what exactly compels a person to trip?
What exactly compels a person to trip?
to have a sense of community and build a reputation of kindness
also to find and meet my wife who is next to me in bed right now
are you looking for another wife or why do you still do it?
(I actually like your posts it's just emily I can't stand)
attention mostly, but also i've made some friends here!
I always get you and nina confused
It gets people mad
idk nina! i don't think we've ever spoken
i did it for attention but also self harm back in the day
I have too much respect of Anon to larp as Anon when I am not Anon.
I see all the redditors coming here using first person pronouns and it makes me sick.
I've been here for a LONG TIME, and I'm not going to be here for much longer (transition takes time, Anon Babble kills time) so why would I larp as something I'm not just to impress a bunch of anonymous shits floating in the toilet of the internet.
Only true oldfags will understand.
His name is Robert Paulson.
you are both horny girls
idk but i have been considering becoming a tripfag just bc of how much i'm on here
I want friends.
But no one wants to be my friend.
I'll be your friend.
Tell me about you
you're not actually racist, right?
i rarely use this board but i think tumblr/twitter/reddit culture has influenced this board because there is like way more on this board than any other Anon Babble board.
to add on, i mostly use Anon Babble and the board culture is really different, although every board has a different culture obviously. im just saying the tumblr/reddit influence is apparent on Anon Babble
also u seem cool what r u like? i want to be ur friend maybe
I don't know how to explain myself bro/girl
I am happy, chill but broken and weird man.
I've thought about becoming a namefag or a tripfag, I think i would do nicely as one, as I've already seen people talking about me despite me never using a name, but I feel it would bring too much unnecessary paranoia for me. So, anonymous it is. I really do love attention though.
Only anti-semitic.
Nigger is a swearword. I say swearwords.
I'm a Jew hatin' tranny about 8 months into my transition.
i like attention
What's auto femboy phile?
You have your cats.
And honestly when I receive any attention I feel like a microinternet niche celebrity.
Honestly it's kinda crazy how validating anonymous losers remembering factoids about me is.
I'm actually important to them. I'm an event in their lives. They rage and seethe and puke and fard and shid at me like I'm Rachael Zeigler discussing Star Wars.
sorry for the late reply, uhhh idk im mostly okay. nothing to be that sad over in my life but nothing really good to be happy over i guess? im not mentally ill and i like pokemon and studying history/cultures/religion n stuff
I saw a thread about you, i didn't read it though, but I do know of you, to me you honestly don't even seem lolcow-y as people try to paint you as, im not sure why everyone gangs up on you? If there's zero Emily of Anon Babble fans I'm dead. Also fight club is actually very popular with the youth of today!!
You outed yourself almost immediately freak.
Weh,??,?,? I'm not, someone who hates on you? It's just that's the word they used in that thread ;'p I don't approve of that culture and trend .
lolcow is a q-tard word.
It's used by people who are too fucking retarded even for this place and hang out on the other chans where they act like they're in the cool kids club while being completely ignored by everyone else.
im not sure why everyone gangs up on you?
There are a lot of miserable people here.
Hey where yoi been
woah. i am beginning to understand.
Brain damage, attention, boredom,being recognized in threads i frequent is sorta neat, being able to hold a conversation or something idunno I mostly just have brain damage.
oh i just do it for emily honestly.
i am autistic and just like horseys and emily.
but i take real hrt, and emily just eats like a pack of starbust and gets hotflashes.
missing a step, or slipping.
I love emily I will fight you
ily2 nonny
I know you do, but I got lazy with my current job and need to get in shape before I deserve you.
he's an alcoholic bogan 40 year old NEET who is afraid of his own father because of the shame that envelops their household
has some strange psychosexual inversion with women where he resents them so much he wants to look like them
basically picrel is emily on the left, and his father on the right
has some strange psychosexual inversion with women where he resents them so much he wants to look like them
You don't need to get in shape for me nonny, I like a huggable man.
Nicholas cage on the right lmao
My dad looks like Nicholas Cage and Clive Owen had a baby.
Would you date me? I'm a big boy..
I like clean guys who shave downstairs and give me lots of compliments.
Emily you need to sexify your eyebrows, arch them 90s style. Your dad looks like a sick cunt btw would sink beers with
Even tho that's not actually me, you're not wrong. Eyebrows are hard to figure out. I know I need to do something but I can't figure out what.
oh and his strange fixation on jewish people is just envy at how beautiful and intelligent we are
Go to a laser joint and tell them you want your eyebrows shaped. But if that's not you maybe you don't need to.
Verification not required.
Emily has a nice body I've seen it
Oh I definitely need to.
But there's hire priorities for the laser for me.
My legs and my face. The hair just will not stop growing.
at 26, Australian Jewish General, John Monash had
Worked as a civil engineer, and played a major role in introducing reinforced concrete to Australian engineering practice.
Afterwards at 40,
When the partnership was dissolved in 1905 he joined with the builder David Mitchell and industrial chemist John Gibson to form the Reinforced Concrete & Monier Pipe Construction Co, and in 1906 with them and businessmen from South Australia, to form the S. A. Reinforced Concrete Co. He took a leading part in his profession and became president of the Victorian Institute of Engineers and a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London.
During this time, he
Joined the Melbourne university company of the militia
At 19,
He became a lieutenant in the North Melbourne battery
At 22,
He was promoted to captain
At 27,
He was promoted to major and given command of the battery.
At 29,
On 7 March 1908, he was promoted to lieutenant-colonel in the intelligence corps.
Then at 40,
He was given command of the 13th Infantry Brigade in 1912
At 44,
Was promoted colonel
At 45.
And we haven't even gotten to The Great War! Do you both know this Jewish commander of the Australian Corps' contributions to the Australian Nation at this time?
Emily, have your contributions to Australia been up to par? Have you done more for this country than its Jewish citizens? Or are you a seething 40 year old transvestite NEET whose father can't look at you in the eye?
Emily has a nice body
Lol, LMAO!
attentionwhoring and to attract my gf
it worked
So, he revolutionised warfare, brought Australia to the front of the international stage, and served his country valiantly. How have you served Australia, mate?
So because some cunt 100 years ago managed to get a bunch of gentiles killed, we're supposed to what? Hand you control over our foreign policy, financial system, and political process in the service of Israel?
You talk about that war, but I had two relatives in the light horse at Beersheba, and you fucking Jews can't seem to remember WE OWE YOU NOTHING. YOU OWE US EVERYTHING.
You're just revealing your own ignorance about the Western front. Beersheba? You know that a Jewish spy ring in Palestine had aided the campaign on the Sinai & Palestine, don't you? Nili? They provided intelligence against the Ottomans. And were tortured for it, for that matter.
John Monash saved countless Australian lives. He survived Gallipoli and aided his countrymen who were sent to that awful fate.
Again, how have you served our country?