What do you think goes through the minds of the cis people who work in trans healthcare and see dozens of hons every...

what do you think goes through the minds of the cis people who work in trans healthcare and see dozens of hons every day? i went for one last touch-up at the laser place yesterday because i'm about to move abroad, as soon as i walked in i noticed the zoomer foid receptionist looked to be in worse form than usual, then i walked into the waiting room and immediately understood why. there were three other people and all of them were john 50s with booming manvoices. their clientele is mostly trannies and most times i've been there it's been an actual brickhouse. i've seen the hons give the staff a hard time before (chimping out over minor disagreements), yet the staff are always polite and gender even the greasiest of gigahons female. i feel like if you work at this long term it must eventually make you transphobic. any stories?

I once saw a young kid come in with parents and in the waiting room there was one of those fake soccer tables where you turn these handles to make the figures kick the ball. Anyway, the kid gets up and gets the dad to start playing, and they're really competitive and going at it. Other than wearing a hair clip and a dress it was impossible to see the kid as a girl. Young hons are real too.

not cis but i had a gigahon regular customer at my last store. when i first saw her i didn't gender her at all because she had a full stubbly little pube beard and a fagcent and i wasn't sure. she started calling me "hon" a bunch until eventually i tossed out a maam when she came in once and it stopped.
just looking at her made me feel intense pity and a little bit of involuntary disgust from empathetic cringe. but her honfident energy was weirdly based
i imagine this is pretty similar to how cis customer service people feel about it

i went to get laser in manmode and let them misgender me and they still do refer to me with he. i think it’s based because im a cute short twinkchad on hrt

i got laser under a female name and im thinking about getting electrolysis now under my male name. getting misgendered by them just feels easier and safer. did they ever give you any hard time about anything?


its called foosball and it was invented by a person

made by fletcher morton foos, right?

don't forget the contributions of mr Ball

He's probably just been forced to transition by narcissistic attention whoring parents

and hardly any women/girls are that excited to play it anyway. little hon never stood a chance.

That's what I'm saying. You can just tell by the way they walk and mannerisms, then bam they're way too into some fake ball game, shouting and talking like a boy. It's just not going to end well.

They don't care. Cis people by and large do act weird around trans people but people in these industries are used to hons and don't think about it.


I overheard my laser technician misgendering me in the back office. They were friendly up to that point and I sort of passed but hadn't changed my documents.

And you all are wondering why normal people hate you. Fucking mentally ill retards

normal people hate you because you're trying to turn the kids trans

normal people hate you because you can see a kid probably ruining their life from misdiagnosis

Pick one.

t. triggered agps

you lost btw

My job is to give the best quality medical service to people, regardless of their sex, gender, self ID, or how well they pass or not. Including if they're in emotional distress, terrible people, or mentally ill.

It doesn't matter if they're tru trans, agp, htst, tuvwyz, I'm delivering the best care I know how to, to the best medical science available within the frameworks of insurance, finance, and law, and of course the wishes of the paitent.

Dealing with people who regret their decisions, or come after medical staff because they call it gatekeeping, or they're super sensitive about gender ID, or have a full on psychological pathology about the topic is just par for the course.

You can be reasonably sure some of those people will not be around in 5 years. Some others will have to be black flagged for medical issues.

Anyone who can't deal with hons really needs to be in another medical setting. Lots and lots of jobs all across the country. There's pediatricians who hate babies, but that's on them to make a career change.

LOL. You really don't think both happen in the eyes of normies?

I'm an LAfag and I get laser from an aesthetician place. Most of the people going there are wannabe hollywood stars and rich cisf girls getting filler and botox.

This is the one place where I still get misgendered. Honestly, I think it's because they're so used to seeing 10/10 women that I look male by comparison. Idk.

Kids are fucking stupid and they do not know what they are doing. I was playing with dolls together with the girls more than with plastic cars but I didn't have brainwashed parents, so they didn't ruin my life. Any transitioning should be after you are 18.


Lifes of those innocent children has more worth than yours, because being with a wrong body but phisically healthy is better than being with a wrong body and mutilated by your own parents.

