
is it common among mtfs to have a pregnancy fetish? every single troon I know has admitted to having one and I don’t understand it

everyone has a pregnancy fetish. it comes free with your fucking animal instinct to continue your species

Being a programmer working remotely sucks
I remember when I was in the field service department, I traveled to customers' facilities to implement my company's software
I was a boymoder and it was always funny seeing one or two management / robotics guys at every site be all awkward and embarrassed because they wanted to fuck me and couldn't figure out why

girl at work is pretty so prety

post wholesome zelda yuri

wanting to reproduce, wanting to carry and create a baby, isn't a pregnancy fetish
if it's not a sex thing it's not a fetish

i wanna kiss a guy so bad

why would we do that when she already makes the most perfect couple with a guy

I’m talking actual pregnancy fetish, not

oh I wish I could have kids

like, these guys serially fuck women who are already pregnant

finally someone who isnt a fetishistic moid
I dont have any zelda yuri tho sorry too specific

why are transpeople so proud of flaunting their mental illnesses and neuroses in broad daylight

leave zelda the fuck alone you weirdo crossdressing creeps

every troon i know is going around fucking pregnant women

who the hell are you befriending lmao never met anyone like this

flame, flickering once again ...

Fuuuu took 39 minutes to receive verification email wtf is hiro doing. Also blobby won etc etc

What email services do you all use

Wow what an oddity! Found a cis woman on twitch that speedruns. Most female speddrunners by a massive margin are trannies

what can i masturbate to without feeling gross?

Mental trannoid faggots general

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I mean Nintendo literally has link dressing up a woman in at least two games

gmail. too convenient to drop.
if i care about encryption on something it just, doesn't go by email

Fetishistic moid BAD
Fetishistic foid GOOD

drugs have fried ur brain

larry you are one of the most pathetic specimens I have ever encountered
go do the world a favor

you ever wake up wishing the bombs would drop already?

Gmail sucks though. They can ban your account at any time for any reason. Like I lost one because I dared to upload a freely available windows iso

good post

not my fault you are retarded

larry you're so incapable of doing anything for yourself that you beg stranger on the internet to fix everything for you and threaten to rape people every time you sperg out

stay banned for once

Don't you have some pills to take and cuts to make. Stfu druggie

dw about rape you're safe dood





don't make me tap the sign

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Why is mongo spreading graces ffs pics around. Weird how Mongo comments on other peoples appearance when she is a brickhon herself

there's no reason to fuck trannies when there's this many twinks with daddy fetishes out there

nah I jave a job and a gf m8 and desu I kinda enjoy pissing you off, glad to see its working :3

Shit thread this is why y'all need to be banned and put on cooldown for 3 years

i remember when mono wanted to appear to be a big shot by offering carol $50 when I offered $20, and then carol took the $ and doxxed get lmao she's a lolclown

Nigger you spend all your day bypassing bans and sperging out on the tranny gen while not even being mentally capable of transitioning yourself who do you think you are

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Lol it all worked out in the end because mongos info, addy and employer was leaked by fatja

Trusting a psycho Anon Babble bpdoid...the most fatal mistake.

Another report that goes straight to the trash bin alongside your posts

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yeah the anons are pretty bad lately
hows you?

get a job buddy do you ever log off?
also sneethe no one will ever love you :3

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I'm just killing time before the heaven burns red release with random short indie games

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memesocks and boymoder hoodie

looks based, why the bullet holes tho is she taking cover?

Those are flies. And she's cis. Just depressed plus it's anime so the socks are a given

oh dant she needs those gross brown tape things you hang from the ceiling or something
and also to clean her damn room

and because I know you're still seething hardstyle frenchie, cant hear you you're muted

I can't clean the room yet I've no choices for that. She either sleeps ponders eats or plays games.

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If they loved you why did they leave you?

literally who

she's laying the wrong way around you orient your head away from the entrance, speaking of I should move my bed

how bad is he seething rn?

some left some stayed, that's how life works

kek, who do you think i am
a cringe polycule discord transbian like you?
that i should now list some tripfags that i've dated?
there are people """outside"""

Just a welfare parasite don't pay it any mind

idk man it’s one group of former band kids who knew me for years before I met them. we live in a pretty poor and queer-starved area so lots of single moms-to-be are dtf if you get them food so my friends have been fucking well but the way they explained it to me sounded very AGP-esque and idk you guys are degenerate as fuck so

i'll have cheese with my fries, thanks

did i ask for all of that

Get a job paige

dont mind the newfags schizos val
we must praise snew
i carved her name into the rock at the temple
too bad it was too dark for pics ill go back tomorrow mby

