If they can make abortion drugs a controlled substance, what's to stop them making hrt a controlled substance too?

Testosterone already is. Men aren't allowed to be more manly because that would present a threat to the controlling establishment, but women are allowed to be more womanly because that means weak and emotional and easily manipulated. This has worked out for MTFs only by coincidence.

what's to stop them making hrt a controlled substance too?

rfk's gonna make everything a controlled substance except for narcotics

no testosterone is one of the very few controlled substances that actually is for good reason
people use it for roiding, which would be fine on its own, but they raise their levels too high and make their hearts give out and muscles rot and shit

That's not why, the system doesn't care if we suffer, that's why high fructose corn syrup is in everything.

They just want everyone addicted to their drugs and playing by their rules. Those in charge hate bodily autonomy.

You can go buy as much booze as you want and become an alcoholic. Paternalism is a giant fucking meme.

They just want everyone addicted to their drugs and playing by their rules. Those in charge hate bodily autonomy.

the worst part is the people who say they want to stop that shit also hate bodily autonomy

I assume they're also drafting some bounty laws that allow private citizens to sue trans people who are using the wrong bathrooms, or trying to stealth, the same as it is for abortion

your attitude towards the state is not unreasonable but T being a controlled substance really has nothing to do with male hormone therapy. that was done with the anabolic steroids act of 1990. it's about roiders

high fructose corn syrup

i didn't say health and safety regulations were consistent. shit, weed is still a controlled substance while alcohol and nicotine are not, which has never made sense. i'm just telling you why that rule exists and it's not actually about trannies. and maybe we should look at corn syrup's addictive properties sure, but that doesn't mean controlling steroids is bad

see i am not making a moral statement about state regulation of drugs i am literally just saying why T is banned (and, if we're gonna do controlled substances at all, why it does make sense to stay on the list)

also fwiw on a moral basis i would support reinstating prohibition honestly
i don't support it really because it wouldn't work, it would just create crime same as last time or weed prohibition did. but i do support everybody everywhere putting down the bottle

You're referring to abortion, and don't backpedal and pretend you are not.
But abortion isn't the woman exercising her bodily autonomy, is it? It's removing the autonomy of the unborn child. The woman exercising bodily autonomy would be not having unprotected sex in the first place. Once the child exists as a consequence of her actions, it is someone else's body that she's attempting to strip the autonomy from.

Well that's the reason they gave us, but what they told us and why they actually did it, are separate.

Estrogen saved my life, I wouldn't be alive now without it. I can demonstrably and quantifiably prove this. And yet they will take it away.

They pass laws to harm us, and lie about why they are passing these laws. Keanu Reeves in Johnny Memetic is right.

The fact it was banned because of roiders doesn't change anything. That still means "the state does not want strong men to exist." They don't give a fuck about men giving themselves heart attacks or else fast food would be illegal.

Yeah we can't win, A want us dead, B wants us dead too.

I'm not a slave, I refuse to let these sociopathic murderers tell me how I will spend my finite time on earth

I hate you with all my soul.

Women are fucking dying because of your medieval peasant attitude. You, and every single person like you, is pure evil.

Pure evil, you want people to die in extreme levels of misery. Why? Why? One poor girl recently died of sepsis because they wouldn't abort a fetus that died within her womb.

You look at this and see death as a good outcome. I will never give you 1% of my respect

One poor girl recently died of sepsis because they wouldn't abort a fetus that died within her womb.

see that sure sucks but it's the result of retarded local doctors who don't recongize the spirit of the law vs the letter of the law. If the unborn child is already dead then there's no reason not to remove it to save the mother's life. You should be hating the lawmaker who wrote it in such a way that it caused that outcome, or the doctor's retardation. Not me.
What I'm trying to prevent is women having slutty recreational unprotected sex with abandon because they think they can just kill their problems away. I hate women BECAUSE they have complete disregard for their offspring and the weight of their own decisions.

you're way overestimating how much the 90s congress and bill clinton could possibly have given a shit about us. maybe bill knew we existed from his sexscapades but for the most part we just didn't exist, certainly not to the governing elite. trans women were an invisible underclass of prostitutes and trans men, insofar as they managed to transition at all, were like stealth confirmed bachelor types.
and there was a bit of a scare around roid rage and health risks and fairness in sports at the time.
it is still an imposition on bodily automomy and that's why it indirectly affects your hormone access, but i guarantee you it was about roiders.
like, maybe you're too young to remember this. but before 2010 nothing was about trans people. nothing at all. it was kinda nice

retarded doctors

reductive. these doctors have to make an in the moment call, and it's not a medical science call it's a guess on what the courts will say they were allowed to do or not do if somebody files charges, and if they make the wrong calk they will be branded for life by the state as FELON and MURDERER MALPRACTICER.
put yourself in their shoes. it would be a surprise if mistakes like this didn't happen with these new laws. doctors want to save lives but they also don't want to wrongly go to prison for murder and have their own entire life ruined

but before 2010 nothing was about trans people. nothing at all. it was kinda nice

Movies say different, violence against us was comedic. We've never been accepted, we were seen as weird gay men. Since 2016 it's been pretty bad, culminating in what we had recently, literally days ago a criminal was elected commander in chief because they spent hundreds of millions convincing uneducated poor people that a subsection of society exists, and shouldn't. And it worked.

