/mtfg/ male to qt female general


What to do if I am questioning my gender? rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit ▶Style/Passing:
Fashion Guides (Videos): rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?: rentry.org/mtfgclothes
Voice Videos/Training: rentry.org/mtfgvoice

Trans women have woman brains (Video): rentry.org/mtfgbrain
MTF Timelines: catbox.moe/c/afyn1t
Streaming Room: queup.net/join/mtfg

Qott: why is grendel such a skank

Sorry but "cis" guy here and just wondering why do you do this? I mean why do you want to be a girl? I mean to me it seems like girls get far far more leniency and kindness in society but is that the only reason? Sorry if this is not the best place to ask this but I really really dont know a better place. Have a random img I associate with this place.

/mtfg/ threads were better with people like Kat being involved :/

gender dysphoria.

Ok but you like dont do it cause society is softer on girls? Like come on they are so soft on them its insane like a girl can chop a guys dick off and be like haha he was mean to me and she gets away with it. Is that really not any of the motivation at all? I mean if you say no then I guess not but I really think it would be a real reason from my viewpoint. But like my question is how do you its fundamentally wrong? Like I mean you dont know what its like not to be a guy right? So how do you know its "wrong"? Not trying to be a dick just genuinely trying to understand.

Why do you say that?

What?!?!?!?! How is that even possible??? Am I really that much of an incel? No fucking way. What how give me a reason I cant believe this.

I'm not trolling sadly I am just this retarded.

Yea but I mean they also get a slap on the wrist for a lot of stuff when guys get years in prison for the same crime.

If they do the same crime and they do the same time no? What do you mean they do crimes in clusters? Like robberies then assaults together?

I see maybe that is the case idk never looked into it much myself just heard from my "friends" that girls get off easier and stuff like that.

tfw my criminal history doesnt pass

ugh Koe no Katachi is one hard hitting movie

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how did you finish it I get chocked up mid movie and start crying...

by doing that but continuing to watch
I enjoy the pain in a way
very unexpected, Kimi no na way was kinda sad but is more a visual masterpiece, this one here hits hard...

kinda reminds me of Hourou Musuko I still dont have the courage to watch that all the way thru. Its so much pain..

not enough shoplifting?


why do people always bring up their autism around me?

maybe cause your autistic?

i asked new friend if she thought i seemed autistic and she said no and she seemed pretty autistic to me

flashback to when i was looking through my childhood medical forms and in the file i found “ya, it’s pretty obvious, get this kid tested for the ‘tism” and the very next and last files were all “i hereby exempt my child from vaccines due to personally held beliefs” :P i have never brought this up with my mother

tfw will never get to be stealth in college

GO TO COLLEGE THEN BITCH all you do is whine in this stupid fucking general oh my god DO something

dunno what to tell you then.

i did go to college

ok then go use that degree for something, get a nice job, go to a concert, make some friends.

ya, but i’ll never get to be stealth in college

no we don't do it for actual, real reasons. it's like we have a strong inexplicable desire to be a girl. that desire can manifest itself in many ways and that could be wishing to be treated like a girl in specific situations, but deep down it's just like a dream to be a girl, a wish that never goes away and that's impossible to ignore.

seems like they bring up their autism because you also bring up yours?

no is unrelated

I outed myself to a person in one of my classes on thursday, honestly it was pretty fun, he's FTM and we were doing some group work and I was like

"so you're um, you're trans right" (he has talked to me about this before)

"yup.. are you curious? I'm used to getting weird questions about whats in my pants hahah"

"um no uhh, its not about uhh... you"


"i just... you wouldnt tell anyone right like you can keep a secret right"

"of course.."

"I'm a um.. im a trann- im uhh trans"

"WHAT?!? which way what??


