streaming Room: queup.net/join/mtfg

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Blobbers won

qott: u wearin a poppy today?

i prolly have a crush on laguna
why me wHYY

I feel so lonely, how do I meet people irl, online friendships arent fufilling. I am a unemployed 20 year old comp sci drop out. I live with my parents so i boymode all the time and I am only 6 months hrt. How do I get a gf or bf or just normal friendships. I have like two proper friends who now study abroad and I have never had a relationship.

She's tarded and very low iq. I felt bad for her because sociopathic aged 40 year olds Mongo and Brapja were harassing lasagna non-stop

I am extremely intelligent.

aww man thats sucks
of course you are

not being on bathtub injections

Gotta go out and actually meet people where they are, honestly. What kind of hobbies are you into? Where might you be able to go to meet people who are into those hobbies? Do you have any cowokers who are into the same kind of stuff as you?
Like, it's so simple yet so hard: just talk to people. Don't be afraid to strike out - that's how you learn. Don't blame other people if they aren't interested in you - shit happens and not everyone will gel with you. 1000% don't be a prick unless it's justified - and only *as long* as it's justified. "Trolling" is something terminally online people think passes in real life and all it does is get you ostracized from entire social circles.
What kind of hobbies are you in? Might be able to give some direct input.


i didnt even leave my room today

That's like asking for proof of the sky being blue. Just look at it.

What's 2+2

are we degenerates? are we the result of a society that offers no future?

if i had a room I'd probably do the same
tho i kinda miss heading out to the war museum

I mean, I *am* a degenerate, but that has nothing to do with me being trans. It's just extra spice on top of the transness.

is it feasible to meet your online friends at some point
even if its just once in a while
or are you not that close to them

2+2 is a sum of 2 numbers equaling 4.

reason why im crushin

a war museum sounds fun. i need people to come with me places, or else i probably wont go out
meeting up with online friends is super fun! ive done it a few times and its always been nice

I've never met a trans girl that didn't view the world through her dick

Dam, coulda sworn is was 22.
Okay okay okay
How many sudoku puzzles have *exactly* one solution?

I've only met up with online friends 3 times and each time has been amazing. There's one friend I desperately want to meet, but we both know we'd do things that would jeopardize our own ongoing relationships so the distance is probably better for us...

degen & proud
(i don't know what being a degenerate means)

you don't think our being trans in itself is degenerate? it seems to be the popular opinion.

Because I'm awesome?
I didn't know people had eyes on there
Why would I know that? That looks like a fact only a divorced bored mom that does sudoku puzzles twice a day would know

yeah i like it too : )
the two times ive done it i had a great time and it made it easier to talk to them after the fact

Do you have any cowokers who are into the same kind of stuff as you?

Im unemployed :(

What kind of hobbies are you in?

I like playing card games like mtg and flesh and blood but I don't find my self making any friendships when I ocasionally go and play at local stores. People are polite and I'm polite back but thats where it ends. I like painting and drawing. I also like working out and used to "gymmax" when i was repping but I don't really have money for a gym membership currently and I never made any friends when i worked out before.

I am pretty close to them and I have known some for a long time but they live in different countries :(

pretty much goona lets get some boba and visit uniqlo

how will i cope when American hours will be dead every day with my fucked up sleep schedule
i'll be so fucking bored

You have to be very physically attractive to effectively approach people like this.

Hello there again /mtfg/
How are we all doing today? Remember to drink some water and be nice to yourself

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tfw hrtgen is dedge

Pretty much not being a normie and not being ashamed of it.

I don't think you can be degenerate for something that is innate to you. It'd be like thinking having red hair is degenerate.
No, I'm degenerate because I'm a masochistic bitch that wants someone to make her bleed and hurt.

Haha, nice sidestep. It's actually an unssolved mathematics thing, I believe.

I made a lot of good friends through gaming clubs that supported TCGs. Board games and video games was the focus and a lot of people just happened to play MTG. It was actually where I met my husband 12ish years ago. I think when it comes to game stuff, finding something that's relaxed enough to actually chat is important - MTG can get pretty intense if both players are serious. I also find Commander pods to be a lot more chilled out IME.
Cool thing is the gamery types also draw lots of artsy types.
Do you have any local community centers?
Also always the option to just go crawling through whatever town you're in. Duck into places that seem interesting, see what's going on, and move on if not. I've found cool niche groups in weird places like hole-in-the-wall book stores. Given, I grew up in a *huge* city that had a lot to see so if you live in a small town/more rural place there might not be as much to see.

