/mtfg/ male to qt female general

qott: have (you) cleaned your mirror lately anon?


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Blobbers won


No. Thanks for the reminder.

dont need to, I dont sneeze or 'sneeze' on it

What happened to British Emma?

i have the remastered collection on my switch but i'm only about halfway through 1, it's very stressful but it's cute and fun. i'd love to spend time going back to it and play 3 and 4 but it's so sad accidentally killing my lil guys hhhhhhhhhh :((
wha i haven't been excessively mean to anyone

qott: have (you) cleaned your mirror lately anon?

i clean our bathroom mirror every 1-2 weeks, and our hallway mirror like once a month.
apart from that i wore a skirt outside yesterday for the first time and it was totally fine so thats cool

what do you “sneeze” on

Where did you go? what did you do? must have been pretty scary.

ur mum

if i settle down with my fat stupid boy ill be moderately happy until he dies ill never achieve anything but ill never be stressed and worried
its not really the dream though :/

Have you cleaned your mum lately?

Really makes you think

your mother is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, she knows what she's doing

her bf’s tummy

picked up my bf from work and got groceries, so didnt really interact with a ton of people but felt weird yea

pic related but with thick thights since its super cold, not me ofc

also whats a nonny

and Im the top tyvm

Go to a board with Indian incels

i fuck ur mum last night

Go to a board with trannies

i fucked your mom last night

Really makes you think

go to bed larry

even Larry isn't that disgusting to talk about Mom sex. You guys are mostly just straight men.

nice fit I esp like the boots

I know your mother raised you better than that
jealous caus you cant bounce and moan on it, maiq?

laguna frequently does the ur mom thing

lol that’s nothing like maiq wow rent free

walks like a duck
quacks like a duck
I call it like I see it
and im seeing a bitter incel chaser desu

whew blobs you’re out of touch

seconding those boots r p nice
also definitely a clean mirror, based

nonny is Anonymous.

>pic related but with thick thights since its super cold, not me ofc

thats not me, i'm just a hon but thank you. pic is cis i'm pretty sure lol

Huh? That's not me. I'm over here playing Zelda lil cuz. Poor gorons addicted to marbled rock roast...
Its strange how fast it goes between fun and cute to sad...hate seeing my little shrubs turn to ghosts. I'm gonna get that remaster thingy just so its easier to play.

you are a wretched little creature you know that
you only do this because you KNOW no one will ever love you

not sure who you think I am but I’m already loved custer

my critical lack of reading comprehension showing again, kek

newfag Emily dropping trip to sneed and give herself compliments and samefag

lmao how does this trip like up keep getting worse

Chuds aren't sending their best

Kvetching Jews going to make the entire thread about me again.

The worst part is you're not even trans.

Maiqs little clit squirts when maiq rides his bad dragon and thinks of clara.

Because it's the truth

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what’s up you doing okay?

Based lil gooner

Very stressed because now I have to drive w no xanax to calm me down plus I have class later and many tests soon.

I hope you do okay on all your tests

I hope you fail every test

i don’t have a mirror

didn’t you fail your driving test? didn’t you learn that you shouldn’t drive on drugs, particularly ones like xanax?

what an awful mind we get to look at right there

umm I happen to have all the same opinions as this fridgehon and post exactly like her and complain about jews in the exact same way but I'm definitely not emily who is soooo based and cool and my hero actually and you should like her and invite her to your party

shut up blobby

I am blobby and I'm in your walls

my walls aren’t three feet thick, fatass

qott implies I ever look at my mirror
being seen by others is bad enough

I meant metaphorically, I've bugged your house, I cannot get my heinous blob form out of the bespoke bariatric chair I've melded with obviously

Is blobby in the room with us?

Everyone hates Jews, but I have no idea what means.

do you mean ethnic jews or religious jews

The distinction isn't meaningful.
The real religion is zionism.

what about jews who aren’t zionist

nobody talks about jews here apart from like radiochan when she's being an antisemitic freak too
being unable to distinguish zionism as a political project from jewish people as a socio-ethno-religio-group means you're a fucking moron, you don't even have to be jewish to be a zionist, very powerful evangelical christians are zionists

What the difference between a Jew who isn't zionist and a Jew who pretends not to be a zionist?
They're raised in it. It's a whole of culture thing. God's "chosen people" is a race, a religion, an ethnicity, all of it. They're not taught do unto others as you'd have them do unto you, they're taught to exploit the gentiles for all they're worth because their own "superiority" justifies it.