"what the fuck... i couldnt tell, i thought my transdar was like good fuck"

and then he invited me to go do stuff together, I'm very proud of myself this is great, also amazing that he never even considered I was trans.

congrats anonette <3

my slippers are so dirty they are permanently damp

newfags dont know what stealth means


i wish i could wear panties and bra

Koe no Katachi

What the fuck i was planning on watching it tomorrow. how the hell are we both going to watch it in similar times

what will it take to make you happy? and dont say maid

make sure to watch the whole movie, especially the second half is some emotional whiplash
incredibly beautiful tho

my own living space

incredibly beautiful tho

I wish you were here so I can watch it with you anon

My coworkers go out with each other to eat and shop sometimes but never me holy fuck I hate this so much. Am I just being autistic about this or is this a real reason to be upset about? youtube.com/watch?v=3GlfjNw0s4g

don't worry about it. they are just lame coworkers who wants to hang out with them?

Yea I guess your right still hurts thou.

Trannies don't eat and they're taking this into consideration.

are lgbt population statistics inflated?
I have met very few gay/lesbians at work. maybe 1% or 2%.
im the only homosexual in my extended family too
i don’t know any transsexuals in real life

Maybe so but we do drink! And thats why I'm doing right now.

90% of your coworkers are not going to give a shit if you get fired and will not talk to you afterwards. It's very rare to, so most of these relationships are fake.

Trannies don't eat

But why are so many of them so fat if that is the case?

Eh, it's gonna deflate soon after Trump made the whole LGBTXYQZ schtick cringe.

like me

Trying to make a high femme playlist for when I'm getting ready or doing makeup, anyone have any songs they've been enjoying?
I really dig Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter rn

What are you drinking?
I'm trying to no fap for a while and this is really REALLY not helping
That's why you're so cute though :9

ever since i was a little boy i knew i wanted to be a weird autistic girl

Drinking E&J brandy right now and just blasting music its all I can do to feel ok right now.

this makes me sad, don't day drink if you can help it friend, there's better things to do with your time. Day drinking used to be really fun for me but it sounds like it's not fun for you at the moment.

it's gonna deflate

no, that's not the way things are going. truth is humans are capable of being attracted to and falling in love with either gender. being straight is artificial and we're starting to open our eyes to that fact. the only thing that keeps people in the straight box is fear of being ostracized and brain washing.

jfc stahp. I have to leave or I'm ngmi

Life is pretty muich pain for me atm. I could be doing a lot but I just have zero motivation to do it and drinking is a nice escape. I was good for a while just recently started again and been drinking a ton since I started back.


it's ok, the bible is fiction. we made it up. go kiss a cute guy, it's ok.

Why do you have all these images? Are you looking them up or something? I have never seen anything like this on any of my socials pretty much ever.

Don't make me tip my fedora anon.

Why do you have all these images?

References and I find them aesthetically pleasing.

I have never seen anything like this on any of my socials pretty much ever

It's time to expand your horizons.

this is how I know I'm trutrans hsts, these pics don't activate my neurons. but if they had denigrating captions, they would.

oh, I'm not an atheist but change the subject if u like. we can disagree on things.

went out last night for drunken adventures with the dolls
woke up with a few hours sleep, hungover, and had a roadtrip with bestie to next city over
bought a silly little dress that makes me look tiny
got home and now heading immediately put again for a party
living it large

hating life

B l o b b y won

I've been hitting on this guy in one of my classes all semester and things have gotten a bit more real now and I think I'm not gonna actually pursue it. I was really excited at first but he seems genuinely really nice and like he's doing well in life and I don't want him to have to deal with all the stupid bs that comes with being around me. feelsbadman :/

we can disagree on things

No, no, no - we can not.
You are wrong and cringe.
We can't ignore reality - look what ignoring the simple truths got you.

i will never get to be whore

don't get pregnant

Anyone else have GAD or just me?

got you

a desire to live?

Take away the tits and the one on the left is an actual cishon.







thin lips



Why is Anon Babble lagging the shit out of firefox? Is it just windows 8.1 suicide code or something else?

my cis friend tells me all about the public sex she’s having and i’ll never have any of that

nice effort

oh man...

