is Sam Harris right to blame trannies for Trump winning, Elon being radicalized, and the West being on the brink of collapse?
Is Sam Harris right to blame trannies for Trump winning, Elon being radicalized...
With votes on the west coast being counted kamala lost by less than 2% if the democrats really believed that turning in trannies was the key to winning they would have done it already.
It's called scapegoating people for the mistakes of their leadership.
Also, did the democrats get out there and try to rebut the anti trans attacks? No. Maybe it would have worked. Did they try making Israel stop genociding? No. Maybe it would have worked. What about shouting free Healthcare from the rooftops? Maybe it would have worked.
The democrats lost because they were afraid to lose and afraid to compete. And even then it was still a close election.
Taking Sam Harris seriously isn't worth anyone's time. He would sacrifice anything and anybody to keep the establishment and status quo alive. Nobody makes anybody do anything, they do it of their own volition, saying otherwise is always an excuse for harming others.
sam harris is quite pro-israel but chomsky is way more ideologically zealous and willing to defend or deny atrocities if it suits his goals than harris is so i don't care what he has to say about this
ngl all that tranny shit works as a great propaganda. and the people defending it really have no real counter argument. oh you're worry about kids getting transition? well it's just a minor issue and doesn't matter in the big scale. you're worried about men in women's sports? well there are only few of them so it doesn't matter. you're worried about men pushing themselves to women's bathrooms? well there really isn't that many trannies so it's not a big deal. sheesh
West being on the brink of collapse
collapse faster then
why do you want it to
and surely a tranny paradise will rise from the ashes
Man spergs out about his daughter not liking him
This is somehow trannies fault
Reminder that cissoids will never like us
The campaign literally took a very ugly person and pasted an outrageous statement next to it. It is a very real parallel to how jews were being depicted during ww2.
I do think transitioning after x amount of male puberty or selective testosterone use should bar you from womans sports. The bathrooms thing is kind of a non issue that cis ppl seem to really care about. Nobody guards the fucking bathroom imo all business should have cameras in the bathrooms to easily punish crimes that happen in them but waaah my privacy they will say.
non passing mtf's should just use the men's facilities.
I agree but i thinks to save themselves from the embarrassing situation of being called put by someone with tranny derangement syndrome.
sam harris
lmao even
gender neutral single use restrooms have always been the best case scenario desu i wish more places had them. never really understood the appeal of solidary pissing and shitting.
what's wrong with sam harris
Nah, he's pretty consistent. He doesn't deny atrocities. When he points out atrocities it's not just for the sake of trying to justify abhorrent policies that will lead to suffering, but to underscore how power is used to both commit and gloss over atrocities. That's why he doesn't take Harris seriously, despite his endless attempts to be taken seriously by Chomsky. That's also why nobody here should take Harris seriously. He doesn't have anything genuine to add, just exploits and sacrifices people from the safety of his PC to maintain the status quo and the state.
Atheism is a mental illness.
Lol I dont get why others don't see what Elon is really doing. The dude has no real political motivations. He's a total mental case that just wants attention. He realized Trump gets the most attention in the world, and he's also gullible and would allow Elon to latch on and share the attention.
His trans spiel was nothing but an excuse to launch himself into politics. Regardless, him and trump won't even make it 6 months. They're both too big of narcissists and Trump will eventually give him the boot
Liking free speech and not liking open borders isn't radicalism, you transbian commie.
on the brink of collapse
yeah, because of leftism. Trump and elon are fresh breath of sanity in comparison.
This is soooooo braindead. Blaming trannies for the Harris-Walz campaign shitting the bed is laughable, but even if we accept that Musk's influence directly led to Trump winning, that still misses the point.
An obviously more important question is, why do we let anyone, especially someone as cringe and unstable as Elon, have such an influence on the running of our politics? Trans activism didn't make his daughter transition; he's just an idiot whose personal life is overflowing into all our reality.
