/mmg/ - manmoder general

FUCK discord edition
QOTT: what's the first word you see?



holy shit the first word i saw was gay, and if the word "gay" describes me, then that means that I am gay

Were all gay here. I wanna get the word fag tattooed on me cause I'm so gay.

put it on your big big forehead?

Nah I'm gonna get in on my arms or belly just above pants line. Alone with queer and tranny.

Her forehead looks good, nice size and proportional
Definitely not like rihanna
Also vampy i was thinking, dont cancel the bangs, you should get curtain bangs or like swoopy layers

Yeah I was legit thinking that same thing about some swoppy layers. I think I will add those. I already changed it to a full cut, should be able to still just add those.

look up the studies on brain scans in trannies

Flint, C., Förster, K., Koser, S.A. et al. Biological sex classification with structural MRI data shows increased misclassification in transgender women. Neuropsychopharmacol. 45, 1758–1765 (2020). doi.org/10.1038/s41386-020-0666-3

Our results support the hypothesis that brain structure in TW differs from brain structure of their biological sex (male) as well as their perceived gender (female). This finding substantiates evidence that TIs show specific brain-structural alterations leading to a different pattern of brain structure than CG-individuals.

this exactly proves my point you dumb fucking faggot so suck my cock
trannies aren't like women or cis men on the inside. they are't nromal (CG). both MTFs and FTMs have autistic lesbianism encoded into their brain structure. it's fucking disgusting
Khorashad, B.S., Manzouri, A., Feusner, J.D. et al. Cross-sex hormone treatment and own-body perception: behavioral and brain connectivity profiles. Sci Rep 11, 2799 (2021). doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-80687-2

Figure 2

As this image shows, there is significant overlap in TM brains and TW brains. It's not that TW have female brains and TM have male brains. They both have tranny freak brains with fucked-up morphology. That's what the science says. And you're the heccing denier, leddithon. *hits button that plays animegirl moaning sound* take that, bitch! it feels so good to hate trannies!!

You’re misreading those studies hard and inserting your own personal bias. Neither of them says trannies have freak brains or any of that garbage you’re projecting. Flint et al. (2020) and Khorashad et al. (2021) talk about brain differences, not defects. Brains aren’t binary, and identity is more complex than “male” or “female” brains. Variation happens across everyone’s brain structure, transgender or not.

These studies are saying brain structure might link to gender identity, aka, differences could mean something, but they don’t mean “abnormality.” Your rant’s just cherry-picking to justify your bias.

Science doesn’t back up your “freak” narrative. Keep dreaming if you want, but misquoting studies doesn’t make your point worth entertaining.

can you help me

can you shut the fuck up

sometimes i have to really hold myself to not go mask off so people's perception of me continues to be that im a proper sweet girl

Mask off is hot sometimes though.

i already did and you didn't thank me you ungrateful fucker
now get down on your knees

oh, and don't think i don't know the study and figure you usually cite. i'm 'bout to pull that shit up rn and rip your psyche a new asshole, bitchgirl.
Kurth, F., Gaser, C., Sánchez, F. J., & Luders, E. (2022). Brain Sex in Transgender Women Is Shifted towards Gender Identity. Journal of clinical medicine, 11(6), 1582. doi.org/10.3390/jcm11061582

Figure 1. (edited)

Notice how TW brains are different than both cis controls? Once again proving my point that trannies aren't just normal; they're different. But not only that, they're closer to the male controls than to the female controls. If anything, it shows that trannies are abnormal males. you see the big gap between female and TW, don't you? and you see the large overlap between cis men on the feminine side and trans women, right? trans women are just feminine cis men with weird brains

differences, not defects

when i say autistic freak, i'm just pointing out it's not the norm

Variation happens across everyone’s brain structure, transgender or not

yyeah, no shit, Sherlock. but tranny brains consistently show the same types of morphological differences across individuals.

but they don’t mean “abnormality.”

yes it does. i can use the word atypical instead of freak if you prefer it, but my point stands that tranny brains are different than typical brains

Science doesn’t back up your “freak” narrative

ookayyyyy,,, call it atypical morphology then. my point stands. you object more to my vocabulary and exaggerated tone than the facts themselves, which are undeniable and irrefutable.

They both have tranny freak brains with fucked-up morphology.

was my only point, you fucking idiot, you're just abusing the facts by framing them in a way that validates your heccin brainworms and spouting the same anti-tranny shit literally cited in currently existing legislation to fuck life up for trannies

leddit sound more like your thing than mine :)

woah calm down, hon, nobody is saying you (especially you) have a "female brain" or "female soul"

now I remember why I dislike you so much

Alright, let’s get into what this graph actually shows. The ‘Brain Sex Index’ here is a predictive model that reflects structural features in brains, not some clear-cut ‘male’ vs. ‘female’ metric. What we’re seeing is that transgender women fall somewhere in between cis men and cis women in terms of brain structure. There’s significant overlap on both sides, meaning trans women’s brains don’t fit neatly into your binary ideas of ‘normal’ male or female brains.

What this actually supports is the complexity of brain structure in relation to gender identity. It’s not as simple as ‘feminine men’ or ‘masculine women.’ Trans women have distinct brain features that can’t be reduced to just one category. The overlap you’re so fixated on doesn’t prove that trans women are ‘feminine men’; it demonstrates that their brains are uniquely structured in ways that don’t align exactly with either cis group.

If you’re going to use science to make a point, at least try to interpret the data correctly. This chart doesn’t back up your take at all. It just reinforces that brain structure varies widely, especially in trans individuals.

kinda mad at i saw the tv glow because it made me like a song by king princess and that's unforgivable

i wish i could fuck billy boy but i'm sadly impotent,
still kinda important fwiw

Brains aren’t binary, and identity is more complex than “male” or “female” brains. Variation happens across everyone’s brain structure, transgender or not.

this is the important takeaway, but

Science doesn’t back up your “freak” narrative

it kind of does - we're pretty much effectively neurological intersex and in distinctive, detectable, ways if you just look at all the data we have so far and the conclusions drawn and agreed upon

also whats everyone's thoughts on i saw the tv glow

is it worth watching?

If we look at the whole picture, all this really suggests is that brain development can align with gender identity in ways that don’t map perfectly onto binary sex categories. That doesn’t make anyone ‘abnormal’ in any negative sense, it just means human diversity extends to brain structure too. So sure, there are unique patterns in trans brains, but interpreting those as ‘freakish’ rather than simply different is nothing but a projection of cultural bias.

it demonstrates that their brains are uniquely structured in ways that don’t align exactly with either cis group

yes. but it's obviously waayyyyy closer to the male group than the female group.

transgender women fall somewhere in between cis men and cis women in terms of brain structure

yes, exactly

There’s significant overlap on both side

you're minimizing that there's sizable overlap on one side and a sizable gap on the other

It’s not as simple as ‘feminine men’

i know. it's that some feminine men have abnormal brain structures

nobody is saying you (especially you) have a "female brain" or "female soul"

good. because they would be 1001% wrong!

