QOTT: Do you have any plans for the forthcoming weekend?
/chasergen/ European hours edition
Ireland is blurry because they're all drunk
Lol, so dumb
that is extremely easy to say. i need fucking ect or something to fix me i have done like everything else imaginable. & even that will likely just end up erasing my memory & not worknig. i don't knnow what to do. i don't want to do drugs & i don't want to behave the way i do. it's selfish & cruel
Just the usual. I need to finally do some writing after nothing for months. Just need to find something at all inspiring. Music is falling flat around me lately.
Well I managed to get clean so why couldn't you?
I wish you good luck anyway
thas me mayn
thanks. i don't know your circumstances but i have nobody to tell & if i go into any kind of treatment i will lose adderall script which will disable me frm ever finishing college
medieval style map
united kingdom
couple we're friends with is having a housewarming party. small scale, just a few people, nice newish apartment with thick walls so we don't probably even have to continue to the pub once it gets past quiet time for the apartment complex.
weekend after that, company christmas party
weekend after that, trip to sweden with my mom and aunt
and the weekend after that, my old student org's christmas party
last weekend was our own housewarming party, then before that was a friend's wedding, then before that was another friend's halloween party, and before that, my own birthday.
can't wait for the 14th-15th of december. they're gonna be the first free weekend I have in two months.
all of the borders are contemporaneous
the contrast in treatment of POWs in early and late imperial japan, is so horrific. when fighting the russian empire, their POW camps were some of the best in the world at the time. completely aligned with conventions set by the hague. then in WW2, they'd send almost 2000 australian POWs to their end, in the sandakan death march. and if they did that to a first world power, imagine how much worse the less fortunate countries were treated...
Euros fighting over borders, hm think I'll sit back and enjoy the start of ww3
Sounds fun
The Banzai charges went hard though
When you see what was done to the Chinese you wonder how we didn't sink the entire island chain honestly. For the better that we didn't, but I would have understood.
goodnight anons i will be getting ready for bed & will therefore be sparing you from my obnoxious hysteria. loveyou <3
Good night
Bummer. Goodnight.
people who call america evil, for the bombs, don't really understand the kind of stakes the free world were facing
It's hersteria ok
There's a tranny from this board who likes to shake her ass on cam for me and I'm thinking I should just buy her a train ticket so she can come to my place at this point
I can understand the hesitation to some extent. What the bomb was reckoning with made sense, but it's also a bit naive to say people didn't make it clear they had much further machinations at work there. Japan might have had the bomb coming, but I'm not sure if the world did. It's just not something you can ever put down again.
watch movies and do some baking
is she cute? u should fuck her and gf her up anon
They attacked us first, and you sound like a Facebook poster.
what's stopping you?
She's really hot but she's a neet so idk if she'd make a very good gf
Very cool buddy.
You don't see Germans crying about Dresden or Europeans debating the validity of slaughtering 100,000 Germans. Really makes you think
out of any world power that could have developed the bomb, i think the united states was the safest lol. a belligerent soviet union getting on top of the arms race would have been a bit terrifying
she might be a good housewife!
I like nothing about you bob
I'm sure I'll be horny and retarded enough to consider it as NNN progresses
Give me the run down on whoever the fuck Bob is and why you keep thinking I'm him.
finding a chaser bf
anyone who sounds like a bloated jackass i assume is bob. His rundown is he's a bloated jackass
i mean, germans had been crying about the rightful treaty of versailles. they were pretty sore losers, due to the Prussian old guard's pride. they devastated france, and didn't want to pay back their debts. i think it's a generational thing.
Meds for real
You're really missing the point of what I'm saying. It's not about the Japanese specifically, it's about nuclear proliferation.
i wish i were french... i wish i were a native breton. that would be cool
War reparations had never occurred before Versailles. America beat Mexico in a war for the Southwest, and then offered them $3 billion for the land they'd just won. Versailles was about punishing Germany and exploiting them for the rest of their lives, the objective being to enrich bankers who profited from WW1. You created the Nazis with your greed and arrogance, the anglos, French, and Americans did.
do u guys know about this hypothesised leyline? it's colloquially referred to as the 'sword of st michael'. these are all monasteries dedicated to the archangel michael
We owe nuclear proliferation to the 14 jewish traitors who gave our nuclear secrets to the Soviets. You're confused.
