Would you date?

Dude, 35
300 pounds
5.11 ft
Cock 5 inch

2439-dcm 055.jpg - 474x266, 15.13K

trannies, feast your eyes on this
THIS is your looksmatch for not being cis, doesn't matter how 'passing' you are.

The incel cure is a fat guy?

my bf is a lot better than this guy and his cock is bigger

no i have a bf

im a tgirl and id worship u but thats bc i have no self respect

clean it up jannies

gonna be real with you, anon - no

weightmogs me

my bf mogs you in every way possible. it's like comparing an ant to the scale of the universe itself (you're the ant).

tits mog mine

Ah nice and submissive I hope. What you mean no self respect ?

yes very submissive ofc ofc

by no self respect i mean i sexually give myself to most men who ask

mogs me

by no self respect i mean i sexually give myself to most men who ask

that just gives you a lot of action then

submit to the meatmountain lol

that is NOT 5in lmao

maybe if you removed four inches of blubber it would be

would but as like a degradation thing

wdym by "action"?

janny is NOT gonna like this.

if you'd fuck with most guys, you probably get a lot of sex

id eat your ass and worship your body i fucking love fat men >_<

*lifts up belly and places it on top of your head*

milk me anyway you want to daddy.

week1hrt.jpg - 2247x179, 101.81K

told you i had big boobs emily but you didnt even believe me..
now i have a new bf.

11.jpg - 952x1276, 146.3K

post more fat pics

He's literally me

usually guys like this are lowkey/laidback and chill. but they get smelly like shar pei doggies
which can be pretty intense.

I shower daily and practice good hygeine. My cock and balls stink if I don't jerk off regularly though.

ngnfnfng shove my face into your stinky crotch and hold it there

holy sexo

'ick on 'eck?

mogs me

nah ick on ecks house in like dark/brown color.

Ick on eck? what is that?

another daddy.
maybe even gabe. N


he puts his ick on eck.
if you catch my Drift

Dick on (steam)deck?

Literally me but you're brown, way less muscled and more flabby, less masculine and your dick is way smaller

I truly love Gabe, I wish I could buy him a beer and hug him.

same he is one of the legends of the internet/vidya. he's always been good time me where everyone else failed.
my steam acc is turning 20years old next month.
good times

Anyone told you that you look a bit like Richard Hammond?

weird i feel like i look like michael jackson b4 he died and steven tyler if they fucked and had a kid.

anonette.jpg - 182x173, 5.69K

You're way cuter than them nigger

thanks anon. appreciate it.
i feel very ugly irl all the time it freaks me out honestly.

like imagine walking around thinking you have michael jackson face.

This used to be me but then I realized the transers I love so much literally all massively transform their bodies so there's no reason I shouldn't too
Plus all I had to do is not eat so much and workout regularly, they actually have to do hard shit and get surgeries and were cursed by being born wrong while I did it to myself through apathy

Also it really does give you like another 1-2 inches of dick by shrinking the fat pad

Crazy that a tranny posted this and thought nobody would know

I don't think a tranny would care much about trying to reform fat guys

You are either incredibly naive or coping up a storm

Idk if you're calling me a larping tranny or a repper but I really am just a former fat guy
Down 140 lbs and my dick went from 5.5" to 7