I love trans girls, but they do not love me

As a cis straight guy, it is incredibly difficult to get attention from trans women.

Trans women just don't pay any attention to me. It's like they think I'm pathetic and not worthy of interacting with.

I feel that there's something wrong with me. Being 28 years old and having never had ANY romantic/sexual attention from any women (whether trans or cis) is extremely hard.

wow you must be really ugly or racist

I am not ugly, at least I don't think I am. And racist? No. I am extremely progressive and left-wing in my political views.

I told you the other day how to get a woman to have sex with you

No you didn't. I don't know who you are, and you don't know who I am. And nobody has ever told me "how to get a woman to have sex with me". Don't lie. I'm extremely sensitive to this kind of shit.

Trans women just don't pay any attention to me. It's like they think I'm pathetic and not worthy of interacting with.

Correct. Only men I'm willing to give the time of day to are ftms. Why would I ever bother with some boring NPC cis male? You have 0 value sorry.

because millennial men are the absolute worst group of men in existence. my dating experience, my friends cis and trans all collectively came to the same conclusion when we chatted about this kinda stuff, and even online spaces bring this up a lot. it goes from na, to eu to asia. seems to be a global thing.

i just outright refuse to date millennial guys nowadays and only would date zoomers or genx and older.

I'm sorry for being pathetic and worthless. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do about that. This is how I was born. I can't change it. What do you want me to do? Kill myself?

aww i wish i could be your gf and mold you into the perfect chad bf

IMG_1339.png - 1816x1080, 1.37M

well if you buy me hrt...

t. 19

cis straight guy

A lot of cis straight guys turn out to lack even the most basic form of respect. I don't say you're like that but your fellows are giving you a bad rep.
But if you are nice and respectful you will find a cute girl to date c:

And by that I mean seeing them as women.

As a cis straight guy, it is incredibly difficult to get attention from trans women.

No it's not. If you make an account in any dating app they flood you with matches pretty exacly for some reason

You might wish that, but you wouldn't like me.

I am a terrible person. And no woman in my life has ever liked me.

There is a reason why I am a kissless dateless handholdless virgin at 28 years old.

I would, but, only if I had a genuine connection with you and felt like I cared about you, as a person.

I like to hope so. But I am a very horrible man. And I don't think anybody would like me. I have tried my best to be "respectful", but things don;t always work out that way.

I'd hope it didn't need stating, but of course I see trans women as women.

i feel u because i’m attracted to cis women and have never been able to get any attention from them. attention from trans women doesn’t do much for me and is too easy to get.

Have you tried tinder?

You might wish that, but you wouldn't like me.

i didnt say you were gonna be chad right away. i can already tell you the first thing that needs to change is your pessimistic attitude.

If you make an account in any dating app they flood you with matches pretty exacly for some reason

No. That has never happened to me. I make profiles on dating apps, and no woman ever flirts with me or asks me on a date. Neither cis nor trans women show me that kind of attention. I don't know what else I'm supposed to do.

I don't get any attention from any women. Trans, cis, it doesn't matter. I'm always viewed as pathetic and undesirable...

yeah, i deleted it after realizing i couldn’t find people with similar interests to me. fuck tinder lmao

How did you make your profile on dating apps? Generally trans women have a pretty low bar

nina every time I try to give you attention you ignore me
you are supposed to give girls attention because you are the man

How tinder went for you? Generally I get tons of matches but generally I can't maintain a conversation

I mean, it's been a long time. I haven't had a "dating app" profile since pre-covid. Maybe about February 2020. But back then, I never had any interest from trans women. Or any women, for that matter. I had some matches, and some girls talked to me, but they never said to me "I am attracted to you" nor asked me "Will you go on a date with me?" I was just snubbed by all of them

you are supposed to give girls attention because you are the man

How? I'm not going to be a pervert. I don't want to express interest in a girl and then get labelled a sex offender.

