men commit 90% of violent crimes
as a man how do i cope with this knowledge
men commit 90% of violent crimes
as a man how do i cope with this knowledge
it's all just socio-economic factors don't worry about it, statistics are for bigots
by committing crimes
if i take 100 rats and inject 50 with testosterone and 50 with idk water, will the test rats display more violence
Why would you care? 90% of people are subhuman, the fact that men express that in a particular way is meaningless.
Any time some deranged mollusk challenges you with that statistic you merely need to point out the race of those who overwhlemingly commit violent crimes.
The only thing you should take away from the whole thing is that men, the largest and most diverse group on the planet, are expected to be held accountable for the actions of other men and generalized because of them while no other group is.
Modern civilization was built through violence, not through peace. A man who shows no outward signs that he is capable of violence will not get a tasty little faggot to suck his dick. You need to recognize.
Yeah. It's basically crime juice.
So women are just evil then and men are misunderstood good boys who had a little too much of the 'rone.
now imagine if you inject them with melanin too
no but women are evil
By being better? Being a human being, an actual human being, is about will and consciousness. Test might make you think about doing horrible stuff, but it's up to you to make the decision or not to act on it.
This is correct. Test makes me want to aggressively stuff feminine guys and trannies with or without their consent, that doesn't mean I have to do it.
You and everyone else owes everything to that impulse. There's a reason there are no matriarchal societies. Violent impulses are all we have to fight against the injustice of existence and wrestle against chaos. Without them humanity would be a bunch of old ladies sitting in the mud rubbing their pussies.
Men are *convicted* of 90% of all violent crimes. Women walk away without further dispute when they do violent shit. This same disparity is why white vs black crime stats are so skewed as well.
no other group is
Black people all considered dangerous because of the density of violent ones in America
Trannies all considered fetishist because they are most visible in pornography
Every group has stereotypes with some degree of fact behind them but you lack the ability to acknowledge problems that don't affect you directly.
lil bit skewed but things are pretty bad
following on anon mention and the funny 2019 meta analysis of euro crime stats, 93.7% of violent crime convictions in total were by men, just about 89% of all violent crimes, including non convicted were by men, men violence is also mostly men on men like over 70% which was funny
so the stats aren't so bad but are still pretty bad, i mean i'm very scared of lowrolling when picking a husband because of the 22/45/67
you merely need to point out the race
men, the largest and most diverse group on the planet, are expected to be held accountable for the actions of other men and generalized
The fact that you see no contradiction in this is fascinating
Don't pretend it is considered acceptable to talk about blacks the way you talk about men.
as a man how do i cope with this knowledge
Knowing that 13% of men commit 60% of the murders, helps you know were it's not safe to relax.
following on anon mention and the funny 2019 meta analysis of euro crime stats, 93.7% of violent crime convictions in total were by men
It gets worse when one begins to notice patterns that are politically incorrect.
Don't pretend it is considered acceptable to talk about blacks the way you talk about men.
it gets normal when you realize thats a american issue because its a entire country still de facto segregated and systematically oppressive, american stats when graphed for income and education makes the racial gap disappears, even with court pandering
What does this have to do with what I just said?
it gets normal when you realize thats a american issue because its a entire country still de facto segregated and systematically oppressive, american stats when graphed for income and education makes the racial gap disappears, even with court pandering
The facts actually contradict you.
You can. In reality your mad social norms around woman aren't the same around men. In a room of men you can shit talk trannies or get racist and if anyone tries to speak up you threaten them with violence. But because as a society we treat cis woman as a protected class you can't do that without a vast amount of other men getting violent back.
What does this have to do with what I just said?
Is it considered acceptable to discuss the disparity of interracial crime in American media? Don't you dare disaggregate data in a way that facilitates noticing patterns.
You can. Now let me explain how you actually can't.
Why even post disingenuous shit like this?
Is it considered acceptable to discuss the disparity of interracial crime in American media?
The richest black community in the USA has a higher crime rate than the poorest white community.
All of this is true, but it’s deflection because if you were to isolate Whites as a population the men would still be doing vastly disproportionate amounts of violent crime compared to women. You can’t wriggle out of this just cause of some impulsive throwbacks.
okay now compare the populations of these two places
And who do you think writes the crime rates
You can around other men because you can use violence ti get your way. You can't around woman because people won't stand for you using violence to get your way
You didn't even refute what I said so you must agree with what I'm saying. Basically you want to be able to use violence hence reinforcing the point that men suck. Atleast the trannies ackowledge and cry about how 1 tranny doing a bad thing might be devastating for there optics but men like you brush off those incidents because it wasn't literally you doing the bad thing.