I can't wait to get ffs. Then I won't have to be lonely anymore

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so what did you ask?
all the relationships i had and have in my life?
you think i'm going to write everything here so you can post that you don't believe me?
you're really extremely smart aren't you?

aren't you already cute? I think I saw a picture of you

jd incel


that snew rock update makes me rly apy

trutrans is when you coerce impoverished single moms into sex by offering to cover their groceries

Someone that's gotten as retarded as him can't seethe, it's akin to people after having lobotomies, they aren't really conscious anymore

No I don't takes pictures of myself, maybe you saw a different maple. I'm certainly not cute.

it is snews will that i will care for her

idk he spends alot of time on here seething, maybe its all he has left

don't open your mouth if it's not to eat a fucking apple fernando

Paige is doing it right. why contribute to s society that hates you for existing? I say let it all burn to the ground.

It's more coping that looks like seething since it isn't internal dialogue

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amen sister

every single morning they dread having to wake up to go to their shitty job for a shitty salary and dream about staying home but they will come here and act like they're proud about something in their life

probably, like an animal reacting out of instinct
hate people like that, or just people in general desu since most ppl do that, myself included sometimes but atleast it's only sometimes

Kek Val is a newfag
I mean Paige also hates trans ppl for existing lets not pretend otherwise

it's funny sometimes. rich people might look happy in a moment they post to social media, but they're constantly on the edge supporting that lifestyle. I love it when the stock market tanks. today I went on Google News and looked up 'landlord shot'. humanity has everything backwards.

hay babes! what are we up to today

val is old enough to post on this board
ive been posting in this thread since 2014 myself "anon"

i hate instacart so much

pls note i didn't ask about your relationships or anything like that

she hates herself because she thinks that she should achieve greater things because her skin is white. this world they built around us makes us depressed and offers the illusion of material success to keep us working to support some rich asshole. all this technology isn't worth it, all we need is hobbit villages.

it wasn't ignored, it got 2 replies.


sucking off peter thiel rn

Weird considering mtfg started in 2015

jorkin it
and you?

gay men are an enigma, but maybe it's just like agp

....2012 lol
right away with the board creation

How is dude worth $50 billion and can't afford a decent hair dye job?

paige needs to write her manifesto

low liquidity

agp are hetero male nerds not even lgbt

Prove it. I was here when the board opened and never saw an mtfg thread until years later

link is gay though

I literally started dating Sophie in 2013 after meeting her on mtfg

You literally can't even get the correct year the board opened lol stop larping newfag. Like I said post evidence or sit the fuck down

where can i get art replicas painted for cheap

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Stfu poorfag

No, you are just retarded. You said the board opened in 2012. It didn't

if i wanted to spend 1,100 dollars on a reproduction i'd just save it and wait until these come up at auction.

Aren't you on gibs and Medicaid? Why are you spending money on frivolous shit?

w-we cant test for DHT! that isnt rational! y-your endo said you should but i-i-i-i'm just a doctor, how should i know? here, take your bloodwork form and just test for what you regularly test for!!

you stupid fucking leper faggot doctor i hate you and your fat fucking guts i wish the worst upon you, plague and famine upon your nation, a thousand curses upon your firstborn

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i'm on subsidized housing and medicaid. i don't receive any cash. i have various assets in a special needs trust. i don't really think art is frivolous. i think it's a good investment actually.

another successful Anon Babble relationship lol

Kek weren't you just ranting about people in low socioeconomic classes. The irony that you are collecting welfare while looking down on people when you are just as poor fucking lol

Parrot gets negro bux

Gibs for me but not for thee!

I've still 0 clue of what the context behind that is

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Good morning girls.


We all know nomi is obsessed with paige.

You are now poor though and at the bottom rung

The US spends more per student on education than any other country, including China which outperforms us academically. California went from being ranked #1 in the nation for public education to #49 and we spend more per student than any other state. The problem is the culture+ demographic change.

Testing for DHT is a different type of test and it's more expensive.

Yes insurance will not cover it except under very specific circumstances that the doctor will not lie about. They can go ask the lab to test for it and pay the $250ish upfront if they really want it

Here are the only situations where insurance will cover it.

Measurement of serum dihydrotestosterone in individuals is not reimbursable except in diagnosing 5-alpha reductase deficiency in individuals with ambiguous genitalia, hypospadias, or microphallus.

You can't really do this in some cases, because the labs are tied with contracts to doctors, hospitals, or medical networks. You could pay to get it done at a private lab, but then you're escalating costs and might need to travel. Particularly if you live somewhere that has free healthcare set up as the only real option, then private labs and practices don't really stick around.

I'm assuming they are in the us where there is no shortage of private labs. Like even labs inside hospitals and medical centers are privately run nine times out of ten.