I fucking hate moids

oh yay, it's still up
thought thread was gonna archive while I was alseep since I wasn't bumping it
morning mitfug


I swear it's hilarious that now I keep normal people hours as an Australian, I'm in sync with mentally ill Americans.


oh shit based
am commonwealth too(canadian)
my whole sleep schedules is like lopsided
wake up at like 11am- 2pm
sleep at like 3-7 am
miss being nocturnal, that was better than this

it's caturday, did u forget?

I wake up at ~6am and make a healthy breakfast before I shitpost.
Bedtime is ~9pm.

The only thing stopping me from going full normie at this point is shaving. I've got to do a full body shave every two days. But there's only a couple things left on the buy list before laser, so I expect to start normiemoding by mid next year or so.

what is this agp garbage? gtfo

i will never have worth becoz no onlyfans

You're sounding like jade lately. Are you two dating

Man I'm gonna cum if I stay here. Although Lauren Southern is helping to make me limp again

need to be objectified in order for happiness

Bimbo thread is

my parents won’t let me

So sign up already. I've seen you naked, lots of gooners would pay $5 a month to objectify you.

isn’t laura southern legally a man?
i find it hot af

idk how to make content

she's a Canadian man, you should go to her house and tell her you're in love with her

You were making content when u showed me nudes. That's all you have to do. Get started and you'll learn how to make better content, take better photos. I've talked to LB a bunch and she barely tried and still made $200k

idk where to even start. i need man to manage me

I could do it. It's not hard at all and I've known a lot of egirls both cis and trans (not a paypig).

ameritrans where are you getting injectables from these days
is lena still the goto

no I don't think so
I found...a better place
one that won't lead to me ending up with s chipped tooth lol

I'm..happy now

how do i get my mother to stop lying to me

She'll die eventually.

yeah but not for decades
she’s saying i look prettier lately
it makes me feel like i just can’t trust anything she says

You can't.
All ciswomen are lying liars who lie.

haircut and dye have been booked for next week,,,,,
my insurance
i get a 3 pack every 3 months so i order every time i can to stock up


based desu glad ur doing better & spending less time here
4chin bad for brain..

i’m not an incel so i don’t think like that, sorry. men lie more anyway

haircut and dye have been booked for next week,,,,,

How long are you?

I wasn't male socialized enough to think clearly




hair length dummy

How long is your hair?

idk it goes slightly below my shoulders but its curly
my growth has stagnated though so i'm cutting a few inches off and getting my split and dead ends chopped off

where is my manager? i need him to give me OF quests to complete

I've heard that helps.
I have curly hair too, but I'm thinking about straightening it for extra length.
You should measure. Just get a standard tape measure and a lock of hair at full stretch.

too many moids

You need to git gud first.
And you refuse to improve yourself.

It's almost as if it's a thread for male to female transgenders.

no pornsick moids and chasers

That's right. no pornsick moids and chaser, only MTF trannies. And you, a pooner who won't stop stinking up the place.

how do i git gud?

swinging wild bro

This is not a search engine boomer.
You need to type that into youtube.

Don't call me bro, bro.

i care about my length but idc about my measurements

too many moids

Truly glad, fingers crossed that lasts forever old friend.

1. Bragging rights over hons like me. (4 inches)
2. Keeping a record lets you keep tabs on your progress, which gives you some idea of how fast your hair grows, allowing you to plan your style much further into the future, saving you big money by buying your fits in the off-season.

i’ve been nibbling on the same edible for weeks now. don’t fuck with unregulated marijuanna

arigato, nee-san..

idk if this is the right place but I thought trannies liked playing with cis couples especially when the girl is down to peg them or be fucked.
I've heard before that grindr in my city is kinda weird so idk if its that or no one (non huns) are intrested.

For context my man is white and above 6ft and not fat and I'm a 5'2 asian who isnt a whale. an we both under 25

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the STATE of this thread

parents want to charter a yacht for a family trip in a couple years oh god oh fuck what do i do with my boymoding self?

