Is it even worth attempting to Transition after 30?

sure why not

that depends.
are you going to kill yourself if you don't transition?

you literally lived half your life as a man

idk. my dysphoria is a lot better even if not much else has changed. the fatigue is killing me though

are you going to kill yourself if you don't transition?

No, I tried once but I'm too much of a pussy to actually do it. Wouldn't really call what I do now living though.

you literally lived half your life as a man

not really...

i started taking hrt when i was nearly 34. now i'm getting mistaken for a teenager. very weird


didn't they live most of it as a legal child so far? anyway they may still be a child really, you have to BECOME a man, anon

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born in early 1990s and wants to transition NOW? why now and not 10 years ago?

Wouldn't really call what I do now living though.

would transitioning help you start living?
like ultimately, that's what matters, whether or not you'll be happier.
and like, you should be aware that you probably will never pass, but no matter what people on this board tell you being a hon is not a moral failing.

why now and not 10 years ago?

10 years ago the closest clinic where I could have gotten prescribed hrt was 3 hours away by car. also this was my captcha

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would transitioning help you start living?

I'd lose my house, and my friends, and my only living famaly... but I might not be depressed when I look in the mirror anymore, and I might not feel degusting going outside in the day time

i am so sorry you have to face that choice =(
do you know for sure you would lose all that?
have your friends and family said transphobic things?

Idk I'm 29 now maybe I'll just keep repping but also thinking about how nothing will change is kinda depressing.
Are you living alone and self sufficient?


Like mental fatigue from the stress or actual physical fatigue
If it's the latter shouldn't you get your levels checked

Same, I'm just too dumb to move away from them. The idea of burning every bridge in my life and moving thousands of miles away is daunting as fuck.

and I might not feel degusting going outside in the day time

If I start manmoding I'm gonna not go outside at all.

do you know for sure you would lose all that?


have your friends and family said transphobic things?

yup, all part of being from a small southern catholic farming community. They love you unless you're queer, an atheist, or a democrat. Kill someone in a dui? Forgiven! Be trans? Fuck off and die!

Are you living alone and self sufficient?

no, housing is actually really expensive here and the job market gets worse and worse every year. For a homebody with limited connections I've only ever been able to land seasonal labor gigs

no, housing is actually really expensive here and the job market gets worse and worse every year

Are you doing unskilled labor or do you have a trade or degree?
Housing is expensive here but tbhon if I really needed to move I could make ends meet financially, even if it means leaving my current area for somewhere more affordable.
It's not money I'm just a stupid repper who's afraid of change or taking risks.

there was diy back than stfu

More like 1/3, retard.

Are you doing unskilled labor or do you have a trade or degree?

It was unskilled labor, I have a degree but I wasn't able to use it to find work where I live

there was diy back than stfu

there was but I didn't know about it

it was literally on the top of 420chan diy information I reprssed but I could of walked into a thai pharmacy

I wasn't able to use it to find work where I live

If you could find work somewhere else that's an excuse to move away from friends and family and troon.
That's the plan I keep telling myself but I guess that was a lie

message me when you make it to 90

so instead of waiting 3 hours you waited a decade?

you know what, fuck you

only if you have god tier genes for this and money for ffs

dont waste energy being mad at me, you should be mad at yourself for letting you deteriorate like this

cuz it would have been so easy to explain why I was taking a road trip with no one else three hours away right? you stupid lucky ones have no idea what the fuck it's like for some people

Why wouldn't it be?

the only one who's stupid is the one who somehow managed to wait until his 30s to troon out because driving 3 hours is too much. lol

if you have to ask, then no.
We really don't need anymore hons right now.

It'd be really funny so do it

Remember it depends more on genes and effort than age. It's been said before but this board is filled with dumb teenagers who ended up as hons and are bitter that people who trooned out as adults ended up passing more than they do


Take hrt for your mental health but dont larp as female is my advice

It can be worth it but it's also harder


if you be my transbian mommy and groom me into your personal slave ^_^

It’s worth op.

It’s hard and it sucks but it’s 100% worth if you’re still stuck on this at 30 it’s never going away. If you ever think to yourself “I wish I started X years ago it’s too late now” just imagine yourself a couple of years from now older and more manly still thinking about this moment right here saying “I wish I did it then but it’s too late now”. Which is how you think right now about last time… you’ve already done this for so long are you really just gonna do it.. more, this same loop forever?

It is legitimately never too late. Don't listen to demoralizers.

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Kino image. So true.

It is in fact, too late.

its not worth transitioning if your not a minor desu

There’s worse things you can be than a hon anon, it’s how we end up like this.

Speak for yourself.

Age will change your perspective just like every other hon. You are one of us you just don’t realise it yet, and the cruelest irony is that the stronger your will the greater your pain in the end.