Are you fucking kidding me?
This election was about grocery store prices and you're trying to blame this on transgender people.
Are you people actually insane? Why are any of you even entertaining this question much less agreeing with it?
this all starts with bush and the neocons failing by starting two pointless wars and wrecking the economy, which led to obama being elected, which led to his second term, when liberals decided they had won forever and were now the new moral majority, instead of evangelicals ranting about satan it was blue haired cat ladies ranting about white privilege and micro aggressions. all of this creates a reaction called the alt right which trump uses to surf to the presidency
What im saying is osama bin laden is responsible for all of this because of 9/11
Atheism is a mental illness.
atheism is the only mentally healthy state a human can be in, or at least something approaching atheism, since "I think there is a small chance we are living in a simulation" is (unconfident) deism
al gore was a few votes away. we could have prevented this. he would've done a special military operation in afghanistan and then left after a few months
Samuel Harris is a little girl
not believing fairy tales are real is a mental illness
Also, did the democrats get out there and try to rebut the anti trans attacks? No.
Exactly. People act like the Dems were mentioning trans rights in every speech. The only thing Harris said on us is we should "follow the law" and our healthcare be left up to doctors. We don't know what an actual campaign running on trans rights would've looked like. The republicans ran against the Dems on trans issues, that's not the same thing. No one stood up for us.
elon's le cringe, yo
You're literally a commie, "liberal" dem. Elon's infinitely more wise and sane in comparison.
"Am I so out of touch? (with the working class)'s the transes who are wrong"
Neocons also stimulated house purchasing under Bush, which probably had nothing to do with the crash and the eventual impact on the economy, right?
TDS not only makes an individual obsessed with trannies, but it convinces them that everyone else is obsessed with trannies.
yep, the democrats lost because of troons lol
The Charlamagne ad ranked as one of the Trump team’s most effective 30-second spots, according to an analysis by Future Forward, Ms. Harris’s leading super PAC. It shifted the race 2.7 percentage points in Mr. Trump’s favor after viewers watched it.
Honestly it proves the opposite of what these people are saying. It shows that the Republicans are going to call the Dems groomer tranny open-border commies regardless of how they act so they should just stop trying to preempt these accusations.
trump got about the same # of votes as last time, so no, trans people are not to blame
if trump got a bunch more votes, it might be worth considering what was driving people to the right, but as it stands, its not much different than even 2016
the problem is the dems ran a shit candidate and killed their own turnout and they will continue to do so until they realize the left isnt a group they can continue to ignore forever
trump got about the same # of votes as last time, so no, trans people are not to blame
not true, so far he has 1.3 millions more votes than last time and it's projected that at the end of the counting he'll get something like 77 millions votes (+3 millions compared to 2020)
It did drive people to the right tho, trump made history be getting more votes from nonwhite people than any Republican ever has before most whom voted for Hillary/Biden last times
is Sam Harris right to blame trannies for Trump winning, Elon being radicalized, and the West being on the brink of collapse?
It's still less than 20% of the population, all things considered. The win is only by a few percentage points. It's a far cry from "the whole country now decided trans people are bad and ruined the dems."
The win is only by a few percentage points.
trump will get the record for the most votes as a republican candidate in the whole US history, that's just insane, and yeah, people decided to not vote for Kamala because of the troons
Sure, nobody is denying he won. But all things considered you can't conclude that the whole population or even half the population thinks one way or the other on an issue. That's just more identity politics nonsense. Are you looking to be hired by msm as a polling pundit?
Yes, you will all be kept on leashes and ride on the back of motorcycles
the evidence is here, without her association with the troons she would've won the election
The Charlamagne ad ranked as one of the Trump team’s most effective 30-second spots, according to an analysis by Future Forward, Ms. Harris’s leading super PAC. It shifted the race 2.7 percentage points in Mr. Trump’s favor after viewers watched it.