I'm not into chicks, sorry.
You make me feel uncomfortable and self-concious, I can't relax like I can with just a man.
With a couple everything is a performance, and I didn't get my copy of the script.

sounds fun. what are you worried about.

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my boiboobies!!!

With a couple everything is a performance, and I didn't get my copy of the script.

ah such a hard disagree...

are you not out to your family? how is that possible?

feeling bad
got some ink and ordered a cheap pen and some acetate sheets so i can try making a simple cel
still need to get some paints but first i need to decide what im actually going to make the cel of then which colors to use
im so bad at drawing im sure it’ll look like shit no matter what i do
but my mother will lie through her teeth and tell me how great it looks just like she says im pretty
i’m so tired of the charades
tired of pursuing things unattainable
tired of pretending tired of constantly pushing
one must imagine sisyphus a fucking dipshit retard

MEF considers retardation an extreme sport.

i am kinda out to my family but they like the boiboobies!!!!

it's ok to suck, the point is to have fun then eventually you start sucking less.
are you on drugs rn?

??? what are you suggesting? i told my parents i was tranny and transitioning and they didn’t like it so now i boymode and it was never brought up ever again

i never have fun no matter what i do

wear a jumper that says boy on it obviously

I don't think anybody likes it. nobody likes having a broken brain. are you gonna go?

they’ll ask why am wearing shirt while swimming!
i have no reason to say no so i gotta go!!

don't go swimming
does your family not know you've got bobs?

wtf am i gonna do on a yacht?? they’re gonna ask questions
well they were aware and told me to cover them up but idk if they think i detransed or something or what like i said never brought up again

fatjas chipped snaggletooth...imagine the smell of her breath

you have to be able to talk to them, your relationship with them is beyond disordered it's completely non functional

are her posts and the people she talks to's posts not all getting deleted any more?

maybe you're surrounded by bad people?
it'll be fun anyway. there will probably be handsome guys on the crew too.

we don’t talk it’s not what we do here we’re times when they were exposed to my suicidality and they were kinda made to talk to me due to the circumstances and they did not go well but even before that my relationship with them had always been surface level idk if they think it’s normal or what

Be you

Be a pretty blond tranny in her prime

Be invited to spend time on a luxury yacht

Make literally everyone seethe with jelousy

Be too retarded to actually girlmode

kill self

All time retard olympics record holder.

I'm coming out to my family at Christmas. If they don't like it I'll fite them.

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no actual mods on this board right now. one went mia. others quit. only overflow cleaning up reports

I’m about to hit a snap streak of 1000 w someone from this thread

if you really don't talk then don't go swimming and they wont ask about it
if they do talk at least enough to ask why then you can remind them why

i’m pretty sure it would just be me and my family. what am i supposed to do? show up to the marina in girlmode for the first time ever? they would throw me to the sharks
i cannot remind them why cuz will get angry i know it

I don't think there's a way to avoid them being angry
either you don't go because you have breasts
or you go and don't swim because you have breasts
or you go and swim and they see you have breasts
I guess you could lie and make up an excuse, but you might get found out and they could be angry

idc about mogging people and i only have a few inches cut off for maintenance to allow for more growth
i don't see how cutting a few inches off of would affect my outfits

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You're supposed to have fucking girlmoded full time like 4 years ago.
You don't even pass as a man any more.

What you need to do is throw your girlmode in their fucking face and make them choose. Do they want a daughter or nothing at all.
If they choose nothing at all, leave. Go join a fucking polycule in Vancouver or something.

And I can't believe you've fucking trolled me into giving you advice I know full well you're not going to take AGAIN.

How am I better at this than you when I was an actual Chud a year ago?

none of my friends like the girl i’m dating and have told me to stop talking about her and they haven’t even met her. she’s just a conservative and like yeah that sucks but like why can’t they just focus on the fact that she makes ME happy.

