/mtfg/ male to qt female general

thanksgiving pumpkin edition

What to do if I am questioning my gender? rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit ▶Style/Passing:
Fashion Guides (Videos): rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?: rentry.org/mtfgclothes
Voice Videos/Training: rentry.org/mtfgvoice

Trans women have woman brains (Video): rentry.org/mtfgbrain
MTF Timelines: catbox.moe/c/afyn1t
Streaming Room: queup.net/join/mtfg

interesting, interesting
my tendons are borderline exposed in my forearms and wrist I can see them so clearly moving when I move my fingers, it looks totally fucked when I make a fist

I don't even know if this is a joke or not my brain can't make sense of where it is

wish someone would help me cut off my legs so i can be lil stumpy no legs :(

what the qott bread maker anon

I <3 Positivity

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would you wear prosthetics?

hello transgenders

joke or not

whenever this happens it's better to think it's the former and move on

im a pretend positive person
i try to give happy vibes off while secretly i slip lower and lower in my depression

why's that?

does he stretch his balls or is that natty

no i want to be in the chair

if the Dolls aren't dolling, are the balls balling?
natty i think lol

I'm hearing he's a continental soldier



I hope Stipe heems

Do you get them in a tangle?
Do you catch them in a mangle?
Do they swing in stormy weather?
Do they tickle with a feather?

because if it's not a joke then it requires further steps and I'm lazy.

where balls

How tall are you ?

there's an old song called do your ears/balls hang low, one of the verses is

Can you tie 'em in a knot?

Can you tie 'em in a bow?

Can you throw 'em o'er your shoulder

Like a continental soldier?

oh. lol

God I am so bored here. I can't just leave tho cause then my roommate has no ride home. Had I know we'd be here this long I would have said no.

oh but if it just was their neck idk if that would need more explaining

bad friend also lame

are there any pretty boys at the card shop

zam etc

tell them you're leaving

Me and parrot

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Fuck no. A lot of them look like the average redditor character

I can't as then they have no way to get home.

so, like you?

when did u become European babe? you went to the same #last place public schools that I did

181.61 cm actually

ive spent the last 2 years anon posting without my trip pretending to be other trips posting anonymously
a sneaky imposter poster

my only friends are my bf and my meth dealer
i used to have friends here
what am i doing with my life
i always feel so alone

this bad habit keeps me sane sware to fuck

did my roommates think i was a freak and pervert when i wore girl clothes?

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

anya won


stop being such a pushover.

looks exactly like me as a baby. there's a pic somewhere in the archive

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I'm Scandinavian and there's some welsh/irish/german in there too

holy male to female geteral

trvke nvke

big projectiles desu

Didn't seem strange to me, that's just how we were.

no shit retard that’s just how kids are
plus doing cooking and painting don’t mean you’re really gorl inside, jfc stop being so regressive. boys can be feminine and engage in stereotypically feminine activities and still be boys.

film and art became my passion

loves slop

ugh holy cringe
have you made any art? or do you mean consuming film is your passion?

oh, I didn't get the joke kek, after my speech about jokes.

I don't look like a Redditor lol. I have no facial hair anymore (thank God), I'm actively losing weight. I barely even use Reddit.


im almost 200 centimeters so I round up. we would make a cute couple, mostly because you're cute, I'm kind of scary looking

why'd my captcha have to fail at the last second

do u have a job?


forgot pic kms

you do look like a reddit user

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Most pointless post of the year award.

ah u were a cutie baby.

How do I look like a Redditor Paige?

checked and true

depends on the context
did they know you're trans
are they transphobic


yes i had known them for over a year and i came out way before and then i finally came out again and tried girlmoding around them they said they were cool but who knows?

wdym? you’re acting like just because you did feminine things as a boy, that that means you were really trans all along. that’s just stupid
being trans has nothing to do with activities or interests, but rather one’s own internal of how your body feels

general phenotype

marking this post as mine, i identify as someone who gets gets

how do you do fellow transgender

did they ever make tranny jokes or say right wing stuff before you coming out? if not they probably just didn't mind

what kind of toilet does that not just block?

im ok how are you transgender
fuck you its my post

why are transbians like this

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Janny is at her poly n' poop party on Saturday night. You're good for another 12 hours at least

they didn’t say stuff like that but i can’t believe they didn’t mind

You have to read the whole post.
The point was in mostly girl primary school, no problem.
In gender segregated high school, problems.

but rather one’s own internal of how your body feels

Who told you that? Retard.
How can I feel like a woman as a 6' 250lb gorillahon?

