So since voting for Trump I realized I fucked up. I'm finally redoing my consult for srs next week...

So since voting for Trump I realized I fucked up. I'm finally redoing my consult for srs next week, hopefully the wait list will be short with cancelations before the surgery is banned globally. Having a penis has ruined all my relationships with men. I need a pussy and to go the deepest darkest stealth imaginable. When I get a husband I'll just say I had an ovarian cyst and can't get pregnant.

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i hope ur neovagina rots and you always remain clocky, hon. thats what u get for voting for trump

thank you for your service babe

u fucking retard. you voted trump because of your agp you dumb bitch.

i actually do like trump more, just wish he didnt wanna murder trannies for some reason.

FAFO, dumb bitch. you made your bed, now lie in it. you definitely won't get srs, and you absolutely don't deserve it either

hah good luck faggot

Kinda funny how every "transwoman" here comes off as a raving woman hating misogynist.

you actively voted against your own rights and you expect any woman, cis or trans, to like you? you're a pick me bitch who deserves everything coming.

built for bbc doe

it's kind of funny how you have decade-hrt coneboobs

says the hon that voted against her own kind.

99% chance u dont get srs and if u do itll rot and stink and seal up for the rest of ur life. karma is real and itll happen hon

based thanks for electing trump

No man wants an neovagina.

Well then where is my husband????? Face it chasers don't marry. I'd be better off getting srs and just lying to a regular man and get married. I've already had countless times I've accidentally got to 2nd base with straight guys only for them to eventually find my penis and freak out and hit me. Most men don't openly date a tranny regardless how well we pass.

i hope u get beat more faggot. kys.

lol based queen pissing the retarded faggots on this board off

I love how the same people who say trannies don't pass are the same people who get mad when we don't disclose our trans status.
Fuck maybe transbians are on to something, men are fucking bitches and cowards most the time.

i couldnt care less if u lied to men thats based. im mad u voted for trump hon. im a troon too, men ARE bitches.

trump is your president, loser did you try dying mad about it :^)

You voted for a child rapist

I just wanted my cost of living to go down. I wanted criminals to be punished, I wanted non English speakers to be kicked out. Why do Republicans make such a big fucking deal about trannies? I told you guys to fucking stop that drag queen story hour shit 7 fucking years ago but you didn't listen..

trump is actually not my president i dont live in the usa but im still angry on behalf of all the trannys who live in the usa since now everythings gonna be harder for them. im empathetic and care about my trans sisters unlike any agp troon who voted trump

makes sense. non-americans are always weirdly obsessed with american politics for some reason. mail me your tears in that case.

its cause u americans dont shut up about it and its all over the news even in other countrys.

I want to wake up with a man next to me in bed. I want him to pick me up and kiss me. I want to make him breakfast and have sex on the kitchen table. I want to meet him for lunch and hand feed eachother and laugh. I want to give him a beer and rub his feet after I take his work boots off when he gets home. I want to feed him dinner and fuck and cuddle by the fire pit with him running his fingers through my hair. I want to go hiking on our weekends and cuddle in the tent or hold hands while we watch the sunset.
God damn it where is my dream man? Where is my fucking American dream???????????????

Rot Hole from your neo vagina... still won't let you get your passport to be a F with one :P

dont well all. but u also made it harder for this to become a reality by electing tranny killer 9000 as president

So you will need to find a virgin husband, since every single non-virgin male will feel that something is very off after his first thrust. Not to mention that they can butcher you very badly and it will look like a rotten hole.

My passport is female. My birth certificate says female. All my school records say female.

dont well all

Bullshit. As far as I know im the only transgirl here who's had straight male female monogamous relationships where I'm in the female role. Everyone else comes off as a gross ass transbian

are u genuinely retarded. 99% of trans girls have that EXACT fantasy. dont tell me u think ur unique hon. ive met atleast 5 other kaylas who all have that exact fantasy of being a submissive trad housewife

the guy promising tariffs is going to fix the economy

no you don’t get it he pretended to work at McDonald’s for a day

America is the only example you need for why democracy has failed

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by electing tranny killer 9000

Lol do troons unironically believe in this shit? Trump will not ban surgeries for adults, calm your tits down. One thing that he can change is banning medical transitioning for kids, and that's a good thing.

I hope he Jack's up tariffs 200%, im a pure isolationist, if companies want to compete then hire American. America first. Trump is right about that. Hopefully Trump will put Blaire White in charge of transgender affairs. Only passer hsts get to exist.

If anything is real on this earth it's that kayla is a woman. Needy, picky, bitchy, stupid, vain, self centered, slow witted, everything screams republican spoiled daddy's girl to the core and no you can never change my mind on this. If anything she proves some transsexuals really are women.

maybe the key to passing was being a bitchy low iq whore all along...

You of all people have left behind a trail of shenanigans that I doubt you can ever truly scrub away. Just be honest with the dude that you were a seething screaming rapehon and repressor before you decided to be a sex bombo. He might even work on your motorbikes with you.

Nobody tell her where most raw hrt is produced

your vote only fucked over poor red state trannies
daddy newsome will protect you and your right to your state funded axewound

Like I've said I've been in situations where the guy genuinely didn't know I was trans and freaked out on me when he found my penis.


Are red states really that fucked? Also I hate newscum dude is a lizard and a vile hate filled faggot.

says she wants a working husband and wants to be a trad housewife

squawks "misogyny" at every form of criticism

yep checks out.