Yes, there’s overlap with cis men and a gap with cis women in certain structural areas, but that doesn’t reduce trans women to ‘feminine men with abnormal brains.’ The entire point of these studies is to understand that gender identity can have a neurobiological basis that doesn’t strictly align with the binary. Saying trans women are ‘closer to cis men’ only in some aspects misses the bigger picture: their brains consistently show patterns that are distinct from both cis men and cis women, creating a unique profile that aligns with their gender identity rather than biological sex.

Also, ‘abnormal brain structures’ is just a label you’re throwing on there for effect. There’s no evidence that these variations are pathological. they’re just different. All brains have variations that don’t necessarily align with sex alone. You’re so focused on framing trans women as ‘feminine men with unusual brains’ that you’re ignoring the point of the research, which is to show that identity and brain structure aren’t as rigidly tied to biological sex as you’re trying to claim. Distinct does not mean defective; it just means there’s more diversity in human neurobiology than you’re willing to admit.

i have a special tranny brain that's hardcoded to a level of lesbianism that most cissoids can't reach? SWEET!!!

Yet to watch it although i said i would. idk i heard there is a repper in it and i feel like it is kind of rude to exploit that kind of suffering for my own entertainment, stupid as that may be
Pose by ryan murphy is better because it is funny
Come to toronto princess

my idea of it all is a problem in sexual differentiation where the brain is sexed in the opposite way the body is, and the degree of this can differ
and in the same way homosexuals have their attraction changed
it's all natural

. That doesn’t make anyone ‘abnormal’ in any negative sense, it just means human diversity extends to brain structure too. So sure, there are unique patterns in trans brains, but interpreting those as ‘freakish’ rather than simply different is nothing but a projection of cultural bias.

then that's just a matter of debating semantics, which I will not do - the functional truth is trannies emerge as smaller disinct clusters outside the predominant binary of bell curves for M/F, making us both neither and also an expression of the unique spectral dimensions of biological sex, but also meeting what I've always known as the more clinical and colloquial definitions of "abnormal" or "freak"


Jokes on you. I can't read.

Here’s the bottom line: yes, trans people’s brains might cluster differently from the typical male/female bell curves. But just because something is statistically less common doesn’t make it ‘freakish’ or ‘abnormal’ in any pathological sense. If you want examples, look at left-handed people, who are also a statistical minority in brain structure and function. We don’t label them ‘freaks’ just because they’re less common, it’s simply variation.

Or take intersex individuals. They exist outside the male/female binary in terms of physical sex characteristics, but it’s a natural part of human diversity, not some bizarre deviation. If your point is simply that trans people’s brain structures don’t align 100% with the cis male/female categories, that’s fine, that’s just acknowledging biological diversity. But calling it ‘freakish’ is injecting your own bias.

The fact that trans people form a distinct cluster outside the cis binary doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with them, it’s just proof that human biology isn’t as clear-cut as you’d like it to be. So if you want to call it ‘abnormal’ to mean statistically less common, go ahead, but don’t pretend that implies anything defective or inherently negative. That’s all you.

dw i'll swim over there when i've lost enough whale blubber

aligns with their gender identity rather than biological sex.

it doesn't align with female. it aligns with the "unique profile" of tranny. it shows TW brains are closer to male brains than female brains. and it shows trans brains are different with cis brains. it's different than male brains due to trans structures, but doubly different than female brains due to male and trans structures. it shows that TW are TIMs.


i never said they're necessarily pathological. but they're clearly abnormal because it's a small subset of the population with very different brains. the statistical norm is what's normal.
having an IQ>110 is abnormal but not pathological. don't misrepresent or misinterpret my words

Distinct does not mean defective

i'm not claiming defective based on the studies.
auDHD nonbinary tiktok repressed-FTM lesbians aren't women. they're abnormal and high-IQ geniuses that can't be normal and clearly suffer from autism being terminally-online (picrel)

Lol ok cutie

it’s a natural part of human diversity, not some bizarre deviation

and why can't it be both? whatever, look I'm not methschizo so don't you fucking tell me what I want or what I'm doing or saying (I do NOT think biology or sex are clearcut or "should" be), and I didn't say or even imply it was "wrong" in any way either but it's really counterproductive to suggest with your language that we are "normal" when we represent a staggeringly tiny minority

like I said I'm not debating fucking semantics lol

The studies show that trans women’s brains don’t align neatly with either cis male or cis female brains, they exist as a distinct profile. You’re right that their brain structures aren’t identical to cis women’s, but that doesn’t make them ‘just males with extra structures.’ It means their brains develop uniquely, often closer to their gender identity rather than purely biological sex.

And yes, anything less common is ‘statistically abnormal,’ but statistical abnormality doesn’t imply negative deviation or deficiency. Genius-level IQs, synesthesia, and ambidexterity are all statistically rare, yet no one sees them as 'wrong', they’re just uncommon traits within the range of human diversity. Trans brains are another expression of that diversity.

Reducing trans women to ‘males with unique structures’ ignores what the research is showing us: gender identity influences brain development in ways that break out of the male/female binary. That’s the reality. Labeling it as a deviation from ‘normal’ is oversimplifying complex biology to fit a narrow, outdated view of human variance

"autistic lesbian genius" isn't a compliment. it mean's you're weird and have an abnormal sexuality. do you think cishet women feel comfortable with shaved-head autistic genshin-obsessed dykes in their changing rooms? no. they're freaks that love to molest innocent little anime girls, just like troons. i'm pretty sure that TERF brains and tranny brains have similar differences, honestly
TERF (the real weird feminist ones that look like men and are terminally online, not the normal ones that are just conservative women pretending to be feminists) = MTF = FTM = gay = homosexual = autism = brain morphology alterations, in-utero

stop making fun of my desires and needs T___T

i have a woman brain bc i was raised by a single mother

Calling something ‘abnormal’ when it’s a natural minority distorts the picture and implies a deviation from ‘correct’ or ‘typical’ humanity.

We’re talking about nuance here. Trans people are part of the natural range, even if that range is less common, and the language you use frames how people interpret that. Saying it’s just ‘semantics’ dodges the real point: representation in human diversity isn’t defined by majority status. We’re a small group, but we’re still within the normal scope of biological diversity.


Chudette is my work wife

god I hope not

do you do backshots by any chance?

okay i agree with this, i guess
as long as you understand you don't have a female brain. you have a troon brain. because that is facts on manbian weaboo catgirl-molesting pervert gang

Trans people are part of the natural range

if nature defined as is the totality of everything in the universe and range is defined as from the minimum to the maximum, then, by definition, everyone is "part of the natural range, even if that range is less common"
my point stands that it's not a matter of "if that range is less common". because the evidence shows you stand in an uncommon part of the range. so internalize that, my pseudobisexual interlocutor
trans women be like


loud noises

video games


trans men be like:

my feelings


im so cute teehee

look at my boyfriend

trannies be like:

look! i have a brain that "aligns" with my gender identity!! lololol

teehee motherfuckers. y'all the ones engaging in motivated reasoning, here.

would never happen but still, i’d be so good to you
wdym? like fuck girls in the ass? i fingered one (male) in the ass last week while she did… things to me :D

i love you baby

I get that you don’t want to debate semantics, but that’s a pretty convenient way to dodge the fact that the science doesn’t support your narrative. Whether we’re talking about rarity, normalcy, or abnormality, the studies show that brain diversity in trans people is just as natural as any other variation in human biology. Ignoring that just because it doesn’t fit your argument isn’t going to change the facts.