Thanks for the reminder. Been kinda stuck on the couch due to tummy cramps and forgot to bring my bottle with me.

what's being a normie then

I daresay mathematicians should be focused on better things than sudoku puzzles

I prefer the technical definition because it's not subjective/based on morality. "lacking some property, order, or distinctness of structure previously or usually present." we lose the property of fertility. we also lose masculinity while gaining some lesser form of femininity. then again we often gain some ability to function in society because of lessened dysphoria. so maybe we're degenerate in the same way a disabled person is. why would anyone want to be trans? that's what perplexes me.

You can post with blobby in the dead hours

i made a meme to mark the holiday. is good or bad?

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Fuck if I know, I'm not a normie. "Normal people"? You know... Does normal shit, probably doesn't have an Internet search history that would shame them to their whole family.

Which miiiiight be why it's unsolved.

A little too air headed right no to completely process this but this might be the better take. Tho I'm not sure if it matches up to how most people use it (Then again, most people are dumb and suck)

Does normal shit, probably doesn't have an Internet search history that would shame them to their whole family.

oh i'm a normie then
i only search politics shit, Worm fanfics, Youtube video essays and cool mango and other shit to read
also recipes
tfw normcore

oh then ye i'm degen
also disabled, but that's probably a circle venn diagram here lmao lmao

what holiday is it? skyrim was released 13 years ago ig.

Veteran's day. Yaknow, give em a day of respect before going back to fucking them. (Not looking forward to the VA)



it's called remembrance day!!!

Nope! Just another military type. USAF. Waiting for the ban - military trans organization's lawyers say we're prob gonna get instakilled by March.


So you're saying you're not on that group.

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do you think you'll still have the right to VA? what with healthcare ban or w/e??

it would be better to show them pity, that they felt forced to join an organization that dehumanizing them and expects them to kill other humans for a paycheck.

ngl im in the middle
im like whatever i make up for it by being based

i was kinda hoping the quote in the op would remind americans about rememberance day

How based.

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thats up to you to determine :3

Mildly based is the most I can tell for now

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why is my credit stuck at 725?

well its up to you to determine

Most likely I'll have the VA for disability rating (AF fucked me up baaaaad) and healthcare related to those... but for trans healthcare, no. Based off of his promises, no funding will go towards that. I'm trying to slam my orchi through before he hits office so that I at least can justify cross-sex hormones easier for maybe insurance or whatnot. But I'm expecting getting my transition funded by Uncle Sam to be at it's end.

Very level headed take. I'm not gonna complain about having the day, for sure. And you're spot on. So many poor kids join because they feel like it's the only way they'll get the education/job training/healthcare they need to break out of squalor. I've been in for nearly a decade and I'd say a solid 95% of people I've met are in for GI Bill/Tricare. Fucked up.

I've learned a new thing today! :D

I think prog just hits everyone a little bit different. I'm moodier, sure, but better able to diagnose the cause of my feelings. Also completely fixed 2 decades of insomnia, which is fucking golden to me. (Also made me thirsty as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu)

I don't even know you though

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good decision on the ball removal tho

i know. but theres always time to

If I had a name I might be able to

the 3 main credit agencies know youre a dirty disgusting untrustworthy tranny and credit scores upwards of 730 as everyone knows are exclusive to cis females

i wish i weren’t so depressed
did a bit of drawing today since feeling a bit better from the migraine, but it’s still shit
how do people not kill themselves at much higher rates

We could change that.

Mmmh, it is what it is. Exiting was the major goal anyways, just moved a bunch of timelines up suddenly. I'm stationed in a deep deep red state that already wants my head, so I'm pretty much gonna hit the ground sprinting towards a blue state as soon as they let me. Suddenly moving, finding work, finding a home, etc. is gonna be the big trouble. Esp cuz I'm dragging a spouse and 2 little ones along with me. Might have to offload them onto my MiL while I sort things out - which is gonna be shit for pretty much everyone - but better than trying to do the hotel life while putting together plans.

Come on now, you've got a distinct style. Practically an avvyposter.

idk if im retarded but
are you saying if you have a name
or are you asking for my name

Its interesting comparing the games trans women play vs what cis women play.

For trannies its shoot shoot pow pow jiggling titties . While cis women like cute stuff and farming

I have a warrior spirit but also oppositional defiant disorder ;_;

What is this psyop shit. And I'm not interested in men off of Anon Babble.
I play lifeskill games and visual novels and haven't played an fps in a while.
Bootleg gfl

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implying i don't play Tiny Glade (i don't but i like looking at it)
also Disco Elysium and Citizen Sleeper and It Takes Two with my ex

what about autistic games and bl visual novels

its just a name, im just the most exalted potentate

ya cis women are dumb


tfw mecha has the JUST eyes

also what are some good farming games
stardew makes me anxious

I got diagnosed with this as a kid but never really understood it - kinda been going with "it's just codeword for kid liked to ask too many questions". Is this an actual real disorder? What does it look like for someone who experiences it?