In the land of the gigastacies even low tier cis women get misgendered. Don't take it so personally. It's how they socialize.

No, but if you're criticizing posters that criticize pushing a seemingly gender normal child as described into gender care, then pick one.

Any transitioning should be after you are 18.

Sounds like you're cool with more stunning and brave trans women like picrel then.

getting ffs was funny because none of the staff misgendered me but like literally everyone outside of them did

Yes, unironically. At least I know it was their own choice. So your body-your choice, but you must be aware what are you doing. Sorry but life is a bitch, it was never fair, never will be. I am cis man and I am fucking ugly, but I am not crying how cruel society is, because they do not recognize my body dysphoria (I want to have chad's body).

Do us a favor and kill yourself now before you troon out yourself at age 50.

I won't because I am not sexually degenerated (so, no AGP case). Do not project your own past on me.

"Cis men" do not have dysphoria unless they're so weak they can't open a jar or they lose their dick in a horrible accident, let's just skip all the steps in between and get to the part where you 41%.

No, you don't know that. You can't really know that. The most high profile detrans cases were all middle aged men that were convinced to do it later in life, according to them. As a society we just say that we stop caring after 18 unless it's alcohol. Research shows that men peak at risk taking and peer pressure in their early 20s, then have vulnerable moments of crises in mid 20s due to hair changes, and again at mid life. The other anon is overblowing it too, plenty of young hons never pass, and some of those that start at 30 something pass well.
Either way I guess nobody wants to leave it up to the science to provide the best answer. That would be crazy.

I-I think i can have a dysphoria, I sometimes wish to be a girl, it started few weeks ago when I watched this new moe anime...

WHOA, you can really BE trans, please think about it more and more

I have never ever wished to be a girl, literally not even once, I just wish I were more handsome and masculine, my life would be better...

HAH, nice denial we have here... see ya in the next few years, gurl... also, kys.

your dedication to your work is comendable but i think op was asking about personal feelings.
like sure you treat all patients with the same respect, but what about deep down? do some trannies give you a gut feeling discomfort in a way others don't?
these are the things we wonder

I do believe than you can have legit dysphoria, I really do. But it's no way that large number as nowadays, no fucking way. Just look at detrans sub, 75% posters here are young girls ftmtf. One thing that appears here too often is "I do not really know why I thought that way...". LGBT community is like sub-culture nowadays, for many young people it's the exact equivalent of past subcultures like skins, punks, emos. You must change you appearance, applay certain believes to be part of it. And that's appealing, because people want belong to something, label themselves, feeling like they are part of something important to them. It should never become popular or trendy, it's a dead end, it's destructive, because you can't leave your trans phase without being scarred at the most fundamental level of your existence. Do you remember Emo culture? They dissapered, because they could leave it. Trans culture is doing a permanent changes that you can't reverse, you can't leave fully.

i would like to give a big THANK YOU to all hons for making me seem like such a nice pleasant effortful young tranny in comparison

playing with dolls has never been diagnostic criteria for GD

Lifes of those innocent children has more worth than yours

I legitimately don't understand what this argument is even supposed to mean. What exactly is the person you're arguing with gaining from wanting the best outcome for other trannies?

being with a wrong body but phisically healthy

being "with wrong body" is not physically healthy at all, quite the opposite
When I transitioned (before 18) I was completely aware of what I was doing and I have zero regrets. I have friends who were forced to wait and I watch them suffer because of that.
That's not what dysphoria is

Whether or not someone has legitimate dysphoria or not isn't knowable. Likewise, you can't possibly know if someone is really making their own decision without any other factors influencing them as soon as they reach 18, and not at all prior to 18. It's a myth people say so they can stop caring.

by and large person to person interactions generally promote greater understanding and empathy. Or maybe she's just exasperated in a customer service way

playing with dolls has never been diagnostic criteria for GD

So how did they diagnose this boy with GD when he behaves like a normal boy?

I legitimately don't understand what this argument is even supposed to mean.

If you have GD and didn't trooned - it suck and I feel sorry. If you do not have GD and they trooned you anyway - it suck, I feel sorry, but I also feel this is morally wrong on higher level. Why? As I said, there is no fairness in this world, your life can be a living hell in many, many ways, you didn't choose it.

