Whats your guyses experience with tranny psychiatry

what is tranny psychiatry

you know what i mean
like going to the psychiatrist for trans stuff

i went to the only trans friendly therapist back then, had 3 sessions and got my mental ill trans condition diagnosis so i could get hrt, then i never showed up again

do you mean a therapist

same thing

literally isn't

Being born this way born into eternal suffering

That's not a real diagnosis you need to see a psychiatrist

no i dont? my place laws were clear on what i need and i got these papers to start hrt

thats why i specified psychiatry rard

Ok but anyone can get on hrt they hand that out like candy. the rapists cannot actually diagnose you or rule out other potential mental illnesses they aren't doctors

I made my therapist cry

they fucking suck. I was a kid so it might be different for adults but they don't really understand and they see you almost as a pathology or a wonder. They basically just say "oh you can totally look like a woman" without listening.

Then if they're the dr that prescribes you hormones they refuse to get decent t blockers and they base everything on the size of your tits and how many boners you say you're getting. nothing else. not joking btw my DR as a kid based everything on those two metrics. picrel was me when I was like 16 I think

and they keep trying to make me do wackier and wackier therapies because I am "depressed". I don't know if they would have done it on me as a kid but they want me to do ECT

not psychiatry but therapists are a little better because they are more normal people. My childhood therapist helped me come out to my parents. They still don't get it though, and they're just like "you can totally look like a woman and be hapy haha :-]"

I had maybe one genuinely good doctor as a kid and she didn't really understand the tranny thing but she was nice about it and actually listened. Because I was ashamed and could barely talk about it she would let me face away from her when I talked about it. All she could really say is just sorry cause she was the only one who listened and she agreed I was kinda hopeless at least for a while

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go on tell

I was a kid so it might be different for adults

i actually wanna hear about because i also started as a minor and got majorly mentally fucked by the people i went to

they hand that out like candy

"i went to the only trans friendly therapist back then" nta but fuck off

lol i trooned over a decade ago in europe, nobody handed anything out like candy. i had to travel between different states to get to the one trans friendly therapist and one trans friendly endo

My therapist is wonderful and supportive and doesn't want me to kill myself
Pretty based tbhon, wish it wasn't so expensive

Ok but that doesn't change the fact you haven't actually been diagnosed. You got handed candy after talking to a quack

You people are illiterate

slit your wrists seething boomerhon

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shitty bait. i got diagnosed from a licensed therapist.

wouldnt that mean they were also a psychiatrist?

They fucking suck so much ass
any bit of psych shit i had to do in my life has left me worse off and much more mentally scarred
I refuse to interact with any psychiatry or therapy shit again

I'd like to hear people's experiences with psychiatry and you guys are shitting up the thread with your informed consent woke pseudoscientific the rapist experiences, it's off topic.

Once again, that is not a diagnosis. Would your therapist be able to diagnose cancer? OCD? Autism? No. Now please leave the thread you faggot

i mean you are also kinda shitting up my thread lol

I was on DIY HRT when I went lol
Being a passoid already on HRT (that I pretended was prescribed abroad) made it pretty fast

It's nice if you need to get shit off your chest but you won't get anything cured there

They would always act like they were being progressive or whatever but they were always dismissive of dysphoria. They never let me sit with it, they always just said it would go away

And they always basically just said my tits were too small. I don't think I was ever too insecure with having small boobs until they started pushing that. and them constantly asking me how many boners I was having and then telling me I was having too many made me constantly feel like a rapehon.

But they would never have or never want to do the proper things for my transition. I would keep saying like "oh this thing sucks I read a study that this other thing is a lot better at feminization and also is healthier with fewer side effects" and they usually wouldn't be able to for whatever reason.

I remember one doctor told me to my face that I probably understood all the medicines better than her cause I had read more research and I remember just feeling upset that I was in her hands when she didn't know what she was doing.

and them always asking for pronouns always devastated me. I just wanted to not have to be a tranny

For actual non-tranny psychiatry they would just tweak meds infinitely and none of it ever worked. Then if they changed a drug it wouldn't help and repeat.

And they kept on shoving me in psych wards and in between trying to get me to do weird therapies like CBT, EMDR, etc.

I hate doctors


le doctor, whom went to medical school and residency to study mental health for 8 years, just DOESN'T UNDERSTAND MY mental illness that makes ME special and has become my whole personality

my biggest lol of the week, thank you for that

are you a doctor?


literally all doctors i went to were old as fuck and only had boomerhon patients so yes my mental illness is special and they just disregard it and try to push me into their preconceived notion of trannies

this is the first time ive heard a chud actually try to defend doctors / therapists. also poor bait.

the young doctors can often be inexperienced and naive. all they do is just parot their community college lessons.

chuds want trannies to be on antipsychotics and brainless desu

sorry you got to carry that trauma/weight anon.

i want to strangle you to death

I'm telling you how I felt ignored/misunderstood as a kid cause they frequently ignored dysphoria. Also the one who said I knew more was the one denying me the stuff. it was self admission.

they weren't specialized in trannies esp not trannies who have really severe dysphoria esp not tranny kids w severe dysphoria. most only had training/much experience for like RAD/depression/anxiety/addiction. It's not even fully their fault they just aren't trained for troons.

it's depressing bc trans healthcare is always gonna be really bad, not even necessarily because people hate trannies or whatever but because trans people are a small minority. trans kids are a vanishingly small minority so no one really knows what it's like for these people because you can't train many people extensively on these people's problems.