I'm clean I smell nice my face is moist
the concept makes very little sense to me
Anon Babble power hours.
Exhausting pol faggots I can't be bothered anymore
My ex trans gf would be best described as a cum swallowing machine. She ate so much of my sperm.
War reparations had never occurred before Versailles
so? WW1 had been like no other war. do you know what the french casualties were at the battle of verdun, alone? near an entire generation of young men, either dead or mortally wounded.
Versailles was about punishing Germany and exploiting them for the rest of their lives
paying your debts is not 'exploitation'. do you believe the 'stab in the back' myth as well? if the other great powers didn't take pity on germany, then the war debts would be even greater. you dont know a thing about the destruction of france
You created the Nazis with your greed and arrogance, the anglos, French, and Americans did.
not really. german/prussian pride had long been established in the kaiserreich. if anything, the germans were arrogant. as they thought that they didn't 'lose the war'. the weimar republic kept evading their dues, already loaded with war-debt from the loans they took on -- so they could finance the war. and their industrial heartland were rightfully occupied for it. what was france to do?
i hear the word ley lines, my brain turns off because i assume someone's talking about genshin impact
though idk if i'd rather hear about conspiracy theory esque esoterism either
Lmao it's always this way with idiots who have no spine and just repeat NPC sound bites without knowing the full context. The UK exacerbated WW1 and started WW2, and then committed war crimes at Dresden as well as genocides throughout the rest of the world. There wouldn't have been a WW2 or Holocaust had Britain not started the war.
We're still allowed to nut in trannies during NNN right?
Guys stfu with your retarded WW2 bullshit, it's boring and uninteresting. Do not post it in my comfy Euro hours thread. Go to some other place.
ley-lines? i think they're a cool concept. it makes me think of wilhelm reich's orgone energy
a little mysticism isn't so bad... i mean, picrel (in cornwall) looks magical. have you seen the one's in brittany and ireland as well?
Nah you're a schizo with a fixation on jews and that's all you faggots can ever talk about. I want to talk about the Japanese and nukes and within two fucks posts it's jews or black or black jews or all the people fucking your white women.
I don't care anymore.
only if u cuddle her after
UK instigated WW2
After several instances of gracious appeasement
what? you think that germany should have just been allowed to invade poland? or annex czechia?
Germany had no debts. War debts demanded by victor states was not a European practice.
not really. german/prussian pride had long been established in the kaiserreich. if anything, the germans were arrogant. as they thought that they didn't 'lose the war'. the weimar republic kept evading their dues, already loaded with war-debt from the loans they took on -- so they could finance the war. and their industrial heartland were rightfully occupied for it. what was france to do?
France owed money to England which owed money to the US. All 3 of these countries volunteered to go to war of their own volition, and against the will of the people of those countries thus invalidating those democracies. War is never a good thing and countries shouldn't go to war unless it's absolutely necessary. The initial war was Germany vs Russia.
cornwall my darling
hi eurochasergen. i woke up because of a nightmare about asking out my coworker. he is cute both irl and in the dream but no
i might go peoplewatch at the mall or a coffee shop, just to get out and exist in public
orgone energy
Lmao orgone energy
Not real but places of power are real. Like bronze age burial mounds.
Why not just do it?
get in the pod, chud
Do both of those.
Good fuck off retard.
Why not? Russia invaded Poland, and the UK not only allowed it to happen, but blamed the Katyn Massacre on Germany, clearly in support of the Russian genocide of the Poles. The moral high ground belongs to Germany in this case.
i wish a guy would tell me to shake my butt
During this weekend?
The FDA can't stop me now
Shake your butt
It's funny because at first I just jokingly told her to do it, didn't think she'd actually do it. She's wild
france had a defense pact, with russia, though... the kaiser knew that joining austria hungary against russia would cause the western powers to enter the war. im not saying germany had all the blame, but they lost the war. they bet on winning france's colonial holdings and other monetary gains. i mean, what do you think the triple entente was? it doesn't matter if war debts was not a 'european practice'. WW1 was like NOTHING before. it was fucking devastating.
no but like a cute guy i like and who likes me
its always the objective
What are you doing to achieve your goal?
