Alright, I get it, my body is a laughing stock, I get that now, i´m not even asking about that anymore

Alright, I get it, my body is a laughing stock, I get that now, i´m not even asking about that anymore.

Can I get some surgery advice though? And how much money do I need to save? I heard there´s a rib removal surgery possible even to get a smaller waist?

rib removal is bad but there's a different surgery called rib repositioning that does what you want, other than that you just need to everything and anything to get a bigger lower body, which probably means hip augmentation AND a bbl AND working out an insane amount AND maybe something else idk

doesn´t BBL have like a 10% lethality rate?

i looked like this before i started e
i never had a fucking chance as a man or a woman

good for you or bad i guess.


maybe i should just get intracranial lead transplantation instead.

Look you have a very nice body for a male and a really ugly body for a female. Accept your reality and come out gay. You know being gay is just flip side of being transgender?
If you accept yourself as gay, you won't even feel transgender anymore. I promise you! You just need to come out as a gay man

ok retard

First, your body isn't a laughing stock. Don't be so hard on yourself, you look amazing. I recommend starting hrt right away though if you want to keep that body, you're really, really feminine and getting on hrt will help to keep that (depending on genes ofc).

Second, you don't need rib removal surgery lmfao. People use that to become more flexible for autofellatio, it doesn't have a noticeable change in your outward appearance.

Third, your waist is already really thin, I take it you're European? There's so many people who'd die to have a body like yours, mostly women.

I hope this helps in some way, you're doing great! :3

it should be illegal to lie to people like this

It's too bad you're not able to take my advice because I used to be just like you. I too was insane over the idea having to have my body like a woman's. By simply coming out as gay I was able to cure myself of that compulsion and now I feel the same way in this sexually turned on when I'm with a man as I used to when I cross-dressed

If this person was ugly or obviously masculine, I wouldn't bother commenting or lying to her about her options. Exercise, good diet, and hrt is the general rule if you want your body to be and remain feminine.
Simmer down retard

that's so hilarious because i´ve been on hrt for three years and two months.

That's good! Since I'm assuming you're European, you should already have a decent diet and exercise, at least more than Americans. If not, then focus on that to help maintain what you've currently accomplished. You're doing good! :3

have you seen a woman before?

I'm telling you the truth every single transgender woman is the gay man who cannot feel his homosexuality. I don't care how much AGP you got, it all vanish once you start accepting your homosexual desires

you sure there wasn´t a reason why you assumed i wasn´t already on hrt?

look, it´s fine, i´m coping by telling myself i´ll go to heaven if i don´t kill myself. i appreciate the intention, but just run this image through yandex and see the similar images.

i thought that maybe surgery could help after all, but now that i´m considering that thought once more, i don´t think it will help much at all.

hi if i may ask. when you did start HRT? im not here to hugbox you i genuinely just would like to know

fuck you wtf you sayin, way to bait, i had the compulsion to answer to that obviously stupid comment might be for you anon, dont project your pov on every other trannies, such a bitch for having the audacity to fucking generalize your fucking personal own rational, omg

please don´t be discouraged to try hrt from this, you might have great results after all, i just got dealt a bad hand.

im ON hrt right now. i dont want the bad hand is what im saying. like i want clarity that im not gonna end up yknow..... like.... you

wtf is AGP, not terminally online enough
1: I don't know you, I didn't know if you're on hrt or not. My point was that you already have a very feminine body, being on hrt would be a way to preserve that appearance.
2: I'm not saying any of this out of pity if that's what you're thinking. I came onto Anon Babble and saw this post, felt like giving my honest opinion. I can add you on disc if you want more of my opinions. I'm not here to console you, just giving my opinions lol
3: Ribcage surgery won't help. I think there are some surgeries that help with like hormones but I can't remember the names off the top of my head

go back

uh huh, go fuck yourself then.
alright, your judgement has been accepted as honest.

probably some post-adolescent groom victim transbian LOL you are shaped like a brick. god forbid an adolescent trans woman wants to know what age your shitty transition started.... jeez

my recommendation is to go work on the content of your soul and personality, because in addition to whatever else you have going on, that is most definitely the ugliest thing about you.

my recommendation is you should tell me what age you transitioned so i can feel better about myself

you know i´m right, honey. in any case, enjoy your ban, this board is 18+.

i transitioned at 18 stoopit

you already exposed yourself as an adolescent, no way to backpedal now. go touch some grass while you´re gone.

this board is 18+ and i am 19 so i think im good. you are sneeding so hard you gigarapehon.


go talk to the other schoolchildren and learn some social skills.

wow so you are like some ancient fossilhon or like whats the deal. have you never seen a 19 year old on this board before?