Those are called Golems and they are beneath contempt.


are you ready?


here it comes:

dun dun duuunnnnn

how often should I watch my bathtub, like a good full scrub with product and stuff?

ty for tripping

You shouldn't watch your bathtub anon it's not going to leave you



I watch anons bathtub every time he uses it.
I wish he'd use it more.

OooooHhhhHh wash. Once a week if you take baths every day.

I wish all trannies were horny and liked men like you, ngl. I've seen ur work, you're a real one.

That's a bit much for a porcelain tub.

three of four times a year or whenever it's obviously dirty.

no only showers but i guess that's the same

damn, i'm filthy then lmao
it's some kind of plastic though
you fucking nazi

Actually my sexdrive is fucking dead right now.
But I do like men.

I'm very dirty thoughever

Is this blobby again? Fuck off hoe

Mine too. I hate not feeling horny.

you were calling me blobby earlier
I think you need to take a break bro

It's kind of a recent occurance for me. I don't know how I feel about it. Figuring out girl emotions has been challenging.

You'll feel things differently on estrogen

I honestly thought that was pure delulu, but everything is so different.

who the fuck is blobby
probably after my time
i just don't like nazis, i don't see the problem it's not like i'm not talking to her

You're literally blobby because no one else here has Nazi hallucinations besides you
I'd imagine it would be a very uncertain course to navigate. I love my 'rone and wouldn't be able to function without it

What about Emily makes her a Nazi? Let's be specific now you infant

keep your trip on you nazi

I'm not a nazi, I just don't like Jews.
Muslims, communists, shintoists, Catholics, anyone who's had to do business with them, veterans of the war on terror...

The nazis weren't the first to hate Jews, and the definitely aren't the last. It's right to hate Jews. They're awful.

I'd imagine it would be a very uncertain course to navigate.

Yeah and it's so hard to find someone to talk about it with. Ciswomen just see you as a gay man, and transwomen are so few and far between.

As much as it makes me sick to my stomach to say it, Icky vids are my best resource.

You are literally schizo

radiochan 2.0

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i don't even know who you're talking about
but yes "I don't like Jews" completely different from "nazi"
"I know Mr Ayak" completely different from "Grand Wizard"
"Race science is real" is completely different from "phrenologist"

even my ex-bf who was feeding me somnanbulism pills to rape me in my sleep didn't gaslight me that much

fuck off cretin

That's true, and explains why they're so impossible to deal with, histrionic and insincere. I would be in favor of deportations of jews to Israel, and having no relationship with them afterwards. They're literally killing an entire population in Gaza while they convince westerners to cower in fear of their passive aggressive revenge for speaking out against them.

your post style is exactly the same you're fooling nobody emily you reek

It's over for you blue haired liberal

I aint they dude calm down
you're swinging at shadows, log off for a while

sry im dyeing my hair red ackshually

weird how the one nazi trip and the one nazi anon that backs them up don't post within a minute of each other

What is this post bro lol ur fucked
I'm going to bed actually it's almost 2
You still won't show me because u hate me :(

I would be in favor of deportations of jews to Israel

I've thought about that. It won't work.
They're too clever, they'll just find another way to make nuissances of themselves. And as you point out the poor Palestinians really didn't deserve what happened to them.

World peace cannot be achieved while the Jews still exist. It's as simple as that.

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lmao turned their vpn on to co-ordinate posting at exactly the same time

Omg u are insane. Do you need a screen cap this badly? Will that improve your sad empty life? Lol

you were kvetching?

I think you should go to bed, and remember not everyone is blobby

it's probably like 3 different nazis actually, anyways, time to ditch the thread
i'm not advocating for Trump putting all the tranners in camps, but if it happens, may those die first

giving a fuck about antisemitism

they get called out on it and immediately post within seconds twice to try and prove otherwise it's so fucking obviously just emily with a vpn

Who are you then? Tell me I know everyone

Nigger piss off. Stop trying to police what we say and how we feel, you're not on our level


Yeah you love this one. It's not us going into camps you disgusting parasite.

there's a never ending stream of tranny nazis you don't have to go full conspiracy theory

it's really just obviously emily, nobody posts this shit outside of radiochan and suddenly there's two and one of them is a lickspittle specifically for emily? nah

i used to post pics of myself here, and being not the color of a bleached USAn egg, i've gotten my fair share

garbage pail kid harasses everyone off trip

samefags aggressively to make is seem like a gang

simultaneously accuses everyone else of posting offtrip and samefagging

m-muh tactics

now has no idea who any anon is and can only assume that every anon is The Enemy

wickedness is its own reward

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What I think is fucking incredible is that you literally will not let me discuss anything except Jews. It's completely off-topic but every time I or someone else has tried to change the subject you change it back.
And then you can't understand why the constant discussion of anti-semitism is attracting other anti-semites.