This isn't true, and Genghis Khan's invasion of Europe killed 2/3 of the European population. World war one wasn't even the deadliest European war, but it was the greediest and that fact resulted in Hitler coming to power. You cannot enslave a people without them eventually turning to a strongman to save them from you.
You have no butt anyway lol our butts look the same
do chasers not like neet tranners?
It's not a good look unless you're rich
Guys go somewhere else with this pure autism please it's completely off-topic lmao
I like it when they have at least something going on. Can be studies or a part time job, they don't have to be a CEO. I'm thinking I'll let it slide with her though because she's hot and lives fairly close. Maybe chasers should make trannies get jobs
this is just rhetoric. WW1 was unprecedented in its destructive toll, and almost every historian agrees. fucking genghis khan has absolutely nothign to do with this. hitler already had the groundwork for coming to power, because of german anti-semitism, and the Prussian military aristocracy clashing with Modernity. the treaty of versailles was just an excuse for german conservatives to rally around.
and wtf, enslavement? what are you talking about? you are way too ideologically compromised
Guys go somewhere else with this pure autism please it's completely off-topic lmao
i didnt mean it to spiral this far, but the guy dropped clearly stormfront talking points and i felt like i should clear the record
what if a tranner makes more than her chaser?
He's gonna scare all the hoes and lay waste to the thread so probably best to drop it
I'd feel mogged but that's just me. Don't do that
it’s baking time
I don't really care. I live pretty modestly anyway.
Based watchu making
amazing trips
but yeah i mean I like mysticism and weird occult and christian esotericism things, they're neat, i like reading about them. but whenever you hear someone talk about them there's a slight risk that the next thing they're gonna do is spin out into a rant about how <insert percieved world elite group here> is suppressing the real trvth and that what I need to do is join this telegram group called TRUTHSEEKERS OF GOD and then all will be revealed or whatever
but that being said, i really like that stuff. academically. Crowley's stuff, Rosicrucianism and christian esotericism in general (there's a temple to a weird theosophic/rose cross offshoot in the middle of a random city block in Jyväskylä, Finland and some day I really want to go there), orgone, whatever it was that Ior Bock was doing, stuff like that. also those monasteries are hella cool. my fave aphex twin track is named after one. youtube.com
finally a highres version of this image. he looks even way more greature-esque here than he does in sticker form.
yes i am aware i could have probably just asked for one
strawberry crumble today. maybe brownies tomorrow or on sunday :p
I've been looking into it and Väinämöinen is basically just Odin that you copied sup with that
strawberry crumble
Sounds so good
Very nice
I don't get shit done when working from home
a million candles burning for the love that never came
you want it darker
we kill the flame
I'm gonna stop posting I think. Til like New Years maybe. See ya.
i always work from home and i actually perform much better than when i had to be on site
See you tomorrow bro
But there's a million distractions at home
Being a kissless dateless handholdless virgin at 28 years old is extremely hard.
I think the thing I struggle with most is that I didn’t do anything specific to deserve this.
I’ve known guys who were uglier, shorter, smellier and lazier than me and yet they got girlfriends with ease.
I have often thought that I might have been cursed by some malevolent god at birth, who deemed that no woman should ever find me attractive or ever view me as a potential partner.
That's insane dude just download Tinder and get it over with at that point
You think I wouldn’t have done that if that was an option?
No woman has ever looked at me as a romantic or sexual option. They just see straight through me like I’m invisible.
where are you from loser
what are you like? do you have any passions or interests?