0 matches and everyone who showed up wasn’t somebody i thought was personally compatible with me. if there’s anywhere i can find fellow social outcasts i’d like that

I don't want to express interest in a girl

this is why youre still a virgin silly

nor asked me "Will you go on a date with me?"

Wait, you are expecting a woman to CALL YOU?

you know we discussed this already on saturday don't bother to deny it

What exactly do you want me to do? If I express sexual/romantic interest in a woman, chances are she will view me as a perverted rapist and will reject me extremely forcefully. I cannot risk that happening, EVER. So it's best for me to never even entertain the possibility.

chances are she will view me as a perverted rapist and will reject me extremely forcefully

Did this happen somewhere else outside your imagination?

Your past shouldn't matter too much. You showed them you grew, vhanged, and leanred from your mistakes. My boyfriend did bad things in the past but that won't vhange my perspective of thw sweet boi I love.
And don't lose hope. Mr and him met in the most unlikely of olaces, circumstances and all that while none of us were looking for a partner. Life works very weird.

You still get zero bitches

Yes. If a woman is interested in me, I expect that she will express that in some manner.

I conducted a huge research project in the late 2010s to figure out what the signs of female attraction towards men are, and concluded that when women are attracted to men, they:

play with their hair

angle their legs towards a guy during conversation

make any excuse possible to touch a guy (eg. on the arms or legs)

laugh at a guy's jokes, even when they are not funny

I have no record of any woman ever behaving in such a way towards me, so I think it's pretty safe to say that no woman has ever been attracted to me.

holy fuck autism
just talk to the girls and if they seem to be interested ask for a date

reject me extremely forcefully

what kind of nightmare shit are you imagining? that isn't going to happen. worst case she'll feel sorry for you and be nice in a patronizing way.

>chances are she will view me as a perverted rapist and will reject me extremely forcefully

Did this happen somewhere else outside your imagination?

No. But I'm terrified of it. The worst thing in my mind is to be deemed a creep by women. I'd rather die than be identified as a "creepy harasser" by women.


My boyfriend did bad things in the past but that won't vhange my perspective of thw sweet boi I love.

I am much more evil than your boyfriend. The kinds of things I've done in my life would make you recoil in shock and awe. I am a truly evil person. Believe me when I say that. I am fucking awful.

Talk to what girls? There are no girls that are interested in me. Are you asking me to talk to ghosts?

youve got autism my guy
don't trust your social skills they're clearly sabotaging you.
do you have any male friends irl that can help you?

last week you told me about several times you had girls interested in you and fumbled it
one of them you slept with naked but couldn't figure out how to have sex with her

Yes, I know I have autism. Do you think I'm retarded? I was diagnosed in 2009. This is not some kind of secret to me.

do you have any male friends irl that can help you?

I don't have friends, period. Everybody abandoned me a long, long time ago. In this world, I am viewed as Satan. Nobody wants to associate me. My sins are simply too much to bear.

Im only interested in men with property and high income
t.ranny passoid

last week you told me about several times you had girls interested in you and fumbled it

Not really. If girls were interested in me, they would have made it clear. They would have walked up to my face and said "Anon, would you go on a date with me?" but not a single one of them did that. I wonder why that was the case.. Maybe because I am too pathetic and ugly to attract female attention.

when i was in e.r. and explaining i fell off horse and was limping around with broken foot and blood a hot girl heard me and she angled towards me with her toes pointing at me and was playing with her hair and i could read all that clearly.
i had to make phonecall in the lil glass door thing @ entrance and she was watching me, and when i limped back in and sat down she was all lined up at me like 270 degree rotation from how she was. clearly signaling
"hey, i think you're hot." she was very obvious about it.

ofc i didnt get her number, bish i cant save a ho i can only save a horse.
fuck outta here.

you're not satan, just stuff like

Yes, I know I have autism. Do you think I'm retarded? I was diagnosed in 2009. This is not some kind of secret to me.