THAT is your nature you disgusting goblin. You are your own worst enemies. It's not the other Jews. It's not the "Zionists" or the "hassidics" or the whatever else.

YOU are the one spreading the anti-semitism.

can u go back to harrassing other threads we rly dont need another racist nazi

oooh shit that's straight up abuser talk lmao
"If you were doing what I want you to do I wouldn't have to hit you!!!"

Tell the Jews to fuck off and I'll stop being a racist nazi.

yes, I'm in your brain, pulling on the neurons, making you complain about jews

caring about the jews or whatever is just a pretense you’re talking with someone whose entire life is stalking and harassing four channel dot org slash ell gee bee tee posters

"be a nazi with me so i don't have to be a visible nazi"

the jews need to be stopped

no i think ur just retarded babes

Absolutely deranged holy heck dude. You made me do it!

literally this
couldn't explain it better

the world will always be full of people hating your shit skin ass blobby, your only exit is to fucking cope and seethe

how about you just fuck off

absolutely devastating last 4 digits though HOLY SHIT HAHAHA
i'm laughing so hard i might have peed myself a little

You literally cannot comprehend how it's your own behaviour that causes this.
I fucking left the last thread for like five hours for a nap because my presence was derailing it and you kept the subject on me and anti-semitism for the entire fucking time.

People wouldn't hate you so much if you'd fuck off and let us talk about our issues without you policing us for wrongthink.

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how many blobbies are there? seems like a lot

I did fuck off.
I fucked off in the last thread.
He just kept going.

I'm not the problem. The problem is, and always will be, Jews.

And he's not even trans. He's just here to be a fucking problem.

strawman comic

You literally cannot comprehend how it's your own behaviour that causes this.

The baboon tells his friend: "Hey dude, you know your ass is red???"

holy shekels
some say 6 million but that seems suspiciously high

people don't hate me
they don't seem to like you though, maybe you should fuck off as has been mentioned

yes we fucking do hate you

can't argue

goes back to default programming


You don't know anything about the subject matter. That's all.. If you knew what's going on you'd feel differently about it.

you're not a person

Plenty do, because I make genuine connections.
But anonymous Jews ruin threads and make me the blame.

Hurr durr why do you hate Jews

Look here you faggot cunt fucking wankers

The conversations I am trying to have

Now let me be fucking clear

So you keep siding with the fucking Jew if you want, or you can figure it the fuck out.

how about you fuck off you very strange antisemite? maybe stop posting about jews all the time?

how do you figure that could it be BIGOTRY

Why can't white people have a country to themselves? Even the smallest white countries like Iceland are bombarded with immigration now, thanks to jews

Which means you'll continue to ruin this thread with your transphobic bullshit.
I will NEVER back down to a bully.
Especially not a Jewish one.

i'm a literal catholic you crackercunt
what are you going to say next? all catholics are actually jews because Jesus was a Jew 2000 years ago?
actually everyone is a Jew because everyone is related so it means we're all in the family tree of a jewish person?

bigotry against what? antisemites? annoying antisemites?

Then shut the fuck up you fucking retard.

the antisemite cries out transphobia as it calls you a blobby jew

just accept being called a nazi sometimes and shut the fuck up about joos and it won't blow up :)

Antisemitism is only annoying to Jews.

I am actually that blobby cunt tho

And not trans. Just a fucking Jew here to cause problems.
Our greatest allies ladies and gentlemen.

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I’m not an antisemitic I’m uhh asemtic whatever its when you’re tired of hearing about jews all the time either way

Blobbys a black pooner who hates trannies. I don't think he could even describe what a jew is.

no it's annoying to me, the catholic
and we're back to my prediction 2 braincells nazi

What does emily keep in that fridge body of hers? fanta? jägermeister?

Maybe scroll up the thread and realize that I didn't bring it up.
In fact I very rarely do.

What I was talking about was emotional changes from HRT, some cunts bathtub, and feelings about men and dating.

But the Jew can't handle that. So HE (who is NOT trans) derailed the thread.

I thought the blob was half gook is the other half black fr?

In fact I very rarely do.

then accept that you're gonna be called a nazi sometimes

I'm not the blobby you think, but I'm the blobby you deserve, and so's my wife

Yes he used to complain about being a chigroid

so what is he some kinda chaser then?

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The Ack- spam, the poltards, the literally all of the rubbish on this site, is Jews.
This very thread is an example of how they operate.
Anti-semitism was noticed. The mods didn't censor. so they attacked and ruined it for everyone.
Because they can't control they must destroy.