a 6' 250lb gorillahon

Hons are not women though

ur a catch, for sure. marriage is 4lyfe tho, and I'm too old for u

you would presumably feel dysphoria
and what do you mean gender segregated? like boarding school? i always thought it’d be cool to go to a school like that where there weren’t any girls and all the horny guys would fuck the effeminate gay nerd instead of bullying him

bread made me fat

The girl i liked was 6' 120 lb i think you should be a bar bouncer at a gay club

everyone ignores me in every gen at this point
and all of them suck so badly, no one is entertaining, just a bunch of autists retards talking abt boring meaningless shit
at this point Emily is the most interesting funny trip, it is ogre

hey lala

pre 1994 toilets

let me expedite that


i can be your side piece, we can make love in the hay inside of your barn while your husband is inside playing dance dance revolution on Wii because let's face it, he's kind of fruity

hello there fren
announcing report is illegal also your dick is small and you are pathetic eat shit redditor

becoz i was one of the bros

you're janny?

Same that's why I don't trip, I can't be a consistently good poster because I'm menthol and have problems. I'm trying not to troll or bait people anymore though, that was wrong of me. But sometimes it's hard yk? Anyway you should go fuck a femboy on grindr, your grid is better than mine and I'm depressed about it

I don't believe you were ever a bro or a lad or a dude or a guy

they thought i was their cool ftm broski

ah I missed ness

you would presumably feel dysphoria

So it's not about feeling like a woman is it? It's about BECOMING a woman.

and what do you mean gender segregated?

I mean boys and girls in seperate classrooms with seperate uniforms and seperate seperations that were seperate.
And bullying was tolerated under the excuse of building character. Any show of weakness was attacked.

The only thing that changed is eventually I grew bigger than the other boys. Then people liked me, or pretended to, because I could protect them. As long as I kept everyone afraid of me, school was tolerable.

No room for softness. Any feelings i had about wanting to be a girl got locked in a box where they stayed for the next 20 years, screaming the whole time.

mef was black metal dude i think. thats a dude. barely.

too dysphoric and my grid is not better, everyone is dumb and stupid, you only saw like two hot ones so you have sample bias but most look average or ugly, just not fat like america i guess

Why would I do that? I hate fighting.
I'm good at it.
But I hate it.

they should shower

idk black metal "dudes" still just give genderless demon elf energy to me

i didn’t say it was about feeling like a woman or becoming one
it’s about the dissonance between what your body is and what you feel it “should” be
and as for the rest tough shit lol, i barely made it to 18 to seek therapy to start transition and the strain of repressing even that much made me very suicidal
idk how you could make it to forty without transitioning unless you’re not really actually trans

tfw not sleeping with greasy metal dudes in a tent. rip


that's so gross but also same

ur welcome
he doesn't dance and he has 4700 hours in ark. also, I don't own a ranch yet.

being trans has nothing to do with activities or interests, but rather one’s own internal of how your body feels

Stop lying nigger

it’s about the dissonance between what your body is and what you feel it “should” be

It isn't. It's about the DESIRE for the body of the other gender.

I look at a woman with big tits in a nice dress and I don't think "damn I want to fuck her", I think "damn I want to BE her"

So I don't think you're actually trans. I think you're mimicking what you think trans is, but you don't actually feel it yourself.

did u submit an app? u could probably put it on your resume as volunteer experience

I look at a woman with big tits in a nice dress and I don't think "damn I want to fuck her", I think "damn I want to BE her"

lol u have to be trolling

the dissonance i have is between how my brain is and how i feel it *should* be

when will i feel better?
also fuck reporting petty actual niggers

i like to hide my power level

Yeah but I'm ugly and my body isn't great and I've hooked up with 3 twinks in the last 2 months. Sometimes u need it man, trust me it really clears the brain fog in your head if you've been sexless for too long.
You should have been a chaser, you sound like an absolute unit

kek that reminds me b4 I transitioned I went to a bar with my friend and this guy comes over and asks me if I'm into metal and I'm said "no, I just have long hair"

sry i was rude, I'm trying to be better. what kind of farm stuff do you do currently? I'm fascinated by that subject

i left out a couple words sorry

one’s own internal experience of how your body feels

in reference to dysphoria. maybe poorly worded but i meant that dysphoria is the core of being trans


male way of talking about women desu
for me, the experience is seeing my noisy and feeling “this is wrong”, rather than seeing someone else’s and thinking “i want that”. the way you put it makes it seem like you view women less as people but either objects to fuck or outfits to wear, which tracks with your understanding of being a woman equating to performing femininity

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you view women less as people but either objects to fuck or outfits to wear


blobby won

Why don't you get a gf?

lala pls no n word

I know when the ozempic is wearing off because I start pushing out five logs a day instead of a massive one every three days

wait i thought u fw metal. or were u being sarcastic to the guy?
i had that shirt in hs

I have actually cured myself of transgenderism!

doing so makes me feel so horribly masc

it needed to be said



based fren. what were u like in high school?

real pedo shit

that's ok, i'm dumb too. I work with data

idgi. is your dream to be a cis lesbian?