Whites as a population the men would still be doing vastly disproportionate amounts of violent crime compared to women.
Actually, black females have a higher homicide rate than white males. It's the example I'm aware of where females of one race are more violent than males of another race.
If you ONLY consider NW Europeans, you do get find that males commit vastly more violent crimes but the baseline would be an order of magnitude lower. Ie, 1.5 murders per 100k vs 15 murders per 100k. The difference would be like a living in a small town high trust society where people don't even lock their doors, vs living on Martin Luther King Jr. street.
Would anyone ITT care to speculate why Canadian aboriginals tend to become more murderous as they get farther away from oceans?
Sorry for the poor quality image, open in a new tab and increase size if you're on a desktop.
Actually, black females have a higher homicide rate than white males. It's the example I'm aware of where females of one race are more violent than males of another race.
okay now compare the populations of these two places
Would anyone ITT care to speculate why Canadian aboriginals tend to become more murderous as they get farther away from oceans?
Oh that has to do with the eldritch being that’s been slumbering beneath North America since before human settlement. It drives people insane. This is why Americans only fly over Ohio.
per capita doesn't scale when the numbers are this disparate
And who do you think writes the crime rates
Increasingly, crime statistics are being compiled by people who are trying to cover up or obfuscate the vastly disproportionate amount of crime committed by blacks.
The media goes out of their way to omit race when the perpetrator is non-white, going so far as to use stock photos of a white arrestee, even when the suspect is black. In some corrupt jurisdictions, people are discovering data entry "errors" that are erroniously categorizing black criminal suspects/convicts as white.
That error almost never is made in the other direction. picrel
it's called socioeconomic, because it's not just about income
per capita doesn't scale when the numbers are this disparate
Per capita is EXACTLY what you use to compare disparate population sizes.
If they're being written by people that wish to cover up the higher black crime rate, why do they statistics you have supposedly show exactly what they're attempting to cover up?
Because it’s that fucking bad that even trying to fudge the numbers barely helps.
it's called socioeconomic, because it's not just about income
There is no end to the creative excuses made to rationalize the vastly disproportionate rates of crime committed by blacks, but you've come full circle. If American blacks were there own country, they would be the richest black nation on earth, yet their homicide rate as seen in the picture from the post is entirely consistent with the homicide rate of sub-saharan African countries.
Why does your socioeconomic excuse fall apart when comparing vastly richer, more educated, higher status blacks in the USA vs the poorer, less educated African blacks?
yeah that is a master plan to do a hoax like that and leave it open for everyone to see. 200 iq jew lizard free mason conspiracy right there
This is retarded and has nothing to do with what is being discussed. None of it is even true it is simply just a disturbing look inside the delusion mind of a transbian.
Lmao ya bc that sounds realistic
There are plenty of black countries with crime rates that match white communities. It has and always will be about culture. The reason gays get blasted with rocks in Saudi arabia the reason American blacks are extremely violent. That's the social factor. Worse living conditions equal higher crime rates. That's the economic factor.
Black people in America aren't wealthy a select few are a lot of them because they worked hard and a lot of them because they created art that promotes gang culture and for some reason little white boys in highschool eat that shit up like gospel and then go home and play 6 hours of league of legends until mommy males them dinner.
you just answered your own question. violent crime doesn't have so much to do with how rich the people are, it has more to do with income equality, societal stability etc. f.e. south africa is the richest country in sub-sahara but also the most violent
For the same reason that Trump still won despite democrat cheating. Black crime is so vastly disproportionate, it's impossible to hide without complete Soviet style media censorship and propaganda.
A leitmotif of black crime in the west tends to the be randomness and unprovoked nature of it. I will point out that the number one cause of death of young black males is homicide, by other black males.
you're wrong though, have you never taken a statistics class? numbers need to be close together in order to apply per capita
Not a transbian and men refuse to acknowledge the truth that male culture is built off violence. You want to point the finger at the statically more violent males. Even if black men commit twice as much violent crime as whites. men commit 10x more violent crimes than woman. But yeah only the black people are the problem sure
I feel like it'd be exceptionally easy to hide. People don't check this shit. The average American is a total waste as far as intelligence goes lmao. If you've ever lived in a city you know that black neighborhoods are targeted by local PD. They're the testing grounds for surveillance equipment like spotshot or 24/7 CCTV camera surveillance. They're patrolled more and subject to stop and frisk at a cops whim. It's an open secret that's only secret bc most ppl don't give a shit and believe the first retard that tells them the easier thing to believe
There are plenty of black countries with crime rates that match white communities
That is true.
