/Cis Gaygen/ Hiding in the closet edition

qott: How do you plan on surviving another round of Trump?
qott2: Do you think my boss'll let me take down the pride flags at work?

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i love 9/11

I'm more concerned for trans people than for gays. I live in a fairly tolerant area.

I'm gonna cum

trannies don't biologically exist
it is simply egotism

How many lgbts voted for trump?

it's ok if you don't get it. many people don't get it. the problem isn't people not getting it. the problem is people won't stfu about it and everyone seems to have a dumbass opinion about it. hence it's cis gaygen. as in, i don't want to hear anymore discussion about said issues in the thread. capiche?

Why would I be worried about Trump? His position on gay rights has been very consistent; he’s an ally. 20 years ago he opined on homosexuality: “Some people like spaghetti, I like steak.” During his presidency, he selected the first gay cabinet official. Post-presidency, his wife spoke at a gay organization’s conference and he hosted a gay wedding at Mar-a-lago. He also hired a gay men’s chorus to perform at a Mar-a-lago event. He was instrumental in removing language from the 2024 Republican platform that stated “Marriage is between a man and a woman.” If anything, from a gay rights perspective, I am glad that Trump will be president again.

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i do get it
people are so fixated on this notion of "identity"
i'm this, i'm that

"identity" isn't real
it's a form of mental illness caused by egocentrism

I've been introduced to idea of emotional permanence
I never thought about my feelings that way before and know now it is definitely something I struggle with

so boss, what're we supposed to talk about in cis gaygen?


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Why are you in here then?

how long have you been on œstrogen?

who am i?

pls i am very mentally ill

We hate you here lol

Plus, Tiffany is a huge fag hag!

I think it's more just my childhood friendships
I have an emotionally distant dad and a hard-to-please mom
And my friend group in elementary school was extremely selective
Like they all stopped talking to me because I missed one of their birthday parties
So I have this immense desire to perform and always expect the worst when someone isn't actively praising me
I'm also ADHD and fit entirely into the "overachieving kid, burnt out adult" stereotype

i will beat your head in with a baseball bat for you but you gotta buy your own plane ticket to america

I did!


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i can barely get out of bed, pls tell god to make me feel good

I will destroy smasnug

tfw you're infamous

they literally make trips to back handedly make fun of you, like larry

they're too afraid to name you because it's an admission of their stalking and obsession

they call you the schizo, the crazy one, but their the ones acting crazy

guys really got that butthurt after getting dunked on in internet argument after internet argument. feels like i'm on jubilee and everyone wants a taste.

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no big latino papi thighs to choke me till i cum

why live? :(

wtf does this mean, pls help me i am in great pain

I am NOT a ketamine addict

“Some people like spaghetti, I like steak.”

this is basically the modern version of "do you prefer snails or oysters?". trump is hilariously refreshing ngl

pls just help me man, pls i am desperate with nowehre to go, i will be forever grateful to you

odds anon is a ketamine addict
even she is not

You wouldn’t?

happy hit the bussy from the back friday to all who celebrate

pls help me, i beg you pls

call me special K, baby. i got whatchu need.

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Looksmatched with Selena tbqh

people’s sexiest man alive is a DOD demoralization campaign

Fucks Selena Gomez

Women love those who are loved.
They'd fuck Weinstein if everyone fucks him. And hate him once everyone hates him.

pls help me don t ignore me and tell me to shut up

what are you, gay?

dead shitty thread not helping me

Tell me something nice about romania

romania used to be the shithole of europe, but now that title belongs to hungary! (although not because romania got better, hungary just got worse)


they sniff industrial glue because they’re too poor and retarded to get real drugs

there is no obnoxious woke shit here, people are just normal and based, not pussy snowflakes that get offended easily

bitch you guys literally go apeshit when (rightfully) called gypsies

What’s your favorite romanian celebrity/muscian/whatever?

radu the handsome wish i had a bottom like that why do turks have all the luck


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none, i don t watch romanian media it sucks

radu is a good representation of the romanian culture

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You’re average cute

why are you naked? did you atleast put a towel on the chair?

take action, leave him before he leaves you

that is the least of my issues
i tried to jerk off using my dehumidifier, i am not really a fancy fella

What the fuck does that mean, how

I thought you roped yourself

guys'll stick their dick in anything

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it vribates, i tried to make it make me cum by vribations from the condenser

Larry doesn't have a penis

I'm surprised you haven't yet.