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to be truthful, that is what the heart yearns, but the brain steps in becoz optics

he's like 20 at least, and i was that size at 20.
Americans legally classify anyone under 300 pounds as a child.

That's such a beautiful picture. Did you take it?
You're much smarter than me, I'm a literal caveman.

I look like that and I'm over 30

outside, jock with gf
closet, shoving things in my ass

thats because ur a troon

I was getting that feeling from you for a while. Like you don't want to be trans, even if people generally agree that you're attractive being trans. I think laf would have also wanted to be cis les if she wasn't so repressed.

I enjoy metal but I was too nerdy to go to concerts and try to get into the scene.
ya, camping trip.

lmao classic emo. i was a jock too, but too shy and retarded to get a gf

You may not think it's a big deal, but imagine how you'd feel if you were able to stop being transgender

i always expected i would grow up to be a lesbian but the. i found out AGP and became meta attracted

ah, i dont kno about getting into the scene lol like a gang? i did try to see band live often tho.
waste of time anyways

based jocks
i was a sort of outside person, like i’d hang out with theatre kids and the smart kids and the nerds
didn’t really do much with jocks or socialite type people though
i was very close with ex bff tho, aside from that nothing even close to dating. some ppl thought i was ace, some thought i was gay, a few encouraged me to ask out this one girl who may have had a crush on me but i didn’t bc i wasn’t into her. meanwhile in private i was sexting dudes and sending nudes and crossdressing lol

what sense do you get from peej pls i need attention or validation i am starved sorry to insert myself into the conversation but i am desperate

why would I think a cure wouldn't be a big deal?

I was a chaser. And a skinwalker. And everything else except true to myself.

Dumb nigger, it's not the gay.
There's been hundreds of surveys of patients getting treatment for gender dysphoria.
Less than 2 years HRT everyone want's the be-cis pill.
After 2 years it's less clear cut, but the rejection of the be-cis pill is never unanimous.

that would make a good line in a memoir

I've always had a talent for prose.

hello mtfs. general

you were a tasty little faggot, idk why anyone would try to get you to ask out a girl. everything about you screamed gay twink.
That's ok. I get the feeling you shouldn't have transitioned if you wanted to be in a relationship, possibly married to a man. The marriage rates of trans women are even lower than they are for gay men. I understand you have dysphoria and that's hard to deal with too, but I think you would have been happier finding a husband, which is twice as hard if you're trans. I also think you put your ex bff on a pedestal and ignored the fact that he didn't see you as a potential partner, and that's costed you a lot of time you could've used to find a partner who did want you. But you've built this guy up in your mind to be a Saint and a God who can do no wrong, and that's why you're furious when he does something you don't approve of, like dating a twink.


those aren't metal gangs, they're leather daddies

i agree with these things
idk how to get over ex bff, it’s an uncomfortable confluence of bpd, true love born of shared experiences and interests, and a touch of ocd traits. might try dating at some point, but it’d be weird to do while living with my mum

oh yeah, talking to sketchy dudes on myspace. big regret on that pedoenabling tho. was v dumb.
theater/chorus/band kids gave me the creeps,lol...but the total stinko rejects were the best, the adopted kid who wore the same sweatpants everyday, the fat girl with the gorillaz t shirt, the hip hop style pakistani dude and an assortment of counterstrike wiggers...good people. i didnt rly socialize with the jocks cuz i couldnt afford to wear enough abercrombie but they didnt fuck with me either wich was chill
realest gay dude subculture. max comfy. goblessm.

miserable :(

i will never get to be lesbian v_v why live?

last pott results showed that two thirds of mtfg are omnivores, one sixth are vegans, and one poster apparently eats shit

35 yr old ex goth drunk fuck

sorry naz :(

u grew up in nyc?

lol so cool i like the owl thing...im watching KOH rn tho for some reason.
nooo lol suburban trash all day

i eat shit when i try to skateboard


It's about BECOMING a woman.

you can't become something you already are. gender dysphoria is a belief that you are a woman contrary to evidence. hence the classic trope of a woman trapped in a man's body. you don't become a woman because that implies you aren't. that implies you're ego is male as you identify as male. hence you liken it to becoming a woman rather than removing cancerous growths.

many of you are not trans. this poster is one such case of not getting it, but they think they do and double down upon challenge.

thanks anon

we are transwomen
women are adult human females
we are adult human males with dysphoria over our sex
an easy way to say that is transwomen
your logic means bob with a beard and a fat cock is as much of a woman as jennifer the expectant mother, which is ludicrous

lol. fawk that

gender dysphoria is a belief that you are a woman contrary to evidence.