You need to get good at makup and do something with those nails.
Have you considered going blonde?

you're a chud now

have you considered taking actual hrt before offering your shitty advice?

Fuck off you stupid bitch.
You've got zero idea what I've gone through or what I'm going through. You don't know anything about me, except that I'm a better shitposter than you.


Do they want a daughter or nothing at all.

If they choose nothing at all, leave.
housing crisis. minimum wage crisis. student loan crisis.

You don't even pass as a man any more.


your family never charted a yacht before? maybe that's not a thing in Australia?

don't gatekeep the rectangle it's so important we hear dogshit opinions about how people should just girlmode lol just leave home lol

i'm not even wearing makeup and i haven't worn anything besides eyeliner and blush since ffs


yes but i'm dyeing my hair dark red. i don't want to bleach my hair and fry ny curls

it's like if they made tin tin more of a twink

gynocomastia is always a plausible excuse.

*sniff sniff*

how often do you shower *snifffff*

its been like 4 days so my hair is matted and gross uwu

housing crisis. minimum wage crisis. student loan crisis.

Polycule. Free rent in exchange for bussy.


I've seen anime lolis with more masculinity.

No my family is merely affluent, not unbelievably mega rich.

i'm not even wearing makeup

Yeah I know. That's a problem. Wear makeup girl, you'll look better and feel better.

yes but i'm dyeing my hair dark red

eh. going unnatural without a full theme is like wearing a neon sign that says "GENDER FREAK!"

they know it’s not gynocomastia
sounds like a “no pass”


i don’t like trannies
i look like a man

nope it’s just my mum and our dog
i’m gonna visit my dad next weekend and that’s already making me anxious/feel bad

Polycule. Free rent in exchange for bussy


oh god I bet you smell so good...especially ur feet

mef confirmed richfag

why i don't go anywhere besides work and my customers hugbox me enough to validate my gender
the only thing i want to do is practice eyeshadow now that i don't have a massive browbone anymore

look better and feel better

lol good one

eh. going unnatural without a full theme is like wearing a neon sign that says "GENDER FREAK!"

lol ok

Met a group of people like this in Winnipeg. God those people were fucking creeps

i don’t like trannies

i look like a man

Didn't ask.
If your parents wont have you, you need a place to live.
Having to endure a polycult will be character buildign for you.

And again, why the fuck am I bothering with this attention seeking bullshit? I know you're not going to do it. I know you're still going to be here whining until you're an oldhon.

It's not about them. It's about you.
It's about looking in the mirror and liking what you see.

yorshka looks morbidly greasy and unshowered but I bet she smells like wet dog and boiled eggs

no, i think like any “middle class” canadians they’re just dripping with copious debt
i don’t think my parents will let me move into a polycule

imagine your son looking like this and telling him he’s pretty
her expectations for me must be subterranean at this point

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looks like the chud meme

Yea cuz the chud meme was based off Anons

not if m's parents told her to cover them up already

looks like the i’m going to kill myself meme

why are u telling me to wear makeup then lol
like i don't have a paige aversion to it and i wear it, i just have no reason to wear a full face with the places i go to when i'm only 5 weeks out from surgery

It's about looking in the mirror and liking what you see

yeah if u ever get to know me u will quickly realize that will never happen

i don’t think my parents will let me move into a polycule

Fucking jesus christ, what the fuck are you even doing any more?
How long are you going to live your life trolling other trannies for advice with this "I'm too pathetic to live" act?
Get over it already.

Talk to your doctor, talk to your shrink, but I need to talk to my peers so I can sort my own shit out, not waste time with you.



why are you looking at the phone and not the mirror

no it’s my mother lol
tho she is probably autistic and 100% ocd

because i was taking the pic with the phone and needed to see if it was framed correctly

I think that's a great idea, go talk to your fellow 50 year old opal miners

How long are you going to live your life [like this]

i guess until i die or they kick me out

Talk to your doctor, talk to your shrink

i don’t have any of those. and what would they even respond with?

moving your eyes doesn't require you to move your hand

yeah if u ever get to know me u will quickly realize that will never happen

Because you're not working on yourself. You need to wake up every day and be a little bit better than you were the day before.
That's what successful women do.