Weird how that didn't show up at the top on literally any other poll. Wow!
Are you people actually this fucking stupid?
That isn't evidence to support your claim though. It's evidence to support a fraction of 20% of the population voted for Trump because of that issue. Are you stupid and you don't understand what I'm posting or are you just being argumentative?
Are you people actually this fucking stupid?
you're retarded, this +28 is completly damaging and cost her the election
Weird, I thought the Israel/palestine issue would've been way more important but no one really cared about it at all
Are you people actually this fucking stupid?
Are you people actually this fucking stupid?
Got an answer, fuckhead?
Even if it accounted for 100"% of his voters, that would still be less than 20% of the country.
Got an answer, fuckheads? Shit for brains? Want to answer me? Are you truly that fucking stupid?
No, I'm not. I'm educated, and you're failing to understand the scale of the stats here. It was an issue that moved some votes, but that does not support your broader claims.
You're just terrified that the vast majority of Americans can't stand you people, you really thought furry pfp twitter accounts represented what average americans think
this, they are for a rude awakening, the democrats will stop pandering to them and they'll be all alone, they fucking deserved it though, they went too far with their bullshit
So you weren't that stupid, you just decided to lie. Could you explain why you decided to lie?
You should apply for CNN or something. They love all this melodramatic shit. Throw the baby out with the bathwater, calls to action and protests, stoke the flames. Breaking news, breaking news, breaking news.
it was a few % difference
Let's conveniently ignore that. Your application for polling monkey is eagerly expected.
you just decided to lie
says the troon that lie about his real identity, that's rich
You're not demonstrating there is such a majority. Less than half the country even voted at all.
oh look, the LGBT community is unhinged and will chimp out when things don't go their way
way to prove my point retard, you guys are fucking lunatics
Who is they? The people on this board are just working jobs and living life. Touch grass.
non-ops aren't trans. they're fakers. it doesn't matter though because they're seen as the face of transgenderism. non-ops are the reason we're here. non-ops are like the pooner that claimed she was a man to ben shapiro but refused to give up her female privelege. no srs, no transition.
you should feel very, very afraid of the seeds you sown.
the very own seeds that you sown that got Trump elected a second time, you can't see the irony can't you?
Huh? Who are you replying to you schizophrenic freak? There's no post by that number. Are you delusional, lunatic?
Are you new or just 12 years old?
You sound like you're from the 90s, no one cares about speeches they are much more influenced by their twitter feeds which showed them the effects of biden administration trans legislation (minors transitioning, trans being taught in school, trannies in women's sports etc)
I'm concerned. Are you... okay?
He's a drug fueled, hormone abusing (hgh gut he's the stereotypical "science will make me fit!" but never works out or eats right body) whackadoo? Have you read this tweets?
Remember, over half of Americans read at our below a 6th grade level. The average person is retarded. Remember that next time you interact with the public.
Those "news" events where they take a small thing that no one cared much about at the time and blow it out of proportion? Where they tell you how to feel about the topic and how it is outrageous!!! but the article mostly tells an emotionally driven "what's the solution to this obvious PROBLEM" type story? Where they frame it as a huge big deal to be hyped about.
If kids knowing of the existence of gay and trans people scares you? You were already an emotionally driven animal. Easy to manipulate. You were primed to make poor arguments, blowing up non-issues, running from one prepared point to the next with no logic to link them. The people who rely on top Google results and chatgpt to think for them, and think they're more intelligent for being lazy and unskilled.
yoy just say that because you admire his wealth
The actual answer to the bathroom problem is to mandate every public building have a gender neutral bathroom with a baby changing station for families. But that's far too much "government infringement" and "puts a burden on small businesses" for politicians to get behind (read: they don't want to go through the process of forcing businesses to pay for it and they don't want the government to have to foot the bill either). They'll never make gender neutral bathrooms as long as Fox News can print the headline that the demoncrats want the federal government to pay for tranny bathrooms.