That's what Anon Babble thinks it is. That's not what it really is.

hence the classic trope of a woman trapped in a man's body.

Is just a shorthand way of explaining it to normies.

you don't become a woman because that implies you aren't.

That's because I aren't.

hence you liken it to becoming a woman rather than removing cancerous growths.

You become a woman by physically changing your body.

You are definitely not trans.

What Gender dysphoria actually is:

i would kill myself before posting this
also, idk if i'd feel comfortable using the women's as a trans woman with my kid in the stall. what if someone confronted me? couldn't you just have your partner watch the kid for a second? also, where/why did the kid learn the word penis if she's a girl?

not clicking this virus link

nta but this is an argument based on simple incredulity which holds no water

It's literally the DSM V you dumb fuck.

do you think overdosing on fent is comfy? I've only had fent for surgery but it was really comfy. do you think snorting it would be just as good or do you need a more steady dossing. like maybe giving myself an IV drip of it so I get comfy fall asleep and die?

yeah i hope it’s just the guy’s wank fantasy because otherwise he is 100% molesting his daughter

your argument is based on nothing lol

a woman is whoever thinks they’re a woman

That's because I aren't.

this person just admitted to identifying as man and you guys still want to act like they know what the fuck they're talking about or have gender dysphoria?

i'm post-op.

I didn't make an argument

>we are adult human males with dysphoria over our sex

that means you don't have gender dysphoria because you identify as male.
non-ops aren't trans. they don't get it.

You could become a gay man if you can get in touch with your true feelings

ive watched people od on fent. looks really uncomfortable


Jesus Christ, when the JIDF sends their people, they're not sending their best.
Their bringing kvetching, their rapists, and some of them, I assume, are retarded.

would have been cool if got born rich desu...holes all over that donut birdfren.

sometimes i think about breaking out my trip code to see if anyone remembers me because im vain but its better to be forgotten i think. cant have people know how depressed i am

a trans woman believes they're a woman. they wouldn't describe themself as a male in any regard.

i'm a woman that was born with a birth defect. please respect my private sensitive health condition. bigots / transphobes can't accept that.

ok well then ur dumb
transwomen and women are different things
if you believe you are a woman despite contrary evidence, that’s delusional thinking

i don’t identify as male, my body is male and that gives me dysphoria which means i am trans and a male person with dysphoria is a transwoman, ergo i am a transwoman qed

i’m a gay transwoman, it’s close enough

this poster identifies as a man and then you wonder why trans people have fallen out of public favor when we're represented by people like this.

shut the fuck up bianca
don’t feel like waiting for anya to post either so i’m just gonna say they’re dumb too

contrary evidence

these terms are human invented categories, and we collectively choose what the rules are that we use to sort people into them

>don’t identify as male

>which means i am ... a male person

these two trains of thought are in direct conflict with eachother. it's a called a freudian slip. you've been trained / groomed to say you don't identify as male, but you literally just told us you identify as male in the same sentence. another case of unnaturally induced transition. i.e. a trender.

imagine going around telling everybody you meet that you're a transwoman. like it's a label to be proud of. unbelievable. do agpoids really

I put my foot down. Told roomie I'm tired and I want to go home. She finally got all the cards she wanted and she's paying for em now. Back in the car.

yeah but that's for the onlooker how does the person feel you think

jesus christ how could they have been looking at fucking bits of cardboard for so long?

i’m not identifying as anything, my body is male regardless of how i identify
there’s a penis and testicles, it is a male body. i identify as a transwomen because i experience dysphoria over the fact that my body is male
anya you are so fucking stupid it’s unbelievable

is this salt being autistic

She said she loses track of time when she's looking. She's incredibly passionate about Yu-Gi-Oh for some reason

I'm not salt and I'm not autistic, I'm about as far from being autistic as it's possible to be, your arguments are just bad because they assume something untrue about how terms like woman or female work in society

the trips. the truth.

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i just like hunting for deals in the bulk bins. sometimes you get lucky.

fucking transwomen who think they are actually real women just like actual women are the worse
just disingenuous little sniveling snotty weasels who should be ground into dust

sneed sneed sneed kill yourself timothy you are not and never will be a woman, nor will you be perceived as a woman because of how obviously male you are, you deluding yourself into thinking otherwise does not fool anyone else

I forgot to mention I literally fell asleep at one point. The coffee didn't help much.

they probably felt uncomfortable. they gasp for air because they're unable to breathe. you start to hear agonal breathing. they gasp and snort and vomit. the people i spent time with injected it. lots of it with little to no tolerance. i think dealers nowadays put a lot of filler in so they don't get charges for manslaughter. i would smoke lots of "heroin" and all i got was a headache.