Ava got ECT and it fixed her
ok i really gotta work so I can't go all out on this, but like. a thing about kalevala and the characters in it is that it wasn't ever really a religion like (i assume) the ancient scandinavian stuff with Odin and such were, but rather it's a collection of handed down tales, more in line with say, the Iliad. Väinämöinen isn't really a character (at least i don't think so though there's probably some kalevala scholars who would happily behead me for that) but rather an architype, an architype of a stern man who is good at doing shit. sometimes a god, sometimes not.
the whole of kalevala is pretty dreamlike and messy and broken as a narrative, and it's because it wasn't written, it was collected. there's a whole bit at the end about someone called Marjatta, who gets pregnant after eating a lingonberry, and then Väinämöinen just randomly shows up and says that the child must be killed, fatherless as he is, but then the child says "no i'm smarter and stronger than u lol" and then Väinämöinen leaves and the child becomes the king of Karelia. it's unconnected to everything and it's theorized they just kinda... chose the man who shows up to be Väinämöinen. Marjatta is obviously the product of Christian influence, that name combined with getting pregnant as a virgin makes it pretty obvious.
Also I'm a finn talking about kalevala as an authority and that might be not looked upon as kindly anymore, there's been some controversy over how the stories are actually all karelian and finns stole them. but then again I am 1/4 karelian, and i've seen people claim that culture and identity with similiarly shoddy connections to there (tuomo kondie cough cough). so i dunno, maybe i should do that. my childhood nickname is even a karelian woman's name, maybe i'll just start going by that too. lol.
i’ve seen ur threads and u seem like a really bad person so i’m not surprised nobody wants to fuck u and ye it has nothing to do with looks
sorry if ur a different 28 yo virgin
Omg you're the same guy from the other thread. You're a whiny incel
what thread
I’m not going to dox myself
I have a lot of passions and interests. None of them ever made women interested in dating me though.
You’ve “seen my threads”? What threads? Not like I’ve been here that long.
No, wrong, false. I am not an incel. I despise incels.
its over 200 posts, not feeling like reading all that. can someone give me tldr and highlights?
Alright well go to r9k or pol where you belong. Don’t shit this place up with your effeminate whining
I have a lot of passions and interests
like what
Gen's over if this dude sticks around
He seems like a really unlikeable guy basically. Like the other anons here already said
You literally said you're a virgin but you don't want to be one, that's called an incel
Ugly guy whining about someone being prettier than him, imagine Jade as a cis fag
Come on. Am I really that awful?
No, “incel” implies a certain ideology. Usually very right-wing and misogynistic people. Whereas I’m very progressive. I’m not an incel.
Also, I’m not ugly.
Yeah you are. Fuck off
Very rude. I’m a very sensitive person and I don’t like you treating me this way.
Anyone can be involuntarily celibate. It's not a political statement.
Wtf I thought Elliot Roger killed himself?
Nick Fuentes fucks 9/10 catboys.
Not funny. Didn’t laugh.
You basically have the non-charming version of autism. Everytime you post it makes me want to beat you up and I say that as someone with autism. Not surprised you’re completely unfuckable
You weren't the target audience.
there's no laughing aloud on leftypol, they're humorless for the most part
But you don’t even know me.
Do a better character than this one, it's not getting many yous
are finns and karelians not the same? like finno-ugric? i just assumed karelia was finnish territory that the soviets took
I’m not playing a character. This is the real me.
I’m working too but I’ll read this later
are you the guy that made that thread about 4B?
It's even more over than previously thought
And desu I find it weird that trans women seem to hate me even more than cis women do.
Cis girls mostly just ignore me. Whereas trans girls seem offended by my very existence. At least based off my online interactions with trans ladies.
Does anyone know why that might be?
Ya faggo they recognize themselves in you as former failed males
I'm upset that one anon didn't remind me it was a full moon :/
Work. It's always work :')
because male socialisation browbeats you into resenting this effeminate whinging, and when seeing another man senselessly indulge, every man is reminded of our father's telling us to shut the fuck up, and get on with it.
im not a tranny but that's the way i see it
Which anon?
So you believe trans girls are “failed males”? Isn’t that a pretty awful assumption to make? I don’t see how someone as terrible as you can claim any moral superiority over me.
I turn trannies down for sex. Go figure. I'm not into them.
They smell the bitch in you
You sound like an awful person.
are u also from here anon?
male incels used to see an escort to fulfill their needs, they didn't complain. they understood that they can't cut it and shut their mouth and used a service that would satiate that need.