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Clap my cheeks plz :3

you only fin it gross bc you want to

Still depressed over the lack of prospects here
And how FWBs sound less intimate and more depressingly detached

So when are we going to talk about the fact that "twink" is a racial term just as much as it is a queer term?

twink has no race, dummy

pls help me pls

Ever happen to you?

no one can help you

then wtf i am supposed to do

live and let die

do whatcha wanna

stop being a retard

What’s your favorite food?

oy vey dat frying pan trying to cause another holocaust

Rise from your grave, never give up

so what giving yourself a tbi is just going to make your life worse, stop being retarded

it doesn t hurt badly, i stop bc i feel the handle going lose, it looks so weird without the boing from sound

open grindr

almost everyone is fat in all the wrong places

haribo is mine
you can't have him
thank you for your cooperation

you are outmatched and outgunned.

i can shoot LASERS from my nipples

it's over for you whiteboi

What places?

bav is there seriously no german bois you could find?

He’s a heterosexual man

i'm a heterosexual ma'am

imagine if you brought a dude home, things start gettin frisky, but then suddenly you discover that he's actually wearing panties? wwyd

haribo is also a man?

Take them off

You thought he were gay? Bavbav is looking for a gf


this sounds like a woman LARP

so what's this about?


fuck him into pieces and then jerk off onto those pieces then feel intense shame and burn the gibbed & cummed remains

no one is going to help or save me
i would pray but it doesn t work, god doesn t care and has abandoned me :(

god is dead

Haribo’s just his friend

should i just get drunk?

be me, still closeted to most people in my life

have one good friend who is gay and I've come out to

for the past 6 months since I came out to him, we've been really close

drinks once a week at least, trips down to breweries in Bloomington, texting every day, generally just really good friends

trump wins last week

instantly ghosts me, has read the 4 messages I've sent in the past 10 days, left them all on read

I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and tell myself this isn't him doing a 'cut out the trump voters from your life's move. But what the fuck bros, it literally went overnight from daily texts and weekly hangouts, to nothing at all. Am I being paranoid or do you think he has cut me out for not being a leftist?

I only like tops so this would turn me off.

if you're off from work and your chores are done? ya, fuck it.

ridiculous larp


what work, i can t function and i didn t work in more than a year and a half, i can barely focus and do smth productive for 5 mins
there is no larp

i’m in love with a man. a man called god. does that make me gay? am i gay for god? you betcha.
a bottom shouldnt outlive his looks

You know our mandate was to quietly handle this in-house. Amnesty for loyalty.

Just put him on the list. RWDS will handle this. Its not your problem anymore.

And make sure you don't leave anything out. They like to know if theres an attic or a basement.


a bottom shouldnt outlive his looks

and yet it always happens... cruel world tis

a shilling's worth a quarter; but keep your lamps out for thruppenny-bits, or the publicans 'll shove 'em on you for sixpence

i don t need to larp as a retard, i am one

and smacking yourself in the head with a frying pan leaves you unfazed?
you keep posting webms of this guy
timestamp now

delta :3

What is the most emotionally and psychologically detached, statistically assured way to KYS? Most likely need to commit to KMS sometime after April so just wondering how I can avoid pussying out or failing (surviving). Things like guns are assured but may trigger a survival response or fear.

Today I'm feeling especially like it's inevitable that I have to end things ond day. If nothing divine or supernatural intercedes by April, I will put my affairs in order and end it all.

I've known for many many years I was put on this Earth as a form of torture and a punishment to myself and others. I exist to bring mosery to myself and others and then eventually to end my own life and leave strife behind.

shotgun + head

Guaranteed but might be too pussy to pull trigger due to intrusive thoughts disrupting my will to end it.

What is something that you can almost trick yourself don't kill you but definitely will? Maybe I could provoke a serial killer?


don't do it

there is nothing else all of the other methods leave too much up to chance even the second most lethal method (hanging) is a 20% chance you end up retarded or paralyzed

Sometimes when I talk to my straight male friends I feel thankful for being gay as the het dating dynamics these days seem so toxic for no reason.

Choose life

Maybe I could provoke a serial killer?

ajahahahahahaha fuck
larry providing quality posts, i kneel

oh i guess you could try suicide by cop but most of them aren’t exactly crack shots, probably just end up with a stoma and paralyzed from the waist down

please don't
stay alive out of spite if anything

staying alive out of spite is how we got boomers deltoid

Depends on the country but yeah. Men and women seem to distrust each other more now than a decade ago.

