
i miss cooper

cute rat

who is this

Pretty boys should always smile!

What if they are autistic?

Holden's nudes on Anon Babble :3

thanks, indeed it will :)
im not diagnosed with that and let me tell that a situation 2 years ago made me develop a sense of fairness and I will call out any liar I cross into

Thoughts on short shorts?

he lost so hard
no matter how many times he dmca's them, they keep coming back

its weird how holden and skunk get posted when they don't even seem to post on here any longer

wish you mongs could be normal

Holden was a phenomenon. The sheer amount of discorders who transitioned/selfharned/went crazy because of him...

****** teas

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can a 2024fag get a little lore on this guy

Skunk broke Boomeranon.

what do you mean sistah


a situation 2 years ago made me develop a sense of fairness

tell, this sounds fun
ugly. unless they're not wearing underwear

you said you wish us "mongs" could be normal, and I asked what do you mean by that sister

i don’t understand which part of that sentence you could be confused about, the literacy crisis is even more dire than i thought

Very "normal" response!

what is not normal about us according to you?

He was a mildly attractive masc tripfag who got lots of attention from bottoms here. Whole threads would be filled with anons begging to have sex with him. Eventually the obsession got so intense and creepy that Holden left the general.

you failed to read a six word sentence, what am i supposed to say?

you are so ocd it's so unreal

i kind of assumed from how often his name is mentioned that he was some kind of villain or just obnoxious character

total zigger death

Fuck off.

Yeah, but it was 90% a mtf (Eden) stalking him.

i am perhaps the least ocd person in the world my entire life is chaos

non-psychotic lurkers are the silent majority.
normal people have family, friends to hang out with, hobbies & interests, or other responsibilities.
this general is more like a containment zone where the severely mentally ill get their jollies off of hurting others

my entire life is chaos

If you think OCD-enjoyers believe their life is ordered you are actually clinically insane.

they strive for order and i don’t

i tried

santino.webm - 1280x720, 1.08M

Donating 10% of my income to Israel so they support our upcoming genocide of faggots.


discovered that a classmate I had a crush on was hiding his instagram from me and other friend and we were blocked, after going and being mental for a couple months we reconcile and then a dumb mistake I did made him not wanting to talk to me (I just I jumped on him in physical education) and becausa it was considered an agression they decided to move me to another classroom for the next year and not allowed near him, also in 2022 that same friend that was also blocked by my crush lied to most of us about his nationality (he was a mexican inmigrant) and made xenophpbic comment about venezuelans here on chile so I called him out on the class group chat


Can't tell which is the santino and which the horse.

Captcha: 8WKKK

why are you ban evading?

has anyone ever really been hurt by something someone posted here?
i feel like you're giving way too much credit to the mentally ill


Rugby is in prison.

this general is more like a containment zone where the severely mentally ill get their jollies off of hurting others

This. I feel better knowing I am not the only one who sees this.

have any other ai video ideas?

why are you replying to yourself?

what is your idea of normal when it comes to being gay? talking about politics bs non-stop? talking about rupaul's drag race? talking about our hook-up encounters or ex-boyfriends? all of that seems really boring imo
gay people just don't have much to talk about it, i've been in the discord rooms, everyone eventually leaves because its boring

you think people obsessing over some guy who pretty clearly doesn’t want to be obsessed over is normal behavior that should be encouraged or what

So why do you keep coming here?

sis if you are talking about me then have the balls to say it directly to me, and btw I dont care about the seething here I know what I need to do

i think the alopecia guy lover is just kidding around and isn't that serious

there are a few people i can’t talk to anywhere else unfortunately
i don’t know who you are or care i’m talking about them obsessing over holden when the nigga hasn’t even posted here in a year and a half or longer and went to the trouble of getting every picture of him ever posted removed from the archives because you people couldn’t stop being fucking weirdo fag fucks

yea...... obviously not serious....

Because sometimes they run out of meds and have to leave.

It's just so dementrial that you keep coming to a place that you hate only to post that you hate it and the people who post but somehow your only friends are here and nowhere else. If you need them that much just talk to them on discord or whatever instead of ruining your mental health like this.

