
Fembro edition:

Question of the day: Are you a fembro?


What is a femboy?

A femboy is a male that pursues a feminine appearance for himself whilst still identifying as male

Are femboys trans?

The majority of femboys are cisgendered. Femboy is not a 'stepping stone' to trans, it is a stand alone identity.

Can trans post here?

Trans people are welcome to post in /fbg/ and identify as femboy if they want, but this is not a trans thread.

Why dont I ever see femboys irl?

Femboys are often lumped in with trans people and are also subject to transphobia. For this reason, many do not present feminine in public, even if they would prefer to.

Im in my 30s, is it too late for me to be a femboy?

No, recent advances in the sciences of lifestyle and self care have made it possible to maintain a youthful appearance much longer than was possible in previous generations

Do femboys have to be thin?

Thin is the most popular body type, but there is a very dedicated fanbase for chubby femboys as well.

Do you 'age out' of being a femboy?

No, older femboys simply become femguys. You can continue the lifestyle as long as you wish.

But I heard that 'femininity doesnt last'?

Masculinity doesnt last either. Old people dont look masculine, they look like bulldogs. The simple fact is that beauty itself doesnt last, and this applies to both men and women equally. It is on all of us to maintain our appearances as long as we can.

Any tips on how to look better?

Genetics play a role in both facial aging and preventing hairloss, but you can help maintain your appearances through lifestyle and self care techniques. Most people grossly underestimate how long they can keep a youthful appearance, if theyre willing to put the effort in. Wear moisturizer and sunscreen, once a day, minimum. And keep the sun off of your face. Wear a hat when you go outside. Post ITT for more

you don’t look like that THOUGH

The shy autistic guy I like to make flustered at work could barely talk to me today:)
Yeah you right. Femguy is the term I like.

Native american?

Yeah, 26%

Cute, it was glaringly obvious to me despite it only being that much, i like your braids. I'm 16 percent or something but very white besides dark hair.

Yeah my family used to think I was half cause of how much I look it. It's funny, I have 6 siblings, but I'm the only one who really looks native. They are all white passing.

Are you a fembro

Only when I am drunk.

I’m actually very wine drunk right now

that image is so fucking cringe do you guys actually like this

wow. that is literally me.
also yeah one of the tricks to staying young into your 40's is to be a vampire and avoid normies. and never ever ever have sex or relationships unless they are special.
i mean avoid sunlight.



Can a she/her femBRO post here? I have soldering skills and a strong taste for IPAs.

Can’t see why not.

tfw no fembro to drink ipa’s with and get frisky after we’ve had a few

Any femboy on DHT blockers(fin/duta)?
The gooning with soft dick is very nice.

femboy.webm - 720x1280, 3.55M

Anyone knows how femboys in repressed societies cope?

I'm on e+bica and there's definitely a difference but I still have no trouble getting fully hard when I wanna cum.

Probably by getting into abusive sexual relationships or other self-destructive behavior


I do drink a lot of whisky, but I don't think I give bro vibes
How is everyone today?

hair length: officially longer than my dick

I'm on e+bica and there's definitely a difference but I still have no trouble getting fully hard when I wanna cum

Can't you cum while flaccid?

Probably? I haven't tried yet though. I usually use a hitachi and I get hard before it happens

i want a boyfriend so bad

what are your base stats

18, 6'2", 155lb, twink build
the last time someone asked me out was when i got invited to a weird polycule thing and i turned it down immediately

You sound cute but a bit too young for me. I hope you get a bf who will love you and take care of you

Why use a wand?
To dysphoric to touch it?

Actually not dysphoric at all. It just feels better lmao, I would anal only but too lazy

page 9 bump

a lot of people genuinely believe there are dudes that are just built like that apparently

nobody wants femboys to have 'girl hips'. theyre supposed to look like feminine boys

slvt lil waist

How to create the illusion of having wider hips?

thats hot

does anyone else feel ashamed of who they are :(

honestly i used to. now i just really embrace being a bottom and my transness and honestly i feel so much better and happier in life

maybe i should have stayed like this instead of trooning
girls in those yandere groups are ready to pull femboy limb from limb

Mmm, yummy!

hip abduction exercises can help shape your hips a bit

yeah me too but like, it's seemed to have recently gone in the other direction. i really hate myself :>

you should be ashamed of not shaving.

wow im sorry to hear that :(
do you wanna talk about it at all? i can send you a discord invite if you want

lmfao id rather not attach another account to mental illness, but sure. I legitimately hate myself on a fundamental level, I wish I was a like 6' chad so that I could lash out physically against the world, and I would be in the position to give my life stability. Rather, I remain a fucking thin faggot femboy with gender dysphoria that would cripple my mental well-being if i started becoming considerably more muscular and masculine in appearance. I live with the classic mentally unstable mother, and its legitimately been so bad for me in recent months that I've had suicide attempts. Now you may ask, "why not move out?" Great question! I don't know if I'm legitimately blacklisted for whatever reason, or if employers don't like the fact that I graduated in 2022, or if they just straight up are not a fan of my vowels and consonants in my name being separate; but I cannot get a fucking interview, let alone a job. It took literally a discount of $15 worth of my wages - minimum wage in my jurisdiction - from the government to my previous employer to justify bringing me on after one interview. And when that wage cut ran dry and the company had to pay my full wage? Suddenly, I'm working too slow and taking too many piss breaks and talking about how I'm gay to my coworkers. Officially though? Not working between us; no reason really. Welfare office said to fuck off because of that, and I've been doing daylabour with family - farm labour - to at least make sure the bills are payed.

kill me

stayed like this

that person is literally a troon

At one point in my life, I did.
After I grow wiser, I realized it's part of my sexuality.
While I can't be open about it due to social reasons, at my home I can be what I want.
And it helped me with dysphoria a lot.
And having place like this to talk about it.

ugh yeah discrimination is a bitch, especially in those low-wage jobs. dont worry, anon, it's going to be okay <3

yeah i was genuinely at a point where if i got one gram more muscular i was genuinely going to seriously hurt myself, I know exactly what it feels like. I dont think I would have lasted another week without hrt when I started estrogen :[

it gets so much better though! i hope you'll make it through okay <3

i also wish i could get on estrogen but bare minimum i would get kicked out.

im giving myself until halloween next year

do you want help starting?

It's easier than you'd think to hide for that first year.

more so responded to the text about femboys

also while you stealth hrt your relationship with your mom might improve.

lmfao this lowkey happened to me, it got even better for a while when i came out and my dad stopped talking to me
now me n dad talk again and both of them deadname me and other shit so idk

I'm fine with being a bit muscular.
I just spam cardio, so I'm pretty lean.
What I want is long hair.

i need to learn to braid like that omg

I cope by playing as girly characters.

I just want to fuck, dominate and use a femboy/transwoman
Make them feel wrothless and used
Then when im exhuasted they take revenge :3

i cope by smoking and drinking
then playing with my hair

I'm 99% sure me wanting to be femboy is agp thing.

Any tips to get feminine hair style with short hair?
Based artist.

9-33.png - 758x1585, 732.14K

kinda but I feel I've moved on from that and became this masc passing emo enby thing. the sweatpants and hoodie doesn't come off ever

why does the femboy in the right of this drawing have legs like a horse

wait fuck i meant left sorry i'm high and retarded