Anon Babble AGP culture is dead, it's 99% hsts youngshits now...

Anon Babble AGP culture is dead, it's 99% hsts youngshits now, every homescreen thread is full of proprietary software just like real foids have. Every other anon seems to be a nonwhite 3rd worlder or a twitter tourist now. This place has really changed

I'm still here even if I'm the last, looking for another one like me....

Good, fuck AGPs.

Wtf is a home screen thread?

Why did everyone turn against agps?

this, agps deserve it desu

I'm sorry anon Visual Studio Code mogs Vim and Emacs....


Bold of you to assume most people aren't phoneposters these days.

you wish hon

lol i remember seeing shit like this but i was like 15

I mean that's OP's point, this board used to be made up of AGP programmers and now it's just all HSTS twitter tourists

What the fuck is the point of transitioning just to stay home in front of a computer screen writing code all day where no one will see you? If you ask me AGPs sound like the retards not HSTSs.

AGPs create culture

HSTS steal it

Like the Romans and the Germanics, the Han Chinese and the Mongols, a tale as old as time...

chronically online young people today should LARP as chronically online young people from fifteen years ago

Times have changed bih, if oldfags wanted it to stay the same they shouldn't have gotten old and left

i used to be agp and im slowly converting to hsts :(

They're still here just not on this board

As a chaser, things have changed. I used to be maybe 1 out of 100. Now we have thousands of chasers since the femboy/trans fetish grew.

I miss the old Anon Babble trans girls who called themselves traps/just wanted to be cute, had some mental issues, could joke about tranny stuff, and mostly were all lonely (like me) and played games/watched anime. Didn't have to be sex, it was just friends and stuff.

Now it's a bunch of tripfags, thirsty simp chasers everywhere, onlyfans, whoring out pics for everyone.... Tripfags circlejerks are the worst too. Shit just sucks. I wanna be straight straight now.

same but i was underageb& back then so i missed out

lady go check the archives as far back as you can for lgbt. "this place changed" threads pop up every few years. it goes back and forth between agp majority and hsts majority. new trips come, old trips leave.
one day you'll be an old trip and have youngershits complaining about you shitting up the board. new brainwormed trips will be complaining about not passing.
the board didn't go to shit, it's always been this way

in a way, it is almost a beautiful microcosm of humanity. except, in an ungraced corner of the internet.

Well I'm 30. I forgot when this board was created, but even then you got all the lonely transgirls going to Anon Babble, Anon Babble, and even Anon Babble, spread out among other boards like the anime ones too. It was just kindred Anon Babble souls who were lonely but also feminine and typed cute things. Also maybe a little bit of broken bird, but I liked talking to them about their problems and being there for them. Now it's all trendy and shit, and I'm still a Anon Babble outcast loner.

it just changed from agps to slightly younger agps, if anything people are more agp these days desu. Retards on this board just don't understand agp/hsts dichotomy (they never did)

Exactly the same feeling except I'm one of those trannys. It's alienating.

It is, I just lurk nowadays except to complain or shit post and get a 3 day ban. I appreciate you (and people like you) still being around though. It's the reason I still lurk.

I remember because this board was made right before I transitioned. It must have been like 11 years ago. This stupid website actually had a huge influence on my life and was the reason I got on HRT when I did, I could have done it years later if it hadn't been for this cesspit. It was a nice place to be

lol pretty sure this board was 2013-2014 but i was like 12 back then and i came here for greentexts and stupid gamergate shit then i was an election retard in 2016 so i've always been pretty much a newfag and i don't really know anything about what this board specifically was like back then honestly. i just know that this site is boring as shit now so i only come here maybe once every two weeks. it feels the same as other mainstream social media. i trooned out 2 years ago but i still don't relate to anyone here at all lmao

We haven't had a new meme since 2019. Lack of OC is the tell-tale sign of terminal normgroidification.

Nah, there's never been such a dominance of HSTS since the newer gen came

which meme would that be?




i make sick memes but stopped
they get reposted

Post them

have you actually checked the archives?

Indeed, I wonder why..

i'm an ftm phoneposter but i use android with firefox nightly does that cancel out the fembrain of being a phoneposter. if it helps my computer runs linux (specifically mint) and i post from there too sometimes

I use bsd on desktop but I do have code in the linux kernel (not low level enough to deal with traps tho)

this is good imo, there are basically no hussy spaces elsewhere

instagram, the vast majority of the women there are straight whether they're cis or trans