So much this. Drag queens at kindergartens, olympic ceremony filled with freaks... it looks insanely offputting for 95% of the population. Why are you allowing for such a shit? It's partly your fault - I mean, Why does this community allow it to exist?

Yeah, everyone passes flawlessly with strangers or shallow acquaintances. But what are you going to do when you get married, you're living together, and you forget to turn off your devices and wipe your search history?

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I'm fine working too. I just want a man to share my fucking life with. I want to shower together and brush our teeth together while we laugh and he pinches my nipple. I want what I had with Jordan ;_;
God damn it why did I fuck it up. I didn't mean to accidentally show his dad my cock. He was supposed to be out for the night

Pre hrt pictures. I've been on hrt since 2015 you fuck

You always wanted the attention, and that was your flaw. All the enemies you made over the years, all the fucked up shit you did, the history is saved on the internet forever. Your mistake was to not vanish or let people think you died 5-10 years ago like most of the other OGs. You just couldn't stand not having attention from anons.
Now you think that you can have a happy life and he'll never find out. You won't ever be able to keep the secret or stay gone for longer than a few months. You're that kind of hon.

maybe dont act like a bitch on Anon Babble if you dont want people to treat you like one. ofc ur gonna have ur ugly pre trans pics posted, ur a tripfag who posts shit like this. hope ur neovag rots a

Does anybody have the video of Kayla on the right screaming and being insane?

So is that what happened to Rawr and Ufufu and the rest? I thought they all committed scuicide

So does every tranny who's ever done porn

Nope. I tried to talk to ufufu a few years ago, actually. She was playing a game, changed her name, but it still linked to other stuff that confirmed it was her. I asked her if she was ufufu and I was looking for an old friend, she denied even knowing anything about it. It was weird, but it is what it is. Nobody stays in touch, everybody pretends it never happened.

wow this is really old
ngl i miss kaylas repper rants especially when she called trannies men in dresses

wait is this a known tripfag. i dont know tttt lore lol i just assumed this was some blaire white troon

Nobody stays in touch, everybody pretends it never happened.

Lies. They will always be fucking trannies


I have pics and vids of him stroking his shit. Point me in the direction of his current boyfriend so I can crush their dreams. I doubt they had GRS though.

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It's almost like performance art, except you know it's a genuinely vile person behind it.
Nah, this is before blaire white was blaire white. When the board started in 2013 Kayla was a repper hon that harassed people and went on insane transphobic rants. There were others at the time like dollface, ufufu, kuroneko, rawr, and others, and they would go into these video chats and bitch about the thread. Then Kayla would show up and scream at them and when she calmed down they asked when she was going back to the gender clinic. That went on for about 2 years.

If a tree changes gender in a forest alone, does anyone know or care?

thank u for the recap, im semi new to tttt lol, only rly lurked before

I've literally spoken to Dollface and she is still pre op and broke because the onlyfans money dried up. Also I've been fulltime for 7 years now, I don't need ur approval dude. Rawr an heroed and so did Cheska and Spohie, they're srs was botched, they got divorced and killed themselves a year apart.


tttt is also pretty new, this predates mtfg which predates tttt by many years.
That's a shame about Sophie, she had a lot going for her before she broke up and then started dating Cheska. What are you going to do when your srs is botched? Even Dollface is getting old, we're all old now. Are you prepared for your 40s?
Don't tell me I'll be the last one left.

nta but doll had a OF? bitch link

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Imagine a US company imports steel from a foreign supplier where it costs $1000 per ton. If the US government places a 20% tariff on imported steel, the cost for that imported steel rises by $200 per ton due to the tariff. Now, the importing company pays $1200 per ton, rather than $1000. Let's say said company produces cars. To cover the extra cost of the steel, the company will raise the price of the products using that steel, essentially making the costumers pay for the tariff. So the cars using foreign steel end up being more expensive than cars that were produced by other companies which use domestic steel. However, the price of cars produced with domestic steel will increase too, because now that there is a higher standard for car prices, companies buying domestic steel will want to make more profit. They will then increase their prices to a point where they're below the cost of foreign steel cars but still more expensive than before. There will also be a higher demand for domestic steel, making it more expensive. Tariffs make things more expensive, this has been known. I don't know why Republicans are so set on voting for an economic crisis, but here we are, I guess

where would kayla be

also that haato girl is so hot is she still alive

Who here is still alive and who is gone? Some of these are pre-hrt too, how did they end up? Updates?

where would kayla be

My most recent pic, im old af now but I still pull hot guys because I let them play with my dick

Kayla was in absolutely disgusting for most of the time. Most of the ones here improved with hrt and/or ffs. Current Kayla would be good tier.
The ones here with a year or more hrt include: haato, ufufu, kuroneko, anna, sage, kim, brad (ffs twice), sonic, baldanon, watashipotc.

ok damn ur hot im sorry mommy

Would, keep the pp

They're all in their 30s to late 30s now. Or dead?

you look fat

Then make steel domestically in the US and create jobs for people in america instead of outsourcing it.

Jobs are nice but that won't make steel cheaper. Like I said, those who aquire cheaper steel will want to make more profit

I have had a lot of health issues and put on a lot of weight due to comorbidities before getting treatment. I have lost 50lbs already but still not where I was. I haven't been taking care of myself much but I'm slowly getting my life back together.

Sorry I said that wrong, steel might be cheaper but the products wouldn't get cheaper