/Cis Gaygen/ Signs Edition

I hope there's a sigil that sends me to hell faster, god can't accept the joke isn't funny anymore no matter how much I prayed to stop

i'm old and unlovable.

colofraudanon, you were never lovable. this mistake you made was thinking you were worthy of being loved.

so true...

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Bodies of Anon Babble thread. It is a twink parade.

let's validate our parkin'

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who would have known Anon Babble users are skinny unremarkable effeminate men in their 20s absolute fucking shocker of a post OP great fucking job

same but what’re you gonna do

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what are you gonna do once twinkdeath hits tex?

what’re you gonna do

drink to forget and then once i remember, drink to forget again.

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there are very Anon Babble guys there too

only thing to do until you can successfully cut enough people off where your real death doesn't cause that much damage to others

genuinely couldn't give a fuck if i tried

lack of women or sexual gratification isn't my issue

Oh. Well I guess its the way I read it since you led with the gay bottom thing and then segued into the ticking clock bit.

I can relate to being born into hardships, so I know its easy to reach that conclusion from comparison. I suppose it depends on what conclusions you draw from it on how to approach existence. Sure, there are hardships that may seem disproportionate. And I know hearing "others have it worse" only gives some perspective for a few moments. So if we assume that your self appraisal can be viewed correctly, if only from factual levels (like not born pretty or rich enough), then is a matter of what you plan to do about any of it. We all have to cope with shortcomings sooner or later, because sooner or later we encounter some.

So I can give you some points for the capacity of introspection and humility. But ultimately I would ask what the plan is. You are free to let these comparisons stew and be a focus for unhappiness and dissatisfaction. I would only suggest an alternative is to do what everyone else in such circumstances must do which is to do a bit more than make the best of it, but seek ways to find some joy where ever you can, in ways that these shortcomings are less relevant. It doesnt stop you from finding joys and appreciations in other ways, interests, camaraderie in peers, exploration and so on. Even people with handicaps find ways to gather joy in life

Best wishes, good luck and I hope you get over these obstacles soon and discover the passions that can bring you joy if you allow some time to look away from the misfortunes of life to find the good out there waiting to be discover. Its a hard enough world for so many without focusing on the bad and dwelling on resentments about what we dont have & forgetting what we do, and the more that we can find if we make the effort to go get it. People have done more with less. Be blessed.

it's time for shot.

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i miss ddees

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what do you give fucks for

that isn't correct

how do I tell my bf that I want to see him get bred (maybe raped) by poz black cock? Like I want to see and hear and imagine poz black loads being shot deep into his hole. The drug resistant aggressive kind of AIDS pozzing his white hole and destroying his immune system

trying too hard

I guess Imma watch this movie tonight, "A Place Beyond the Pines" (since that pussy Fuentes is too scared to stream tonight).

Cvcked by an old Jew woman. What a wuss.

(He blocked me a few months ago for calling out his grift on another account for fund raising twice for events that never happened, the shady little scheister)

Anyways, we'll see what this move is about. I saw another by the same director that was garbage so idk tpph

Haribo, it is a crime against humanity that the tops of the UK have not boyfriended you and left you... unfulfilled.

They are a disgrace to tops everywhere and must really step up their game to win back their honor.

wdym? I actually want to see my bf get pozzed. multiple high viral load breakthrough infections. Maybe some needle sharing. Whatever gets him as puzzled up and destroys his T cell count as fast as possible. This is what turns me on

A Place Beyond the Pines

i liked it. goose movie is always good.

Alcohol ages you.

post kitten

I find attempting to find joy for myself closer to hedonism in my position getting "better" seems to just be lying to yourself and others about who you are. you really wouldn't want a creature wearing a humans skin at your dinner table would you? you wouldn't, you want it to go away because you know what it is. you'll feel even more strongly about it from how long you didn't know after.

This was me as kitten

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goose movie is always good

Yeah. Even when the movie is meh, hes a solid actor.

I literally was asking about you in the last thread

thanks but all good things take time
maybe one day i will have a non british bf. that would not be so bad!

myostatin defiecent

yes! lets wake up at quater 5! why not?!!!! shitpost on 4chinz to boot, thats gonna do it

i ought to theow le phone into the river

who phones anyway


captcha! misclicikx
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wapk0p

aging ages you so what?

what were you asking about?