Anyway. Trans people’s brains show distinct characteristics that don’t align with typical male or female structures but form unique patterns of their own. This variation is just a part of human biology, regardless of how common or uncommon it is. That’s the takeaway.

Too much to read and im tired after surgery, what are you two arguing about

Sure, certain stereotypes might reflect real trends in communities, just like with any other group. But oversimplifying people into stereotypes doesn’t reflect their full reality, and it’s a lazy way to dismiss the science on trans brain structures. The studies show unique, non-binary brain patterns that don’t align with strict male/female categories, which is what matters here.

Pointing out stereotypes doesn’t change the fact that trans people’s brains display complex diversity. Using these stereotypes to undermine that science is reductive and ignores the bigger picture. We’re talking about documented brain development patterns, not cherry-picked social trends. So unless you’ve got an actual rebuttal on the science, it’s pretty clear who’s relying on motivated reasoning.

You'd do well to listen to their words. Don't let your ego get in the way of good sense.

your narrative

what is my narrative? I fucking hate this man I was just pointing out that in the name of going against methschizo's anti-trans ranting you were glossing over the fact that we are quite definitionally atypical - literally nothing else

what sense? what do we even disagree about? you don't know

going against methschizo's anti-trans ranting you were glossing over the fact that we are quite definitionally atypical

Did they say that the tranny brain is normal

They may be off topic with the direction of discussion you wanted but they're spitting facts. Both can be true.

Fair enough, no one’s disputing that being a smaller population makes trans brains less common, or ‘atypical’ in the technical sense. But saying ‘atypical’ can easily lead to people interpreting it as ‘abnormal’ or ‘deviant,’ especially in arguments like these. That’s why the clarification matters.

If we’re on the same page about that, then we’re just adding context, not arguing the core point.

his variation is just a part of human biology, regardless of how common or uncommon it is.

someone put this text next to some pictures of birth defects and famous child molesters lmao

unique patterns of their own

special-snowflake brain isn't the same as womanbrain

the studies show that brain diversity in trans people is just as natural as any other variation in human biology

okay, well, what's up with the rising tide of people diagnosed with gender dysphoria or identifying as trans?
Meredith Wadman, ‘Rapid onset’ of transgender identity ignites storm. Science 361, 958-959 (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.361.6406.958


361_958_f1.jpg - 882x887, 259.73K

just adding context

was literally all I was doing - I was not debating anything, with anyone, and not part of your argument so idk what you and the two posts above are even referring to lol

everyone really needs to slow the fuck down and learn to read what people say and stop purely remembering and reacting to how they felt about those words

Let's discuss, since you’re clearly grasping at straws here. First, the graph showing a rise in referrals to transgender services isn’t proof of some ‘unnatural trend’, it reflects increased awareness, better access to mental health resources, and greater social acceptance. Comparing this to ‘birth defects’ or ‘child molesters’ is nothing but a cheap attempt to smear people for existing outside your narrow idea of ‘normal.’ All you’re doing is showing your own bias, not making any scientific argument.

You reference Meredith Wadman’s piece on rapid-onset gender dysphoria, but if you actually read it, you’d know that the article itself reports controversy over the validity of ‘rapid-onset gender dysphoria’ as a concept, with many experts viewing it as an unfounded label. In other words, it’s not settled science; it’s an ongoing discussion. The increased numbers don’t point to ‘special-snowflake brains’, they show that more people feel safe enough to explore their identity with professional support.

Trying to reduce trans identity to some trend or ‘defect’ just shows a fundamental lack of understanding about how human diversity and social progress actually work. If all you have is a graph and some insults, you’re going to need a better argument.

No one knows who anyone is unless they trip. And tripping is lame.

any human that exists is part of human biology, no matter

seriously, what an empty statement. an actual fucking tautology framed as an interesting input to the discussion



sounds like wokeGPT writes your posts KEK
imagine saying all this libshit about rising rates of breast cancer. gender dysphoria is very much a bad thing and higher rates of it means more suicidal and sterilized people. to act like

oh it's different but that doesn't mean it's bad

is missing everything we know about gender dysphoria as a serious mental health condition

Ok hotel enby

who I am was completely irrelevant to what I typed out and posted except for people mistakenly assuming I was saying things I was not because they felt ways I didn't have anything to do with



just stop, it doesn t matter who is right, it is pointless arguing this

Look, another tired attempt to reduce complex issues to ‘woke’ buzzwords because you don’t have an actual argument. Let’s get this straight: comparing gender dysphoria to rising cancer rates is a complete misrepresentation. Breast cancer is a physical disease with clear, harmful health consequences. Gender dysphoria, on the other hand, is a mental health condition where the harm comes from the distress associated with misalignment between one’s gender identity and physical sex, not from the identity itself.

The rise in trans identification doesn’t mean we’re dealing with a ‘plague’ of dysphoria. It reflects that society has created a space where people feel safe enough to explore and address these issues. Increased visibility isn’t inherently negative; it means people are getting support instead of being forced to repress their identity, which is what actually leads to poor mental health outcomes.

And let’s be real, your fixation on ‘woke’ language and ‘diversity’ isn’t about science. It’s about painting anything outside your rigid worldview as pathological. By your logic, any increase in awareness or treatment of a condition should be treated as a crisis, even if it reduces long-term suffering and improves lives. You’re not interested in understanding the nuances of mental health or gender; you’re here to take potshots at people who don’t fit your narrow concept of ‘normal.’

If you’re so set on calling this ‘libshit,’ go right ahead. The fact remains: understanding and supporting trans people reduces suffering. Insisting that any divergence from the ‘norm’ is bad or broken doesn’t make you sound insightful; it just shows you’re stuck in an outdated mindset, pretending that complex issues can be reduced to simplistic, sensationalized nonsense.

10 cavities filled after 8 years of no dentist visit, they put me to sleep but the guy scratched my eye with gauze so my left side vision is blurry and hurts

you're the one grasping at straws. i'm using extreme examples to show that

well, if it exists it's part of human biology, therefore it's normal and okay

is a non-argument because it can apply to literally any human behavior, including the pathological and criminal. i'm not saying trans people are birth defects and child molesters. just that your shallow pro-trans argument can just as easily be pro-molester and pro-defect because it has no substance to it whatsoever.

it’s an ongoing discussion

i agree. more research is needed

The increased numbers don’t point to ‘special-snowflake brains’

no but the morphological studies comparing trans brains to cis brains do. what the increased numbers point to is that maybe a mass-wave of newly-identified trans zoomers is as much a product of modernity as microplastics in your blood. you can call microplastics in your blood "part of the normal human range" but data shows that didn't exist before plastic.
i'm pretty sure some forms of gender noncomformity always existed. but "I'm a teenager, give me HRT or I'll kill myself" doesn't sound like a tale as old as time. the technology used to medicalize gender non-comformity is fairly new. and a lot of the things trans people do---put on makeup, wear dresses, use the women's restroom, try to talk in a girly voice---is more dependent on the society and culture they live in than some innate biological source of these arbitrary cultural markers of social gender as a class.