Cursed by God for rejecting Christ. Mel Gibson is right.

Why the fuck would I care what you call me?
I'm just here to discuss being TRANS.
But you won't fucking let it happen.

Because you are a slimey
genetically diseased

is this a nomi bit

other people keep telling me the same thing, but it never sinks in.

are you just using nomi’s name as an insult or do you really believe that

yes yes everyone you don't like is a Jew
i'm a jew even though i'm not
as the bard said
"lookin' paranoid and now is spiralin'
You're movin' just like a degenerate, every antic is feelin' distasteful
I calculate you're not as calculated, I can even predict your angle"

you seem upset

Failed ftm that didn't get top surgery and has giant tits. Also sexually repressed and asexual, so he's really frustrated in every sense of the word. He's been in mental hospitals several times for mental breakdowns, and once stalked a mtfg trip until she almost killed herself over it.

ummmmmmmmm have you heard about these JEWS?

it really is unbelievable that other people would force this poor innocent rectangle to keep posting about jews all day

If you're not a Jew you're doing a great impression of one.

Of course I'm upset. I NEED this place to form connections with other transwomen so I can figure out what's going on with me.
But "our greatest allies" ruin it.

she wants to be an oven, but she's a fridge sadge

If you're not a Jew you're doing a great impression of one.

do you want to measure my skull and nose too? lmao

once stalked a mtfg trip until she almost killed herself over it

and that was the one moment he felt powerful in his life and he’s been chasing that high ever since
remember that he’s only in this thread to prey on mentally ill trannies like whoever this Emily person is
he’s like a serial killer and probably would be if he could do it without physical exertion

what's going on with you is that you're a nazi crank with a horrible figure, no amount of pestering us is going to help that boo

hurr durr you don't pass

No what's going on is that I am being targetted by a harassment campaign because I named the Jew.

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blobby vs emily would be kino

I'd win.
Jews always overestimate themselves and fall back on stale old tricks.

LMAO harassment campaign
just turn off the computer hon

look this is Anon Babble don’t let them get you twisted hating the jews isn’t a dealbreaker the real question is are you pretty

you can pass and be a fridge
i don't pass after 7 years on hormones but i'm a curvy fuck
doesn't actually matter

No what's going on is that I am being targetted by a harassment campaign because I named the Jew

you're spiraling because people call you a nazi
just don't be upset at being called a nazi
we're still talking right? so stop hollering about being called a nazi when you're saying nazi shit

just turn of the computer

sis you first (you can’t it’s your life support)

you forgot to turn your trip on again

No what's going on is that I am being targetted by a harassment campaign because I named the Jew.

just don't be upset at being called a nazi

I don't give a fuck about being called a nazi, I give a fuck that every time I try to have a conversaion the Jews will derail it and make it about me.

Like you are doing, right fucking now, you fucking Jew.

yeah she should post face body tit ass and feet instead of complaining

lol which one am I this time

strong Aryan suggestion

Emily please in aid of securing a future for the white race can you post some lewd unsees

still a catholic
not possibly even slightly jewish or even have ancestry in the region
i'm Ashanti-Finn

Then you are the dumbest fucking golem in History.

I post nudes on bant all the time. Fuck unsee. I just use a pink board and never show my face.

never show my face.

oh you're doing jew on jew crime
you don't want us to do phrenology on yourself
lmao are you trying to redo the Verband nationaldeutscher Juden

can you stop ruining threads now

Why don't you let a bunch of schizophrenic Jews on Anon Babble identify you?


uh hu
i just want to see deadfish eyes
i like looking at dumb ppl

I didn't ruin this thread.
I am happy to discuss ANYTHING except Jews.
But I already know what's going to happen if we try.

the race scientist sterilised itself

very funny actually

just stop retaliating when ppl say "hey nazi hi, how are you?" i don't understand
it's your own fault at this point, just stop responding and ignore us trolls
no they're always hondosed and never get castrated just in case

all the time

if that doesn’t include now then could you please uh proceed to post now
I am intrigued by your political outlook and wish to learn more about your views and body type

us trolls

OR you fuck off and stop being fucking trolls.

nuh i'm not the master race i can't help myself but call nazis nazis
i cannot lie

I am not even REMOTELY in the mood right now.
And I don't give a shit about politics, my undergrad days were a long time ago.

seems like you only want to talk about jews, maybe go to pol or something?