I'm just jostling you, You stand out and seem nice, if a little rough at times.

im a real woman and i play cities skylines

what do you mean right? are you calling me gay?

This tracks

I would generally give a good recommendation, but I'd rather you just kill yourself instead
I am the nicest person possible.
Boring woman
I'm calling you an annoying chaser

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ah man forget it then

i can’t think of a good game i’ve seen you recommend that i would enjoy

women do not play farming sim 2018
I forgot I had this game. are there mods to make my town look like a racially homogeneous Swiss enclave?

are there mods to make my town look like a racially homogeneous Swiss enclave?


Boring woman


I recommended some of the most liked and known otomes and you told me to kill myself last I recall.
Go ahead

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I think they've brought up Limbus Company before? Which I've heard some decent things about.

I believe it!

Well yeah farming sim looks like ass cheeks compared to stardew

what otoge have you recommended
p sure only recommend the lesbian type games so you can pretend to be one

lc is not my taste

Limbus company is known to be peak.
Ever considered not sperging out while asking someone for anything? Next time drop a slur or two when you're asking someone for help and you'll get a good lesson on why you shouldn't do that

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To each their own

Nothing else? Can you screenshot your steam games list

does pass?

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For me its a little bit of everything. Nintendo. Jrpgs. Horror. Farming. Cute stuff. And mmos. But I'm a pooner


Lmfao no

killing myself RIGHT NOW

you dont know the depths of my depravity

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you knew when you posted it
you just have a humiliation kink baka

stardew isn't a farming sim, it's a gardening themed rpg. I thought you said you were intelligent.


i used to make 3k a week as a teenager running servers so it was time well spent 8)

I found your account solely by the time played

That wasn't me bud
Server owners are the pinnacle of lame

And here I am fucking checking firewalls for less. What the fuck am I doing with my life?

Server owners are the pinnacle of lame

dont be frickin mean to me
its short lived, you're doing okay and more with your life than i ever accomplished


i still really like mfomt

Yeah harvest moon is so good. Story of seasons too. There's so many cool farming games

Youtube why

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I've decided to stop working. tips on how to live my best homeless tranny life?

Ah yea, I guess stability is a thing. Just kinda been wound up lately.

i hope you feel better soon, im sure you're doing great with the plate life has given ya :3

Ueh. Yea, things will get better. Just sucks now. Seems like the minimum timeline for better regarding my particular problems is something around "1.5 years". I'm burnt as it is tho.
Thank you for the assurance, it does mean a lot.

cdda is a fun farming game with rogue like elements
tried playing story of seasons on 3ds and did not enjoy it
vintage story is nice
vampire survivors is getting stale
the skinner box is running out of steam

what are you talking about
i’m not spending out or calling anyone names

im also depressed so i don’t really enjoy things anyway

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Current mood, but everyone wants to be sad.

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one day the apartments will be complete

Should I play pikmin 3 or fire emblem engage. Man I'm gonna have to buy another 1080p monitor to continue playing switch games aren't I...

when I'm bored I sometimes make shitty crafts like picrel

I'm a cis male and my video game choices pass way more than yours does lmao

That's cute!

There's so many cool farming games

i remember when i first played the orginal snes harvest moon it blew my mind

cdda is a fun farming game



install the sims at least

Naz locked in the basement with an estrogen iv

Bddelfmoder doing hard labor in a camp

i never understood the sims
elfmoder is dead

I think this killed me in fear and hunger

guess who has 3 interviews this weeek B) NEET arc is coming to an end

it's just interior design and some exterior design but mostly interior design

who took this pic

crowbar enjoyer

wish i could pass interview :(
or get one
it's too hard

what's hard about it?

idk it get me frusturated

Sup mongo

oh like things not fitting together?

There are niggas in this thread eating dry chicken breast right now

Was she ever truly alive? You never looked like an elf cuz

I'd rather be eating someone else but life said no. Overcooked chicken it is.

elves are fictional

rope marks… my beloved…

nice desu

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cuz i'm just no good at anything
they told me so

Stop posting your disgusting pics here peter

sometimes the sims is just annoying especially if you don't have a lot of packs, you do get better at knowing how to put stuff the more you play I think idk

just trying to help piggy lose weight by vomiting

how many pairs of socks do you wear????

me when I wear skinny jeans
I think my circulation just sucks, but the indents do feel really nice why is that?

none, socks are uncomfortable prisons

idk maybe deep pressure? like weighted blankets


Bet your shoes are smelly as fuck ugh

oh I mean more just how the indents feel after you take off whatever it is that gives you them

I want to play Sims for free, cam I torrent everything?