Who needs strict gender roles in current society? Why can't we let people sort themselves out on the spectrums of gender expression? Because we have gender roles beaten into us, often with violence and social punishments, from youth. This is the trauma we all endure and spend most of our lives trying to justify or rationalize.

A more efficient society would have people of both genders free to pursue their most functional selves. If your gender expression makes you a more functional person, then do it. Why should we stifle them? When people do self experimentation with hormones to better express their gender in cis ways we love it. Why the double standard?

dysphoria isn't real desu


when i did 8 years without they had to pull several teeth
i have unusually bad genetics for teeth, my sweet looks and superior brainz is some compensation ig :/
are your second name ban? as i want to wear you like...
ok forget it, bad joke even for me


but im a transbian though

oh, that might explain the diction and bizarre totalitarian statements

here I go adding context again: acceptance and support are all well and good, but gender dysphoria is real and its effects are harmful so treating it and helping people be themselves more healthily is a good thing (which the angle you're pushing when taken to the extreme opposite of the trans=bad thing can often lead to erasing or being used as fuel to say we don't need access to things like HRT)

Alright, if you want substance, let’s dive in and address each of your points. First, the claim that ‘anything that exists in human biology is normal and okay’ is not my argument. No one is suggesting that everything natural to humans is automatically positive,pathological behaviors and conditions exist. The point is that diversity in gender identity, including being transgender, falls within the natural range of human variation. Unlike behaviors that cause harm, being trans doesn’t harm others; in fact, acceptance and support reduce suffering for trans people. Comparing this to criminal or harmful behaviors is a false equivalence.

Now, let’s look at the ‘mass wave of trans-identifying zoomers.’ Yes, more young people are identifying as trans, but that isn’t evidence of pathology. Increased visibility, better access to information, and a more open society mean that people can explore their identities without the fear of immediate rejection or persecution. We’ve seen similar patterns with mental health diagnoses, LGBTQ+ identification, and other areas where increased awareness leads to more people seeking help or acknowledging aspects of themselves that might have gone unrecognized or repressed in the past. A rise in diagnoses or self-identification doesn’t inherently mean there’s a sudden epidemic; it’s often a reflection of reduced stigma and improved recognition.

Your comparison to microplastics is a false analogy. Microplastics are an environmental pollutant that did not exist in previous generations and are linked to measurable, adverse health effects. In contrast, gender diversity has existed across cultures and eras, from Indigenous two-spirit people to hijras in South Asia, often with societal roles and recognition. What’s ‘new’ here isn’t trans identity, it’s the language and medical understanding that allow trans people to seek the care and support they need.

Trying to reduce trans identity to some trend or ‘defect’ just shows a fundamental lack of understanding about how human diversity and social progress actually work

acting like Alex (they/them) wanting top surgery and dyed rainbow hair and ancient third-genders in non-western cultures are part of the same innate biological difference is quite the stretch. modern notions of "transsexual" and "transgender" are very much a social trend. and although i'm not saying all gender-noncomformity is necessarily defective, the modern wave of suicidal youth shut in their rooms demanding medication is very much a social and medical problem for everyone

an actual argument.

my actual argument that started this shit is that there is no evidence trans brains are female brains. and that's an argument i won, if you recall correctly.

comparing gender dysphoria to rising cancer rates is a complete misrepresentation

no it isn't. i'm not saying gender dysphoria is the same as cancer in every way. i'm saying they're both rates that are rising, possibly due to environmental factors. and that's something worthy of investigation. i never claimed being trans is a physical disease with clear health consequences; you're the one misrepresenting me. anyway, taking medications that sterilize you is a pretty clear-cut health consequence. so is killing yourself.
i'm pretty sure ancient models of non-medicalized third-gender existence are better than modern "trans women are women and if you don't treat them as such you should DIE and if you deny me surgery and medication you're, like, GENDER-RACIST"

traditional forms of gender-nonconformity didn't require medication

they didn't claim to be the same as cis women

As for gender roles, yes, social markers of gender are influenced by culture. But that doesn’t negate the internal experience of gender identity, which studies show has neurological and biological components. Brain studies indicate that trans people’s neurological patterns often differ from their assigned sex, aligning more closely with their identified gender. This isn’t about makeup or clothing choices; it’s about a fundamental sense of self that has existed long before modern society’s specific gender markers.

And regarding the ‘teenagers demanding HRT’ argument: young people today are more informed and have more resources to understand their experiences, and healthcare providers are more cautious than you’re implying. Comprehensive assessments and psychological support are part of the process before any medical transition steps, especially for minors. The real problem isn’t that more people are exploring gender identity,it’s that fearmongering around these issues stigmatizes people who are just trying to live authentically.

So if you’re genuinely interested in substance, here it is. The rise in trans identification isn’t a sudden product of modernity or some pathological trend. It’s a reflection of a society that’s becoming more understanding and less hostile toward people who exist outside the traditional gender binary. Reducing all of this to ‘microplastics’ or dismissing it as a ‘trend’ ignores the scientific, cultural, and historical evidence showing that gender diversity is a fundamental aspect of human society.

my guts are swollen
my brains is too
got to keep my lights on
or i'll get eaten by a grue

my life is in a turmoil
my thighs are black and blue
my sheets are stained so is my brain
whats a nigger to do

as for

any increase in awareness or treatment of a condition should be treated as a crisis

i'm not saying it's definitely a crisis, just that it could be and we should look into that isntead of assuming without evidence that the increase is due entirely to increased awareness. there are way more young people getting surgery and hormones than in previous decades---and way more regretting it. you can't just dismiss that as a neutral good born of increased awareness. there very well could be environmental factors. and the surgeries, hormones, and mental health issues such as "dysphoria" aren't all discrimination. even if society was 100% accepting, you'd still have people freaking out over their bodies. we see a similar phenomena with 13-year-old girls on twitter becoming anorexic as part of a social trend. it's very possible that various forms of body dysmorphia are being pushed on teenagers by modern media. teenagers that would otherwise feel uncomfortable during puberty, but get over that shit as adults

diversity in gender identity, including being transgender, falls within the natural range of human variation

pedophilia falls within the natural range of human variation. so do birth defects. so does murder, rape, theft, and arson. so what is your argument?