It has and always will be about culture.
It would be more accurate to say that different tribes/ethnicities do best in cultures that are most appropriate for their genetic predisposition. picrel
Destroying a sub-saharan tribes authority structure by putting them in an alien NW European society, frequently results in tragic consequences, for all parties involved. The first generation (legal immigrants) typically have a lower crime rate than their offspring who were born in the west.
Edward Dutton refers to this as an "evolutionary mismatch".
yeah and it can definitely not have anything to do with a large portion of people seeing them as basically different species since they are born
Violent crime is committed by a very small subset of people. Even if they are all men it does not reflect upon you as a man.
contribute to it to get the numbers to 91% ,be the difference
you know that black neighborhoods are targeted by local PD. They're the testing grounds for surveillance equipment like spotshot or 24/7 CCTV camera surveillance. They're patrolled more
You are confusing cause and effect. Speaking from personal experience, people do NOT spend resources on cameras, burglar bars, security guards, police patrols, BEFORE they experience criminal victimization.
In fact it's the opposite. Where there is little crime, doors tend to be left unlocked, bikes left in yards, cars left unlocked, etc.
I was driving through Calgary and stopped at a gas station and noticed a high security bullet resistant plexiglass double door box to allow someone to pay without going inside the store.
That "payment window" cost several thousand dollars. No business spends that kind of money unless they absolutely have to. It reminded me of the high security bulletproof windows in fast food restaraunts in some American cities.
Black communities dont have high crime rates because they are overpoliced, they are overpoliced because they have high crime rates. After George Floyd, police decreased their traffic stops and other enforcement, resulting in more blacks dying in car crashes and getting murdered.
If only there was some place in the world they could live where they would blend in with their own ethnic group and not face racism and discrimination.
me when i rape a toddler and throw it out of the window because of socio economic factors
Even if they are all men it does not reflect upon you as a man.
She prefers the bear over the man.
me when i rape a toddler and throw it out of the window because of socio economic factors
At least you got off with community service.
In Canada it's officially the policy.
man the west is truly a joke.
yeah. those exact attitudes
also remember, raping a child is only bad if it's done by an immigrant. if it's done by white it's probably the children's fault or just a lie to discriminate white men
also btw nice source on that pic
if it's done by white it's probably the children's fault or just a lie to discriminate white men
Some whites are effectively above the law, and that is also unjust. Pic related was given a sweetheart deal by District Attorney named Beau Biden, son of Joe Biden, brother of Hunter. Hunter later fucked Beau's widow.
Some white people deserve the wood chipper.
I can agree that over policing is a response to a higher crime rate, but it's the response of overpolicing itself that increases the number and rate of black people being arrested and charged with crime.
Where did I say that?
this is just not true kek
speaking from experience
White men cannot rape black women
as a man how do i cope with this knowledge
Have you committed any violent crimes? No?
the who fucking CARES
this pic definitely doesn't reinforce the idea of different conviction rates for different ethnicities and crimes
weird. the richest blacks commit more crime than the poorest whites. also more whites die by police encounter per capita than blacks.
funny how that works.
as a man how do i cope with this knowledge
by sucking the violent guys' dicks, like all fags and troons constantly greentext about.
You're implying that law enforcement, the media, and social media are all conspiring to cover up the massive epidemic of lovely black ladies getting raped by white frat boys. In REALITY, it's exactly the opposite. The establishment is THIRSTING for while rapists of black ladies.
I'm old enough to remember the Duke Lacrosse rape case.
tldr: Black stripper gets stopped for drunk driving, claims she was raped by frat boys, triggering a massive attempt to railroad frat boys for a crime they didn't commit, (there was no rape) and the prosecutor went to jail over his attempt to frame the boys by withholding key evidence.
I'm sure all those white rapists of black females will eventually turn up. Meanwhile, no one in this thread likely knows who Samuel Little was.