If you want to transition into a loser, you're going to feel like a loser. Because this self-hate crap is not part of being a tranny. When I put the effort in and get better at makeup, or fashio, or hair, or doing my nails, or whatever, I feel GOOD about myself. That's what Gender Dysphoria does.

and what would they even respond with?

I don't know, I'm not a doctor or a shrink. That's why you need to go ask them and stop wasting my time while I am SEETHING with jealousy at how good you've got it.

he has male tism and cant multitask

Wait, hold up, that's after ffs?

ok well here is it with me looking at the mirror

no i don’t

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I don't know, I'm not a doctor or a shrink. That's why you need to go ask them

should i also ask my dentist then?

I am SEETHING with jealousy at how good you've got it.

Bangs used to be cute and cool, but then all the boymoders ruined it for everybody.

I seethe.
Fucking bitch.

do you have any other damn picture, you talk such game about being a bimbo and then show up looking like a grandma

the juxtaposition between brapja and gorillas like spooge and Emily is jarring. none of them shower

they made phones too big everybody looks weird holding them
are you part hong kong or something or is it just the glasses that make you look that way

w8 r u radiochan?
well at least you’re wearing girl clothes

Did you used to be a swimmer?

Thos glasses are the wrong shape for your face.
You need to straighten those bangs and try parting your hair the other way and turning your head to left about 15 degrees, (I think your left side might be your bad side).
Also smile ffs.

When I was a teenager.
Before I trooned out I was training to be a strongman.
Look at the filename. I didn't even save that pic. I just used it as an example of dressing down while still being femme.

I wish I knew the answer. there are only so many drugs you can try. like what's left, ibogaine?
the way she communicates is crass but that's australia. girlmoding only works if you have some stability, that's why so many of us transition in college. I mean I went to college specifically to get out of town and transition. The next best thing is to get out on your own and then transition socially outside of work and start interviewing for new jobs in girlmode while boymoding at your current job. the idea of girlmoding at home, with little savings and a low wage job, it's way too risky. being homeless is worse than boymoding, but it is better than being in a polycule.

You can kind of tell, sorry.

didn't you drop out of college or am I thinking of someone else

is that emily? could’ve sworn it was a radiochud pic

no, anglo and german :(

what shape is right then? i like the field of view these frames give


here’s a pic with no glasses no bangs just smiling :)

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tfw back to quietly saying i love you to myself after a traumatic breakup and sad relationship


holy fucking 30head. ur ugly bangs are like a sheet over a full body mirror

y did u troon out?

you pass way more here for some reason even if you look evil and heinous and scary

ok but i genuinely have bdd doing makeup every day isn't going to make me feel better about myself
i used to wear a no makeup makeup look every day but again i don't have much reason to do this rn bc of where i go and how my face is sitll extremely swollen
& ya i do need to start doing skincare again and practicing more bc stuff like eyeshadow and eyeliner will be slightly easier but they're not going to make me feel better about myself lol
like ur just giving me advice that 1. i didn't ask for and 2. already know
i've been saying its doomed

What happens when the wind blows?

It's not bad, but just looks like early transition no ffs. You can still salvage it.

yeah dude seriously lol my hairdresser said i have a great hairline for bangs lmao

wtf u mean i don’t look like an anime gorl??

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genuinely amazing shape

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ur tricks don't work on me sir..

my tricks work on you tho bbgirl :))

its a lot like sex; i fight it at first but then eventually realize nothing i could do will stop it so i just give in and let it happen

yea I dropped out of uni the first time after I got established. i went back years later to complete my bachelors.

arafed woman with no shirt on posing for a picture, a picture inspired by James Jonathan Jeffries, deviantart, net art, looks like laura barriales, my sleep paralysis demon, looks like christina ricci

yeah I doubt it. you look smelly and not in a good way

Oh look, now you're looking to the left and parting your hair on the right and you do actually look better.