I am. That's why they want me to fuck them
I profoundly dislike you, on a moral level.
no, im australian. but id love to visit cornwall, and the south-western english countryside
any chasers in ontario GTA area wanna rape a fat tranner (me) im rly good at sucking dick and im kinda cute
I need to fuck that Finnish femboy dude. Idc about what you want
come to brampton ma'am. we can do needful
Rape? Wow you are mentally ill.
Idk, the blood anon that owes me a date
omg im super near brampton gimme ur discord
muh femboy
Man I thought i was in the chaser general, not the fag general
you would let some brampton jeet fuck you? are you fucking crazy? you canucks have no standards
karelian culture is kinda considered its own thing. sorta?
like, some see it as just one of the finnish tribes, they were described as such in the 1500s by Mikael Agricola (the father of the written finnish language) who cited the three finnish tribes as being the Finns proper (from the southwest), the Tavastians (from central Finland) and Karelians (from the East). Karelians had more Russian influence, Finns proper had more Swedish influence, etc. This was all cool and neat, until the 1800s, when this nationalistic movement called Karelianism took hold, where artists started portraying Karelia as the true form of Finland, uncorrupted by progress like the rest of the country was.
And then in the 1940s, the Winter War and Continuation War happened. Which caused a diaspora to the Karelians, which then caused a lot of that culture to be lost or suppressed, because western schoolteachers would teach kids out of their native Karelian dialects and such (which is what happened to my grandfather, for example, he was an evacuee and still a child when leaving for finland). So that's kinda the event that "othered" Karelia and made the culture not a part of finnish culture anymore. then all of this is muddled bc there's also ppl actually still living in the lost to russia parts of Karelia, and they have their own culture, and then there's also the finnish provinces of southern and northern Karelia, which are just pretty much considered finland. Karelian is its own language, or not, that's a political question and not a linguistic one, related to how much we should care about it sorta dying.
tldr it's complicated.
That was me and I'm surprised you remembered that. There's a blood moon on March 14th.
if hes a jeet im gonna reject him, i hate indians
This the cringiest pic i've ever seen of my life, it invokes "human cockroach"
ma'am. we can do needful
is that not jeetspeak?
didnt think about that lol maybe ur right, thank u for point that out.
oh right, this is the heterosexual thread on the big gay fag board, in Minecraft tho
Again, don't care
Oh loll
Are you gonna take me out for it??
basterd body benchod
Again, don't care
Didn't ask my man
it's very classic indian english. please do the needful and prepone at the latest, then revert back.
Oh u care dude
oh right, this is the heterosexual thread on the big gay fag board, in Minecraft tho
I mean yeah, if you’re a man who is attracted to trans girls that is heterosexual
Come kiss me on my big manly lips
I would love to honestly. You seem like a lot of fun and we have a lot in common. I've never met anyone else who was into that blood stuff and cuts either.
This is all an elaborate cover so you can suck cock and eat jizz and pretend you're straight to your parents.
only if you're a Finnish femboy
I don’t want to suck cock though.
You may not be a chaser then. You are an incel who turns to trans girls out of desperation perhaps
If only you were in the south east :(
Or wherever I move if I get to by march (kinda doubtful)
And yeah I haven't either actually
Were you one of the people that added me on disc?
I’m not an incel, nor am I desperate.
the husserl-heidegger spat is the saddest mentor-student relationship in all the history of philosophy
imagine letting the state kick your close friend and teacher out of the country. and not saying a word in protest. taking his position in the faculty
Yeah I added you on discord a few days ago.
You seem to have a need to talk about yourself in threads that aren't about you. You sure you're not trans?
Which acct is yours? Send me a message rn so I know please
You and someone else added me at the same time
can eurobros tell me why portugal is so neglected on the world stage? even brazil is a bigger player.
hey so my parents were irish and they were shitty so im going to be killing everyone on that island <3 hope we're all good with that
irish diaspora have a lot of generational hardship. a large chunk is mostly the poor families fleeing from the countryside after the great famine's devastation
he is married with at least one kid
great im not from that tho im 2nd gen
On the worldstage of what ?
And portugal is a fairly poor country unfortunately for them they only shine through soccer nowadays and some rare times through the film industry but only for cinephiles