How cooked am i

how cooked am i

need to weight cycle

men who fully shave their bodies are women you must play along ok

you’re one horny motherfucker huh, gross body btw you should try posting pictures in clothes it’ll make your fetish a bit less obvious

you'll be fine once you go on HRT

Im a chaser
I would absolutely fuck you, turn around let me see your ass. Where do you live?

I've been on HRT for three years man


2mg E and 100mg spiro doesn't count

do you.
no one gives a fuck.
you'll be the same just softer with more fem aesthetic. unless you want to become a gymcel and a weightcyclecel looksmaxxer
and bogmaxxx and plasticmaxxxx and nuggetmaxx.

do you want a fem aesthetic or a masc aesthetic? both are valid.
do what you like. and fuck the noise.

Very funny.

So, how much would it cost to surgically fix this?

what is your hrt regimen?

i got this after just a week on some stale estadiols i found in my closet from 12 years ago..

same and i look the same
i think we're cooked, chat

my last blood results were 270 for estrogen, 15 for testosterone, so that´s more than fine.

ah you probably have that weird estrogen insensitivity mutation. weirdly common in trans women
unfortunately there is no cure. try to get fat and get a BBL I guess

post the uncensored as an unsee

Is this the same poster who posts this to every single body thread/post or is it for real more than one?

there are dozens of us

Rip that is some unfortunate fat distro. Did you weight cycle at all? If you stayed the same weight since starting e that could do it as far you already have shifts incredibly slowly without changes in weight

weird. that is like really good levels.
also though, it might be high estogen.
cause alot of medical people claim that keeping a lower estrogen produces a more dramatic feminizing effect.
but idk.

i just hrt max'd cause i didnt see shit for like 2+ years. and was like fuck this im taking bombiklaut bloodklot raaaaas doses of this shit. then it started to work.
also i consumed a fuckton of fatty stuff.
like drinking a fuckton of wholemilk on top of eating normal/real food.
no goyslops

i don't know, i've weighed 10-12 pounds more at the beginning of the year and it was still bad, only got a fat tummy really. I think surgery is the only option here.

u have potential sis. just need a bit of fat

also your body is pretty cute imo as it is.
you have alot of potential anway you go.


this sequence though its so over it was over before it even started

I would play along with her prostate

I keep hearing that word, noone ever uses "actual".

Oh god, what a fucking clown I am. I'm fed up with everything. I don't even want to care anymore.

weirdly common in trans women

there is a god and he fucking hates us

we are all doomed sis

Yeah it's over if you're actually on hrt

Probably better to live as a guy

this is julie isn't it?

Fucking julie and all the other BDD retards make me feel like utter trash, how could you ever physically confuse me with one of them?

I wonder why it would be more common in transwoman. Also wouldn't that discredit the feminized brain hypothesis because it you are insensitive to estrogen. Theoretically a hormone fuck up shouldn't feminize your brain

looooooong torso
the BONES have clickity-clacked and chosen your fate

Julie is similar but more squanched in ratios

Probably such a masculine brain that its only trait is AUTISM, which then leads to dysphoria

NGL Julie isn't the worst because she actually went from literally ogre to making it. Kind of makes sense why she would develop BDD because it's hard to believe. Meanwhile most BDDers went from cute twink who borderline passes already to passoid

Why is there a blue line over the chest of this very masculine looking male?

Alright, call me julie but dysphoric with just cause then.

take injections, gain weight? what's your weight/height. work out. your fat distro is fucked Idk what to tell u

How much more of all that do I have to do before i finally get to kill myself?

fat distro is fucked

I think it's possible that it isn't, that there has been much improvement, but that the bones never provided the conditions for the possibility of a feminine figure to begin with. At least not once I turned 25 and started HRT.


Idk what to tell u

I just keep hoping that one day, one of these images will show a female shape, and people will say as much. But it isn't happening again, apparently, and likely never will at this point.

try pio, workout your lower body and core. there's still more fat distro possible after 3 years (I'm still looking more and more female after 5 years lmao)
stay hoping, it's not like it's going to get worse, and maybe you're just one breakthrough or a few years more away from big change


It was withdrawn in France and Germany in 2011.[8][9][10]

workout your lower body and core

I've been doing that from the beginning, I guess I should have said as much.

But anyway, all I wanted from this thread was to be told how bad it really is. I thought maybe it could look feminine to like 50% of people after all, guess I was wrong and it is a lot worse than I even anticipated (as always). You can delete the thread now, jannies.