Would you date someone who has multiple letters?

i don’t do this though it’s just a retarded narrative you’ve invented for unknowable reasons

actually i contacted the archive owner
told him i was holden and got his pics deleted
i was tired of seeing pics of his feet

i don’t do this though

you do, it's not the first time you have complained about it

i hate people here

wtf i never said that


why are you so invested in being allowed to be a fucking creep without comment?

Tf is actually wrong with you? Who tf asked for the troll internet defense force? He said its a shit thread full of psychos and hes right. Its not a dispute. You're the one whining someone is criticizing your little troll cave, suggesting you're one of them. Theres no pretending there aren't a swarm of hateful psychos crashing here and theres no point to trying.

Fuck off with your 'durr you're the menthol one' fucking dipshit faggot

And fuck me for feeding another brainless fucking troll


shiza ravenously eating a whole box of donuts by herself

Coloradoanon petting a fluffy kitty cat but then it bites him.

delta raping.

He could've just summed up with DSM-5

U don't speak for anyone but the other lice hair hoarding stank musty pussy having bitches like u sis. Lmaoooooo modern gaygen is a joke. It's how jealous, ugly bottoms disguise and philosophize their envy behind discord but it's all complete bullshit

dropped at bpd

u mad for being clocked sis? just don’t come here and everything will be fine

Tex swallowing a live kitten whole

in some fantasy land the troll thinks he's the victim. cannot make this shit up

i love that you losers sit here scrutinizing anonymous posts to see if it’s me i think you’d do anything i wanted you to do if i gave you enough attention

so who are u talking about cuz I think the situation you described describes more than one here

something these faggots don't understand because the current generation is still living off the lies they were feed in adolesence. so many millenials were feed this lie that if they worked hard and went to college that they could escape their social caste. that is the real american dream, that if you are born into poverty you can turn it around to make a better life for themselves. it's a dream. not a reality. the majority of you are born into a social caste and will be there for the rest of your lives. you don't all get to grow up to be president. one of you does, and the competition at the top eschelons is ruthless. if you tell everyone the same cheat code to success, it will not hold up ad nauseum. when everyone goes to college, suddenly a college degree is worth less that it was when there wasn't a field full of applicants hunting for the same white collar jobs. they gave them the keys, but there was only ever one car. you can't all drive it, let alone at the same time. there can only be one. so in trump's plans for america what did he lay out in terms of his plans for education? instead of liberal academia trickling down into the school systems, trump think we should teach our kids trades instead. which is fair. nothing ground breaking. but you can only have so many plumbers. you don't need a starbucks on every corner. over expansion can lead to failures. look at subway. initially subway boomed because they said fuck and just opened up a bunch of properties. it got there name out there. then people were like hey let's get subway. but as the cost of owning and operating a subway became less profitable (a 5$ footlong suddenly costing 15$) we saw subways shut down. so here's the real reason why your average american is so stupid. they'll cry for a raise in pay, but when their pay goes up so too does the cost of goods and services. corporations do not view your labor as suddenly more valuable.



Why is this old fag acting like a 15 year old girl ew
No wonder bottoms are transitioning

buss love

I wonder what new jobs Trump will startup when he declares war on Iran, Hamas, and Russia. I'm unemployed atm with a college degree cause I'm a dummy lol.

wages are only one factor in cost of operations (alongside materials, energy, rent, maintenance, marketing, legal, etc) therefore raising wages does not raise prices of goods enough to cancel our wage growth completely

so you have retards crying because they 'cant afford to live' and they act like that's a fault of the system, but it's a feature. if we pay workers more money individual it cuts into the profits of the corporation. you aren't meant to live off of working at walmart alone. if you want that dog charger, then you're going to have to put your nose to the pavement and grind. that may mean getting a second job to afford the luxuries you desire. or if you're really poor? basic necessities. it means there are no days off. if you're not working at walmart, you better be at mickey d's workin' the grill. you can't get by on just one income. and you guys are like, it's not fair! in the 1950's they could blah blah blah. nowadays we have significantly more regulations. those regulations cost money. the safety police? osha? epa regulations? fuel regulations? all of it so that the corporations don't hurt you so they don't have to hemmorage money paying out lawsuits. look at automotives. if it cost x amount of money to implement a new safety feature that'll prevent n number of deaths a year and that cost is less than the cost of potential settlements? only then do they implement the feature. if it's more to implement the feature than pay out settlements, then they aren't going to bother. if you're working at walmart you're either poor or /retired/. notice retired is italicized? because they didn't properly prepare for retirement so they still have to work even with government subsidies. so they're not really retired. but that's the goal for americans. you grind from 20-65 at some rough job sucking it up so you can tuck enough away to pay for your last 10 years of life expectency. except americans are living longer. their nest eggs are running dry. and the kids are having to foot the bill for their parents. look at kids paying for elder care. any hope a retirement they had is washed away by having to care for mom in old age.