I want to talk about ANYTHING else.
But the trolls will @ me no matter what.

don't give a shit about politics

cool then I can stop pretending to care about them
I would like to talk about whether you are hot or not and if you are hot whether you might want to kick back with some capri suns

you're not talking about anything else nazi
what's the last recipe you baked nazi?

I don't believe you

The friend I thought I had a vague crush on revealed himself to like me cursing at him while he was drunk and worded his ramblings in a way that implied Anon Babble should fuck him in a non submissive way

I hate being a tranny and I hate when even high rolls end up being low rolls, fucking bottom chasers, he only ever dated or shown interest in cisgirls before too at that, fuck, fuck, fuck it's so over, he decided to change just as I came to hit on me??? Fuck

Qott yes, I have, every week or so

I do sincerely think trannies must be a part of the master race and of course I mean the cute and valid ones only

imagine having a ribcage this wide
can even jade compete

whether you are hot or not

I am not.
Though I do get a lot of male interest. I assume that's just because I'm nice to men.

Hello good morning lgbt themed pol

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I think khornate said they were ethnically part jewish before
how will emily take this news?

fuck I’m sorry that sucks what did he say that gave it away?

hello how's it going

now if i’m doing all of my calculations correctly then the fact that you say you are not hot plus the fact that you are a Anon Babble tranner works out to a pretty decent probability that you actually are attractive

Btw always had the doubt, do you happen to be a 27yo german?

You are bad at math.
40 year old Australian.

corneat and antisemily in the same thread wahoo

reflux pain

that’s it, i’m going to kms

well what seems to be the problem in what sense are you not hot


this is clever

you're literally the one who started talking about jewish ppl unprompted

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see lol

Telling me to beat him up among other things and specifically wording "you should fuck me", earlier he did make comments about fucking me, and running his hand on my hair while I blow him and what not, he wasn't being subtle, straight up saying shit to my face

alright case closed
question () withdrawn

when a guy tells a girl to fuck him he doesn’t necessarily mean

put something into my ass

but if that’s what this guy meant then I’m sorry
what do you think is worse when a guy is attracted to you as a man or when a guy turns out to be a repper?

Someone just saw me posting here at uni it's so fucking over it's never been this much over before, I'm a ruined tranny

they saw you with Anon Babble open or saw your picture on here?

I think this specifically was because he kept saying more and more violent shit staring into my eyes until he said exactly that with that wording after a long time helping me with uni stuff and saying v different things, it felt like a hard break of how he worded it

I know very well when men mean "you should bounce on me hard"

thinks of me as a man or is a repper

I'd rather take the repper

posting at Anon Babble outside is some crazy work

Saw me with it open and typing a reply, then looked at me, them thinking I'm a whore would be less destroying than recognizing it's chan

you should bounce on me hard

so this doesn’t mean he wants you to ride his dick?

Yes anon, now read it again anon, I think you misunderstood the context of that quote

so they didn't see anything specific? just that you were posting on Anon Babble? if they recognise it then that's not bad since they're a reprobate too, and if they don't that's better since they wont know you are

licking her warhammer tattoo while violently railing her in missionary

new fantasy unlocked

I hope not, specially since I'm posting through campus wifi

yeah I just realized well sorry this guy sees you as a means to experiment with bottoming that is indeed awful

assume that's monitored

licking her warhammer tattoo

on second thought let’s add biting too

oh i thought i was bad
wait she's like less than a year on HRT or something right?

Is only ever interested in cisgirls his whole life

Never even thought of trannies

Listens to femtanyl

He also met her and a few other trannies on small shows and shit in NYC, I'm scared anon, all the trannies he knows, aside the femt girl, are mega turbohons, like one has a full on beard shadow on Instagram

I bet it is, but let them look at me posting about how much I hate myself and how much I love painting plastic toy soldiers

Slaanesh or Dark Eldar?

r u maiq???

"listen here stem tranny, sadly we'll have to spell you for hating yourself and not being a true bimbo and engaging on piles of malebrained hobbies like writing about swords and painting plastic robots"

I drove perfectly and felt really well regarding anxiety even without any meds.