You wish you were an inbred neonazi like Paige?

Bet your shoes are smelly as fuck mmf

Piracy is illegal.

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that's illegal like said but you can add me on discord if you want a recommendation on packs

Are you that poor?

nta but the sims is an expensive game

I wish I had someone to tie me up tight enough to leave marks. Preferably paired with plenty of hickies, bite marks, and other bruises. I only attract softies and subs, I want someone to leave marks on me. (Yes I'm touch starved how could you tell)

Bro the dlc for the last sims is expensive as shit fym

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body passes

face doesn't

don't know the first thing about makeup


time to snort what i'm hoping is 50mg ketamine

if you want to buy all the dlc it's like $1200

i did it btw

it's been 3 minutes

very good

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ur getting so far away computer screen come bck

dispatches from the k-hole

nothing is happening >:(

am i a hon

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wanna make lasagna

forgot the ground beef

decide to make some chicken and mozzarella instead

wait 15 minutes

walk out to the kitchen and realize I forgot to put it in the oven

How can I possibly be considered functional

no but don't do that with your lips

ah im sorry

you look ok

And? Its thousands of hours of gameplay and you don't need to buy everything. How much did you spend on unnecessary junk food and drinks this year?

i decided to hit the dmt pen and now i just feel sober

Looking ragged jesse
I mean yeah you have very low muscle definition

do they cancel each other out

i thought the dmt pen didnt do anything

man drugs are lame

So learn? Lol its not difficult. how many hours of video games did you play this week?

you're right, I'm just gonna buy a really fast motorcycle instead

where do u girls find results from different ffs surgeons? i havent found almost any for the surgeons in my area

is $10k enough for ffs?

For under $2k? Lol

spend on tiddy instead.

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but nobody sees my tiddies and they’re easy to fake anyways.
everyone can see my face v_v

can't even find studio apartments for sub-1k

I don't think the boomoids are wrong when they say "nobody wants to work"
Who would even WANT to work when it won't even comfortably cover rent for the cheapest living spaces imaginable?

Probably not.
I could be, depending on insurance, gumment, and if you don't need much anyway.
But a more sensible budget is ~80k

The state of house in the west is atrocious. Governments have blown these crazy house bubbles because they don't want to pay for old people care for all the boomers.

They haven't been under 1k in decent areas for at least a decade

tiddy surgery is free in leafland
so is vfs depending on where she is

what if only get a lil ffs?
only free if u don have no growth

do this then

so is vfs

no it's not
brain aneurism

looking at the doc who did laf
seems like u'd need like 10,800 bucks just to consult and schedule with him, sunno how common that is
seems like it costs more to get the actual procedure

For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.

what if only get a lil ffs?

Yeah so that's the "depends on what you actually need" bit.
If all you need is a nosejob then that's like 4k.
But if you need a brow and jaw shave and a hairline repositioning then you're starting to get towards the 6 figures.

I love my friend so much. She is the best, and always makes my day bright. I love everytime I get to talk to her and I hope she stays in my life for the rest of my life

started transitioning last year at 23 am i fucked?

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no you look fine also leave this place or u will go crazy

Racist carol with her nose up high

thanks but im on anti psychotics ill be fine i think

I like your eye makeup.

i’m rip

Pikmin 4 so good

thanks! i only recently started trying out makeup and can only use a gel eyeliner liquid im just bad with lol

I have gigantic meat paws that vibrate constantly. I can BARELY manage mascara.

Blobby won

if i had 10 grand 2 throw around id be getting mad useless leather gear prolly.
dont ever gib me money.

my name is gwen

Think I'm gonna detrans and an hero once the dysphoria gets to bad. The highs are higher and I can smile but the pain I feel is beyond crippling and its ruining my life. Can't believe I ever regretted being an emotionless husk. Sorry sisters, not everyone can make it.
t. 14 mo HRT lateshit, you know how it goes

Give it a bit longer than that.
Remember the hormones are fucking with your emotions and it takes a while to get on top of them.

why not just take hrt and manmode

How did you guys go making IRL friends during your transition?
I really wish I had another transwoman to talk through my feelings with.