Is bish back?

who's the most innocent and pure poster here?

the internet has made a lot of people psychotic but it has hit women especially hard most of them live in social media inspired fantasy worlds completely detached from reality

already did a while ago and it doesn t hurt as much as you would expect, maybe i am not hitting that hard bc of weak skinny fat idk

lol no

he is a lying attentionwhoring narcissistic tranny
thats like 3 mortal sins!


haribo is a very loving, caring, shy person who deserves our love and protection

this is a classic case of what bleagle liked to call projection

post another one then

who cares about that mulatto

How do you plan on surviving another round of Trump?

I honestly would fucking love if trump talked about murdering faggots more openly
like could you imagine what the response would be if trump's inauguration speech talked about rounding up sexual degenerates in the same way he wants to round up illegal immigrants? god that would rule lmfao.

fuck off newfag

i am miserable and abt to get drunk yipeeeee

ntw i think Hyacinths pics are fake, the one with the sideview
its not the same person as in the cloths check pics

try that again and make it legible


dumb larp

ehhh wahts the point son?
spread your asshole on camera and smear it with whatever is on your head if you actually hate yourself eh? not enough guts pathetic pretender

i am not your monkey clown, i feel bad and i want help

bitter crone bottoms need to be buried alive

tfw no dom dad bf ;_;

qaulity ads in 4ch? kek
the music is lame though

homos like horny are the reason the ancients used to drown faggots in bogs

no we fucking dont


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go see family or something
this isn't healthy

u's rnt help, go work fuckin disgustin tranny
mans gotta work

But does she work? now? How old is she?”
“About seventy,” he answered. And then, boastingly, “We work from the time we are born until we die, in my country. That’s why we live so long. I will live to a hundred.”

>qott: How do you plan on surviving another round of Trump?

by taking one day as it comes. trump is a problem but the bigger issue is growing intolerance all over the world

qott2: Do you think my boss'll let me take down the pride flags at work?

let? or make?

nah, homies like me used to rape conquered boys on the dl
and phantasize about the reverse

or peg out in a ditch

you are also a tranny bro
you talk like a generic pooner, god, pooner pretenders are so yucky

yeah and everyone else would have hated you for it and eventually you would have taken a sword up your shit chute

its a honorable death, i aint afraid, valhallas doors are destined to open for me


mike tyson saying im just passin through, imma die and its gonna be over turned my life around

10 hour work days
7 day work weeks
There are wasps inside my eyeballs

good boy :3

Typical you'd be the one to reply lmao

watcha doin? nursing? hospice? dishwashin?

come over and i will massage your weary shoulders :3

mix stuff in lab, put stuff in machine, machine takes pictures, turn pictures into numbers, turn numbers into spreadsheets, turn spreadsheets into graphs, turn graphs into reports

just fucking blow my head off instead

hope the money is worth it anon

maybe you will feel better if you cum in my throat :3

My hair is going grey at 26

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Skunk's shitussy

babe you can stop living this way. i wouldn't unless i was making a fuck ton

This extreme workload is temporary, only until March next year, February if I work fast enough

and are you being paid well to tolerate it?


are u faking western blot data for your prof? thats baaaad mkay^^

u should take a bath, post ass

i have decided to become incredibly promiscuous

Fuck no. What I'm getting is a PhD, and if I stop working myself to death, I won't get a PhD, which means the last 4 years were for nothing.

Western blots and AIDs and I have to do more of them fairly soon. Idk how you'd even fake a western blot image convincingly, it would be much easier to just do it correctly.

i have decided to become incredibly promiscuous

and thus Giga Aids was born

Western blots are AIDS*

lol the academic pyramid scheme. good luck with your paper

I'm only doing this because I need a PhD to do research in industry. Every company demands you have a PhD so they don't have to train you to be a slave themselves.

why do people hate on anorexia so much like you are becoming a cute twink and saving money on food in the process

Fucking hot

hooray for capitalism

If gravity affects the passage of time, does that mean time slows down in America?

It's because it makes insecure fatties even more insecure. People can be 100 lbs overweight and they're like "ehh that's ok" but if you're 10 lbs underweight they're like "NOOOOOOOO YOU HAVE TO EAT NOW YOU'RE DYING!!!!!!!"

how you'd even fake a western blot image convincingly,

retarded prestigious researches have been simply reusing and rotating them
have u not heard of all the recent scandals? prolly not since u sleep in the lab kek


ayo I get tired a people pretending they kids are to good for dick. It was good enough for me. These same bitches wudv luvvved a chance to ruin my life if I snitched so they could dunk on me. Instead all the big kids was on my side n I was making mad bank n those preppie fucks hated seen my drip. Thats what they fraid of. They worried they boy is gon find out how the world rly works come up n leave they broke ass behind fr fr They DONT DO SHIT FOR YOU n want to keep you dumb n scared like them then be mad when you lrn how to get ahead. Dick was the best thing evr to happn to me or I still be broke af right next to them scared dumb mfs

have u not heard of all the recent scandals?