But that isn't to say life was rosy in the 1980s, wtf, our community died of aids and the same people cheering for abortion bans now and wagging their fingers because a woman dared to have sex with a man, were the same people saying aids was gods wrath against homosexuality, when ANYONE can get aids.

retarded moids explode their hearts with retard juice

Why do I care?

oh wait in 1990 it was GWB not Clinton
same point though. Bush Sr also did not give a fuck or have a clue about trannies

We weren't categorised separately. We came under the banner of "homosexual". Yes, medically we fought for trasnsexual rights, but in the minds of those in power, the distinction was nonsense, we were all seen as deviants.

Since gay people became generally accepted, they pushed the distinction as divide and rule. A hell of a lot of LG people are going to be shocked when they realise those in charge hate us all.

you see a through line where there isn't one. i'm not saying we were beloved, but we were just a joke in movies or a story of some friend of a friend of a friend who lost it and became a woman. people did not have anything remotely like the kind of awareness of our existence they have now, and there was no organized movement to eradicate us just us getting lumped in with general homophobia as super gays (or stealthing and being completely left alone, in most cases).
i never said things were rosy in the 80s or 90s or 00s, what i said is we were not in focus, there wasn't this big movement against us or laws being passed targeting us. the closest would've been the lavender scare, but that was again about the gays and hons were just a mostly unknown subtype of gay and passoids were just blended into society. yes the aids crisis was bad but it wasn't manufactured, just ignored. different from the active criminalization of transness (and possibly soon back to that for gayness too) going on now

god that sign is so cool...
wish i was a girl so i could get it tattooed

what really gets me is how this is exactly what happened in nazi germany (just sub jews out for immigrants, and the angle towards gay and trans is the same).
every faggot for trump is an ernst rohm just waiting to get hit in the night of long knives and they can't even see it. it's sad

not a damn thing, they've already got the boilerplat language provided by the many heritage foundation funded and organized attempts at making all forms of HRT illegal except to help cis people

they can put me in prison for "drug trafficking" my diy but they won't stop me from writing a manifesto in there

look anon the only positive thing is RFK taking charge of healthcare because that guy is crazy and would rather ban vaccines than hrt. He will probably deregulate everything.

I'm not disagreeing. Things are really, really bad now.

Society is mind broken. I think if there is any hope, it will exist in small pockets of resistance. I think we face what every other minority throughout history has faced. It won't be easy, but we will survive.

When I hear Donald Trump use the same language as some middle aged British terf hon, I know this is 100% manufactured

Matt Walsh directly emulating Goebells's language, put the two quotes side by side, almost identical.

It would be foolish of us to not realise the people in charge understand Nazi Germany very well, and wish to emulate it. They hate us, they know propaganda is effective, they understand psychological terror and manipulation.

If I had one wish, I would wish for the average person to be intelligent.

word for word bro, it's the same few families and institutions pushing this around the world and as part of a more general coordinated effort to divide people and get them to vote against their interests or roll over while self-admitted fascists seize power

we don't have precedent
or, to use the uncomfortably appropriate language: nobody's ever seen anything like it!

this shit should have been a red flag decades ago because nothing is stopping weimar from happening again, but what I think people are only starting to realize is just how much worse this really is because of the interconnected nature of our communication and propaganda networks now

i've been thinking about this topic a lot since the election, and honestly i think wider society is less lost than the total failure of governments around the world might lead us to believe.
you look at the messaging both sides were giving, and what you see is "the other candidate is scary crazy dictator end of democracy, vote for me to protect your freedom and lower inflation instead." there was a lot else but at the core, that was the main message being sold by both Trump and Harris. people receive information from different sources and don't always know to fact check and frankly aren't always that smart, so they get tricked. and sure, some few million are just rabid klan member types. but most Trump voters have a lot more in common with the average democratic voter than that type. most voters on the 7th voted to protect their freedom and lower inflation.
and you look around the world, you see the same thing. why do the russian people support putin? they fear chaos and economic collapse without him, they remember yeltsin. why do the chinese support the communist party? they believe its promise of wealth and opportunity. around the world, whatever the end result becomes, what people are supporting is their desire to be free and prosper.
all we really need to do is break down the media bubble walls and make them see the common ground