I feel like trading card games are predatory business models at the best of times but if it can do that to somebody that seems like a kind of a abuse by whoever sells them

non-ops in shambles

it’s called autism

enjoy dilating your stinking man cave bro

the location of the toys you're jettisoning so rapidly from your pram doesn't actually affect the validity of your argument


There is no we.
I don't represent shit nigger.

guys i’m a real women i have a hole for men to fuck where my penis used to be, that’s all being a woman is, right? anyone can be a woman just wear a dress and mutilate yourself lol

you too retard
you’re as much a woman as everyone else itt: not at all

when they're mad cause you'd rather fuck yourself than let them fuck you

i love getting my pussy pounded.

maybe agreeing to visit my dad want a great idea, i seem to be a bit upset

congrats on being a gay man with a body mod, still not a woman.

so ur just frontin?

oh shit im a woman wut do?

meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! <3 :3 ^_^

explains to the non-ops what gender dysphoria is

they lose their minds in the most transphobic ways because they don't have it

then you wonder why we don't want to be associated with them

the reasonal it's a delusional beliefe that you were born a woman is because identity is immutable. the bdd passoids you guys get huttburt over? it's because they don't identify as women. no amount of surgery or drugs or whatever is going to change your identity. if you look in the mirror and you see a man in your reflection, it's because you identify as one. nothing will ever change that because even after all the hormones and surgery you'll still be you and nostalgia goggles will take over. you'll still yourself for who you are. always and forever. so if you don't innately identify as a woman and think proclaiming it is the same thing? don't come crying to me when you're unhappy or misrepresent actual trans women.

i eat shit


mixed with a little bit of fungus

i have gender dysphoria you mong
i sincerely hope you take your own life as soon as you can

wud have been so cool 2 b a guy tho ugh. theym so beautiful.

me: what was the hardest skateboard trick you could do?

twink: a trick that would always make me feel accomplished when I landed it was a 360.

you have gender dysphoria like all the kids that claim they're depressed or have autism or have an anxiety disorder or whatever other bullshit.
you don't have gender dysphoria. you learned to parrot rhetoric you were groomed to believe as fact that was innacurate. like a covid vaccine denier.

this pic still drives me insane

i think i might build a board. there's a nice skate park next to my house and i think it's a good way to lose weight. i also want to get back into surfing and i think it's a good way to improve my balance

the yellow crooked teeth ick me out

reminder that bread is married to a fat guy

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how terrible, how awful, it would be just horrid to be with a big fat guy who was really big and cuddly and heavy on top of you who could possibly want something like that

I had a dream the other night where Elon bought twitter for the sole purpose of purging all transphobia on the platform. He did a news interview where he said something like "There's no excuse for this hatred! I mean, what if my daughter saw that?" and then I woke up.

that's the joke

nibba who dis?

He's a twink, she's posted him

Who are you dating? That's right nobody.


why not rollerblade? after 25 breaking your ass becomes a possibility.

oh hey
sorry abt the thing, the same stuff as usual happened

i call him james. he's made of silicon and tears me a new one, but never breaks my heart.

bread's husband mogs you and his hole is tighter. who's with me on this?

to be fair: i'm a dirty old hag.

the pretty cis girls I chat with on twitch don't know I'm an ogreish balding gorilla hon

What's this about then is that french toast, and who's the girl?


i have no idea. i don't follow the lore of this gen.

rapehons should be denied hrt

I'm asexual


Rapehons should be mandated by the government to have SRS for the loles

how many kegels a day? like 3 sets of 20?

the person you are talking too didn't post the pic lol I could tell you but you seem fairly retarded so I won't

it would be so easy to pull the cleavage part of that shirt down and give us a peek

im a rapehon and forced srs would be really hot

literally can't send any messages on discord rn this must be armageddon for all the mods and their kittens out there

lol this is actually a job i want to do, giving chete srs to agpoids

but they gotta pay for it outta pocket and they cant cut in line on wait lists thats not fair 2 the nicehons...and they dont get gud surgeons, in fact whatever dude does the janky swastika tattoos in the jail gets to do the procedure.
based pullup bar. or squat rack thingy?

get blobbed on skinnyfat nigga

It's another episode where I find a random on grindr to angrily fuck, to drown the pain of the person I love wanting nothing to do with me.

discord is gay
I miss my kitten :(

post your fit blobby, stop being this creepy entity who hides in the shadows collecting 'evidence' here's another picture of me for you btw zero fux given

I already found ur info on grindr lil bro

zero fucks given

crops out face

message me then, im crazy enough to fuck your decrepit poon swamp

I did with a sock quite awhile ago to collect info

You look short

If blobby ever leaves I'll post face.