Unlike behaviors that cause harm, being trans doesn’t harm others

gender dysphoria actively harms you. and if there are environmental or social factors contributing to that harm, the right thing to do is invest in prevention rather than lifelong chemical castration and expensive surgery.

my girls (and pretend males)
i do have to admit that i have a slight admiration of the melatonin-enriched part of trans-humanity
not in a weird way i ensure, unless they have their hair braided in that totally hot way...

all methy rants get really funny when you realize shes just doing all of that because she likes women

false equivalence

i'm not claiming equivalence. take birth-defects for example. that's not something that harms others, but it has a social cost in treatment, so prevention is more important. reducing suffering for PEOPLE might mean preventing them from becoming trans or curing their gender dysphoria without resorting to surgery or sterilization, if that is possible. if environmental and social factors are responsible for the rise in dysphorias, then maybe environmental and social factors can contribute to their fall.

that isn’t evidence of pathology

no, but trans people are sterilized and suicidal. they also tend to score lower on empathy measures and higher on autistic traits. and i can pull up evidence to back that up if you want. if a rising tide of trans youth means a rising tide of low-empathy, autistic, suicidal, chronic endocrinology patients, maybe that is a form of social harm.

i wish i had a job

the funniest thing for me is knowing that he doesn't actually do that much meth, most of these rants are him completely sober.

you're using terf rhetoric and arguments based on whataboutisms the same way they talk about sports and stuff

gender diversity has existed across cultures and eras, from Indigenous two-spirit people to hijras in South Asia, often with societal roles and recognition

cool. maybe tomboys and butches also have societal roles and recognition. ditto femme fags. but they're not demanding surgery or hormones and threatening suicide. what's new here is transsexual identity as a medical construct. maybe gender-nonconformity has existed since antiquity. but SRS and bioidentical E2 and P4 certainly hasn't

aligning more closely with their identified gender

as compared to CM, TW markers do align more with CW than do CM. CW are closer to TW than to CM.
but that doesn't change the fact that TW are closer to CM than CW
the differences go like this:
CM > TW >> CW.
so when you say "align-more closely", you're being misleading. feminine men align more closely with women than masculine men align with women. but they're still men and align more closely with masculine men than feminine men align with women.
If you had to classify CW as closer to CM or TW, then CW would be closer to TW. But if you had to classify TW as closer to CM or CW, they'd be closer to CM. and we're not trying to determine "are cis women more like trans women or cis men". we are trying to determine "what are TRANS WOMEN more like, cis men or cis women?" and the answer is, on average, cis men.
don't call me she, schizo. have you even seen my face? and i'm not doing it because i like women. if i were a normal man who liked women i would own it and move on. clearly, i suffer from mental illness caused by abnormal brain structures, high-IQ>115 (though it's probably approximately 100=normal now due to drug-induced brain damage), and uhhh... i forgot nvm

as do all of us
just get one
i'm sure you could get some cash sucking grandads or something

im holding a knife to the base of my cock. dubs and i slash

you're using terf rhetoric and arguments

no shit, Sherlock. if you can't defeat a devil's advocate, how are you going to ever be able to win against the real thing in a debate?

based on whataboutisms

are you sure about that? i never brought up sports, but i'm glad you did. do you really thin

Yes, biological men have won medals in women's sports, and there are a number of factors that contribute to this:

These include bone structure, heart size, and lung capacity, and hormonal therapy can't eliminate them, especially if the transition happens after puberty.

According to a 2018 Endocrine Review article, transgender athletes can have a 10–12% advantage in running and swimming, and a 20% advantage in jumping events.

Testosterone can improve sporting performance by creating larger and stronger bones, greater muscle mass and strength, and higher circulating hemoglobin.

Transgender athletes have won nearly 900 medals in women's athletic events, according to a UN study. Some examples of transgender athletes who have won medals include:

Veronica Ivy

Lia Thomas

In 2022, she won the women's 500-yard freestyle event. Thomas has also won multiple races at Ivy championships, including the 500-, 200-, and 100-yard freestyle races. She set pool and Ivy League records at these events.

However, Thomas was later barred from competing in women's events by World Aquatics.

rolling for this guy to cut his dick off

don't do it. just say you're feeling self-harm due to dysphoria (since it is LITERALLY true) and try to get you're health insurance. you want a working urethra, right? and you don't want chronic pain? then go to a professional. fuckers trying to make me more anxious than i already am

yeah other rolls count if anybody gets dubs i’ll do it

acting like Alex (they/them)... and ancient third-genders... are part of the same innate biological difference is quite the stretch

Not quite. Recognizing gender diversity as an innate aspect of human experience doesn’t mean all expressions of it are identical. Modern expressions of gender identity, like pronouns or surgeries, are cultural adaptations to a long-standing reality: people have historically identified outside binary norms. What’s new is the language, not the underlying reality of gender diversity.

there is no evidence trans brains are female brains. and that's an argument i won, if you recall correctly

You’re missing the point. No one’s claiming that trans women have ‘female brains’ identical to cis women. The research shows that trans people’s brains have unique patterns that don’t align perfectly with cis male or female brains, suggesting a biological basis for gender identity that doesn’t fit a strict binary. The takeaway isn’t that trans brains are ‘female’; it’s that they’re distinct and often align with gender identity rather than assigned sex.

i'm saying they're both rates that are rising

Rising rates can indeed be due to various factors, but the idea that gender diversity itself is ‘caused’ by environmental factors oversimplifies reality. Increased visibility, reduced stigma, and greater acceptance allow more people to openly express their identities. This isn’t equivalent to a pollutant like microplastics. You’re comparing social progress and awareness with contamination—an inherently flawed analogy.

okay you're hopeless
there's enough of this shit in the real world and everywhere else on the internet and I don't need it here, if this is really all the general is now then I'm out

medications that sterilize you is a pretty clear-cut health consequence. so is killing yourself."

True, there are health risks, but these risks don’t all come from being trans, they come from the lack of societal support, stigma, and barriers to appropriate care. Studies consistently show that acceptance and access to care reduce mental health issues for trans individuals. If you’re genuinely concerned about outcomes like suicide, supporting trans people and improving access to safe, informed healthcare is the solution, not dismissing their identities.

ancient models of non-medicalized third-gender existence are better than modern 'trans women are women and if you don't treat them as such you should DIE'"

This is a straw man argument. Nobody credible is arguing that medicalization is the only ‘right’ way to be trans, or that failure to agree with someone’s identity means you should die. What trans people need is respect for their identities and access to safe healthcare. Different cultures have different approaches to gender, but the common thread is that they recognize and validate non-binary identities. Modern society’s emphasis on medical options is a reflection of today’s healthcare choices, not a mandate for every trans person.

...way more young people getting surgery and hormones than in previous decades---and way more regretting it.

Regret rates for transition-related surgeries are actually very low, even with increased access. Most studies find regret rates below 2% for trans people who undergo transition procedures. This ‘wave of regret’ narrative is exaggerated, often by those who oppose trans rights. Regret is a legitimate concern, but it’s far from the crisis you’re suggesting.

bye chuddy have a nice night

even if society was 100% accepting, you'd still have people freaking out over their bodies.

Sure, body dysphoria is complex, and not all of it is societal. But research consistently shows that support, acceptance, and access to gender-affirming care significantly reduce dysphoria for trans people. While some teens might experience temporary gender discomfort, comprehensive assessment protocols help distinguish between temporary questioning and persistent gender dysphoria.

pedophilia falls within the natural range of human variation. so do birth defects. so does murder, rape, theft, and arson. so what is your argument?

This is a false equivalence. Pedophilia, murder, and other criminal behaviors cause direct harm to others. Being trans doesn’t harm anyone; it’s an aspect of self-identity. Suggesting they’re comparable because they’re all part of ‘human variation’ is absurd and ignores the critical difference between harm-causing behaviors and harmless identity variations.

gender dysphoria actively harms you. if environmental or social factors contribute to that harm, the right thing to do is invest in prevention rather than lifelong chemical castration and expensive surgery."