maybe I should suck old boomer cocks for money

next time biboomer posts hit him up

wait until i'm fucking finished before you bother replying you cocksuckers.

in other parts of the world like india it's described as social caste whereby they attribute the social caste your born into based upon the conduct of your previous lives and the prospect of escaping your social caste only coming in reincarnation. many societies will use spirituality or religion as a mechanism of controlling their people. they're so stupid that if you convince them they can escape their own poverty or shitty living situation, they'll believe you. like the ants that saw a man ascending to salvation that tried to latch onto the same thread and pulled everyone back down to depravity. human nature isn't to help one another, it's to survive. most people aren't strong enough to endure the realization that their labor is a metric. just like gdp is a metric. just like unemployment is a metric. by metrics, biden turned the economy around, but none of you care about that because you still have to decide between breakfast and netflix. the majority of you are unfit to live in poverty because of how weak your parents raised you to be. they failed you. they didn't give the opportunities you needed because those opportunities were outside the grasp of the social caste you were born into. what is the saying the rich get richer? ya'll voted for trump because you think he'll be your savior. you pray he brings the cost of butter back down to 2$s, but it'll never happen. it's the not the president that's fuckin' ya. it's your boss. it's the ceo of the company that sees you as a disposable number on the pay roll. fall in line or fuck right off.

im so fucking hideous

I wish America was like India

Boomeranon sinks further into self-parody every day.

Sadly, autism doesn't have a cure

CPTSD will trap you in that mind state lol

hi so fucking hideous i’m anon how’s it going

no anon. not wish it was like india. they explained to you the concept of social caste and you were too lazy and stupid to wrap your head around it. when they say each generation progressively does better than the last, the metric that is measured by is not, do they escape their social caste. look at baron trump. is he any better than any of you? is he smarter? is he better looking? is he the cats meow? fuck no. he's some schmuck that was born silver spoon cool. he'll have more opportunities then you could ever dream of. not because he deserves them. he doesn't just get to be an asshole that's forced to board by himself after harassing all of his roommates out. the privilege of position that some of you will never have nor understand. what's worse if you fuck faces believe that someday you too can come into wealth and provide your own children the same opportunities. ya can't. maybe one or two of you, but the majority? you're going to live pay check to paycheck just like your parents did because that's how they keep you subservient. each generation progressively does better because of technological advancements, but not having to slice your own bread anymore doesn't suddenly mean your last name is trump. the inflation we endure is a reflection of the technological advancements and nothing more. that means, 15$ an hour isn't going to help you escape your social caste or put milk on the table. cutting your vape habit is. cutting your drinking habit. many of you simply do not understand the depth of luxuries you squander your finances in. how many of you have a smart phone? the majority? you know what's cheaper? a flip phone. your smart phone for all it's worth is a glorified gameboy for adult children that never had to suck it up and go without. oh that fancy computer you saved up for and built? a luxury. the tv? a luxury. that stanley cup? a luxury. parents couldn't teach their kids their place and bought them all cups.

no I don't wish it was like India.

I just wish it was similar in every meaningful way.

Okie pajoot go to bed now.

PLEASE let fags be eradicated in project 2025. Gassing faggots for Trump. Incinerating faggots in giant furnaces. Mass faggot graves.

defend your stance, shithead.
i used the word caste and it brought out the full depths of your racism because you associate the word with race. england still has a fucking crown. so for as much as you retards want to claim to be free, you aren't. you're slaves to the same heirarchal structures, but your government cares about you enough to not let the rats in the plant get mixed in with the hotdogs. instead, you ungrateful little welps cry about spilt milk.