There is no "male culture". There is no male solidarity. It is no surprise that the men who take responsibility for other men and try to sell this idea of shared manhood are cattle.
Men may bond and form brotherhoods over race, religion, shared experiences, shared interests, etc. but no real man ever sees in other men what women see in other women. They don't pretend to own manhood. They don't cry over how men are depicted or objectified. They don't look at a strange man and project some kind of familiarity onto them.
You're cattle. You think like livestock. There's nothing to address. Bad people exist, get over it.
Men commit 90% of all violent crimes
Yet, it was men who allowed women to organize and granted them rights when they asked. No female revolution has ever happened in history because men have always given in to their demands. And yet they still claim to be victims… Honestly, I’m glad I’m gay. I hate women so much it's unreal.
yeah just another reason i hate being a moid and wish i were a foid
>men commit 90% of violent crimes
men also create 100% of civilization
women could all stop working tomorrow and nobody would even notice. they even tried some stupid "day without women" multiple times in different countries and nobody cared.
truly just a parasite of a gender upon humanity. creates nothing, consumes everything.
Stay away from poor people as much as possible, specially ghetto blacks and white trailer trash, and be careful when going to clubs and bars so you don't get caught in the inevitable fights drunk low IQ retards have.
I'm also assuming you don't live in a country or state where you're allowed to pack heat.
Way to just dump it on minorities and the poor lololol. "I'M not the part of the problem demographic!"
The point was that these statistics are retarded in the first place. You think nonviollent black people like being looped in with the violent ones by racists? You are too damn stupid to see it.
everybody knows the biggest pedophile child traffickers on earth are billionaires like epstein, it's just a cope for the coppers to go after the powerless druggie nigger than to pursue and prosecute people who will literally hire assassins to shut you up
no amount of Anon Babble cope will change reality
Violence tears down societies. Societies are destroyed by losing their trade routes. Peace is necessary for trade. You are not a student of history. Read, retard, read.
Those who monopolize violence are those who rule. We just ended up in a society where the ones willing to commit the most violence happen to be more successful if they're sociopaths. Actual physically violent people? They cause trauma, destruction, and chipped shoulders everywhere they go.
You're trying so hard to work backwards using flawed logic to justify a statistic you don't like. Sound familiar?
Yeah you fucking dumb dumb that's the point. That's why I said to point it out as it exposes the person's hypocrisy. Why is everyone on this board a smooth brained bottom retard.
This is pure delusion. You know nothing of how reality functions holy shit hahaha. Have you ever even worked? Even blue collar jobs have women on the support teams and offices. The medical industry and factories would instantly collapse. We all need each other, strengths and weaknesses.
No really tell me you never worked in industry. Our dog food plant in town has labs where over half the scientists are women. The shop floor is 38% women.
You have no idea how the world works. Your opinions are as valuable as my morning shit to society.
Well anon... what color are you?
No you got into some bruised ego men are victims rant. Then did the whole race card. Who are you trying to fool? Yourself?
Yeah men need to achieve things by violence. It's inherently good! That's why the men who are the most violent when we look at my favorite statistics, are the best and most manly men! Bow down to your masculine black masters.
No wonder white men love blacked so much. They worship masculine power to a perverse degree. Two faced and shameful.
You're an idiot who simply didn't understand what I said. It is all the same impulse. Building, progress, conquering, justice and so on. It is all the same thing. The implication here is that violence is evil and that because men are more capable of it they are flawed. That is working backwards with flawed logic. Evil men commit evil violence. Evil women commit evil in their own way. Anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded.
It's your responsibility to commit crimes together with a group of women, thereby shifting the crime statistics towards women
Alright you're just a disingenuous mongoloid arguing in bad faith, you should've just said so so I didn't waste my time replying to you.
mentally ill reddit spacing transbian bringing up their porn addled fantasies unprompted
Like clockwork
keep coping dumbfuck.
have you ever actually worked? i have lived all my life in places where there is no social safety, you work or you're homeless and starving, and accordingly i haven't been without a job in 20 years.
civilization ran for millennia with women doing fucking nothing except odd jobs around the house and killing half of their own kind through dumb "midwifery". men took over gynaecological research and in 100 years infant mortality and death in childbirth became close to non-existent while it was a crapshoot for millennia while women were midwifing.
if you don't like hearing shit about women, don't make posts and comments demonizing men, simple as. else you will be reminded of the real state of humanity and what gender actually does what.