You can also use a more diffuse light source and increase the focal length of your camera (iphones have a setting but IDK more than that).

Just use hair pins.

radiochud and pooge? terrible Nazi lineup

emily of Anon Babble wetting her cock at lgbt events

okay :3

Everyone can pass with a little effort, mister.

what's with your fucked up hair. looks like you got drunk and cut it yourself

yes i unironically believe this



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NTA but do you have more than one top?

Is it true you cuck your gf?

you have the dead eyes of the kind of guy who takes advantage of women

just noticed the bag of benzos. shaking my damn head


copious debt



see guise look both male and malebrained!
it’s not our yacht it’s not even more than a hypothetical one time we had small fishing boat but it was sold after a couple years

big skull

/mtfg/ is really going through the worst timeline.


dont steal my years old schtick newfren
harrier judges your decadent, selfish capitalist lifestyle

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they're probably lying so you don't feel bad. it looks like not shit but its not like you ever go outside anyway so

I don't have a gf.

Why do you cuck your gf? You've been doing it for a long time

Mono post

Yes you do, and if you don't you'll just get back together after cheating on her

No. I just find it hilarious how she's been getting cucked unknowingly. You'd almost feel bad for her

hello computer people

aren’t you supposed to be in jail

hiya anon

I'm literally like "single" right now
idk none of ur business anyways

anya won

what's that big bag of blue pills? perhaps just vitamins?

wait what why

hello naz how's it been so far today?

John, 40

Emily is 40?????? wtf same aged bracket as brapja

why does blobberta hate k*t so much

Have you even read Vitales?

Why the fuck is Anon Babble lagging me out so hard? I've literally got nothing else open and 32gigs of ram.


blobby got in

your decrepit eyes are playing tricks on you

nice try but still not clicking virushon

mef put ur diaper on

No cute millenial trans hrt girlfriend to date here in Latam. I would give a bag full of chocolates for at least an Asian trans girlfriend. Life is hard with cis women being picky/selective.

I don't?

no diapers 4 me i never wore a diaper ever

Jesus Nick, please tell me you didn't pay the person who botched your hair because that's just awful looking

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hair looks good imvho doesn't make up for being a revenge porn posting sadist though

mono just leak it all already stop being a dick tease about it

people are increasingly not talking to me any more

the delegates, donald

Same, it's probably our own fault though.

don't click this it's a virus

That is complete and total garbage.

Everyone knows trannies listen to this

youtube is a virus

This but unironically.

I just use a downloader now.

virus link DO NOT click it

what can we do about it

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using decentraleyes over localcdn

retard tranny alert


The advantage of being away from others is that you have a chance to understand your true feelings more and realize what you like and what you truly believe in, without being influenced by other people

I mean she just watched a YouTube video and thinks she is being super sekrit hacker tranny. while in the background her videogames and steam are slurping up absurd amounts of data and running analytics

I did that for over half a decade and now I'm trying to make friends but it's not working

My true feeling are I miss my friends

jacking off my girl dick right now feelin like i might make ejaculate some girl semen idk maybe either way feeling great and very woma like rn

I am going to play a three hour ween live show in queup.net/join/mtfg in like ten minutes

ok jesse

you are so hopelessly out-of-touch. i neither claim to be any sort of hacker nor am i running steam rn. speak for yourself. anyway, when are you freaks gonna answer my question about your terrible taste in music?

so many newfags literally dont know who anyone is its almost funny

lick lick lick lick
i want to eat your dick

trip on maiq

my biggest regret in life is ill never get to sleep in her house
miss talking to her

we're out of time

i've been here for years spamming your threads and pissing you off and flooding it with transphobic memes
i'm an ugly transphobic repressor invading the thread and pretending to be one of you to turn you against each other
also, i am very insecure. thoughts?

b lobby?

sorry anon that's tough

for years

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see they keep guessing who i am like y'all don't remember me
it's all my fault; don't even feel bad for me

when is my turn with navy?

playing ween in the queup room now

must have been a forgettable low rent blip

Also I don't think you are a repressor. I think you're the only person on this board who actually does have BPD.
Probably as a result of your garbage Jewish genetics.