Pushing fags off of buildings in Proejct 2025. We are coming for you woke alphabet mafia.

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What stance? I just think it's fucked up that you're trying to impose Indian values onto the Western world just because of DEI.

we need an aids reboot

ok but your face looks fat

He's balding. It's over.

@horror do you have any promising strains cooking

wish I were a rich man

I think the stepping on the beach song from SpongeBob should be put in the Mozart.

I voted for trump

I could unfortunately lose some weight 3:
Maybe I'll make a salad next time

only way to make it in the big city is to shake it

trump should make him the secretary of transportation


He ratted out the Republican Sex Orgies. He won't be allowed power ever again.

i'd date a republican but we'd argue a lot

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george santos should be the secretary of the treasury

Sorry but bottoms shouldn’t have civil rights

That's a typical seam thingy, trannanon

that's the way it's always been. not every kid needs to go to college. it's a waste of money. they just get caught up in idealistic liberal academia. the reason many if the proposed theories don't hold up is because people genuinely suck. as a whole. geopolitically. if we can't even maintain social order and unity within our own nation, what will other nations think of us. it's just the war in ukraine or the crisis in israel. so here's the current work around that they have in the works: they're movie manufacturing of goods to places like mexico. the importation of the goods is then classified as from mexico and not china as china funnels money into manufacturing in china. meaning they invested in the manufacturing of the goods so the money flows back to them. meaning to weasel around the china tarifs by being imported from say sri lanka because they can build a factory pretty cheap anywhere. you act you're better than that other human being. you're not. all men are created equal, no? then why does some asshat get special priveleges? sometimes because his dad's the president. the idea of dei was to elevate those that would chronically be passed up on for the basis of their birth. some families could effectively buy their kids way. the majority of is are not that. you're just chat.

It isn't always the case, but sometimes I take a midday nap for like 2-3 hours. If I were your boyfriend, would you judge me harshly for lazily napping during the day?

you can rely~ on your old man's money
you can rely~ on your old man's money
your a rich girl and you never ever really had to try hard.

no midday naps are lindy

Do you really care that much for a woman's right to kill babies?

it's called a siesta.

based normal gay guy

if you’re a wog, sure

What are the moral implications of lying to your bottom and saying you didn't vote federally so that he doesn't know you voted Trump?

It’s always ok to lie to bottoms

what are the implications if I asked

you don't have to tell us. red is for boys. blue is for girls. you wear it on your face.

No. I take 1 hour naps most days. We can nap together :3

i need to wifemaxx

It's like when your bottom asks you how many previous partners you had. It's better they don't know. They don't need to know that do what they do best. Suck cock.

Trump needs to wage war on stealth bottoms.

what if you say it in a way that leaves them feeling insecure and eager to please

I'm not a democrat, i'm libertarian

and yes woman should have total autonomy over their own bodies
a babie's spirit can easily find another body to go into if it gets aborted
since republicans want are all about God or whatever their God can give a baby's spirit some other babies body, can't they
walk in's are normal

If you can do that, do it. Your bottom should be at your heel's step at every second.

What would you do if you come home
early from a long day of work and your bottom husband is on his knees servicing a very large BBC.

Your bottom stops and looks at you, horrified and the BBC slaps him and tells him to keep going.

Tops what are you doing?

kill the nigger. Then kill him. Kill myself too if I'm drunk.

pls someone stop drumpf, i dont wanna be a slaveboy serving a bunch of masculine straight men who use me to satisfy their sexual fantasies and keep their balls empty :s

Picture this: It's 2032. Boomeranon is getting treated for his psychosis. He has a family. He has a job. He has a 401k! Life is going pretty good for himself. However, his husband is away for the weekend at a bottoming retreat in Vermont. He has the big, creaky house to himself. It's bedtime. He's trying to sleep but he's restless. He keeps hearing what sounds like feet shuffling across the hardwood floors. He thinks it's all in his head. He gets up to use the bathroom and hope that he can fall asleep after a drink of water. As he returns he hears a sound from the closet. What could that be? he asks. He opens the closet. A bloodthirsty Cersei lunges at him forehead first.

looks at you, horrified

As if I would be so fucking stupid to not expect my husband to come home from work as usual. I wouldn't even be dumb enough to do it at home, I'd go to his place. Totally unrealistic.