Maybe. I'm a coward I won't do shit. But like. I've been dying to this overwhelming sense of hopelessness. I spent 30 years building a life that let me ignore my dysphoria by being so busy that I couldn't find time. But now I'm addressing it and can't find time to actually do the stuff I want or tackle the crippling loneliness that's come with working on it. Do work, do chores, do errands, sleep, take my meds somewhere in there, still manmode cuz no time to figure out how to dress myself or voice train, never ever get gendered right, just a dude with tits that gets pity maams now and then. Hon life is hell. Less hell than repper life but at least I was numb. Fucking hell I wish I had transed 15 years ago when I knew or actually went through with blowing my brains out when I started repping.

That's kinda what I'm doing and it's hell. Nevermind pass/not pass, I'm lonelier than I've ever been in my life and places like this are the only place I can find any kind of familiarity.


Aight cuh my bad

under 2-3 years is still early transition, anon

will stopping hrt change loneliness though?

Sweety I would give you the biggest hug right now.
I'm not as far along as you, but look for local lgbt and pride stuff. That and dating are a great way to dip your toes into girlmoding without having to go full send with friends and family.

I went to a social event in a dress for the first time the other night and it was a GREAT experience.

Then get a trip Gwen.

Dead cope thread

does /nbbmn/ short for non binary black metal nazis?

females are so scary

Would that I could. I usually have about 1.5 hours of personal time once I've completed all of my mandatory obligations for any given day. Less if I stall anywhere. And I've been stalling a lot lately. And getting out of the house isn't an option due to the nature of some of some of those obligations. It'll be at least 1.5 years before one of those things clears up and even then... I don't see it actually getting better just not getting any worse from there. I fucked my life by running from my feelings.

They are. I wish TERFs would wear a sign.
Nig you need to figure that out. Hire someone to help or something.
Your transition needs to be your priority. You don't want to end up like

What's with the racist slur you piece of shit?

you're that outer board young shit trip who's been posting awful takes all over the place right
lol I bet they're going to eat you alive here if you give them a reason

is this a copypasta from susan's place

A 100 TIMES..


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Look. Not everyone is in a place where they can focus on their transition. You're lucky that you are. I'm frankly deathly jealous of you and some of the others around here.
Im the kind of person reppers should be afraid of becoming. I wish I had done this shit when I was younger and actually had the time and energy.
Fuck this crapsack world
But thank you for trying to be kind
I just want to scream into the void right now. No kind words will help me.

Remember when Brapja was talking about mongos unwashed genitals and ass? And her smelly living spaces because Mongo left dirty dishes everywhere, pissed on the toilet seats and didn't wipe...then a week later she went back.

Not everyone is in a place where they can focus on their transition.

Nonny, I know this is REALLY hard for you right now, but losing your job and having to move back in with your parents or something is temporary. Your transition is the rest of your life.

Transition is top priority. Everything else is either in service to or in the way of your transition.

I have people who depend on me. Kids. They're too precious to put behind my transition. But they take so much.
It's hurts me so much to know I'm in such a dark place when I need to be strong for them.
It's a complex and difficult situation to explain.

see you are notoriously lacking in empathy

How you topping yourself good for your kids?
Hand them off to the wife and look after yourself.

Do you really have to bring that shit in here?

you post with your trip on what do you expect
and now you're coming into a thread with a vibe you don't understand and once again talking with a total inability to put yourself in other people's shoes

Can you just please fuck off?

if you want to fit in here drop the ego and get a feeling for the vibe. though the thread is really bad now compared to how it usually is. there's also people here who will fuck with you if you paint a target on yourself by being obnoxious. just so you know.

Spouse can't. They're practically unraveling as it is.

Who asked tho?
Fuck off troll.

Then HIRE someone nonny. Or get a relative to help out. Or a neighbor, or ask for help from the kid's school.

You gotta get healthy. For their sake as much as yours.

Blobbersons gonna have a field day lol

kat looks like her ass stinks 24/7 probably was even worse in monos shit house

Kats butthole stinks because mono never washes his penis so he fucked all the smegma and dirt into her faggot hole.

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Ya... Mono told me kats house smelled like shit, onions and body odor

Don't got the scratch to hire someone
All other family is 1000+ miles away
My neighbors are constantly moving due to the nature of my job. Plus my current ones are openly and loudly trasphobic cuz lol south.
Schools aren't that helpful these days.
I've turned my situation over and over and over in my head and determined right now I'm on the best CoA. It just fucking sucks because I was on a self destructive warpath that was gonna get me killed for 15 years.

So what's the plan? Because you started this conversation saying you were going to detrans and kys. That's a terrible fucking plan.

see you don't realise that I'm doing you a kindness because you're stubborn. I said the same to Laguna and she was the same.

so mono says kats place stinks and kat says monos place stinks?
who is saying the truth?

Need a bf who looks like this

Great makeup.
The tits are clearly rubber tho.