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are you suggesting he’s a repper


in this case the blood god
accurate call maiq would definitely want to rail a cute girl with warhammer tats

heeeh too vague
have something with at least some conviction
Chaos Star is having 5/10 chocolate you won't remember the next hour
i'm sorry it's kinda... malebrained
i hope you're a tomboy tranner or i won't respect you

what’s wrong with painting robots

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mark of khorne should be on the sole of your left foot

is that your own paintjob?
stop cutting you faggot

Sure hope not, he's big and I've been teaching him how to behave... Squaring shoulders, walking posture, posing for pics

and cutting feels good, haven’t done it in months tho

beating paige’s ass open palmed until it’s beat red and steaming

there are guys out there who want cis women to peg them I guess they could be straight maybe it’s similar
still it’s a fucking awful thing to do to a tranner

i don't know if cutting feels good for me it's more like it clarifies my head and gives me something else to worry about when i'm in anxiety spiral
but only one cut gets me through months and years sometimes
i'm actually pretty good at not being addicted to stuff
oh btw girls i stopped completely smoking/vaping like months ago now

I do battletech, everything with bt is wrong

When the 6'4 gorilla tells you he's a bottom

t. virgin

I do battletech

holy shit

So you're implying only virgins would be displeased by that?

that's good
I just came off meds now I want to go back on

Beneficial or detrimental meds?

ok i respect you
you need more spikes
have you got your ears pierced?

I swear this pic is yummy when not sideways

No vaping is good

I recognize those cuts

I don't have a lot of hon masc pics where the tattoo is visible, it's quite new, closing on 3 weeks old, my trannied up white boy ass leaking the testosterone poisoning are mostly the pics I delete when dudedyketruckerthing posing




no Anon Babble tranner gf


no, i’m saying it’s weird that you’re commenting on sex when you’ve never had any

I've never eaten shit yet still can talk about it tasting bad

marina you’re a virgin tho? cute asf

Waking up to cramps after staying way too late anxiety spiraling due to yelling at a friend cuz I'm a crabby jealous bitch and now I gotta go into fucking work. God I fucking hate this life.
In other news, good morning silly people on my phone.

not really comparable plus you’re an incel

Ask your mom about it.
Says who mr transphobic essay writter/terminally online racist

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bit of both I guess, prescribed but the bad side effects outweighed the good intended effects

I win
Have you asked to get different ones that have the same intended effects?

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I’m not teasing you I genuinely think it’s sweet


You do it to me I do it to you. If you had the most minimal respect for anyone other than yourself you'd get the same back.
You know who else is sweet

i don’t misgender you desu
also glass houses etc

your butt

You obvs

Glass houses? Talking about glass how about you look at a mirror and visualize your square body that holds a gargoyle head after 1934780 years of being lost in the dirt atop of it
No. But my wrists smell like candy for some reason

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For being late you get the your mom joke. Your mom is sweet.

rubbing dad (not mine) penis and huffing his crotch

candy wrists

dammit stop being so cute

yeah they'll put me on something else, it's annoying though because the ones I was on were really good in hindsight at reducing all my anxious stuff, I hope the new stuff whatever it is works well too but idk if it'll be as good

Frankly I fear that it's a sign of some sort of sickness I don't think it's normal to smell like that
If it isn't you can just say they're worse than the older ones and that you want those back

The joke whiffed I just wanted to compliment you.

taste them?

linguini killing the thread and choking out every other poster and conversation that’s not about him


in general someone else would doit to you to make you feel nice
but in this case to see if the taste matches the smell

eh I lost so much weight on the old ones though and my sleep was so messed up it wasn't worth it, I was wasting away to nothing, got a hill to climb now putting it back on
did you take meds for anxiety?

No just weirdly crushing on an internet stranger.

does candy have a particular smell? I thought it just smells of its flavouring, or I guess the molasses in the sugar maybe

No it tastes like uh nothing
Yeah I have to in case I get anxiety attacks though it's kinda worthless since it just lasts a bit and stops me from panicking too much, I barely take any lately
That doesn't tend to work out

It's more like some sort of cotton candy thing I can't really describe it

the med effects last a bit or the anxiety attacks do? do you not have to take a constant dose so it's always in your bloodstream?

They're somewhat fresh, it my third attempt, they got irritated to hell twice and had to take them out, I have a industrial and a lobe this time

I think you’re probably healthy and you just smell nice you’re probably not diabetic

how would you feel about having your wrists kissed

It's xanax so it lasts very little, my anxiety attacks technically don't unless they get too bad and then I just have to go to er. I'd need to constantly be on them for them to permanently work and I'm technically instructed to but I see no reason to do that since I'd just end up addicted and with continuously increasing doses
Probably. Probably. It's always been like that even when I was underweight so I assume it's nothing to worry about. Plus I get checked often and I seem healthy

fernando should kill himself, that ugly lonely rat

you will fail your driver test, you will have a panick attack, you will crash the car and die

and it's a good thing

I’m also stressed and anxious rn so I knowhow easy it is to think there is something to worry about in everything
we’ll be okay


have (you) cleaned your mirror lately anon?

that thing been collecting dust my camera can't even focus anymore, when i take a photo the focus is on the dust TT

qott: have (you) cleaned your mirror lately anon?

why would i do that when even my glasses are cloud because they're so old?