I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free

hm.. not bad. actually thats a pretty hot premise desu

If you voted for Trump, you will receive in the mail a Certificate officially recoginizing you as a Normal Gay Guy. It will arrive in 2 months with the Vice President's Seal on the package and co-signed by JD Vance.

you had me at feet

sigh and take my shoes off. then my belt.

The belt stays on, hole.

that's not why they're anti abortion. abortion encourages declining birthrates. low birth rates means a smaller and weaker populous to source your military from.

around whose neck?

Where did u met him?

Burger King !

Do you work there or what?

Fuck men. Total Chasser death

They are giving away 1 million Whooopers for the Burger King deal one dollar.

I had something similar a few months ago. I spent the day at a friend's house and at 11pm or so it was time to go home but I didn't want to be alone in my big ass house so I talked to this guy from Grindr and ended up going to his house. We clicked immediately and for the next month I would go go his house, cock together, sleep together and cuddle a lot. Perfect first time with a guy. Unfortunately he ended up ghosting me after that and I haven't tried Grindr ever since bc nothing's gonna compare loll


Why yall gotta drag me into this shit? I was peacefully playing my vidya. I stop in here and someone is ranting and because its a textwall, I get blamed. (or people are just using the opportunity to smear me). I just have no interest in being in the thread today with all this psycho negativity.

Never a kind word for boomer.

Anyways, heres some playful animals. Im goin back to San Andreas.

Skunk. Won.

nearly the entirety of Anon Babble is mentally ill deranged bitter incels trying to get some sort of sick joy and satisfaction out of messing with people

Holy fuck. Just saw the pics of shallo on Anon Babble he's fucking beautiful.

Shallo if you let me take you on a date I'll reveal my real identity to you, fly to you or fly you to me, tell you what inspired this whole LARP and bare my real heart and real pains for you. I'd love a guy like you forever.

I was really close to killing myself lately but I think you could be my reason to stick around.

I must have copied the name into the wrong field. This was me. What kind of guys does Shallo like? What are his hobbies and interests. I'm not really a pedo in real life I'm not even in my 40s. My ideal age is a slim but nicely toned pale boy with darker haircand handsome features who likes to get fucked. I'm a little mentally ill but not that bad, I'm a very very very high functioning headcase. I feel intense limerence on a regular basis, please let me love you I know Shallo is my soulmate.

I wish I wasn't a full-time bad bitch sis. I really wish I wasn't.

PLEASE. This is my perfect BF.
Ask me anything you want and I'll try to answer as best I can if Shallo will be my husband/BF.

All me. I'm ban evading on another board/site I troll right now so I'm in a browser that spoofs my mac address, etc. and clears cookies too often.

Literally if Shallo does not agree to at least try going on a date with me I am going to kill myself.

This is the 4th twunk or twink I've fallen immediately in love with since July. Is Shallo by chance 27 too? All these twunks and twinks have been 27.

I'm giving myself until April to find a BF like Shallo who will do more than have sex with me occasionally (aka will actually love me) or I'm killing myself. If I don't have a cute twunk BF soon I might as well literally be the 40-something pedo I larp as. If I have one soon I'll allow myself to reach 40 but if not I am killing myself well before that.

no one cares, like idk what you expect when you're a shithead.

You're so melodramatic sis. Shallo is like 29.

cooper mogs timothee.

We're basically the same age we'd be an amazing match and probably have a lot in common.

If he or a similar guy doesn't become my BF by April I'll kill myself. If I'm not married to somebody like him within 3 years, I will kill myself.


I am cute, Shallo. More handsome, actually. I've been called stud and handsome since I was 18, even though I was a twink back then. I always get asked if I'm eastern European because of my strong facial features and I am, but I'm mostly Irish/English/German/Dutch. A little bit Ukranian, Polish and Czech. I'm a dom/switch, vers/top who will fuck you anytime of day you need but also suck your cock. I'm also fine with mentally ill boys who are on meds that prevent them from cummjng so if thats you Shallo I'll still love you and we can just play as long as you're enjoying it and then cuddle and watch a movie or play video games. I don't play a lot of video games anymore because I work a 9-5 but I am really good and I'll play whatever you like or just watch you and make playful banter.