comes across as hostile and makes ppl not want yo help you

Praying for you to get some game, dawg

Holy fucking shit. Women won't deem you as a rapist if you don't rape or harass them, it's simple. Just give dating apps a second chance. Find a girl, call her to a date and have fun with her

a lot of trannies are only attracted to feminine people
they're not interested in men at all

And why do you write such words in response to me? Just to mock me? Look, I CAN'T FUCKING DO WHAT YOU DO. Women don't look at me like they look at you. Everywhere I've been, women stare through me like I'm invisible. I've never been in a situation where a girl called me "hot". It's not my fault. It's just my curse. When I was born, some malevolent God reached out and declared "This baby shall be a kissless dateless virgin for the rest of his life.". And that's why I am the way I am. There was nothing I could do to stop it.

You belong to the streets

not true, i belong in a mansion but y'all broke boys

You know you can be an escort and get all of that for free?


Stop. This is my thread. You have to talk to me. I need attention. Don't hijack my thread. I have lived a very hard life, and I need female attention.

I am a cis male, wigga

Then why are you here? This is Anon Babble,,,

Maybe I am bissexual

threaten to commit a violent crime if women don’t give you attention, they'll have no choice to do otherwise

aww little honey :(

nobody is gonna marry an escort
no cap

You pity me, but you do not really know who I am....

No one (should) marry a money digger


Cringe. Bet you're old.

i know better than you think virginanon <3

No. I'm a very terrible person. I know you would hate me if you really knew me.

I would marry a trans woman

I would marry a trans woman, and i'd cherish her and show my love to her every single day... but it doesn't matter. No woman (trans or cis) would ever express romantic interest in me. I am viewed as a leper by this world.

i dont think i could hate anyone
why do you think you're so terrible?

Have you tried talking with women?

Because I have done terrible things in my life. I have made people hurt. I have an extremely short temper, and I unleashed it on many occasions.

i’m talking about the rich and powerful men that anon wants

"man, fucking my gay retard schizo fucked vile disgusting unlovable incel life"

And do what? Women never expressed interest in me. So what am I supposed to do?

its called gold digger
how else am i supposed to lock them down and make sure i get half their shit if they decide to dump me?

rich and powerful

My mom gave me 5 dollars (a lot) and I have a 16 inches biceps. I would marry a trans woman

physically/verbally? both?
those things don't seem irredeemable

I am not an incel. I reject that term 110%. But I am still a man who struggles with women, extremely hard. And I dont know what I'm supposed to do about that.

the problem is the only dudes that marry transwomen are like 30 and live with their parents still. like no thanks

And do what?

Them you date them

I am starting to think y'all bitches are too bitter and spiteful

if nobody is interested in u it’s because ur probably ugly as shit

Nonstop bad experiences with men will do that to you

yes thank you
I want to have hot clam sex with a dick girl like you

Do love even exist at this point?

Well, that's not me.

I cannot date women who are not romantically/sexually interested in me. Are you retarded?

I am not ugly. I guarantee you, I am more attracted than 99.9999% of the hideous sweaty fat faggots on this website who attain female interest. I deserve female attention more than they do.

I think I will start dating twinks and femboys, at least they believe in true love

we're going to fix that problem

Are you retarded?


But what about me? I am a straight cis guy, and i believe in true love more than anyone... Please, consider me. I would do anything...

Again, I am a cis male

See, if you were a nice person you wouldn't need to lock someone down. Also the people who go for moneg diggers are desperate simps. It will end in a fruitless marriage so why not be an escort? You skip all the baggae of a marriage. Old people, shesh....

ngl u sound like a doormat i would date , push for marriage then cheat on u, get bored and divorce u for half ur shit

meant for

trans girls are so desperate and lonely that you must be doing something extremely wrong to not get any attention from them lol

read his replies it's pretty clear what's wrong with him

You don't even belong to the streets, you belong to a sewer. Gross hoe

You're making the mistake I would go for more than one day with how boring you sound. I'd go for the nerdy skinny twinkhon since they're always into cool stuff and are more sweet and lovable.