I doubt you're young and cute enough.

What's happening to me chat? I'm at a comic store with my roommate, and she's looking at Yu-Gi-Oh cards but I feel dumb and like I'm out of place. I literally used to hang out in a comic store every other Saturday as a teenager to see my friend Jacob.

Am I just old and boring now?

maybe your interests have changed?

manmoder is just HRT repressor let's be real

the self awareness that comes with age, trading cards are for children and your healthy socially developed sense of shame is telling you it's wrong to be around it

Oh they definitely have. While I myself was never into card games, I loved comics and video games. Couldn't give less of a shit about them now. Film and art became my main passion.

what was your favorite comic series

I always liked Spider-Man. Still kinda do. But I haven't read a Spidey comic since God, 2012?

did u like into the spiderverse. that's one of my fav movies

I understand and forgive u. I hope u find peace somehow.

why am i asked what my pronouns on fairly early into every job i’ve ever worked except this job now i’ve worked almost a year? they’re even making tranny jokes around me

I really liked Into, thought Across was good but not as good.

if they make tranny jokes they're less woke, if they're less woke they're less likely to ask about pronouns, so it's not you it's them that's different

there are still a lot of wolves tho at this place

i’m high

maybe not in charge though or at least in charge of whether people get asked their pronouns
do you prefer they do or don't ask I always prefer they just assume and I can go along with whatever they assume

okay but does anyone remember the [greentext/youtube video/reddit post/creepypasta?] where a guy goes into an abandoned house and finds a body then fucks his dead neighbor in the mouth until his teeth fall out and gets black goo on his dick but then the old man's body starts groaning and turns out to still be alive and starts screaming "kill me"? it made me pee white back when i was a cute little shota and ive been looking for that story to relive it ever since. anyone have some free meth btw?

at my last job my hispanic coworkers would slip up call me she/her and quickly correct themselves and get all flustered. it was funny.

i like when they ask cuz then i definitely know they think i’m a tranny

This place has a coffee bar, thank Christ. Been here almost an hour and she's still looking at cards.

they might not think that though they might just ask everyone that, or everyone that isn't a big burly man
why would you want them to know you're a tranny though

bring a flask next time.

that actually sounds like hell to me

I don't drink anything except wine, and I'm the one driving. My roommate can't drive.

you didnt have to hurt me like that :c

if i saw somebody drinking from a flask i'd assume they're an alcoholic

this is true. put it in a paper bag instead.

when you assume you make an ass out of u and me.

lol. u can just get loaded in public here. was nice when i drank

do u carry one?

You can do better than a rapist pedophile anyway.

also, u don't drink out of the flask u pour it into the coffee surreptitiously


no, I barely drink lately. drinking sake now but it's Saturday night don't judge me ppls.

we posting gross itt?

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which part of your body is this I can't work it out

you suck obv

love muscle articulation



next thread

dang got it wrong

it's obv her neck

did my roommates think i was a freak and pervert when i wore girl clothes?

ah i see never mind
thank you luv u <3

teeth fall out

i've literally been searching for this story for YEARS
now there's only one childhood porn i have left to unearth... one that, if i recall correctly, was on the darkweb. it was a rape fanfic of the writer x rape by darkweb strangers while restrained and he was like basically a cute femboy getting painfully raped by multiple internet strangers and it looked like a tumblr but i found it on the darkweb please help

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post more body horror than paige challenge accepted

calm down emo I can do that

tips on how 2 make my neck grosser