lol no you didn't, i don't give info out on grindr besides pics. U would have to have met me irl to get anything

6' 3"

blobby bummed you

posted up at the crib w/ blobby rn watching sicario part 2 day of the soldaddy

You're cooked nigga that shower door isn't 7 feet high

im gonna study german next semester. i want to eventually transfer to a german uni

posted up at the crib rn w/ pring mado paige and blobby just kickin back strokin our shit watching day of the sicaro 2 fire movie desu

nigga I don't even have dat shit anymore
squat rack danger stands. they're separate so they're all wobbly

go to lidl for me pls

balance and strength in perfect harmony or risk of death, the ultimate home gym.

psshh braiding nomis gooch hair rn posted up at the crib, put sicdaro 2 day of the soldardo on just for a lil background ambyonce no big deal its wutevs u kno how it b

just scooped the homegurl larry up at the airport she wont stop bitching about the inflight movie starring benicio del sicaro or sumshit pssshhh its wutevs desu

35yr old ex goth girl call me bad names I drunk

i mean i cringe about the age i transitioned all the time
my point was i don't understand how somebody can lead a successful masculine life like that and transition at an older age
like i was literally 100% dysfunctional before i transitioned, i didn't have a job and was extremely confused about my sexuality and didn't want to date anybody let alone have sex as a guy bc it was upsetting to think about

you are silly

I want one of those fancy Amazon power cages with the cable accessory

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oh god sorry

blobby would totally bum a chaser if it meant furthering his occupation of mtfg even one iota

my coworker called me a bottom while we were walking home....

i feel like shit again

he wanted to assert dominance and let you know that he is the top, you should have fucked hard behind a dumpster


if it was outside of work it's not harassment

For what

cable kickbacks

i am too good of a person
i am too kind and empathetic

With what, her blitoris?

Look I can touch the ceiling of my house with my fingers, I'm not short maiq

is it a basement tho?

lol i measured it the ceiling is 10 ft from the floor

So I don't think you're actually trans. I think you're mimicking what you think trans is, but you don't actually feel it yourself.

imagine being a manmoding lateshit gorilla and saying this to a trans woman.

why am i getting ads for burger king new zealand. why is called burger king in new zealand. isn't it hungry jacks in australia. weird

that's a crepe

get ad blocker, they're harassing u with fatty psyops

is that k8?

I wish I was French toast..
But I'm a crepe

Goodnight trannerds I love you, except blobby

wtf does that mean


not an ad it was a recommended video. i was talking to my friend about how the whopper is the only good fast food burger a few days ago. i guess my computer is listening to me

have you seen barry lyndon

I haven't actually. I love Kubrick tho.

Speaking of fucking pumpkins, does anyone know of any trans girls who fuck food?

i fuck with food does that count

Can I watch you fuck a raw octopus? (Obviously with the beak removed first)

there is a very strange feeling of unity with talking to other women about how fucked up this election was
the girl who does my brows and i were talking abt how fucked it was today and this other woman who i see at work all the time was telling me how surreal it feels and is like a bad trip
it was kind of therapeutic considering how many rightoids i'm around irl

women complaining at the hair salon about something that will never happen in any tangible way?

The TDS is contagious

Those women will start having panic attacks around you the minute the media tells them to.

except both of them are very much aware that i'm a tranny and what people think of trannies

but Donald trump is just a sock puppet for the dreaded jew

Yeah and right now they're all like

oh you poor dear getting oppressed by evil orange man.

Because that's what their phones tell them to think
If their phones tell them to hate you, they will.

Jews larp as both sides.

its totally the media and not the rightoid legislation that will legitimately harm and marginalize a lot of people

Umm actually sweaty it's the thing John Oliver told me about which has nothing to do with the media

And when John Oliver tells them about the rates of child sex abuse in the transgender community you'll never see any of your friends kids ever again.

Ben Shapiro is the single biggest spreader of transphobia in modern culture, and wants us all fighting each other. Jews have practiced psychological manipulation against groups they want destroyed for hundreds of years.

soon there will be no ocean between parrot and me

oh man....

are you moving here?

I know. Like I said, Jews larp as both sides.
They need to keep everyone at each other's throats so nobody realizes the reason America is on the verge of a civil war is because the Jews have been keeping everyone at each other's throats.

They even do it here. Oldhons vs youngshits, AGP vs HSTS, transbians vs straighttrans.

Because the Jewish experience throughout history has been that when people unite, that unity doesn't include them. So they MUST keep us divided.

but also shame on you for not reading every single parrots post..

I don't even read my posts and i have dementia babe. This is me functioning on high rn. Why u no post pics anymore though?