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this is the average gg bottom youtu.be/w_ea0WUlHCA

Idk, just how you were, I guess

are you ever going to find a purpose in life?

do u have a fursona?

Yes, do you?

well not great but thanks for caring <3

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i don't do steroids I just have a condition that causes me to have abnormal amounts ofmuscle growth

not yet

Of course, brother. What's up?

i do coke so i can work longer, so i can earn more, so i can do more coke

getting "better" seems to just be lying to yourself and others about who you are.

Well be careful with that sort of reasoning because it absolutely will doom you. Idw argue about it, I was just offering a view. I recognize that line of thinking from my own past, when I thought the effort to improve was proof of being flawed. Focusing on that rationale is a no-win situation because then no matter what you do to improve your situation, you feel like the effort to improve is evidence of something being wrong. If you vew every flaw as innate immutable proof, you logically will get stuck there and it becomes self fulfilling.

Its like that sickness people get when they cant accept compliments or respect. They decide they are shit, and if anyone disagrees, they are so focused on the shit self image that they wont believe positive feedback and cant respect anyone that respects them, and then treat those people accordingly.

Its a losing game. I learned it as a kid. I acquired near permanent self doubt from a lack of positive self image, because I didnt get any positive feedback from people I shouldve expected it from. So I was certain I was inadequate. The result was that if I was disrespected, I believed it was always valid. And when someone saw any good in me, I was certain there was something wrong with their perception and dismissed it. When I considered working on self improvement, all I could instead focus on was the flaw as something to hide and be ashamed of instead of the logical view that it could be improved, thus not changing and making it a reality rather than a view...

... One of the dumbest mistakes I would make as a young person was comparing myself to people fated to better circumstances, seeing only their superiority in this or that, and never the challenges they themselves had. Everyone starts from somewhere and it is wholly illogical to compare ones situation to that of others and conclude personal inferiority. Fact and reason, good or bad, was my only security. So once it wasnt until I yielded to math and reason that I began to see the real flaw was an emotional reluctance to let go of the inferior self image.

Then the logical answers revealed themselves and I could move forward to better decisions to improve life. I would never become this person or that, but my life would improve. It took me a while to lose the fear of success people often develop.

Because if you think you are shit and then succeed, what ends up happening is that you become anxious waiting for it to fall apart, certain that it will, and you'll be revealed and exposed as the low-life you never stopped believing you were, spending the whole time thinking its only a matter of time before everyone finds out. So even when you are winning, you think you are just fooling people and its all a fraud. Not a good way to approach things, to be sure.

Naturally, your development environment, whether or not you are raised with a feeling someone is on your side, plays a big part in becoming that way. If no one validates anything good you do and you only get negative feedback, then that is all you have to go by in forming a self image, and that becomes your truth. And then you end up looking to identify with anyone or group that will give you approval, because you have no independent sense of your own self worth.

If you think bad feedback means bad and good feedback is fraud and proof of being bad also, then its all bad and there is no right way to find any good in yourself at all. Once this becomes emotionally entrenched, it takes a hell of a lot of intellectual effort to break free of it, because the intellectual foundation is flawed and the attending emotional habit becomes a loop that you get stuck in.

I g2g or I will never get this movie started lol. Sorry for the textwall. Good luck and again, best wishes.

What will you be?

it's always the short ones that end up being crazy

this white texas motherfucker points a gun at you and tells you to buy him a beer or he will shoot your dick off, what do you do?

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mommy I'm scared

did the big mean words frighten you

of trump seemingly doing nothing to make guns harder to obtain

trump created the vaccine to kill democrats so his party could win every election for the next 20 years

i would say yo cracka bend over lemme see

I’m way too sober for this time of night.

what's the reason for wanting to be cuddled and fucked by a guy (male). is this some kind of survival mechanism or like evolution or something? the, yearning, it never ceases. it's been like this for as long as i can remember.

Maybe you want kids? Consider adoption. Adoptuskids is a place to start.

it takes a certain kind of ugly to think that any of your posts are good

Exposed as a gross pooper and lashed out. Bottomly.

I only like posts that are totally random and come out of nowhere and also larry-style posts

the day not too long ago when there was no internet or smartphone and you actually had to enjoy each other's company and do stuff outside of your home

trump should kill the internet and all porn