Wow its the weekend

wow its the weekend

plan outing

get ready to leave

spend 45 minutes agonizing in mirror


change back into sweatpants

sit on couch alone all weekend

IMG_8197.jpg - 2303x2878, 731.74K

very susceptible to this
in fact i did this back on new year's eve and it screwed up my entire fuckign year right from the start lol

What would help OP?


yeah dude what if i came to your apartment and blew my fucking brains out while you watch

if i had a gun i wouldnt be posting right now smile

im so sorry lis. obviously i want to tell you that you pass flawlessly but i know telling you that doesn't help at all. so ill just say i understand the pain entirely. i sympathize with you, and im sorry that you also go through this

going out outfit attempt 2, might have to buy a ski mask though

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hate being corporeal man

despairge.jpg - 2100x1313, 281.69K

It's slightly discouraging that you are my actual goals and you still feel the way you do
It's a sign that even if I succeed I still won't be happy. It's worrying


image of cute pretty girl

yeah what if i just killed myself

set better goals if your goals have this hairline

IMG_8201.jpg - 4023x3015, 1.21M

your hairline looks good. it's both fine in a vacuum and better than mine
i tell you a lot in passgen that you're the early 2000s punk girl i wish i could be. nothing about you looks masculine

oh fuck offff
i dont feel as bad for u anymore

cute pretty girl

this is a woman's face

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see this image

open snap

see myself


im crying rn

fuck, bro. u look freaky. cut this hair off completely

Skinny white bitches in masks and hoodies have like a 60%+ chance of being trans ime

get the rapy and stop bpd posting plz

therapy is a scam

this is BDD not BPD u retard

remember i have actual obligations today

get ready to go out again

look in mirror again

cycle repeats

good picture

IMG_8203.jpg - 2201x2934, 546.11K

ok now i feel bad for u this is actually brutal

thats what ive been saying this whole time

lis, you really need to just accept you're not being stared at, you dont stand out, you pass. try to enjoy life.


You're insane, Lis. You're always hot and you have a cool style. You pass very well. I wish there were girls like you near me instead of a million miles away. Guys will find you attractive and date you if that's what you want. Just gotta get your positivity and hope going again so you aren't walking around looking like you're a doomed soul, frowning and hiding from any opportunities.


Always on lookout for cute girls of this type

Turns out they sit sad at home all day so I'll never encounter them


mogs me

mogs me. its over

Don't worry bro. You still can become a man. Start going to the gym, lifting weights, eating right, get a haircut and stop injecting yourself with exogenous hormones and everything will be fine.

bdd passoid thread
shut up bitch

doesn't pass, she has the same problem as morgan webb from techtv/g4 who was cis but constantly got called a man with that jaw and chin. basically a death sentence these days especially for a tranner

Pretty girl has confidence/anxiety. What else is new. She needs someone to take her out to interesting places where she can have so much fun she forgets her troubles for a little while.

doesn't pass

Face does pass. Possibly voice or other things are clockable. Here's a test. Put OP image on Tinder and see how many hits she gets.

Maybe change the outfit for something feminine.

set better goals if your goals have this hairline

The only problem related to your hairline right now involves some gray cells a few centimeters beneath it.

Sorry lady, your face is fine, it's your brain that's fucked.

there is a point past which bdd posting becomes insulting