Case 1: you are feeling you have dysphoria, but it's your own choice to transition, you are not a child, who can be tricked easily. Maybe you will be passoid, maybe not. If not - it suck, but the whole situation was not anyone's fault, all forces were external, they are not depend on others.

Case 2: You feel like you can have GD, but you are just a stupid kid, or you are so young that your own parents 'discovered it' and took you to a clinic (god forbid). Ulitimately, it turns out you are not trans... You were just a kid, someone who has guardians to protect you and they make some decision for you, because you are just too stupid to make them at your own accord (that's parenting duh). Forces were internal - someone, other people made this choice for you. It's just way worse at moral ground, because it didn't just happened, other people confirmed it and they made you suffer, when you could really make them with your full autonomy.

The most high profile detrans cases were all middle aged men that were convinced to do it later in life, according to them.

You're WAY out of date, that shit hasn't been true since the Benjamin protocols were a thing. Now its the pooners.

Either way I guess nobody wants to leave it up to the science to provide the best answer. That would be crazy.

That isn't going to get us votes. Do you ahve anything with more screaming?

Of course. Everyone is getting infuenced at any age, that's how we interact in the society. 18 is a rigid number, because you can't really determine when someone's mature enough, that's impossible but we must put compromise somewhere. There will never be an ideal solution, world is too complex. But still, we must make a compromise, because we must acknowleage that kids can not make certain decisions on "their own" beacuse thay are just kids.

This rehearsed speech has me cackling. Girl, you absolutely hate hons.

Who is screaming? You're screaming. I don't care about votes. Nice projection though.

Maturity has little to do with whether or not someone is making a decision in sound mind. We set a limit of 18 on things because people are still physically maturing, as a consequence there are also various power dynamics at play. Likewise with criminal charges, you can't hold someone fully accountable if they don't have full rights in a society, but we do make exceptions.
If a minor fully emancipated at 16, then there is no definitive and measurable quality you can point to that should prohibit them from making that decision before they were 18. It might not FEEL good to your sensibilities, but if we're a society of reason then you have no reason to prohibit it.

So you are fine with 16. What do you think about this situation?
What about 12 or 14? You probably can't say, you cannot determine it. So what if parents would take a 5 years old girl or boy to the clinic? Is it fine to you too or there is something inside you that screaming that this situation is off? Your limit? No limits? Who's to jugde?

Maybe women don't play it around a bunch of guys so you wouldn't know. I had a Foosball table growing up and my sister and her friends played it plenty. GameCube too. Did all of you never have female friends growing up?

Again, you can't base this on feelings. You can point to certain neurological development, and the development of critical thinking capacities in the teens, but beyond that you're just grasping at straws and going with gut feelings.
We can say that certain things are bad, for reasons of physical maturity. In the same way that you can say that certain surgical interventions would be bad, because even with a goal of transition, they would be botched if you do it too early. You can also say that certain drugs shouldn't be used at a certain age. When it comes to things like puberty blockers or another option for least harm and mostly reversible, then if a minor has the cognitive capacities to make decisions and the legal status to make decisions, then they should be able to get such treatment.
The parent case is more insidious, because while even Trump thinks it should be on parental consent, their influence on a child is going to be overwhelming. So the limit should be in the case of emancipation and/or after going through a rigorous test to determine that the minor has the capacity to make such decisions when parental consent is already given.
Just ball parking a chronological age might feel right but it's not rational, nor supported by any good reasons. It's entirely just a vibe check of "that's how we do things I guess." Worse, I would argue that even over 18 there needs to be more attention on developing procedures to make sure the person is of sound mind and has the conviction to accept the consequences. Right now it's just the wild west.

stress has visible negative effects on the body that can cause complications for years to lifetimes on end. i dont think the dysphoric process of a wrong puberty is exactly "wrong body but physically healthy". Besides disistence rates for HRT minors is so low that I care far more about the 98%+ trans kids that go through the right puberty vs the few cis kids that will quickly realize their mistake and get off it.

just look at [psyop reddit]

ok jan