Disney Abandons Trans Support

Disney permanently shelved a pro-trans episode of a cartoon due to Trump's win.
The episode has since been leaked online, and features a trans girl being met with backlash for playing on a female basketball team.

have they tried making good tv shows yet?

as usual they can push a million pooners and theyfabs but the minute they want to show one of the dolls they get scared lol

What cartoons have pooners and theyfabs in them?

wow mega corporations abandoning their pro-LGBT stances once its no longer financially viable to do so, who could have possibly seen this coming

she-ra and steven universe and owl house

Didn't watch the other two but Steven Universe most certainly did not, unless you want to pretend that female space rocks count as theyfabs.

No offense but transwomen are overly represented with old school assimilationist propaganda roles. AFAB trans folks historically have been less included. So I for one am happy to see increased priority for AFAB trans folks in modern day

There was one episode where Sadie ended dating a theyfab so no it’s not just the rock people

there should be no groomer propaganda in CHILDREN'S CARTOONS

Saw the clip. Why do trannies want to do sports so bad? An asian dude who's under 5'5 could never be a basketball player, a tall fat dude could never be a horse rider, a cripple could never be a swimmer, and a trans chick can never compete in female sports.

So why do trannies make a big deal about it?

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I thought Peridot was supposed to be nonbinary or some shit

Better to go back to doing it in a way only lgbt notice lmfao

they explicitly said they wrote the gems as "nonbinary women
the epilogue series has a they/them human character
steven was literally conceived as a metaphor for trans experience (if it seems like it doesn't fit it's because rebecca sugar is a theyfab married to a man and was trying to write steven as ftm)
you may not like the weird enbyism in the show but it's definitely there

peridot is asexual representation, because she isn't into fusion
but also, fusion is definitely NOT at all a metaphor for sexual relationships
good show but some truly retarded paracanon from the writers' outside statements. harry potter for queers

They reported the news and leaked the episode so everyone can still get ouraged lol

both the wokes and the chuds are mad at this

Great, now no one is happy!

Trans is edgy now, based

i like sports but i will continue playing with the boys while i can boymode and if in the future i look like i can girlmode i will just stop playing or just playing for fun with frens

Why doesn't disney embrace pooners? I mean the fucking character design is ready-made!

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I don't care when there's trans characters. I care that Disney writes them looking at the camera every 4 mins with their cockwounds and zippertits and giving a little lecture to the white man instead of just doing cool shit

its over for mtfs. cissoids hate us. theyfabs hate cisgays hate us. we have no one but eachother.

Next time don't tell everyone you're losing rights when you were just demanding new weird dellusional rights no one sane wanted to entertain.

what are you even doing here

you gonna cry?

Wasn't there a canceled short with a trans girl on a baseball team that was leaked on Anon Babble?

The roller derby league I'm a part of is explicitly trans inclusive, and the cis butches brutally bully anyone who refuses to skate against the trans girls

trvth nuking

Pretty much every cn cartoon these days

you dont sound sane

Sounds like he's giving you some good political advice

why are whites foisting troon shit on blacks? what is there to gain?

no. Just like, what are you here for? are you a repper?

black people can be trannies too you troglodyte

There's like 20 trans people on the entire planet that give a shit about playing sports, I ask again, why the fuck did they make an episode about this? This is why people say the left needs to lay off the goddamn virtue signalling and identity politics. There's a thousand more important issues that should be talked about than a trans girl playing girl sports. If the amount of people this problem applied to were the amount of people that died yearly from a medication the FDA would approve it with flying colors. This is so fucking stupid.

that doesn't mean I want those 20 trans people to die, before somebody comes at me with that shit, I'm just saying sometimes people can't do a thing and it sucks, but that's life. We have bigger issues to worry about.

Holy fuck that is the shittest thing I have ever seen.

Xitter post

"will reportedly"


you guys really need to learn to just take the L on sports. the majority of trannies arent interested in sports and fighting for something so insignificant that is guaranteed to turn the public against you clearly isnt working.

does anyone actually like pandering slop like this

Internet trannies will never for a second consider the consequences of their actions to the broader trans community and will continue to be the most absurd, insufferable cunts imaginable while contributing nothing of value to the movement.

that's my prediction, anyways.

Early in the episode, “The Gatekeeper,” Brooklyn recalls her time spent playing soccer and “the darkness of me having to play on the boys team.” Brooklyn’s comments about her athletic past are overheard by the opposing team’s coach, Greer (played by Amy Sedaris), who tries to have the teenager disqualified from the game. But Brooklyn’s coach, gym teacher Coach Hrbek, tells Greer, “Brooklyn IS a girl, and she’s gonna play.” The episode then veers into supervillain territory, as Greer uses a magical key to confine Brooklyn, her teammates, and watergirl Lunella in the girl’s locker room.

Brooklyn, who is voiced by actor Indya Moore, identifies as trans to her peers in the episode. “I’m trans, my very existence breaks Greer’s rules,” she tells her teammates before breaking down into tears. Brooklyn’s trans identity is further communicated through imagery; Brooklyn wears Pride-themed kneepads and has a “Trans is beautiful” sticker on her water bottle. The episode’s color palette is saturated in hues from the transgender flag. Its themes of prejudice, exclusion, and finding support through progressive allies is unmissable.

Artists who worked on Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur took to social media this week to lament that the episode had been “shelved because of which party that won the recent election,” likely referring to Donald Trump winning the presidency and Republicans garnering a majority in the U.S. House and Senate. Conservative politicians have campaigned to ban trans and non-binary student athletes competing in girl’s and women’s athletics in recent years.