Reducing dysphoria by preventing trans identities is a flawed solution. Studies show that supportive environments and access to gender-affirming care reduce dysphoria’s negative impacts. The solution isn’t to try and erase trans identities but to create a society that accepts and supports them.

please don't!
you're the voice of reason
at least most of the time

reducing suffering for PEOPLE might mean preventing them from becoming trans or curing their gender dysphoria without resorting to surgery or sterilization.

This line of thinking ignores that gender identity is not something you ‘prevent’ or ‘cure.’ The goal should be to help people live fulfilling lives by respecting their identities and giving them options to align their bodies with their sense of self. You’re framing trans identity as something inherently bad that needs to be fixed rather than recognizing it as a legitimate variation of human experience.

if a rising tide of trans youth means a rising tide of low-empathy, autistic, suicidal, chronic endocrinology patients, maybe that is a form of social harm.

Another unfounded leap. Trans people do not inherently have ‘low empathy’ or increased mental health issues due to their identity; these challenges arise primarily from social stigma, discrimination, and lack of support. Studies consistently show that when trans people are supported and respected, their mental health outcomes improve significantly. Your fixation on these issues as inherent to trans identity, rather than a byproduct of societal rejection, betrays a biased interpretation.

jerked it to my own lewd

IMG_4783.jpg - 1024x576, 58.96K

life is good and this argument is stupid!!!!!


Life is good, but also I'm sad rn. U haven't read a single one of these posts for this argument. Way too much reading for me.

often align with gender identity rather than assigned sex.

no. why do you keep contradicting yourself? what do you mean by "align"? this is some wokeGPT-ass shit and anyone can see that. if anything, the data shows that TW brains either "align" with a third pole: being different than both cis men and cis women, and sharing unique cerebromorphological differences with TM (as shown in an earlier figure) OR they align with cis men, showing significant overlap with cis men on the more "feminine" side of the scale but not with CW. how many times do i have to repeat myself using evidence while you repeat the same assertion without evidence? align with "gender identity"? be specific. if you mean they, as brains in the male range, are closer on average to the feminine side of the male range than the average male brain overall, you'd be right. so is that what you're saying? or are you saying they align with having a transgender identity, like FTM brains? because that's agreeable but not the same as "my brain aligns with my gender identity and validates my identity as a woman on the inside". more like "it validates i'm a tranny on the inside and more feminine than normal men, not to mention different from cis people in general, male or female"

the idea that gender diversity itself is ‘caused’ by environmental factors

may well be true and it's worth looking into

social progress and awareness

may not be the only factor at play here, so don't assume so without clear evidence

share with the class!
so in total a kinda meh post ig

oh noooooo i am leaving mongolian basket weaving forum

comes back next day sames as usual

just stfu faggot

have you ever posted your exposed boihole?
asking for some dude i once met on a train station, poor man had only a coat and no trousers :(


you dont care abt this argument, you only care abt arguing and being right in order to feel superior and smart over the other retarded dumb faggot, guess what, you are still a retarded dumb faggot no matter what

Wish I was faggier...How come I got to be a homo, gender dysphoric, a bottom, subby but have the most masculine body language and way of speech ever

hook me up with that shit

dog I hate women

they come from the lack of societal support, stigma, and barriers to appropriate care

even trans people who've had FFS and SRS can still get dysphoria. just look at the failed phallo posts on reddit. just look at the dysphoric trans youth with accepting parents who still struggle with self-harm and suicidal ideation.

supporting trans people and improving access to safe, informed healthcare is the solution, not dismissing their identities

i agree, but it also means prevention. and the treatment for nu-trans enbies and theymabs isn't the same as the treatment for traditional transsexuals. the evidence isn't there yet. a lot of modern "trans" people exhibit very different behavior than traditional transsexuals, who were more like fags. modern trannies are more like incels. we see a very clear example of this in transmaxxers... and in this very thread, including myself. the traditional transsexual HSTS Christine Jorgensen model is very different from the modern Anon Babble trancel, meme-, weed-, and porn-addicted "transgender" (NOT transsexual) AGP who wants to be a sexy anime lesbian dickgirl like in her doujins and listens to MG and DG.
i'll acknowledge your arguments are at least a little more substantive here, though, on the second and third points. nice work

comprehensive assessment protocols help distinguish between temporary questioning and persistent gender dysphoria.

points against informed-consent model here.

omg shut up we get it you feel ashamed you like women so you try to overcompensate by being a terf. ntr4ctr already did that and boicorpse did that before her. so old.


larry please expose your boihole using unsee, i need to crank my hog to you my love
t. speedanon

Suggesting they’re comparable because they’re all part of ‘human variation’ is absurd and ignores the critical difference between harm-causing behaviors and harmless identity variations.

then i'm glad you dropped the "human variation" drivel because it's self-defeating (and you seem to agree with me on that now). not all human variation is desirable. and much of it is preventable with sufficiently advanced tech

dysphoria by preventing trans identities is a flawed solution

i'm sure many parents would disagree. if a condition results in negative outcomes, and you could choose between a dysphoric and non-dysphoric child, which would you choose?

gender identity is not something you ‘prevent’ or ‘cure.’

you don't know that. an unfounded leap

Trans people do not inherently have ‘low empathy’ or increased mental health issues due to their identity

i never said inherently, but, on average they do.
that's what the data shows

why unsee?
also post yourself wanking to our favorite repper?

Stagg, S. D., & Vincent, J. (2019). Autistic traits in individuals self-defining as transgender or nonbinary. European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists, 61, 17–22. doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2019.06.003

Lower levels of empathy, diminished theory of mind ability and literalness may impede the delivery of effective support.

these challenges arise primarily from social stigma, discrimination, and lack of support

you don't know that. maybe the causation goes the other way; trans people have lower self-awareness and leddithons lack the theory of mind to understand why prancing into the women's restroom with a face full of stubble in a pink miniskirt will set off alarm-bells in the minds of CW. it's also possible that the lack of understanding of social norms due to their elevated autistic traits and lower empathy could lead to gender non-conforming behaviors in the first place. maybe lots of men enjoy crossdressing as hot girls, but are capable of compartmentalizing it as a fetish rather than attaching their identity to it. it's autistic Chris-chan and tiktok/tumblr theyfab/itfab types you see identifying as plants and interacting with fictional characters as if they are real. it's possible that women with autism anthropomorphize yaoi, basically feeling like it's real on an emotional level and lacking the self-awareness to keep it behind closed doors.
i think this kind of autosexuality is something autistic people are, at the very least, more open about
maube the social rejection is a product of low-empathy behavior.

i would post my asshole directly to thread to disrupt the argument but i still have some shame and dignity
so mschizo, don t force my hand

i feel so sick. gonna fail 2/3 of my classes this semester. gonna waste my parents money and years of my life. just gonna drink. i hate myself.
i'm gonna send the pics to your grandparents you whore. now post hairy, shit-encrusted, festering axewound

you feel ashamed you like women so you try to overcompensate by being a terf

yeah, kinda, i guess. so what? i'm still right about everything; TERF = Truth.

i just dropped out of college, i am sad :'(


Go ahead and go drink. It'll make you feel better for being BTFO'd on 19 separate counts.

i can t function at all, i can t concentrate and do productive stuff even for 30minutes...

