Joe Biden's America

Joe Biden's America

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America if it was good

Joe Biden didn't accomplish a damn thing, everyone knows transgenders were invented by Obama in 2010.

more tits and less male competition god bless joe biden

Modern day Sodom

We're being VICTIMIZED!

I feel like I'M the minority!

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I want power, because it feels good. I'll wash America with blood, a clear blue light in the sky
I feel power, running through my veins and out my eyes and into empty, godforsaken minds without reality

more tits



... Except the Capitol Police!

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Correct. Chauvin suffocated someone to death in public and was part of an organization that terrorized the poor of Minneapolis and drains resources. The Capitol police successfully prevented the mass murder of the Congress by a mob of violent, seething Republicans.

Plus, even if you like Chauvin, the fact he decided to kill someone during a time when millions of Americans were losing their jobs and facing the loss of housing was boneheaded in its idiocy. Like playing with matches at a gas pump. The Trump administration already told the American people he wasn't gonna do anything about the pandemic and that they could drop dead for all he cared; now, some employee of the government decides to kill a civilian as well? How fucking stupid was the fucking man.

speak a lil Chinese for em, Derek

you killed a mothafucker on camera

You're a retard & George Floyd is rotting in piss.

He's not putting his weight on her.

Fuck!! And God bless america!!

I would fuck the right one. Fr. No cap.


he died of a heart attack. even leftycuck rags have to admit this

decided to kill

do you retards actually believe this

Fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use may have increased the likelihood of death.[113][114] Other significant conditions were arteriosclerotic heart disease and hypertensive heart disease, including an enlarged heart, one artery 90% blocked, and two others 75% narrowed.[115][110][116] The report said that on April 3, Floyd had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, but did not list it as a fatal or other significant condition.[117][118]

from the wiki article which still has to include a bunch of facts they wish weren't real and contort themselves into pretzels to pretend are irrelevant

Guide from 1995 on what policemen should do to prevent positional asphyxia.

Trump's America

Thanks Obama

fun times



chauvin was not a good person, he was a tax cheat on multiple accounts and had like 10 sealed complaints against him.

literal loose cannon

those conditions exacerbated the situation and did contribute to his death but the know kneeling on his limp body for several minutes shows an incredibly uncaring attitute for the wellbeing of a man he realistically should have attempted to save. Police in the twin cities do carry narcan and have for a while.

also local police really had no jurisdiction, forgery is a federal offence and you are required to contact the secret service for it.

right is cute tho
better than a hon

can you faggots just straight up say you're glad the nigger is dead, jesus fucking CHRIST why do you limp wristed weak spined fucking faggot ass mother fuckers constantly hide behind Le Hecking Drug Staterinos and move the goalposts so fucking often when you can simply be sincere and say "nigger dead good, actually"

I fucking love Joe Biden

ywn be loved by someone the way Blaire White is loved by Alex Jones


this image actually depicts net zero tits

I don't know why you think Anon Babble trannies care about this. I didn't even remember who George Floyd was until I read your post. He was a terrible person to be used as an example of a victim of police brutality because he was just a disgusting, violent druggie who had no reason to exist, and I don't know why people for the US insist on arguing over this nigger instead of talking about actual, innocent victims of police brutality who are tortured and murdered for no reason all over the world.

the fact that everyone knows george floyd's name and almost no one knows daniel shaver's name is a total disaster and an indicator of the fundamental unseriousness of almost all anti-police brutality activists
they're fucking allergic to sympathetic victims.

Trannies turned the white house into a temple of toddler anal gape the moment they were let in, and are now shocked to see americans vote overwhelmingly against it all

Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

daniel shaver

I haven't forgotten.

Get on your knees, keep your hands it the air, now crawl towards me.

Get on your knees, keep your hands it the air, now crawl towards me


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

He's talking about the 1980s Republican homos. (actually they're all the same Uniparty)

They actually used to fly underage boys (twinks) from an Omaha Nebraska boy's home, (Franklin Scandal) for parties with powerful DC pederasts. There's a long history of pederasty in powerful families. Would it really be surprising to find out King Charles took it up the bum?

It's only fun when the bottom gets to cum and doesn't get shot afterwards.

Captcha pukkk0

Would it really be surprising to find out King Charles took it up the bum? Young Prince Charle's uncle was Lord Mountbatten.

also local police really had no jurisdiction, forgery is a federal offence and you are required to contact the secret service for it.

You misspelled counterfeiting, but you are correct, the SS has jurisdiction to protect the Federal Reserves fiat scam that is used to secretly steal trillions from the middle class and working poor.

He's actually very based for this, passoids should be treated like women and hons shouldn't. Sadly both sides of the political theater will lynch you for saying this


I never said this ever

You don't yell "I can't breathe" when dying from an opiate overdose; you say nothing at all. Overdose deaths are basically your body forgetting the need to breathe entirely. You don't know that it's happening, and to an outside observer it looks like you're just passing out.

Back in the day you had to pass and be post-op to be seen as your gender.

I need this so badly