Aparently he is a supreme gentleman

Nobody is going to cheat on me. If you do that to me, I will punish you as hard and fast as possible. I am an old school romantic, and I want only monogamous relationships.

Women in general just don't like me. I am 28 years old and have never had even the slightest romantic interest from a woman. I have never kissed a girl, or cuddled with a girl, or done anything at all. I am so virginous it is truly painful.

post unsee then. just offering the most likely reason for ur lack of sexual success

What? What is "wrong with me"? Please spell it out to me. I really want to know.

extremely autistic

All above

Why are you coming on fucking Anon Babble for advice? Are you forgetting 90% of this site is depressed people who are either incels or incredibly doomer sad fucks. You're not getting anything good from here.

Not OP but I'm racist and never had trouble finding a girl in all my life.

Why would it be "sad"?

This thread is giving me anxiety

me too

Why the fuck would a tranny go for a straight guy? If you knowingly date a tranny... YA NOT FUCKIN STRAIGHT
Maybe tell them you're bisexual and they will be like "Oh I am the perfect fit for that"

damn where do u even start with this one

Because they are women and a guy dating women is straight.

I like women. Trans women are women. It's not hard to understand.

The real problem is that trans girls just do not view me as an option. I am viewed as pathetic, ugly, not a potential partner at all.. none of them would ever date me no matter what

I am viewed as pathetic, ugly, not a potential partner at all

How did you even arrived at this conclusion?

Because I have been treated like that for my whole life.

I'm high as fuck and this is the funniest thread I've read in months. I can't believe how autistic OP is. He doesn't understand human emotions. You have to explain how emotions work in your responses or he won't understand it.

better not diss him too hard anonette before he SWIFLTY PUNISHES you

I pity him and anyone else like this. Autism can be horrible for a person if we're talking about social interactions

Trust me, being honest will get you far. I am bisexual and it's fine. Women and trannies are great.

How exactly am I autistic? Please explain it to me.

Anon what are the terrible things you've done?

Lmao bruh this dude is so lost

How am I lost? Please explain it to me.

We can't. It's impossible. You have close to zero understanding of how human minds, interactions, social cues, dating, initiating flirting and sex work. Have you heard of the show Love on the Spectrum? I would recommend applying to be on that show for a future season. I'm not kidding. They might be able to help. In fact, you should watch that show for some tips for autistic people.

I don't know what else I am supposed to do. I have tried everything, and yet women are just never, ever interested in me. Being 28 years old and never even kissed a woman is absolutely fucking brutal. I never even did anything to deserve thisl

honestly this thread is making wonder how sex works for autistic people who do manage to have it

i dont think they do have sex at all ever

They do have sex. I'm not kidding when I say watch Love on the Spectrum. It's a kinda cute show. Autistic people interacting with each other is so different from normal people. Also they all love dinosaurs.

I only know one couple thats pulled it off, because they just happened to infodump at the same time in the sams place. Every time they do it takes like 1.5 hours and is completely silent. You cant make that shit up (not a creep, only know this because one of them is bestie and roomate).

This thread cannot be real bro this is like talking to an autistic character.ai bot

Autism isn't real

i relate to this thread a lot because i struggle with entering and staying in relationships with guys because of mental illness

i wish you luck anon

ignore misandrist pigs

What? Please explain.

Well most of my friends are trans and I'm more into cis women. just attract certain types. the problem is I don't have any close friends and I want something deeper than domming someone and not being in any part of their life. I want to do cute shit too and find someone to spend my life with

dont listen to anyone who says shit like "all cis men are worthless". tell them to kill themselves and move on

It is so incredibly easy to get attention from trans women. Just be nice to them, that's it. 9 times out of 10 this is all it takes for them to fall madly in love with you, and I am not joking at all.