I just try to force myself not to think negatively about things or else I just spiral and get anxiety attacks. Last one I recall having due to spiraling was like 2 years ago where I had to go running for my meds at like 5 am while passing out

It's nothing like you expect it to be, comes with a lot of panic attacks related to liking masculine manshit and daddy issues based on having a father who while introduced you to stupid hobbies also made so every hobby carries memories of him and his raising of her after tranning out

I am losing a lot of sleep lately and already have trouble w that bc of nightmares as is well known
I feel like I am gonna have to use some of my vacation time to just get away from work for more than a weekend

you don't want that
unless it's one of the ones who have been there for a while and have left since
god i need to see her, she's so sweet!

I’ve never dated a girl with the same hobbies as me but that is a very interesting insight thanks


Mood. 80% of us are anxiety riddled critters that can't maintain healthy relationships without obscene amounts of affection and reassurance. It's tiring.

t. Chronic self hating people pleaser

My nightmares tend to be pretty horrible too.
If you need to take a break then you should, I'm trying to avoid having anything that I'm forced to spend my time on every day so I can have time to relax and prepare for when I do have to go out.

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Just you wait until half the parts of the hobby comes with "I used to do this with my dad, I hate remembering when I was a boy" then crying

Nightmares suck. I've had less lately but it feels like they're just waiting to creep up.

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remembering your dad at all

my traumatic amnesia fixed my daddy issues

Last one I remember was of my cat dying. But my dreams tend not to be positive either and I sometimes forget nightmares if they're bad enough

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yeah I really should but I am feeling very pressured not to, anyhow thx for talking good luck w everything see ya around tamriel
whew sounds pretty heavy

I get reoccurring nightmares bad. Usually surrounding trauma from about 9 years ago. They've cleared up a lot as of late - I think due to some new friends I've made. But now I'm being all clingy over them and the anxiety side of me says I'm gonna fuck up and chase em away like I do most people. Worst part is that I know I'm probably self sabotaging

is xanax effective if you don't take it constantly though? you could try a different drug maybe

I don't know what a tamriel is but okay gl to you too
I'd have the same problems in your situation, but I'd probably just try to not be too annoying and not get paranoid over if I am or are not too annoying.
It is. Just doesn't last long, I had diazepam which is similar but works better which I'm trying to get instead of xanax.

I think I was on diazepam once but I don't remember what it's like

I'm trying. Been working a LOT of being very much more honest and direct lately. Which is taking a lot to overcome (anxiety) after decades of meeting people who drop ya like a wet fish the second they get any kind of bad feels.
Actually snapped on one last night. Waiting on the fallout today. Got in my own head about something. ;×;

It's the same as xanax but it lasts way longer and isn't addictive or easy to abuse.
Me personally I just detached from emotions so I don't have to worry about basically anything. It is not a healthy option. I hope the person you snapped to handles it well

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My dad wasn't bad for me for trannying, he started being distant after I stopped being catholic and dated another tranny

I was told over and over not to "ashame him", I think my worst critic of not trying hard enough was my dad, too honnish = bad, too boyish might as well kill myself and on and on, if I had ever whored he said I'd be erased from his family registry but I disappointed him in other ways

One of the worst thing I ever said was from my dad
"If you become a alley transvestite I will take my money back and kill you myself", was the only time we screamed at each other in person after I trannies

My mom has the cake for childhood trauma tho, threats of leaving me behind, taking me to my dad, setting me on fire one time she caught me, a 9yo, playing with alcohol and fire

I used to be pretty detached but it was largely depersonalization from decades of dysphoria. All the lights have been turning back on and it's almost overwhelming, I can barely manage myself.
One of the people I snapped at took it well once we started talking like adults. The other had to go to sleep. I think things will be fine - almost everyone has been pretty mature and wholesome. Still gonna anxiety spiral tho. >_<

"If you become a alley transvestite I will take my money back and kill you myself", was the only time we screamed at each other in person after I trannies

does he support you though so you don't have to do that?

he sounds hot

lio x galo is the best ship ever i need a galo boyfriend so badly

He isn't

he sent me money for 4 years after I turned 18, I'm his only kid who managed to pass onto a federal university, I'm on a top 0.03% slot, only one of the kids of all his sister also made for it but for a easier slot

Then he abandoned me, I've been working as much remote as I can and I have a sort of acquired family support, which I treat as a growing debt even if they don't

what does it mean when a guy says he likes androgyny? he's gonna leave me when I'm older?