They want Europeans to go extinct so jews can skinwalk us like they've done to the Arabs in Israel, stealing their land, culture, food, everything.

ayooo ong? fr fr? no cap?

a dream within a dream within a dream...

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blobby seething that he can't dox Emily or me

piggy be like orange man gonna slaughter me for muh bacon oh noes im so scare ;*(

you know that feeling when you smoke all your meth but you're still not high enough so you start picking at the crumbs with tweezers but the crumbs fall apart and you're trying to sweep dust into your pipe and smoke the dust and you're trying to cum in a cup and drink your own cum because you're so horny but your heart won't stop racing and you can't come down or calm down or cum for hours masturbating and trying to melt the meth residue down the side of the stem of the crack pipe back into the bowl so you can smoke it again and then sniff your roommate's underwear and steal money from your parents for more meth and have sex with strangers you met online in the park at 3 AM? and it feels fucking fantastic like your dick gets smaller from all the blood pressure issues but it feels so good i could explode but i can't because i can't cum and i'm anxious and i feel like people are onto me and i can't sleep and they're targeting me and they secretly hate me and they can hear me breathing and they're spreading rumors about me behind my back? because i do

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lmao I shouldn't laf but it came out anyway


Come see it in person instead

you realize that the election is/was a threat to womens rights as a whole right
no, piggy actually wants that

i've turned black

this post gave me a panic attack

you're not a woman tho hon

did u get dq3 yet

no because i am a woman and don't desire malebrain things

when r u gonna get it

when you post your oink oink trotters


how can one be so fat and uggo yet display such honfidence?? it's so absurd

ikr its cringe asf

oof yeh that's a botch

Designated crack smoking zone sosu

the only thing botched is ur brain uwu

what did you do to blobby lol

idk blobberson is prob having a bad night
miss my jrpg fren..

reminder it takes like a year until ffs changes are truly complete and ur skin is tightened again

mm mm mm

Reminder that you need to get fabric softener

need me some gracie pork chops iykwim, such succulence

I smoke crack

reminder fabric softener is a scam

Okay, I asked this in femgen, now I'm asking here. Basically wanted to get takes from both sides of my brain confusion.

When I was little I used to wonder what it would be like if I was a girl. Then I got over that later.
Now, fuckin 10 years later, I'm now wondering if I'm trans, as I like crossdressing (am femboy) and I get a weird but good feeling in my gut whenever I get called a girl. BUT I don't have any issues being a guy, none whatsoever.

you're a fag

Yeah that's obvious, besides that.

You're a fem fag. You're not transgender. You like being compared to girls because there's some overlap between the role of a feminine man and a woman, but you don't feel any need to transition and present female every day.

If you want to troone out, do it. The majority of trannys are trendies anyways, we're way past that point. Gender dysphoria isn't even considered a mental illness anymore, not even joking. Any reason to want to be a tranny = valid and you're a real girl.

Fab softener costs like two bucks and makes my laundry smell good how is that a scam

how exactly do i google 'why is fabric softener bad' idgi

life is hard

He'll end up with weird saggy boobs, stretch marks, and a permanently dead genitalia system. Don't tell him to troon

I did run it through a search engine, I don't use it on towels or gym clothing, I'm it smells nice and makes things feel softer to me personally, the first result comes from poverty finance on reddit, poorfags can enjoy their shit hard clothes that smell bad all they like

lia coming in hot with the personal experience advice post

the fuck are you on about I don't have any of these issues

Just troone out lilbro. You'll look just like your anime waifu with enough time. HRT is magic <3

fresh sh scars zamn

Liar also he'll end up hating himself because estrogen makes you crazy and then he'll cut himself

Lol literally the craziest hoe of them all

shiiiiieeettt dis finna bussin NOT skibidi NOR kino fr fr og rizz ohio digital circus

Show him the purple makeup pic from when you pretended to jump off a bridge because mono grounded you and wouldn't let you snort pills off her carpet lol

schizo containment thread
well I did my daily look at this snakepit, cya

nicky why did you have to mentally break this dude the way you did

Mr. Lang always scorchers the earth when he's done

What are those tanktop shirts called they you're wearing

is it gay to want to kms

The terfs and the transmedicalists are unironically right about me. I'm just a retarded AGP who confuses my sexuality for gender dysphoria. I am a normal male with normal male behaviour and personality. I should have been mentally stronger and not given in to my agp desires, ever since i was a young child I shamefully indulged in my AGP fantasies, because I wasn't strong enough. Eventually I would gain unrestrained internet access and learn about trannies and get obsessed with wether I am one or not. I've been on HRT for less than a month and if I was a moral person I would detroon but the AGP is too strong. I hope JK Rowling arrests me and puts me in an AGP prison where I have no acces to hormones, female clothes or the internet. I am clearly not mentally strong enough to make decisions about my own life and should have a parental figure dictate to me my every move. I am basically the male version of tucute yaoi reading fake transmen except I'm not a teenage girl I'm a grown man how embarrasing.