same so i get it :(
also i thought you were shitting before...

i wouldn't be surprised if i had a massive stroke during one of my meth-binges and half of my brain is already dead. because that's literally what i feel like rn. like something inside me died around like 2020-2022
damn, that's rough. sorry to hear that

wait, nvm. i hadn't done meth yet at that time. or even HRT for that matter... fuck, it's like. COVID-19 killed my brain. must've been the fucking vaxx, man. or i guess just the lack of social contact and overexposure to internet and (non-meth) drugs like LSD, shrooms, DMT, alcohol, and weed
maybe it's chronic cannabis-induced brain-dysfunction?

i don t feel much anymore, i don t even know if i have a brain, sometimes i feel barely anything and i feel like i am floating in a way and my head is almost completely empty

it's not truth, it's just kinda boring
why cant you just be a weird twitter transbian like the most of people

it's a shame both halves didn't die

weird twitter transbian

that's pretty much equally disgusting

sometimes i just want someone to hold my hand when i die
i will never have that

i want to kms

yeah. it's better to be dead than to live as a shell of your former self. people used to think i was smart, interesting, insightful, a friend to hold onto. now i'm, like, basically just a vaguely threatening manchild failure and a leech on society (my parents, especially)

don't care didn't ask plus suicide is astonishingly easy and even the biggest retard can do it successfully so get to it

you shouldn't you silly

i want to empty the contents of my fat bloated belly though, and i should

just kidding please don't kill yourself i love you!!! :) :))))) joking :DD

idk i'm pretty "smart" and failed a number of times
and i don't mean "ha ha i swallowed some sugar pills give me attention" kind of shit

my parents would be sad, stupid
i'm not kidding. i should probably kill myself once my family is already dead

would you love me too if i were as attractive as them?
asking for myself

do not kill yourself please :) *spoonfeeds you peanut butter*

my parents would be sad

that is such bs, they will move on quicker than you would think and they actually are way way more sad seeing you struggle and being down mentally ill all the time and also leeching off them

thats transphobicc and very lame

for this i suggest you consider slitting your probably incredible big manly veins
or inform yourself about the reality

if i gib u my disc would you post hole to me?
i never share but can't guarantee i wouldn't sexually stimulate myself seeing it

you don't know jack shit about my parents, Larissa
my dad is very anxious and emotional and freaks out and try to break into my room if i don't talk to him when he knocks on the door. he's an alcoholic and constantly on the verge of a full meltdown over whatever the New York Times tells his sensitive liberal brain to believe. and my mom takes every opportunity to leap to the worst-case scenario in her head.
in short, my parents are a lot like me
i think what's lame is mentally ill gay men in abusive relationships who pretend to be women when they obviously aren't. then again, that's basically what cis lesbians are, so maybe you have a point

transphobia is facts tho. y'all the ones who schizo. your brains are clearly male. all you do is masturbate and anal-yze and fail. you have autism. and, unlike real women, you don't fit into the social system.

wdym, i am in a similar position and my parents would be happier if i was dead already rather than just keeping being a depressed leech
i am an asshole though and i can t feel properly suicidal so here i am but i am not fake virtue signaling saying "omg i am not kms bc that would make them sad", no dawg, if i would have killed myself a year ago, they would have already been better now and moved on and i would have spared them a lot lot of suffering

Lol dude fuck you. You had 1 toxic t4t relationship and can't get over it. I've never had a bad experience with other trans people irl.

if larry posts hole i will post me beating to her hole

your father sounds like a basedboi beta weak cuck, if he ropes after you kys, he would have done it anyway for other reason at some point, the same as if he gets sad, he would have found smth else to be sad depressed abt, usually if someone commits suicide and someone in the family also sui after them, they would have done it anyway over other shit at some point, let s be realistic, you killing yourself wouldn t be the main reason behind the his sui but his already existing mental illness

i've had multiple bad experiences with transbians. they usually pressure you into doing sexual favors and have a fetish for outing you to everyone, even strangers. it's disgusting. and they're always offering you drugs and trying to get you to spend money on them. then playing the victim at the slightest hint of pushback, potentially all the way up to calling the cops on you
they're stupid fucking bitches, man. and i HATE them
you're a piece of shit now get the fuck up off my dick. you must be in love with me the way you're always going on about my life.

i look like, act like, and biologically AM a man. fuck all of you for hugboxing me and convincing me to start HRT you sick fucking pinkpillers
having a girlfriend = a sick fantasy
being a girlfriend = a sick fantasy
fact: i am a male sexual predator. women cross the street to avoid me. i am chemically castrated to prevent me from committing further crimes, but it's been rather unsuccessful. i should probably start SSRIs, not for depression, but to see if it finally kills my libido. maybe combining dutasteride and prozac would help... probably!

fact: i would've only tried meth once if that trans girl from /mtfg/ hadn't kept giving me more. then again, i was basically begging her for it, so i only have myself to blame
sometimes i still dream about her
she's the only one to ever gender me fem IRL (i hated it when she did so in front of strangers because i am ALWAYS in full manmode except indoors on meth and crossdressing but crossdressing isn't honmoding) i am a man with a fetish


i am just miserable and you seem like an easy target to be suipushed and i also hate you virtue signaling, you dont kys just bc you are a pussy and selfish, you are way dumber than you think you are, you really overrate your intelligence

what if you two kissed

what if I kissed all of you

you know I'm glad you're saying this, because I have the same brainworms and seeing you post about them makes me realize how retarded they are

i know im not smart anymore i said i used to be smart now im average

retarded they are


honestly that's what bothers me the most and makes me cringe hardest is that I know I've acted at least kind of like methretard, especially at my lowest moments and when I was repping

describes me to a t

i hope i either don t wake up or i wake up feeling amazing. amen.
i am so fucking tired of all this shit.

i should probably start SSRI’s

Yes you should

touch my FUCKING cock

SSRIs didn't help last time also i hate my tits i transitioned from male to pooner. you can't have tits and a Muslim name as a male atheist. i should be thrown off of a roof because people with tits hate me for being male, males hate me for having tits, Muslims hate me for cultural appropriation and being an annoying tranny that hates God, non-Muslims hate me for being the atheistic equivalent of Osama Bin Laden, someone in the library walked past me and blew air at me both times in a gesture i can only interpret as indicating deep hate, son she's definitely onto me. people are following and harassing ke because they secretly hate me and i'm ugly. everyone's always staring at me

she knows who i am. she is targeting me. the black girl with orange hair is targeting me. i have been targeted by many people. it happens at bars. they sit down next to me and call me a "cute faggot". or ask if im "transitioning". or say they "have my back"
= i am being targeted. i can't go to bars anymore. i am targeted in libraries. i am the world's most targeted individual. transit cops be asking me for my fare and ticket. im being followed and harassed because they know who i am and they're spreading rumors about me behind my back. and if i try to hide they know where i am because they can hear me breathing they can recognize the sound. no escape route. one of my own friends, Alex targeted me by touching my breasts once. i can't trust Alex anymore. i can't trust anyone bc they're just pretending to be friends to extract information and false confessions to crimes so they can turn around and spread rumors about me behind my back because everyone secretly hates me and just won't admit it to my face except that black girl with dyed hair who blew aggressively in my direction which is fucking disgusting and violent. she tried to intimidate me in a library and i had to leave

they act innocent by not saying anything directly but she was definitely targeting me she was walking past me and blew air at me and she did it before. the previous time she walked up to me and stared at me for an entire second before i heard the aggressive blowing sound. the targeting has intensified and i woudnibe surprised if someone fucking killed me. what did i do to deserve this? im wearing a binder plus four layers and didn't even shave today so if it isn't androgyny did she see over my shoulder? or she noticed i was shaking in the corner and turning my computer away from the path to hide my screen she probably thinks i'm watching porn bc i have headphones on. either that or i was typing too loudly in the library and too fast but she didn't want to say anything. or maybe she thought i was homeless not a student because i smell so bad and my hoodie and backpack have holes in them