It feels so good to finally acknowledge that you're a real feminine homosexual instead of a confused straight boy who feels he has to be a female to feel at all!

What's funny is i have a better waist than most trannies just because i work out a lot. larger lat muscles make the waist look muuch thinner than it actually is. That combined with a lower body fat = perfection.

maybe for you, just don't assume that everyone is like you, you tried hrt and it didnt feel right which is totally ok

I know growing up is hard, so here´s some advice. go make some friends. that´s really it. it´s the most valuable thing you can do growing up. for example, wherever i go and whoever i talk to, people tell me it´s a joy to have me around. and it´s a joy to be around people when you know how to do it. good luck.
very funny indeed! what´s your regimen? just situps or something fancier? do you use tools? i have a decent budget so i could get some more sports gear. mid-body exercises is not something i´ve been doing, focused more on cardio and legs/butt.

No I wish I could say that but it wouldn't be true I'm not nearly that smart of that capable. I was a typical AGP transgender girl. I was on hormones for many years and had SRS. Never really felt very sexual and then I realized all of a sudden that I was really attracted to men and not interested at all in women and it freed me of the curse. I know it's not true for others but I want to celebrate it because it's so true for me? I really am totally gay! I'm not attracted to women at all.

lat muscles

also what muscles exactly do you mean, latissimus dorsi or does that just mean "lateral muscles"?

the greatest regimen is consistency. I had the simplest routine for the longest time but built up a body that i could be proud of. Only now that calisthenics are starting to plateau a bit, im starting weight lifting.

Just to clarify i dont look feminine at all. i am a fairly lean/muscular dude.

my regiment was:

100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats
every day. no joke. The pushups were the hardest to do, i couldnt ever reach 100 in a row. the situps became too easy so i did russian twists, and then leg raises. the squats also became easy so i swapped them out for pistol squats.

if you really wanted to buy gear, dips bars and resistance bands are cheap and effective.

1 in 3000.

resistance bands, thanks for reminding me because there´s a hip dip exercise involving those so i meant to get them.

i should really start a core exercise routine in any case, i´ve heard it´s a good idea to get a good routine in before you turn 30 and get back pain.

Pushups are not good for getting the feminine look for your body. You want less attention to be brought to your shoulders and more attention brought to your hips, legs, etc.. Squats are good for this. Not sure about situps but I feel they have the same problem.

these ones. when they grow, they grow outwards to the sides. if i look at older photos of me i am tempted to post my body as an example but i feel IRKED knowing my photos are on the internet. I dont think this is a viable strat for people wanting to be feminine, cuz there's no way to target ONLY the lat muscle. youll target the entire upper back. this is more for guys who want to look masculine AND have a nice waist.

core, knees, grip and cardiovascular. these are the 4 pillars for longevity and long health. and joints is a bonus one. if you ONLY care about longevity, google mobility training. its not as flashy or impressive but mobility training has taken away any body pain i have.

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then I realized all of a sudden that I was really attracted to men and not interested at all in women

something must had happened, it just doesnt switch like that suddenly, plus if you had SRS, I mean, you must take HRT now, so idk. Idk, was the process of starting hrt and then doing SRS fast, or did you really think this through, because if it's the latter, were you alone or surrounded by people that challenged your ideas and beliefs, that's some serious life decisions right there

yeah i realize i may have confused some anons with that. im just talking about my regiment.

youre a stupid piece of shit quit replying

wow, I tried to be empathetic to your situation and that's how you answer back. Nevermind, keep propagating your bitterness, bitch

you should, if someone says shit like "i´ve had srs and gotten on hormones but then i decided i was just a gay man! everyone do as i say!" while browsing this board, they´re either trolling or utterly insane.

You are so defensive. Why not just accept that I've always was so convinced I was straight and so much wanted to be gay and never believed I was gay I transitioned because that was my way out of dealing with being straight. If you can't accept it it's your problem not my problem I'm telling the truth

I'm really not sure I can explain it? Hey I always like crossdressing and being a real swishy little queen. But I always thought I was mainly heterosexual Hey, I think I had meta-attraction, but I think I really am becoming truly homosexual

Male, masculine, he/him

who asked?

decent ba + bbl can do wonders for fridgebod

you sure BA won´t make my upper body appear even bigger?

You're a mentally ill freak who will never be a real woman EVER
and even so, you still have the possibility to be fucked by other degenerate mentally ill freaks.

know your place, maybe you'll find peace in whoring and drug abuse until someday you die of overdose at the age of 35