Being anti-medical inherently means you think it's just a funny lifestyle choice anyway. So what's the issue?

I'm not anti-medial, the inclusion of transmedicalists here was just to highlight how there are obvious tru-trans who understand that I'm not one of them, and that I'm extremley inferior to them as a tranny. For me it really is a funny haha lifestyle choice, that I sometimes mange to delude myself into thinking is fueled by legetimate dysphoria even though it isn't.

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Using "transmedicalists" is inherently against that group, it's a dismissive label applied by NB and queer activists that grew out of TERF academia. Grouping them with TERFs is, well, you get it.
You don't need dysphoria under their paradigm, because inherently you're not truly female. It sounds like you're confused but also know what group fits you.

how bad is it if i want a bf that will feed me drugs without telling me what they are

if you don't have gender dysphoria, you aren't trans. the people that call other trans medicalist are cis gender bigots that don't get what it's like to have gender dysphoria and are upset because they want to have it. they're like malibu's most wanted.

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Unrelatable fetish.

Belong to what group? faketrans rapehons in the making?

Also even terfs will distinguish creepy fetishists from confused feminine gayboys some of them might even believe that dysphoria is real but that it just dosen't make you a hecking XX wombmyn.

Also how is transmedicalist offensive I thought they called themselves that? By offensive do you mean in the same way that calling people who belive in evolution evolutionists is "offensive", because such a label existing implies there are other ways of thinking that might be just as valid?

The TERF goal is the same as the broader radfem goal of the 90s. It's to abolish the gender binary while having their cake and eating it too. Their goal as outlined in some academic feminist articles was to promote trends of non-binary, to undermine the acceptance of mtf as women, and stop losing ftm which they saw as women. TERFs don't make a sympathetic distinction at all.

Also how is transmedicalist offensive I thought they called themselves that?

Some might call themselves that because they're young or stupid and don't think it through. Transmedicalists is just a sanitized version of truscum, which is a slur. Therefore, transmedicalist is a derogatory label with the intention of othering and maginalizing trans people, by saying they're not the actual trans people, they're an extreme group. The discourse in NB and queer circles similarly revolves around projecting internal transphobia on that group of actual trans people, calling them bigots, and dehumanizing them with a poppy quirky and glittery vibe on sites like Twitter and Youtube. Inherently, because they want to push the idea that those trans people are brainwashed by the gender binary, and NB and queer are the true trans people that will smash the binary, like the genderfuck revolutionaries they are.
Transsexual/transgender was always a medical condition, not an identify or movement. They may have been involved with movements in the past, but the state of being trans was never political. The current "trans" community is a socio-political movement. "Transmedicalist" and other terms like "truscum" are modern inventions, aimed to rephrase trans stuff in relation to that socio-political movement, almost exclusively in a derogatory and dismissive way.
The same way trans people use "cis" and "afab/amab" despite that they originated outside of trans communities with othering intentions. When you use the slaver master's words to describe yourself, you're forever a slave in your own mind.

I still don't think transmedicalist is that bad and the "when you use the slave master's words to describe yourself" bit is incredibly onions like that might as well be coming directly from a James Somerton video.Also
>the state of being trans was never political lmfao.
Obviously there is some distinction to be made between tucutes and transmeds so it'd be a good idea to have names for both groups how should transmeds be called then. Based transtruthers? Adult human transsexuals?

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Have you ever stopped to ask what these words accomplish? Invariably, they are used to select and push trans people out. First to delegitimize them as women, second to delegitimize them as a discriminated class. Hence it becomes palatable for NB individuals to discriminate and harass them.
The argument is that these trans women are gatekeeping the cool and funny lifestyle, which is inherently worse than real violence are laws against trans people that medically transition. Furthermore, these groups are always obsessed with trying to popularize terms for "by the way you were born a MAN don't EVER forget it." On its face it's ridiculous because the non-transitioning self-appointed "trans community" vastly outnumbers the people that actually medically transition.
Your suggestion doesn't work either, because these are not two distinct types of the same thing that you want to differentiate. These are two completely different things that are being conflated together, and that conflation actively causes harm.

your explanation for NBs "trooning" so that they can discriminate bianary trans is a bit ridiculous. Even though you don't agree with NBs being a legitimate group of trans them being mostly attention starved theyfabs and a bunch of confused young people / opportunists trying to score woke points is obviously much closer to the truth. Also "transmedicalism" and "tucutism" are fundamentally two versions of the same thing ie. models for how being trans works is it caused by dysphoria? or can anyone who wants to do genderbendy shit just identify into it?