I'm gonna join the klan

they wouldn't have you

Qott: wax.

i am the clam

clan i mean :3

I'm a catch. they'd be lucky to have me.

she was probably annoyed at something else. youre not the most important person in the world.
also stop using binders for fucks sake

i wish i were drunk

she did it specifically to me multiple times the second time walking past me the first time walking up to me and stopping for a second but then after she doesn't look at of acknowledge me and walks away. she's obviously fucking with me. i fucking HATE women maybe she's spying on me

I wish I were cuddled up with someone

same :(

i'm a balding potential rapist

god I'm so unbelievably lonely that even imagining intimacy gives me a chest pain that runs through my whole body and leave me breathless

I know the feeling… go on a date and try cuddling if you are too scared for intimacy

tying up a younger pooner and doing forces feminization on him

moist little methpoonshotaschizo relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations

why was i kicked from /mmg discord?
i finally found home again but everyone hates me
seriously hurts
time to keep drinking until i can't and drink my own blood
lmao just kidding about the later, i promise
ima just useless sick shit everyone hates i should accept it

i'm the irl larry

Damn they kicked you? That's fucked up lol. They are a bunch of youngshits though. I remember why I left last time. I think it's the same from what I'm seeing.

why come that lil fiveheaded nigga so moist

shits fading out but fuck that hurts

Sex with nemo

pls don't sexualize my cat

I heart furry pussy

wtf? but you're the realest of realmoders

which, a fakemoder server?

Haven't seen what most of them look like. Only seen 1 boymoder. But they are all like 25 under.

sex with gouda cheese
yeah i said it


i fuarkin love gouda bless you

I could never date someone. If a beautiful woman walked up to me right now and asked to date I would say no because I'm not good enough and I don't deserve her and she deserves better and she'll leave me for someone better and she's better off single than with me because I failed I ate one meal today so far and failed both my homeworks and failed my test
I'm a failure. with disgusting male swollen chest growths and undescended balls. im a sexual predator and a targeted individual that suffers from schizophrenia and autism. i can't imagine a worse boyfriend


OMG... you're LITERALLY me frfr ong no cap!!2


what im about to do on public transport... fantasizing about getting my cock out on security cam again

it's always raining in the Holy Land because God bless
rape rape
i would eat the cheese after you've finished... but only if im so high on meth im cum-hungry and panicking

Youre probably a submissive little fuck aren't you schizo. You just cosplay a rapehon.

failed at being fat

failed at being a man

failed at being educated

failed at not being a sperg

Skill issues all across the board….

I like to make faces at security cams

i could just rape an underage cat made out of cheese while drinking on public transport Right in front of the security cam. whiskey flask in one hand. cat on dick. crack pipe in other hand. smiling for the cameras while having a stroke that leaves me too retarded to solve a captcha. like how stupid theyfabians are naturally hah. stupid for leaving me. abandoning me. betraying me. stupid for being so gay but then flirting with me just to torture me and gather information to spread rumors about me behind my back because theyfabs are targeting me. i suspect that the black girl with dyed hair was a theyfab
she literally came out of the men's restroom, i think, but i was trying not to look because im afraid of her a network of theyfabs and lesbians is targeting me because they knows im sexist and ansexual predator that hates women and beats them for fun. these feminist bitches who hate men for no reason are trying to manipulate me into killing myself

Yeah that's shits just forced.

a theyfab just sat down on public transport across from me. she's glanced at me once. im being targeted
omg she just Did it again. is Todday they day they finally kill me? I've been having promotions if being stabbed to death for years m this is what it has come to now. if I stop posting tell the police that autistic lesbian gang had had me assassinated for my anti-libtard political beliefs m this is terrorism

wow wth i got wax

the tryhardometer is off the charts but I know I'm encouraging it, I mean I have some of the same thoughts sometimes like what if

I can't talk shit about anyone I'm elonette musk if he real

I definitely used to have ptsd about being stabbed to death after watching too many death videos in b.

okay im bad at acting and im bored but it's true most of my friends started using they them pronouns in college and are taking about me and spreading rumors about me behind my back first they gain ky trust then they acxuse me of assault for only light punching m theiir agenda is ruining myblife. like my roommates who wer always have I "panic attack" because i "yell and am scary and abusiv'. they tarnish my reputation.btand it's always the they/she mafia. these disgusting jewish homonazis are hating me just for the crime of having abPENIS. and because i not ashamed of my masculinity m they are shaming me snd telling people i am am "abuser" while forcing me yo move out and then asking for next months rent because they can't make it without me so they're linking me out but also guilt Ime into helping them kake rent thos fucking BITCHES and then these lesbians systematically seuce every woman i ever had a crush on ahdnthey fucknher they take everything away from me every time i get a crush on some girl some fucking disgusting ugly lesbian with pronouns and a shaved head and acne whoes obviously a pedophile addicted to video games swdices her and ateals her from me and then tells her i am violent and sexist. e sry fucking tome

This one was better. Definitely got some laughs outta me lol.

Bryan johnsons brand is all about looking as young as possible but i think he just looks his age ? did her even get fraxel laser like wtf….

He looks like a freak. Could have saved so much and looked better by just doing hrt. I've been thinking about fraxel laser for my forehead.

how to stop having panic attacks over the past this one just lasted like 2 hours

It is so expensive though… once i am working for sure. rn i am just trying to get into good sunscreen habits

IMG_1271.jpg - 1020x1308, 828.61K

Good shit. You ever order that Korean sunscreen I recommend?

Noooo :=( i am pinching pennies until i buy a car (hopefully before winter).. right now i am using SPF30 from the drug store, anything better than nothing i guess

Boys do i cancel my dinner with the old guy now that i am dating someone ? it feels wrong
I asked him to take me to mcdonalds instead of another michelin star and he laughed and then got offended… i just want to break it off! the nigga texts me day and night like fuck off and check in or your children or wife wtf

Yes, cut that shit off immediately. Block on all platforms.

he did take hrt lmao just low dose

He just recently started that though I thought? Should have went full hrt with ralox and keyhole surgery.

Ok thanks mom i will break it off tomorrow (i want a mcdonalds binge hehe)

Sounds good sweetie. Be safe<3

unironically start publishing transbian rape novellas on amazon

Write in a diary(cause you're a girl) every night and sell the yearly edition.

u are going to be the jeff kinney of rapehon fiction