True, but I assumed that in the US they don't care about such things and just charge you extra.

i live pretty comfortably.

it's not that simple. one in thirty children in the u.s are homeless. one in six children experience housing instability. more than a quarter of students missed at least 10% of the 2021-22 school year. this happens a lot with immigrants. they drop out of school in order to support their family. do you think those children have the opportunity to succeed in school. a homeless child just killed themselves in san jose because of the incessant bullying they were experiencing.

*santa clara

i remember a kid shot themselves in front of my highschool, filmed it too.

do it you’re self

i live in fucking canada and its $75
i'll pay the fucking fee idc

i'm sorry. that must have been really traumatic for you.

If you live comfortably why are you collecting welfare? Lol

how cringe is it to like being kept in chastity?

So pay it nigga and stop hitching try involving yourself in your health care sometime.

Their academic performance in the US mirrors their performance in their home countries. IQ ceilings exist, and that's why a poor person from China or India who migrates to the US will fare better on average than a poor person from Latin America or Africa. We're still stuck in denial, blaming the gunbermints or white people or discrimination for the fact that equality doesn't exist in nature.

i live comfortably because i collect welfare.

Okay fucking okay dude you fucking got this no shits given fucking yes. Talk normally.

You can't make it without sucking on the taxpayers teat. You are a dreg of society.

no, not really. didnt know him. pretended to care to get out of class for a day.

i love how every "only women can do this, men can't do this" test internet trend is just women doing it wrong and men actually following the test correctly because they are intelligent, logical creatures

you're an actual retard

fuck society desuu. done payin taxes to fund israel

Meffy anti-foid arc

this arc has been going on
i wouldn't call it an "arc," it has always been

I mean they could have just paid for the test or look up the diagnosis codes for the test but instead they are bitching about their doctor doing their job properly. It's just straight up ignorance and retardation.

that's why i'm in college, so i can eventually give back to society. i believe many people in my age group are in a similar situation. when I secure a job in quantitative finance, i'll contribute significantly more in taxes than i would if I remained in low-wage jobs for my entire life.


But u also want to date them and be around them. Come home bb, men will treat you better.

How old are you again?


Where is the cutoff for "low wage" jobs?


Gobsmacked that they aren't teaching any of this at city college in Portland lmao.

i do NOT want to date one

poor Chinese and Indians don’t really migrate to the US. try again.

finance is gonna be obsolete, ai trading etc.

do you have a source on that? source?

a source. i need a source.

less than two-thirds of the median wage

who implements those models?

who do you want to date then?

Hopefully her rich white parents are footing the bill otherwise she's gonna rack up thousands and thousands of interest on college loans she won't be able to pay back lol

my tuition is covered by subsidized loans, grants, and several scholarships. i don't have any contact with my parents.

Parrot also doesn't realize that finance is heavily gated behind ivy league degrees and nepotism lol reality is gonna hit her hard. Her low rent state degree is equivalent to toilet paper in that field.

i would like to continue dating my teddy bear

They've been coming here in droves during the Biden administration.
Here's your source

i am going to transfer.

the ai

he can't hug you back though

Did you chimp out on them?

i never liked parents, happy i cant be one

yes he can. look at these arms

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why do i get insomnia on pills but not on patches?

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Its likely unrelated

ai is not well suited for finance. ai models are typically designed to address problems with clear, defined answers. they struggle with problems where the solution is influenced by noise and uncertainty. human judgement and experience is required to parameterize these models.

yeah i guess you could say that.

don't laugh

bad at drawing

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meff in term of relationships how many bitches do you get

i get net zero bitches


also, i don't study finance. i study compsci. i plan to transfer so i can study statistics.

women like to sleep with a man that looks like a woman, its a bucket list thing

i've gotten attention from bismexual women but they do not stick around

hello transgenders

is it?
I've got nothing in my life other than..... nvm I haven't thought it out yet

once they realize you aren't going to top them with dick, they lose interest just like chasers do. That's why you shouldn't seek out foids or closet fags.

yea, they dont want to date you just experience you like a trip to disneyland

take ur time

should i purchase two chicken sandwiches and eat them

fuck yeah

From where?

the day i carve snew into stone
is the day hoi4 expansion releases
by the light of snew... GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG

Agp want to fuck their mom
Hsts want to fuck their dad

Wonder If snew knows blobby is on her steam list...



ew to both

i used to jerk off to my aunt because she's ginger and has big tits

wtf just happened with passgen?

what sides should i make for thanksgiving. i think i'm going to make mac and cheese. asparagus. biscuits. mashed potatoes. sausage stuffing. gravy. dutch apple pie. swedish meatballs with lingonberry jam. idk what else. green bean casserole is gross.

my sister played doctor with me, my mom molested me, and my dad sold me to a pedo for crack

you have no idea how i feel because you do not have empathy blobby, but i do appreciate you successfully sinking your fat little fangs into my story to make a few well-placed posts convincing the more naive and puritanical posters itt that im a purely evil sociopath with legitimate aspd to stoke the flames of their condemnation.
sometimes it’s nice to have as company the kind of vile little worm who d*xxes trannies and suipushes and posts other peoples pictures in places they know will make them look the worst. really helps with keeping perspective on how unworthy i am of thinking of myself as a human being.