Honestly the only ones I know about are the cold fusion stuff and the Schon semi-conductor stuff

Oh and Theranos. Just the biggest most blatant fraud cases.

Eliezer Masliah

Full bushes are the best thing ever

clean shaven or gtfo

It makes guys look weirdly naked

lmao so much for this boomer trying to look like a twink


the only good poster gigi has left
joker makeup next?

I'm a sub top
I exist to serve superior bottom butt

than trim for 5mm



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Hi bucko :3

I'm a dom top who is secretly a sub top who doms because it makes my bottom bf moan and cum and curl up on my chest like a kitten after I breed him




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I had soundwave begging for my dick

it's hard to tell asian males and females apart tho
i'm not saying the all look the same
i'm saying they arr rook same

sausage fest

I had soundwave begging for my dick

soundwave does appreciate the little things in life


post pole

odds solo bender
evens social bender

I miss Cersei.

i simply love men ^w^

How do you know that’s him?

nta but only one person blocks out their hands

I only love twinks

god ia m so drunk
fuck ma life ngigger

middle aged ones? :3

he blocks out and edits patches on his skin bc he has vitiligo and tattoos

If by middle aged you mean 22 and under then yes

I send this older guy a picture on grindr, he responds and sends a picture of his own. It’s a shitty, blurry selfie taken at the beach, sand all over the camera lens, and he’s wearing sunglasses. You can’t tell what he looks like at all, it’s just a blurry, balding head. And you can see his arms and they look skinny despite his profile saying he’s muscular. I’m already thinking of rejecting, but keep the convo going. He then starts hinting at wanting to meet, so I ask for more pictures in hopes the first one was just bad. He replies “after you”, I send him another picture, and then he just replies “sorry, you’re not my type”? After I had already sent a clear face pic? Worst of all he’s on prep, so he’s frequently fucking strange men unprotected. It really stings to be rejected by someone over a decade older than you, especially someone so unremarkable and with low standards (why else would he need to be on prep?). I’m telling myself he was already anticipating rejection and got ahead of that by turning me down so rudely. I just downloaded the app after two years of celibacy and this might just make me be celibate for two more. Thanks for reading my blog.

bavbav looking cute :3

looks gross. all that slobbering does not make it feel any better and is just more cleanup

africans smell terrible
i meant 27 ;_;

27 isn't old but you're not a twink

i am a middle aged twink :3
smooth and shaved and skinny

27 = not a twink sorry

where am i
why is there so much dipshits even worse
pooners attention whores and arefular atteoiion whore tlaksing to each other

middle aged yeh


middle age + twink does not compute :3

i have a smooth hole :3

god i have one more beer
but my stomach makes me feel the alochol so badly
idk why thisbeer started to feel like strong alcohol, i guess stomach acid issues
ya ya ya ya you don t care yaya yay aya
ari aria riara rair ari a

Responding to someone on Grindr with the idea you're doing them a favor is a recipe for disappointment
Everyone on there is just bouncing around chats and there's always a chance they'll find someone they're more into
Don't take it personally and don't make it personal

I'm 27 too
I'd love to find a twink closer to my own age
I'll admit I'm a bit tired of early 20s guys and their shenanigans

come over and cuddle :3

Do any 18-25 guys go for guys in their mid to late 20s?

there’s only one beer left
gypsies screaming all in ours ears like we’re deaf

I have a muscle chub bear thing going on. You into that?
Most early 20s guys don't have issues with late 20s guys in my experience. Most college aged gays just put "no over 25" in their bio because they don't want to deal with townies

homosexuals & being liquidated in extermination camps are like peanut butter & jelly

if you give good bear hugs, sure! ^w^

You’re right, anon, and in hindsight I know I should have exited the conversation after he sent the first picture, but I can’t help but take it personally. I want to neurotically ask him to explain what changed between picture one and picture two. I want to ask if I’m ugly. This is why I stayed away from the apps so long, I cannot accept this kind of rejection, it doesn’t make sense to me. How can a balding late 30s man reject me? How can I be so undesirable even a middle aged sex addict doesn’t want me?

skunk getting septicaemia and dying in unsheathing pain after one of his AIDSy fingernails scrapes the inside of his colon during an ill-advised self-fisting session

anticipating rejection and got ahead of that by turning me down so rudely

It was exactly that and I am glad you figured it out so it did not have to be explained. Chin up. You were not rejected. You outsmarted a con man. Apps are shit. You could learn more dating skills by renting a whore than using an app. The only thing apps are good for is putting the socially clumsy, timid and desperate next to the socially warped, twisted and conniving. You learn to meet people by meeting them. You go where people are and talk to them. Worrying about rejection is pointless.