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you have no idea how bad they can be. to be fair i went to these doctors as an adult since my therapists and doctors wouldnt even entertaind the idea of going in hormones when i was a kid.

that's the sad part about being an intelligent chud. We're smart enough to not be fooled by vaccine conspiracies, yet wise enough to see that gender ideology treatments are uncontested hysteria, remarkably similar to the "cure-all" lobotomy craze from half a century ago: A small vocal minority of doctors pushing something en masse to make more money, the rest of us are just playing along and hedging our bets so we don't sued for discrimination

one doctor told me to my face that I probably understood all the medicines better than her cause I had read more research


They dont train doctors on hrt medicine and regimens properly. I tried explaining to my doctor why Estradiol Valerate injections is a poor choice for 2 week injection intervals and she didnt even try to understand. I tried showing her picrel and she wouldnt even look at it. The only reason I got a more reasonable injection regimen along with 200mg progesterone is because I threatened to go back to buying hormones through the DIY market again. (she knew i wasnt bluffing)


oh i thought i was talking to the chud
honestly i just wanted to complain about my doctors like one of them wanted me to strip in front of him to see if i even should start hrt

troons are modern-day lobotomites, with more attitude

go back to kiwifarms

I don't care about gender ideology it's all word salad designed to make people have a sense of comfort and a word to describe themselves, like literally every other word used to describe something

I just want to achieve what I believe to be internal balance, which HRT helps me to do. I want to look a certain way, and I want to feel a certain way, and a higher estrogen and lower testosterone level makes me feel comfortable in my skin. I don't really care about the negative side effects of infertility etc. Taking hormones has made me feel more on the level, allows me to achieve my personal appearance goals, and does not make me a burden to others (quite the opposite: I'm much more productive and driven since starting HRT). I don't even want to socially transition because, again, I don't give a shit about gender at all. He/him/sir me away, I don't care.

So why should the state be entitled to limit or end my access to these medicines?

are vaccines pushed by a small minority of doctors too?
also I'm pretty sure trooning is supported by most drs

ty autistic horse boymoder anonhon

vaccines were pushed by doctors in the 18th century whom noticed that inoculating people with cowpox prevented smallpox. Transitioning was pushed by bad-faith AGPs wanting to live out their fetish without judgment and money-before-morals physicians
the state shouldn't stop you, just like they can't stop you from getting ridiculous body modifications like gauging holes in your cheeks or dyeing your eyeballs black. People are allowed to be stupid and doctors are allowed to make money. But these treatments shouldn't be free from criticism, nor encouraged/pushed onto helpless emotionally-vulnerable patient populations

the state shouldn't stop you, just like they can't stop you from getting ridiculous body modifications like gauging holes in your cheeks or dyeing your eyeballs black.

Then why do the politicians you support advocate for my HRT to be limited or cut off? Almost all of the people who are opposed to youth transition would be open to adult transition as well.

But these treatments shouldn't be free from criticism

They are not, believe me. There's a reason why nobody in my personal life knows i take them. They receive regular criticism from many anti trans groups but little push back from the doctors writ large. That should tell you enough about who is persuading you to believe these things.

nor encouraged/pushed onto helpless emotionally-vulnerable patient populations

They aren't. If you're referring to child transition, I don't necessarily disagree but I don't think every doctor is pushing for a kid to chop their cock off if they tell their parents they like the way eyeliner looks on them. I think there should be more reasonable limits but a hardcut, zero transition under 18 stance is stupid. The issue is children have unfettered access to things like TikTok and Anon Babble, not that they have zero understanding of their bodies or themselves.

shilling for TheRap(e)y

it's funny how trannies are either evil manipulative mastermind fetishists or vulnerable manipulatable
innocent victims depending on what narrative you're currently pushing

it's both, sadly. Go on and tell me with the upmost confidence that a large proportion of your community are totally not in it because it gives them a boner, and that another proportion are totally not emo kid equivalents that will drop it when they hit 25 years old

*utmost confidence voice*
A large proportion of my community are not in it because it gives them a boner (I don't consider hons that troon after 25 as part of my "community"), and another proportion are not emo kid equivalents that will drop it when they hit 25 years old (I don't consider theyfabs as part of my "community")