nothing, and there never was something to stop them. what the government gives they can take away. hrt should be sold over the counter, simple as

there's two layers
some people are stuck on "it can't happen here"
but those with open eyes see a reich coming, and it's not going go be a weimar. america is too polarized, too fragmented, too big, too decentralized, and too heavily armed. if they try to build a reich, what will happen is a civil war. and then the third layer, it won't be clean lines like the 1860s either, it would look like the Syrian civil war. a huge fucking mess.
we just have to hope the GOP also knows this, and won't overplay their hand and cause it

that hope vanishes if you step outside the picture enough to just admit that all the evidence and reasoning points toward domestic and foreign interests who do not care about the loss of life or long-term economic impact this boiling over will cause and actually want it to happen, most likely with the aid of "traditional" helter skelter types

the night of long ropes is going to be a bloody patchwork that gets its perpetrators mostly killed, neatly according to plan

i'm just saying if this happens there will at the very least be armed geurilla restorationists in the west coast and probably the northeast, and a few states might outright secede (or, declare the federal government illegal more likely). maybe i'm wrong, but i think if they start gunning down protestors or similar then you'd quickly see it get messy in the cities, and the military just couldn't be everywhere at once (not to mention, blue state soldiers and especially blue state national guard might start defecting in large numbers if they're being ordered to mow down people in american cities)
if they slow cook it they might be able to prevent that. but like you said, they want violence and a purge and a consolidation. and they probably think they could win, which serves the line if they do, so they might try to do it.
idk. i don't think they would win, and i still hope someone is seeing that calculation. they would either lose power outright eventually or end up with a partitioned country and possibly loss of access to the pacific fleet. just coping that they don't want that risk as much as i don't want war :')

I think you're missing my point: they specifically want it to be messy and chaotic, not a clean win, because that uncertainty is the surface area and the connecting and intersecting region of opportunity that allows the weakminded to be cowed to voices of authority and assert blatant lies as fact in the face of ambiguity

the point is to shake things up so those who are poised and insulated can completely destabilize and delegitimize past institutions leaving a power vacuum in which they already exist and may simply expand - it doesn't matter if they "win" at all, they still WIN

"they" god I don't want to be fucking alex jones but anyone paying attention can just follow the money and the language

You're referring to abortion, and don't backpedal and pretend you are not.

this is the tranny fag board, none of us are getting pregnant
i'm obviously talking about hrt access

The woman exercising bodily autonomy would be not having unprotected sex in the first place.

or she could take birth control as a preventative measure

would rather ban vaccines than hrt

He will probably deregulate everything.

those are contradictory statements
i have a feeling he's going to be extremely selective about his "deregulation" and try to regulate the shit out of drugs his brainworm doesn't like

they specifically want it to be messy and chaotic, not a clean win, because that uncertainty is the surface area and the connecting and intersecting region of opportunity that allows the weakminded to be cowed to voices of authority and assert blatant lies as fact in the face of ambiguity

i agree with this actually, with the addition that its also useful cover for a broad institutional reorganization; start a war, finish rigging DC, but also yes indoctrination fuel. like how afghanistan was (if unintentionally in that case) left softened for the taliban.
the point i meant to make was more, if they cross that line and it does descend into sectarian fighting, i don't think it's a sure bet they win the long war. and with the geographic ideological layout it's not just any territorial loss but loss of the west coast, hawaii, the pacific fleet, which are the core of american global power in a lot of ways. i could be wrong, if they could retain enough loyalists in the military they could just bomb the shit out of the country for a decade or two and win by attrition. but the path to that kind of victory is narrow and they're unlikely to pull it off. it would be a vietnam on the home front more likely.
so my hope, is that at least some of them see this long term probability spread the way i do. cause losing the pacific is bad for business and that just might prevent a civil war 2.

"they" god I don't want to be fucking alex jones but anyone paying attention can just follow the money and the language

good thought but in this case dw i assume the "they" we're both referring to here would be the oligarchs and their sock puppets in the capitol

also one small other additon but all this partition and losing the pacific talk, that's just a likely forecast.
trying this could also end in a commie counterrevolution. and that's extremely bad for business. so hopefully that fear is in their minds too

i don't think it's a sure bet they win the long war. and with the geographic ideological layout it's not just any territorial loss but loss of the west coast, hawaii, the pacific fleet, which are the core of american global power in a lot of ways.

I absolutely agree, which is why I'm afraid we'd basically see strips of the US handed off to individual power holders among exactly

the "they" we're both referring to here would be the oligarchs and their sock puppets in the capitol

by refusing to do more than hold borders for fear of loss of civilian life and both sides in kind of a stalemate and just forced to accept the new normal

and that's extremely bad for business

I would say that depends entirely on where and with whom your future business lies, geopolitically

nuke texas