Tbh he probably found someone else who was willing to meet right away and don't want to explain it to you
It's a fast market
Not saying you have to meet right away though
Grindr is a huge pond and the fish are fickle
A few messages and pics back and forth is nothing and shouldn't be treated as anything more than something like passing glances at each other on a busy street
Online dating in general and Grindr in particular is full of rejection. It's not a great feeling, but something to get used to

thank you for helping me cope, anon. As a socially clumsy and timid person, it does seem impossible to meet someone in real life, which is why I caved in and downloaded grindr. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I don’t buy it. Maybe if I was in NYC I could believe it, but here it’s the same faces on the grid with little change. I remember half the people from when I was on grindr years ago. Whatever made him change his mind has to do with me directly, I’m convinced of that.

It has nothing to do with your looks. He just rage-quit because you stopped playing his game. The rip on you was just to delude himself. Your offense was suggesting a standard. And frankly that game is common. It just takes different forms.

See also: "Here for chat/networking/friends", the "pre-rejection" game.

Because to "network with friends to chat", people normally rely on a multi-billion, world-wide web-enabled network of Lockheed built, US Air Force NAVSTAR GPS satellites 12,000 miles in orbit to locate <2% of the population within a meter.

Of course.

getting laid is easy...

getting paid is easy too but you dont why is that?

I just felt something big *PHWOOMP* into my colon. Like a shell being loaded into an artillery barrel.


I bet you've slept with some absolute uggos

you just chambered a big turd, let us know how it goes

i am not a consumer
and some handsome guys too :3

you dont look like much of a bather either, do you have redeeming qualities?

i like washing
but i am not interested in even attempting to sell myself to you because i really do not like your attitude :)

the dirty junkie whore is back

i think you have a skewed view of your value, cornwall must be full of guys with heads that look like thumbs

that's just like your opinion man
i am handsome and i am more sociable than you :3

being unfriendly is not a good way to get laid

you truly have easy blessed life, i can t even relate
wow, thanks god


im not trying to stick my dick a human toilet

Are women really in power now?

i was suggesting that your antagonistic attitude isn't going to win you any friends

Yeah next he will start babbling about mushrooms. Then the great rebel will rant about how akshually organizing armed rebellion is stupid and immoral because that would be a militia and military bad or some poser shit like last time

what are my fellow Euro-faggots up to this Friday night?

is this a place to look for friends now? lol

war is bad and magic mushrooms are good
simple as

if you disagree you are wrong
don't get mad just because i am right and you hate that :3

somehow i doubt you are any more decent in person

if you are insufferable on the internet in all likelihood you are just generally insufferable

why would the guy who licks toilet brushes think he has wisdom to impart


magic mushrooms are only good for making freaks like u. come to bed bby, you're not yourself without the class A's x.

Why would somebody sit here all day insulting everybody?

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opinion discarded :)

I know I am retarded because gaygen told me skunk was retarded and it took me way too long to realise they were right. Like, literally helmet-to-ride-the-short-bus retarded

antisocial personality

why would someone upload child pornography to a public discord?


I can pity retards until they get angry and show they are cunts too.

so bizarre seeing you post these little cutesy rawr pix when you want to fuck children

remind you, hes over 40 and posting like this

damn that was easy you guys used to put up more of a fight

pls help me pls i beg you pls have mercy on my soul

pls i beg you so much

cdc after molesting another child:

Crazy how I'm a 29 year old 200lb twink

200lb twink


I'm 6'2

now were talking, post stomach

I'm 6'2 I have no stomach

then how’d you get to be 6’2”

The last friend who was supposed to go with me to a party tomorrow has cancelled as well.
This is so unfair man... We barely have any type of pop-focused parties around here. I was so excited to go... ugh.
What are the odds of being able to find someone on Tinder or Grindr who might be willing to join me? Is that a good idea? I can't tell if I'm being retarded or not


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who the hell even is this?