How can i make myself attracted to trans guys? it's kinda sad when i find theyfabs...

how can i make myself attracted to trans guys? it's kinda sad when i find theyfabs, pre and early t trans guys hot but then realize they won't stay that way

You can't make yourself gay.

Why would you even want to be attracted to them?

because i love their personalities and how they look like if they didn't take t for long enough but that attraction goes away. it would be cruel trying to date them if you know it would have an expiration date at some point in the future. so i need to he attracted to them before and after they take t

How do their personalities differ from normal cis tomboys or whatever? I just don't get why you think that ftms are special.

i hate chasers but i guess i'll try to help.
i mean you can't force it, just like any attraction.
it also depends on how attracted to masculinity you are. do you like

deep voices

abundant body hair (including on the torso, ass, arms etc)

facial hair (a full beard in some cases)


male scent

etc? or do you prefer the 20-something-male masculinity that's more 'twinkish'?

cis tomboys or whatever

Most of the time they turn out to be repper or are planning already to take t

because i love their personalities

How are their personalities like?

lol, fair, I guess actual cis tomboys are almost impossible after the age of 20 or something. It's all reppers for some reason. I wonder why.

abundant body hair

facial hair

i think these are the only ones i wouldn't like, by body hair i mean everything outside of hair on the arms and legs
they are all a bit spergy

they are all a bit spergy

Date a retarded cis woman then.

Again those spergy cis girls turn out to be ftm reppers often

They also wouldn't have breasts and would have an enlarged clit resembling a tiny penis.

There are countless retarded women out there who behave like women and like to be around women.

i am aware that they will have a tdick and most likely want to remove their breasts

Then why do you want to be in a relationship with someone that you will be unable to love?

because i'm a retard

Then stop being retarded.

Then why do you want to be in a relationship with someone that you will be unable to love?

OP probably realized how he wants a quirky tomboy gf but they poon out nowadays

Why does autism to trans pipeline works in both genders... this is cursed.
GOOD NEWS THO! I'm pretty sure that statistically there should be more cif f autists than ftms, because ftms are like 0.3% of them, but autism is in 0.5% of females. Good luck finding your autismo gf!

He should just find a different fetish to be autistic about.

Why does autism to trans pipeline works in both genders... this is cursed

combine a weaker gender identity with a bit of trauma and you get to be trans all of a sudden

kinda true
why should this be a fetish?

Having a fetish for tomboys is pretty common.

a weaker gender identity

Okay, just one note, but gender identity is just knowing whether you are female or male. Which means that trans people probably are more aware of their gender identity, because otherwise they wouldn't want to change to the opposite of what their bodies are, no?

because otherwise they wouldn't want to change to the opposite of what their bodies are, no?

Have you ever seen theyfabs? But otherwise it's not like they don't have it at all, while autists are worse at social things it's not like they can't get it at all. So they get enough socialization to know thay they are a guy/girl but not enough that it gives them a strong gender identity


Enbies are not trans.

I wouldn't consider most theyfabs trans (I only count those that at least take T as trans)...
What does strong gender identity mean in your definition?

I believe that if there's a will there's a way. If you can't get yourself to be attracted to ftms you didn't want it enough

What does strong gender identity mean in your definition?

Experienced enough male/female socialisation and being confident in that role or rather being able to fulfill it. have you ever seen a male autist being really masculine or a female one really feminine, i never saw that

maybe thats true

I think it is, you can't force it if you don't want it

male/female socialisation

What do these include? I see these terms thrown around, but no one actually says what specific things would make one socialized one way or another.

being confident in that role or rather being able to fulfill it

Can anyone actually fulfill all gender roles? They're ideals, they are not realistically achievable by most people yet you don't see 99% of the population trooning/pooning out.

have you ever seen a male autist being really masculine or a female one really feminine

Umm... I interacted with male autists online a bit and I can tell that they at least text in a way that makes me assume that the writer is male. Haven't met autists irl tho. I have met one female who gets suspected as being autistic by almost everyone who knows her, and... she's into ponies and furry shit, isn't that feminine?

What do these include?

I'm not a sociologist so i can't give you an exact answer. In the end im just shitposting on a korean basket weaving forum.

They're ideals, they are not realistically achievable by most people yet you don't see 99% of the population trooning/pooning out.

There are ideals but there are also kinda realistic goals to which you can get pretty close

I can tell that they at least text in a way that makes me assume that the writer is male

Meant that more in terms of the social role

she's into ponies and furry shit, isn't that feminine?

niche fetishes are an autismbrained if by ponies you mean mlp

There are ideals but there are also kinda realistic goals to which you can get pretty close

So you think autists transition because they can't live up to them?
How would that be possible with ftms? The role of a woman is pretty much "just exist and don't shout in public"... almost impossible to fail to live up to.

niche fetishes are an autismbrained if by ponies you mean mlp

I did mean mlp.

So you think autists transition because they can't live up to them?

no but i think it enables it

I did mean mlp.


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MLP is kind of like magical girl anime where the target demographic is little girls but when you look at who actually likes it it's adult men.

Why does it end up like that with these things? I always wondered about this phenomenon.

i've seen my fair share of autistic cis girls into it

Off the top of my head, the way MLP differs from cartoons that I know little girls watch like Powerpuff Girls, Bratz, etc.
1) Very little focus on men at all, the few men that do exist are strictly off limits for romance due to them being related to the Mane 6 or being the equivalent of an old man (Discord). Doesn't push a kind of 'boys are icky' message at all though.
2) Cartoons are more palatable for men and autists in general simply because lack of need to read faces.
3) Despite stylistically being feminine it doesn't touch on anything stereotypically feminine (fashion, makeup, etc.). It's pretty neutral. Just cartoon horses with a generic 'be kind' moral.
Imo MLP is basically just a western magical girl show.

it doesn't touch on anything stereotypically feminine (fashion, makeup, etc.)

Huh, I didn't know that. Isn't there a pony that has fashion as her whole thing tho? Or does that not count in comparison to other girl cartoons?

Rarity would be who you're talking about, who is a fashion designer but it very rarely comes up. When it does, it's typically uninvolved in the actual design or style aspects. I haven't watched it in years but one episode is coming to mind where the lesson was about overcoming stress and being overwhelmed along with other things. The job in question could have been anything else, and isn't really about fashion.

Misremembered the moral of that episode, but I went back and checked. S1E14 was what I was thinking about. There's a few others, but my memory on this show isn't great.