My mom has the cake for childhood trauma tho, threats of leaving me behind, taking me to my dad,

my mum would do this too im so sorry

Yes, skip him

And I mean leaving behind as in going away and abandoning me alone at home forever, my parents had divorced by that point, or taking me to my dad as in handing me over to him, he was very scary and had had a accident which made him kinda insane for quite a few years

She'd take me out and start traveling with me towards where he lives, she went as far as buying bus tickets and preparing me to board then blaming me for how much she spent on the tickets, and yes the tickets were real

I was a kid, my crimes were being noisy, not wanting to go to school, being picky about food, playing with dangerous things
I was a kid, a literal little preteen with mental issues and under socialized because I was taller than both my parents before I turned 11 due to genetic issues

mom why were you angry at me, I was a literal baby my worst crime agains't you was saying I wanted to be a girl, I still had milk teeth I didn't even had shed my teeth, I was pre puberty

What the fuck was wrong with mom

just a personal taste, doesn't mean anything beyond that

Bobby won

Hmm maybe I play more zelda. Or start a new run on crow country

but like im gonna look like a whole ass woman when im older

he's rly nice to talk to tho..

androgyny covers a lot of things though, clothing, haircut, and people have different ideas about what looks androgynous, seems like a lot of people think it means tomboy looking or an elfmoder which are pretty different
if you're trans it's hard to not be a little androgynous with stuff like hips width and face shape too, unless you're a super luck shit
without knowing what they mean it's impossible to read much into it


Don't fall for it anon, mentioning Andro already says he finds you masculine in lots of ways and decided that's hot for him, bad signal, he sees a man hidden behind you

Personally I wouldn't trust myself to a guy like that, but every tranny is free to commit mistakes

maybe the anon can ask them rather than assuming the worst

Trusting a man who wants to fuck you on what he says

You're so dumb, makes you pass better

yk it's not bc you were unlucky that it will happen to everyone else too

why are you like this

Never happened to me, thank god I rolled safer dice

Someone has to be, you lack the cynicism your mom and aunts would have instilled into you if you were cis, most of us don't learn to be on guard until they are hurt a dozen times

pour vivre heureux vivons cachés

likely autism

he doesn't even know what i look like lmao

I think you're reading too much into what I've said to assume I'm not wary
you seem to make too many assumptions in general
I also meant more "why are you such an asshole" rather than "what are you scared of"

hello transgenders

hello transgender anon how's your transgender day going?

I know where you live

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ok where
my transgender day is going well thanks for asking

Your house.

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i'd say thats good, but i'm overly cynical and distrustful of men.

Does he know you're trans tho? he could be trying to game on vague insecurities are least a good part of us have, and finding those hot sends good signals to those while doesn't hurt the rest
Like on tinder for fun i keep telling men that they don't need to try so hard, that just being themselves is good enough and a good third of the time they forget to be cynical and simp

I know where you live


Everyone knows.

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"why are you such an asshole"

i'm a pessimist, there's nothing else behind it

you seem to make too many assumptions in general

yes, its always fun, you're all little numbers behind the screen, everyone gets their headcanon on my lil brain

from how you type i'm guessing you're either the muscly girl who mogs the fuck out of me or the frizzy hair girl who'd get ungodly amazing hair by not brushing it while dry

they know about the point nemo secret underwater base? aww

i want a little treat!!! but i should not spend money,,,

You're mother is a whore
The what?
Just steal a duck from a park and eat it

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pessimism doesn't mean you have to be a mean jerk though!!
I'm not muscly or frizzy, actually I might be as far away from those two things as it's possible to be

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bu then the duck would die :(

wish fernando would trip ngl, i always realise too late what i'm reading


anya won


laguna won

I ate so much spaghetti

spaghetti won

I fought the spaghetti, and the spaghetti won

I'm not muscly or frizzy

then i have no idea who you are, typed a bit like LB, thats why i guessed the muscly girl, whenever she starts hating herself i reply random shit and she stops to be acid towards me instead for at least some time
funniest thing about girlies hating themselves its that if someone else looks sincere about acting patronizing towards them they turn from 'i'm such a uggo' to shittalking you

pessimism doesn't mean you have to be a mean jerk though

it doesn't but it comes out of me that way, i'm one life setback away from being a bitter hag forever

anon won

just try being nice more you're ok at it when you do it

does anyone want to pvp me in bloodborne

three two one let's go

yeah he knows im trans he's extremely woke about that shit.. ive never had sex before but he seems rly nice so maybe..