Parents and friends usually love me. I've been hurt a lot in life but I'm very trusting and devoted.

I'm a little mentally ill but not that bad

extremely sad and grim this one of the hall of shame moments that keep the archives in business

I've had an incredibly painful life you cannot imagine and I'm proud of how well I function and how much I've accomplished.

That's nice bro you also "pretend" to be a pedophile on the internet and are suicidal

dont ever try to find love online
just meet people in real life and see who actually shows interest in you
this guy you have apparently fallen for probably is already seeing someone else, or might not even be interested in you, or perhaps you will end up not liking something about him beyond his pictures
so stop torturing yourself and get out of your house

I just want a boy who i can love who will love me. These kind of boys just use me for sex for weeks/months then break my heart because they aren't looking for relationships or already have boyfriends. Sometimes they spend mknths with you, sleeping over watching movies, then freak when after months you tell them you love them. Its really not too much to want somebody to just love me. I don't eben have high expectations. I would probably not break up if he cheated, I'd try to understand why and just make sure he was happy. I once had a guy I was seeing long distance who had a meth problem and I stuck with him through it the entire way and then he committed suicide one day. I will be with you always if you don't leave me.

I've actually never LARPed as a pedophile. I was mocking weirdos who chase really young guys but the whole persona was always parodying how they always seem to like them as young as they can legally be. It was inspired by my own aging sadness and experiences being groomed as a child and later a teen. Which is fucked up but you have to admit it was funny like the first 20 times. The idea of this pathetic creepy old man. When in reality I'm just a pathetic almost old man who wants to die.

You should see a therapist

The stuff I said about fat people was real though and I still think you sound fat. Fat people are bitter, not real humans and cannot feal human empathy. That's why you can't understand how much I want a guy like Shallo to love me.

I have. But I see little point in going back unless its for a man I love who loves me back instead of using me as a human dildo.

You won't be sane enough to get a man until you do

I was literally in a relationship for 5 years my ex just killed himself what do you expect me to be perfect? I'm actually a very loving boyfriend and I don't need to be anyone else but myself and love him and be loved by him. Everything in my life is literally great except I am starting to get old and I will be lonely.

Freshie's love confession is so beautiful.

Well i guess since if I dont get a gorgeous and sweet BF like Shallo by April I will literally kill myself so if you're right I'm not sane enough I never will be and in April we'll know for sure.

yall really believe anything this larper says? he's probably the same guy as shallo. and by he i mean cooper

How has your life been painful?

I don't need to justify of share my pain with you. If Shallo asks I'll tell him.

that'd be nice

Sounds like you still haven't moved on yet. You don't love yourself enough yet to continue living. Shallo isn't going to give you this love to save your life. No one can. Only you can give it to yourself.

I want to be a loyal and obedient male wife for freshieanon

Post suicidal pole

Shallo is also just as emotionally insecure as you are. Neither of you have the foundation to support each other if you both have this baggage holding you back.

I love myself I just need somebody to love who loves me. What is the point in loving yourself with a broken heart that is empty and lonely? What is the point in going through life alone? I am not going to be handsome for more than another 10 or so years. I don't have a long time to find a husband who will love me for my entire life and at that point my entire life will have been for nothing at all and I'd rather be dead than waste time and resources feeling pain and being lonely and unloved and completely toyed with and used by strangers until I'm no longer hot enough to even get that attention.

That's for us to decide I think if he knows pain and loneliness that's great. I can heal him and he can heal me.

I have to go to bed. Please make sure Shallo sees my earlier posts.

Sounds just like an aging woman. Wow. It's almost like the human experience runs more deep than gender.

You're unsavable sis.

I don't want love. I want power.

Can you shut the fuck up already? The deceitful biscum shallow is currently not looking for a bf, especially if he doesn't look like a done cooked post op tranny. Come back to cry, spam and bate next time. Sleep tight.

anyone else went from being a bottom to a top?

i love flip fucking :3

What do i search on tiktok to get the good stuff?

no, but we need more of this to happen, and fast

Yeah but if my ass gets grabbed and slapped real good my hole starts quivering for cock

wassup homos

tfw i'm the last homo in the world

Trump won

i don't care