Nobody here is that cool.

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I love you tho.

my father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. my mother was a fifteen year-old french prostitute named chloe with webbed feet. my father would womanize, he would drink. he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. sometimes, he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. my childhood was typical. summers in rangoon, luge lessons.

why 2 and not 3 or just 1? how hard is your hunger?

meatballs are a side?

parrot is a fucking retard

there may or may not be multiple trannies named paige. its crazy, i know

yah on thanksgiving

another delusion from your mentally ill hon mind


lmfao comical
lmfao comical
lmfao comical

why are you so proud of being a slave for 3$/hour while i'm studying passionating things i don't get it

swedish meatballs with lingonberry jam

absolute banger. had a flatmate who made vegan lingonberry jam meatballs from scratch and it's the best thing i ever tasted.

lmfao comical lmfao

sixteen trillion years in gimp later
it still looks like shit
will never be an artist

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oh i c

kek, who do you think i am
a cringe polycule discord transbian like you?
that i should now list some tripfags that i've dated?
there are people """outside"""

cummed it to big breasted woman


i think he looks at least a little ok

i like it

Is Blobby a hero?


i hope blobby an heroes

shut up linguini

did they make the jam from scratch?

blobby is a cancerous stalker freak obsessed with trannies

can't help yourself
bitter hon

Sup mado

not the jam, but he was swedish so he brought jam from his country

Whiteoids detected


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fishin game has much better convo than here i must admit

who gay rn

bonne nuit mon amie.


Not bad. You should add some fruit (tomatoes, capsicum, cucumber) to the salad tho to help keep your electrolytes up.

lol are you still playing fishing games?

I'll do no such thing ty. I ate a salad like 2 days ago

post gay or it didnt happen

me desu
drew a gay character again
not great but better than where i was at this time last year
might even try doing a test cel for a character sprite, to see if it’s feasible to do that for the entire game or if i should bite the bullet and get a drawing tablet so i don’t have to digitize hand drawings in gimp with a touch pad
currently think about dick in my throat though and drool spilling onto a guy’s balls while he shoves my face into his crotch like he’s trying to fuck my esophagus

til i beat it

mewing was such a mistake

your mom

clean ur mirror

idk what's more disturbing, the fact you're in MTFg and clearly a cisman.
Or the fact you have a mirror above your toilet so you can watch yourself pee.

Nah I can't post my hog in a twinks mouth here.

Which one are you playing?
I'm a loser and have no friends so i force trannies to be my friends

hella gay. hitler dubs as well.
gotem desu
sokay ur post ends in 429 so i believe u...check phone dialpad n see wut it spells lol

I'm a loser and have no friends so i force trannies to be my friends

I wish you'd do that elsewhere as I need this thread to discuss experiences and such with other people who are going through what I'm going through.

I'm a loser and have no friends so i force trannies to be my friends


r u a catboy or a catgirl?

3 dubz inarow

It's the standard response 4 when someone posts a mirror pic. but like, don't use flash for mirror pics.

K.bye ive only talked to u like 20 times already retod

mediocre gringoids lashing out because they can't handle my sheer blobbiness

Many such cases

blessed thread
u must de-mew

How poor are you? Can't even afford real plates

oxytocin overload
feels like heroin ugh it's beautiful ._.

Who's the lucky transbian?

is possible?

Now that I have a car and a drivers license I should use it to get a partner. I would had I not morphed into a cow. Most I should drive now is my body to my treadmill

really poor :( spazy spice is richer than me

you got your license? how was the test

yes, you just do the opposite of mewing, here I had gpt invert the directions.

Open your mouth and engage your tongue
Move your bottom front teeth away from your upper front teeth
Curl or lift your tongue away from the roof of your mouth
Position the tip of your tongue away from your upper front teeth
Release after holding for at least 20 seconds
Perform only occasionally throughout the day

I drove the car where they told me to and then I got it

Did u get a BMW? I see u in a bmw

It's another low effort posting day for me it seems

just posting a ugly pic, don't mind me

Lmao wut who knew
Cis blobby

Beanie makes your head look like an acorn

mogs me